High disagree, Layton just looks ugly with how overdone the character outlines are, not helping is how generally charming the hand-drawn sprites where by comparison
I don't remember much about the animations but I don't recall them being spectactular. Thankfully Azran Legacy massively improved over the model work.
As for VLR, I'd go easier on it if it wasn't filled with stills like these that look absolutely atrocious and really kill any mood the game might have been going for
It doesn't help 999 has some of the prettiest spriteworks I've ever seen on a game, it's one of the few things I'll still the praise the game for all these years later. And unlike Layton the franchise didn't really improve in its last 3DS entry, it got better models...at the expense of some of the most laughably bad animations I've seen on a 3DS game (and I know it was already some sort of miracle the game happened, won't take away my criticism that it wasn't animated well at all).
Honestly while I still don't like it Miracle Mask doesn't look as bad as I remembered, but VLR is even worse than I thought.
I'll disagree with this part here, as while SoJ has more ambitious attempts on animations that take advantage of the 3D models, the performance of the game is pretty darn bad, and given that besides scenes like that both it and DD look about the same, I'll take the game with a far more stable FPS than something that's slowing down constantly and straining my eyes in the process. But they're both more appealing to the eye than the Layton crossover.