Here's a crazy idea for a Luigi final smash: temporarily generate clones of his opponents that are invincible and operate at the highest CPU AI level. Each clone will target their original and attack them, forcing everyone besides Luigi to go on the defensive. This final smash would represent Luigi's constant inferiority complex regarding Mario, his more competent twin brother, and would force everyone else to face a similarly competent "sibling" of their own.
...Or is that too meta?
That's pretty much the coolest idea for a Final Smash I have ever heard! However, in practice it may hard to pull off... Or not. I think creating the doppelgangers should be easy enough, but we'll be throwing balance out the window. Ah well! Maybe I'll experiment with this idea.
The current Final Smash is the Element Medals from Luigi's Mansion. These are power ups that allowed Luigi to spray Fire, Water, and Ice from the Poltergust. Each one has a different effect - Fire does damage and horizontal knockback, ice does freezing damage and vertical knockback, and water pushes enemies around. The three elements cycle when the user presses the attack button, and Luigi shoots with the Special button. Luigi may walk around and has two jumps at a time while using the Poltergust.
However, I think your idea is very original! I might try it and see how it works.
So who all will be in the next demo?
can't wait to see how it compares to the last.
So far, I've added three characters since version 0.1.1 was released (that's the one with Mewtwo). The newcomers are Luigi, Meta Knight, and Tails. I might be able to add another stage, but it may take a day or two longer if I choose to. So far, I haven't made any new maps. I've been lazy in that area
But there are also other new features:
- As you may know, some of the character voices in Brawl are not used. These voices inclde ones that sound like "Oh-wah!" and "Aieee!" for Mario, as if they are heavily damaged voices. My theory is that characters said these voices when hit hard.
Well, I put those voices to use in SSBC. Just like in Melee, when you get launched really hard, your character says one of these voices. You also get a sound effect reminiscent of Melee's launching sound.
- I have also redone the launching physics,
- many character sounds,
- some sprites,
- and added the Character Size setting in VS Settings.
So, while it's not heavy on new characters, it fixes a lot of bugs and improves what was already in the first demo, but I still found time to make three more characters.