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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
I like the idea of going all the way with the Digivolving. Doing just one powerup once you hit a certain criteria has been done a few times already in Ultimate DLC with Joker, Terry, and Kazuya. Digivolving all the way up would feel a lot more unique

Capybara Gaming

Just Vibing
Feb 5, 2013
I like the idea of going all the way with the Digivolving. Doing just one powerup once you hit a certain criteria has been done a few times already in Ultimate DLC with Joker, Terry, and Kazuya. Digivolving all the way up would feel a lot more unique
Yeah, but then comes the problem of "do we have to create four movesets for one character"

Then there's the fact that uh... Greymon's pretty big - bigger than Ridley. Do it's later evolutions get even bigger? Because if so, then they should be relegated to a Final Smash?
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Yeah, but then comes the problem of "do we have to create four movesets for one character"

Then there's the fact that uh... Greymon's pretty big - bigger than Ridley. Do it's later evolutions get even bigger? Because if so, then they should be relegated to a Final Smash?
WarGreymon's size is little all over the place in between appearances. Rumble Arena, Digimon's own Smash Bros game, shows WarGreymon being only slightly taller than Greymon, but the recent anime has shown him to be Kaiju sized. Honestly, I think it's because Digimon Rumble Arena exists that we could have an easier time making more than one set, if only marginally.


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2020
Naples, Italy
I'll pick option 1. Writing a moveset for each transformation would require huge amount of work and take forever to come up with original moves that aren't from Digimon.

WarGreymon's size is little all over the place in between appearances. Rumble Arena, Digimon's own Smash Bros game, shows WarGreymon being only slightly taller than Greymon, but the recent anime has shown him to be Kaiju sized. Honestly, I think it's because Digimon Rumble Arena exists that we could have an easier time making more than one set, if only marginally.
Same for Ridley. In Metroid, he is fricking huge! Smash reduced his size to being the same as Bowser or King K. Rool.


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2020
Naples, Italy
Well, yeah. In Smash, Ridley's size needed to be scaled down to make him playable. Back then, Sakurai resisted the idea of adding him as a fighter because of his massive size. Crusade figured it out by taking Cloud' Down B and applied it to Agumon with little modification (It just doesn't Digievolve him into Greymon automatically, as you have to do it by yourself by pressing Down B again once the gauge is filled).
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Alright, I feel enough time has passed for gameplay submissions for Agumon based on the results I saw and the discussion at habd.
Actually, I could imagine the Digivolving working like this:

You start as Agumon, right? And you're working towards getting to your most powerful form. But here's the thing: from a biology standpoint, Agumon, Greymon and MetalGreymon are similar in appearance to a degree. So how about this: you're building up a three-segmented meter. When Segment 1 is filled, you automatically Digivolve into Greymon, which essentially bolsters the power of your moveset, no differences. Segment 2 does the same, but with MetalGreymon, who has more range and a further bolstering of attack power, still a similar moveset. But it's Segment 3, Digivolving into WarGreymon, where the character and moveset become entirely different.

So in the end, we've got a mechanic that initially starts as the equivalent of Steve's Craft upgrades, but max out it becomes a Pyra/Mythra-style swap-out! We'll only have 2 movesets to make!
We will be incorporating some along these lines but with some minor adjustments...

This gimmick is called Digivolve which allows Agumon to obtain higher levels of digivolution and can be achieved by filling up three segments via meter which builds up over time. Being damage reduces this meter while dealing damage increases it. Being KO'd obviously erases any of the meter build up. By by hitting and holding down the Down Special input. When Agumon or his digievolutions begin to glow with DNA strands swirling around them, Agumon can digivolve. Simply hitting the down special will perform the default Down Special. It must be tapped and held for a duration of time which consists of Agumon evolving.


This meter is filled with whatever color is the alternate color Agumon has currently. The meter will slow glow once Agumon is ready to Digivolve. Here are our levels...

This is your base form and the weakest but also has it's own uses as this is the fastest and nimble of them forms. It allows Agumon to bypass certain projectiles and also allows him to wall cling and crawl as well. Agumon stands around the same size as Pikachu.

Level 2: Greymon

Standing roughly the size of Donkey Kong and is the strongest in terms of raw strength. Unlike Agumon and it's later Digievolution, Greymon is capable of unleashing powerful melee-oriented attacks with focuses on raw power. As a result, this causes Greymon to be far slower than any of the digiforms. Agumon can achieve this by filling up the first hexagon of the Digimeter.

Level 3: Metal Greymon

Metal Greymon is a different beast entirely as it combines the quickness of Agumon and the power of Greymon but to less extremes. However, Metal Greymon is also capable of hovering like Peach. That being said, unlike Greymon, it takes Metal Greymon time to get some attacks going causing noticeable attack lag. To ocmpensate, Metal Greymon unique attacks have different properties. Metal Greymon also gains high defenses with notable hitstun reduction. Metal Greymon stands around the size of Ganondorf.

WarGreymon can be obtained but only through the Final Smash and it's a cinematic Final Smash

Agumon, Greymon, and Metal Greymon all share similar Specials but with two different ones per form. Here is how they will be set up...

Agumon: 4 Specials
Greymon: 2 different specials compared to Agumon. One special has to be similar to Agumon's
Metal Greymon: 2 different specials compared to Agumon and Greymon. One special has to be similar to Agumon's and Greymon's.

This gives Agumon and his digivolutions a total of four unique specials.

I know this all sees rather limiting in what we can submit but I am opening the door for attack submissions for all his normals plus his specials minus the...

Neutral Special which is Pepper Breath for Agumon, Nova Blast for Greymon, and Giga Destroyer which are all mapped to the neutral special based on which form he has taken.

So, we will begin submitting moveset content for Agumon, Greymon, and Metal Greymon...

What we need is...

Would these normals differ in terms of performance and attributes for Agumon, Greymon, and Metal Greymon? Please indicate in your submissions.

  • Jab
  • Dash
  • F-Tilt
  • U-Tilt
  • D-Tilt
  • F-Smash
  • U-Smash
  • D-Smash
  • Nair
  • Fair
  • Bair
  • Uair
  • Dair
  • Grab
  • Pummel
  • F-throw
  • B-Throw
  • U-Throw
  • D-Throw
  • Ledge Attack
  • Floor Attack

What move would be for what Digievolution. Remember, Agumon, Greymon, and Metal Greymon share similar Neutral Specials in the form of a fire projectile. Agumon will have his own set of specials while Greymon and Metal Greymon will share in those but one unique move per form.

  • How Pepper breath, Nova Blast, and Giga Destroyer functions as moves
  • Side Special
  • Up Special
  • Down Special
    • Holding down initiates a Digievolution when required

Final Smash
  • Utilizes WarGreymon


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Reptile Claw: A two-stage claw swipe similar to Warrior's Jab. As Agumon, each swipe is short-range and deals a measly 2.4% damage with low knockback. As Greymon, this gains triple the range and deals 4.8% damage per swipe with middling knockback. As MetalGreymon, a claw swipe is now a disjoint and deals 6% damage with high knockback to kill at 165%.

Neutral Special:
Pepper Breath/Nova Blast/Giga Destroyer

As Agumon, his Neutral B is Pepper Breath, a weak fire projectile that is similar to Sora's Firaga. Deals 6% damage per ball of fire, as well as weak knockback.

As Greymon, this becomes Nova Blast, a larger fire projectile that deals 10% damage and is more akin to Lucas's PK Fire, dealing higher knockback on bit

As MetalGreymon, this becomes Giga Destroyer, a chargeable projectile in which MetalGreymon can lock onto an opponent similar to Palutena's Autoreticle as he's charging. At max charge, MetalGreymon releases a barrage of six missiles from it's chest towards that opponent's position, dealing 3% damage per missile and knockback dependent on the number of missiles fired. One missile is weak like the Pepper Breath, but all six turns this into a powerful kill move.

Final Smash:

Terra Force
Otherwise known as "Gaia Force", and a signature move of WarGreymon. Agumon Warp-Digivolves into WarGreymon and flies into the background of the stage. There, the player will have 8 seconds to aim as he's charging. Upon release, the massive orb of energy will fly towards the stage ominously like Bahamut ZERO's Teraflare in Midgar and generates an explosion that makes the Bomber item look like a firecracker in comparison and hits multiple times like the Smart Bomb, dealing 76% damage total.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here’s my concept for a few of his attacks:

Agumon Up Special: Wildfire Uppercut
Agumon will do a Shoryuken while his claws are engulfed in fire. Unlike the Shoryuken though, this will do several hits of damage while dragging the opponent up along with Agumon. If all the hits attacks connect, the final one releases a semi-powerful explosion.

Greymon Up Special: Wildfire Uppercut
Greymon lacks the fire aspects of the attack but rather trades it off with a more standard Shoryuken which launches the opponent upon contact with the final hitbox being the most knockback at the pinnacle of the attack. Thanks to Greymon's claws, it has higher reach.

Metal Greymon Up Special: Mega Claw
Instead of giving Metal Greyman a typical slasher rising attack, I decided to get Metal Greymon a Joker-esque Grappling Hook attack with Mega Claw. This fires a metal claw which command grab the opponent, pulls Metal Greymon in, and causes the Digimon to spike the opponent. It can also be used as a tether grab to latch onto ledges. This gives Metal Graymon some versatility that typically doesn't come with a character for its size.

Side Smash: Triple Slash
  1. Agumon reals back and slashes forward three times.
  2. Greymon's version has wider range but has longer start up lag.
  3. Metal Graymon's version is similar to Greymon's but it has a vacuum/magnetic pull prior to releasing it.

Up Smash: Skull Smash
  1. Agumon thrusts his head into the air; headbutting the opponent with the top of his head.
  2. Greymon thrusts his head into the air. It has far better reach with a tipper thanks to his spikes.
  3. Metal Greymon will push his head into the air which can cause a explosive burst similar to Zelda's Uair.

Down Smash: Primal Rampage
  1. Agumon will strike around himself in a 360 degree with his claws.
  2. Greymon will stomp around him which can bury opponents close to him or force them upwards if far away.
  3. Metal Greymon spins in a 360 degree while releasing a burst of fire energy.


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2020
Naples, Italy
Side Special Ideas:

Agumon: Dynamite Kick. A flurry of kicks while leaping forward, Liu Kang-style.

Greymon: Horn Impulse. A dashing horn attack.

MetalGreymon: Over Flame. Shoots a wave of fire from his mouth, acting similar to Holy Water, except it travels at 1/4 of Final Destination.

Down Throw:

Agumon and its digivolutions puts the opponent on the ground and use Pepper Breath/Nova Blast/Over Flame to burn it, hitting multiple times up to 5.


Agumon and Greymon simply reaches out with both arms, while Metal Greymon uses his Mega Claw to grab.

Down Air:

Agumon Dive: Agumon dives down with both claws to strike the opponent.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will continue to submit moveset content as we have yet to get the required number of moves; especially since getting different variations helps us diversify the process.

We will begin misc content submissions in the next few hours.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
  • Down tilt
    • A simple horizontal claw swipe for all of them
  • Up tilt
    • Agumon: an uppercut
    • Greymon, Metal Greymon: A soaring headbutt upward
  • Side tilt
    • A foot thrust forward
If I had enough time I'm going to submit his air attack but right now I'mma need to charge my phone.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I am going to throw out a couple more...

Agumon's Side Special: Sharp Claw
Agumon will dash forward while rapidly slashing in the air for a total of five times. When used in the air, the player can slightly angle it similar to Octoslash but with greatly reduced directional control.

Greymon's Side Special: Horn Impulse
Greymon will rush forward and perform a multihitting attack that pushes opponents backwards before launching them into the air with a final upwards thrust. It does high damage and quite powerful. That being said, it lacks the directional control like Sharp Claw and, instead, trades it for raw damage output.

Metal Greymon's Side Special: Sharp Claw
Metal Greymon's version is similar to Agumon's in that Metal Greyman will rush forward but a faster rate of speed with more distance covered. This is especially true in the air as it allows Metal Greymon more control over its directional input.

Uair: Digi Strike
  • Agumon slashes upwards with his claws that covers an upwards arch above him.
  • Greymon uses his horns to slash upwards.
  • Metal Greymon uses his wings to clap upwards like Ridley.
All attacks function similarly with properties that don't change much.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will continue to submit moves for Agumon, Greymon, and Metal Greymon. That being said, we will now begin to also submit additional content. This content includes the following for the three forms. Since all three are particularly different in design and form, all three will have unique features about them in the misc department. All three forms will have unique content to them:
  • 1 Entrance Animation (just Agumon)
  • 2 Idle Animations (all 3, totals to 6)
  • 4 Taunts (all 3, totals to 12)
  • 3 Victory Screens (all 3, totals to 9)
  • 1 Kirby hat (all 3)
  • 1 Boxing Ring Title (all 3)
  • 1 Crowd Cheer (all 3)
  • Palutena’s Guidance (same but changes the name for each, similar to Koopalings)
  • Snake Codexs (same as above)
  • Classic Mode


Smash Cadet
Jul 12, 2020
Naples, Italy
Up Throw:
  • Agumon: Heaves the opponent overhead and then delivers a vicious bite upwards. (Cross Fire)

Entrance: Comes in by forming himself from polygons as Koromon, before quickly digievolving into Agumon.

Taunt 1:

(Agumon): Tosses a meat roll in the air and chomps it with one bite in that direction.

(Greymon): Roars upwards.

(Metal Greymon): Roars forward while raising his wings upwards.

Idle 1:

(Agumon): Looks behind, then looks up.

(Metal Greymon): Heavily breathes twice.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Crowd Cheer (Agumon): A-gu-Mon!
Crowd Cheer (Greymon): Greeeeey-Mon!
Crowd Cheer (Metal Greymon): Metal! Grey-Mon!
Welcome to the Smash Infinite thread. We are glad to have you here! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Boxing Ring Title: The DigiDestined (I know this title is bestowed to their tamers but it's just too cool to pass up, if not I could change it to "Destined Partner")

..And now we are back.

  • Victory Animation (1): Referencing his Digivolve gimmick
    • Agumon Digivolves into Greymon which he will then roar with all his might and faces the screen.
    • Greymon Digivolves into Metal Greymon which he then fires off a beam of fire from his mouth.
    • Metal Greymon Digivolves into War Greymon which he then scratches his claws in front of him in the shape of an X
  • Victory Animation (2): Based on their behavior as a virtual pet.
    • Agumon happily jump up and down
    • Greymon munching on a piece of meat
    • Metal Greymon is sleeping
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will begin moving from moved and misc content to submitting…

Agumon Alternate Colors

To keep things standard and not as confusing, we are basing alternate costumes off Agumon only. Meaning that Greymon and MetalGreymon will have palette swaps that reference that character or entity as well. For example, let’s say Agumon has a Pikachu influenced color scheme (which is against the rules btw), then Greymon and Metal Greymon would also have a color swap influenced by Pikachu.

When submitting, please provide a picture, name, color slot, and how the alternate color looks. There won’t be any alternate costumes for Agumon, Greymon, or Metal Greymon.

Sources and basis for Agumon’s colors should come from the Figimon games rather than the anime. That being said, we will be more lenient if it’s content from both mediums.
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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
I'm just gonna throw the obvious ones out of the way

Guilmon (Red)​

Veemon (Blue)​

Pulsemon (Lime Green)​

Gammamon (White)​
They're basically the other faces of Digimon even if some are originated from the anime (don't ask me which one) with Guilmon, Veemon, and recently Gammamon being the main character of the anime and Pulsemon which is the face of the new Vital Bracelet.​
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Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
Question: what color would Gatchmon be? I was gonna suggest white, but Gammamon was already suggested.

Figured we should include some sort of reference to the Appmon, since they're basically Digimon, but for apps (hence the name). If we can't make it work, I'll try to come up with something else.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ahh I got beat to the punch by Guilmon…

also throwing out two obvious ones…

Black Agumon
Color: Black
Appearance: Look above

Snow Agumon
Color: White
Appearance: Look above


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
Question: what color would Gatchmon be? I was gonna suggest white, but Gammamon was already suggested.
View attachment 346588
Figured we should include some sort of reference to the Appmon, since they're basically Digimon, but for apps (hence the name). If we can't make it work, I'll try to come up with something else.
Well virtually he's white by default but considering we have Agumon's evolution share the same color palette we can give a nod to Metal Greymon being a reference to Gatchmon.

Also, if anyone wants to submit a purple recolor it could be a reference to Gumdramon, he fills the same role as the above being the partner Digimon of the main character from the anime.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
So far we have. We need 4 more.
  1. Yellow (default)
  2. Red (Guilmon)
  3. Blue (Veemon)
  4. Green (Terriermon)
  5. Grey (Gammamon)
  6. White (Snow Agumon)
  7. Black (Black Agumon)
  8. Lime Green (Pulsemon)
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