God, with football and everything I haven't been on here in.... god probably a month and a half, but I feel the need to get back in roots with wii hacking and tales series as for the fact that I just imported tales of graces. Great game, I just wish I understood it. So few quick questions guys
1. About how far (% wise) is lloyd done?
2. Hows it been with school and everything
3. (not a question really Finding the time to to anything is **** near impossible with school from 7:35 to 3:00 then football from 3:05 to 6:30 , anyone else feel sufficated?
1. Specials, jab, FSmash, and I think most tilts are in a condition that I could probably best state as "usable". I haven't had access to my Wii in a while so I really don't know specific details other than the release videos following updates and also having prior knowledge of other things. Accounting for readjustment, balance, and polish, I'd say maybe 15% of the way there. For completing the
temporary moveset, maybe close to halfway from being fully "functional"?
2. I'm in college and despite my experience with summer session classes, I'm still not used to the environment (classes vary so much from each other). I don't know about Zephron, but I'm going to assume his schedule is hectic.
3. I honestly waste too much time because I have a considerably difficult time of getting into the "working" mindset, but I also have marching band from 6-8:30 PM on M/W/F. Game days also steal the entire day from me.
I'm very satisfied with how far this has gotten and I do not regret poking RTB every so often to fix Lloyd's model so long ago before we even started this. I'm thankful that thanyou was able to give us the initial push with the abundance of resources and that SqLeon and others have sacrificed some of their time for continuing progress.
My only regret is that I'm in a state of near-uselessness as far as contributions go; I keep the front page updated and answer most questions and that's about it. Again, when I pick up a Windows OS soon enough (should be guaranteed this month, actually) I want to try to get into PSA and also continue developing my BrawlBox abilities. This project needs all the help it can get.