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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
The other spirit page was getting too laggy to add more spirits too, so we seprated it into first party other, third party other, and indie other. I believe @airConditioner did the first and third party pages on the wiki, but nobody has gotten around to doing the indie page yet. At least personally, and I know this goes for other members of the leadership, its a rather busy time in our personal lives, so please understand if the wiki gets a little out of date. In Terms of spirits, we at least strive to keep the spirit sheet updated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cia77BKwXKIiTkXGEGxP5N4dK4GOlg1HE9nYAwFwTkc/edit#gid=0
What is the Limbo and Spirit hell on Your list?
Unecessary spirits? Or Spirits that are Joke?


Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020
What is the Limbo and Spirit hell on Your list?
Unecessary spirits? Or Spirits that are Joke?
Spirit Limbo and Spirit Hell are the spirits that wont be included in our hypothetical game, due to various reasons, such as extreme obscurity, no art, lack of relevance, too many for a series, or not being for good boys and girls. The limbo ones are more borderline cases, and may be taken out and included if circumstances surrounding their exclusion change, but spirits in hell will likely never be included.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Pokéball Pokémon: Tyrannitar

Tyrannitar will have two major moves here. The first move is Hyper Beam which does a huge amount of damage. This KOS opponents at 100% damage. But this also makes Tyrannitar use a lot of energy, so after doing that attack, it will stay still for 10 seconds. It’s second attack is rock rock, which it throws rocks at opponents, slowing them down for a few seconds and dealing 25% damage. Hyper Beam damage is 50% damage.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Type: Ice/Water
Attack: Hail
Spheal will spit out chucks of ice which will arc in the air. The chunks of ice will do moderate damage but have a chance of freezing opponents at higher damages. The lent to and height of the ice chunks differ with every shot making them hard to predict. Jumping on top of Spheal by anyone including the opponents will cause Spheal to prematurely shoot an ice chunk out at higher speeds with more damage with less arc.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Unevolved Pokémon: Azurill

Azurill swings around its tail, there's a very small windbox for this but it doesn't really effect anything - however, when Azurill stops it'll fling off like an aggrivated avian. The power, speed, and trajectory of the fling is decided by how long it swings which is random.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I’m going to kick us off early with voting! We have two things we will vote for!
Job 174:
View attachment 331986
Galarian Farfetch'd:
The pre-evolved form of Sirfetch'd, Galarian Farfetch'd uses a larger leek than its Kantonian form. With this, he functions like a Pokemon version of Lyn, sharpening his leek and using Leaf Blade to slash through a random opponent on-screen.
Job 174: Venipede (Bug/Poison)
View attachment 332000

When summoned, Venipede will perform Venoshock, unleashing a fountain of toxic venom all around it in a general radius, which will poison opponents that come in contact with it. After a set amount of time, it'll stop performing the move, then leave.

I went with Venipede cuz I think it's a pretty overlooked Pokemon with a pretty simple yet sick design. Not to mention I thought we could use more gen 5 mon.
Job 175


Goodra would be pretty large and would be slow, Goodra would leave a trail of Slowing goo behind it. and all of it's attack slow down opponents.

Goodra has 3 moves that it can use.

Aqua Tail: Goodra slaps an opponent with it's tail
Dragon Pulse: Goodra shoots a Laser at an enemy
Dragon's Breath: Goodra shoots a damaging mist out of it's mouth.
View attachment 332002

The Candle Pokemon with a dual typing of Ghost and Fire and an unevolved version of Lampent and Chandelure.

Unique to Litwick themselves instead of inflicting damage directly they instead uses the move Will-O-Wisp in which Litwick will summon 3 sinister, bluish white flame that target locked the enemy and inflict a burning effect, it last much longer. In addition, if the enemy walk close to them they will get hurt by its flame.​
Job 175

Diglett pops out of it's ball and starts to burrow around the stage. It pops out randomly underneath other players, knocking them into the air. Diglett also can place pitfalls(marked by a small change on the ground) and rarely will use earthquake, which causes damage to players around Digletts area.
JOB 174:
Wooloo (Gen 8)

When summoned, it uses headbutt to knockback enemies with Moderate Damage, but bigger knockback when its close to Fighter. It sometimes acts like Mr. Saturn that you can throw it or kick it on enemy. When it's not touched, it walks on stage for his business.
(This Pokeball Pokemon can act as Lethal Joke Pokemon).

JOB 175:
Kommo-o (Gen 7)

When summoned, it uses Dragon Tail to swipe the Enemies out of your way. When you're closer to Him, he can do Drain Punch that drains the Enemy's Health (Watch out! He can accidentally KO you). When you're far from Him, he can Clanging Scales to shoot his Scales at enemies with huge damage if we count every scale.

I'll nominate them, because those are my ideas for Pokeball Pokemon. They're very cool and they have potential to be Assisting Pokemon.
Pokéball Pokémon: Tyrannitar
View attachment 332051
Tyrannitar will have two major moves here. The first move is Hyper Beam which does a huge amount of damage. This KOS opponents at 100% damage. But this also makes Tyrannitar use a lot of energy, so after doing that attack, it will stay still for 10 seconds. It’s second attack is rock rock, which it throws rocks at opponents, slowing them down for a few seconds and dealing 25% damage. Hyper Beam damage is 50% damage.
View attachment 332071
Type: Ice/Water
Attack: Hail
Spheal will spit out chucks of ice which will arc in the air. The chunks of ice will do moderate damage but have a chance of freezing opponents at higher damages. The lent to and height of the ice chunks differ with every shot making them hard to predict. Jumping on top of Spheal by anyone including the opponents will cause Spheal to prematurely shoot an ice chunk out at higher speeds with more damage with less arc.
Unevolved Pokémon: Azurill

Azurill swings around its tail, there's a very small windbox for this but it doesn't really effect anything - however, when Azurill stops it'll fling off like an aggrivated avian. The power, speed, and trajectory of the fling is decided by how long it swings which is random.
Part 1 list…
  • Galarian Farfetch’d (I only realized it until it was too late but we already have Sirfetch’d. I decided to leave this one in due to my own error)
  • Venipede
  • Litwick
  • Diglett
  • Spheal
  • Azurill

Part 2 list..
  • Kommo-o
  • Goodra
  • Tyranitar
I will be adding the winner of the Gen 4 Pokémon and our next submission soon after I get some actual work work done.
Here is the link to vote

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of the Gen 4 Pokemon Submissions!

Name3 Points2 Points1 PointTotal
Bibarel1 (3)1 (2)27
Spiritomb3 (9)2 (4)114
Rampardos03 (6)28
Chatot02 (4)04
Magnezone3 (9)0110
Rhyperior2 (6)006

The pure Ghost type Spiritomb will be joining our Pokemon list and, with it, add a spooky sensation to Smash! Considering its near psuedo-legendary status, it makes sense!

So, we are doing a full sprint ahead and finishing up our Pokemon jobs in one fell swoop with a total of 3 jobs!

Job #175: Submit a Working Moveset for Zacian and Zamazenta

Like the know defunct Galarian starter submissions, we will be accepting a single entry for the Sword and Shield Legendaries, Zacian and Zamenta. This is a first come, first serve but, unfortunately. you won`t be eligible for submissions for the next two jobs. Should no one fill these out, the Leadership will create one. Please provide the move that each one does. Zacian and zamenta are two seperate Pokemon.

Job #176: Submit a Legendary Pokemon

So far, we have added the likes of Enternatus and the above Zacian and Zamenta. Past Legendaries aside, we will be adding a final one from the entire generational list of Legendaries. These include:
  • Regirock
  • Registeel
  • Regice
  • Uxie
  • Mespirit
  • Azelf
  • Diagla
  • Cresselia
  • Heatran
  • Regigigas
  • Cobalion
  • Terrakion
  • Virizion
  • Tornados
  • Thundurus
  • Landorus
  • Reshiram
  • Zekrom - These being apart of the Unova Pokemon League stage
  • Vveltal
  • Zygarde
  • Tapu Lele
  • Tapu Bulu
  • Tapu Fini
  • Galarian Articuno
  • Galarian Moltres
  • Galarian Zapdos
  • Kubfu
  • Urshifu
  • Regieleki
  • Regidrago
  • Calyrex
  • Calyrex with Glastier
  • Calyrex with Spectier

As per usual, please submit with a move they perform when summoned.

Job #176: Submit a Mythical Pokemon
Like above, we are adding a Mythical Pokemon like Celebi, Mew, and Victini. Here are the list of ones not yet in the game...

  • Shaymin
  • Diancie
  • Hoopa
  • Volcanion
  • Magearna
  • Zeraora
  • Meltan
  • Melmetal
  • Zarude

Like above, please submit with a move.



Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Job 176:

Legendary Pokemon:

This cover Legendary for the Isle of Armor expansion has a 50/50 chance if being either Single Strike or Rapid Strike. If he's a Single Strike Urshifu, he will linger in place, waiting for a character to come closer by. If a character is close enough, he will deal a single, powerful Wicked Blow that causes a Special Zoom to anyone it hits. As Rapid Strike Urshifu, he will dash to anyone within 2 Battlefield Platforms and barrage them with Surging Strikes.

Mythical Pokemon:

The liquid metal Mythical that debuted in Pokemon GO is a rather large Pokemon who wanders around like Bewear. If anyone is close enough, he will perform Double Iron Bash, which is timed to punish anyone who dodges the first hit. The move in question is really powerful and can even deal some good shield damage, too.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020

Thundurus will appear above the stage and summon 2 giant balls of lightning that move around in a fashion similar to Pikachu's Volt Tackle. If after a few seconds the Lighting defeated an opponent, Thundurus will become it's Therian form

After Thundurus becomes it's therian form it will fly around and use 2 abilities
Electroweb- an attack that snares an opponent and damages them periodically
Thunder Punch - A very powerful punch attack that can stun opponents.


Once Spawned Magearna will use Gyro Ball where they will rev up the bottom of their body and slam into an opponent dealing massive damage and knockback. Magearna may also use Flash Cannon a powerful laser attack.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom

It appears from the Poké Ball in statue form, and because of it's giant size (about the size of Palkia's Poké Ball) it is inevitable someone will hit it - when Zacian is hit enough times it will break free, use the debris from the statue casing to make a sword and lunge forwards with a sword slash that can 1HKO and break though shields, but only really effects if the sword hits. If grounded players are hit by Zacian but not the sword they trip, wheras if players in the air are hit by Zacian but not the sword, they're spiked.
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Smash Ace
Oct 18, 2020

It appears from the Poké Ball in statue form, and because of it's giant size (about the size of Palkia's Poké Ball) it is inevitable someone will hit it - when Zacian is hit enough times it will break free, use the debris from the statue casing to make a sword and lunge forwards with a sword slash that can 1HKO and break though shields, but only really effects if the sword hits. If grounded players are hit by Zacian but not the sword they trip, wheras if players in the air are hit by Zacian but not the sword, they're spiked.
I didn't exactly pay the most attention to the plot of swsh but I don't recall Zacian, or Zamazaneta for that matter, having statue forms.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
View attachment 332155
It's mentioned in Zamazaneta's PokéDex, and it seems easy to assume the same applies to Zacian - as the much-more-knowledgable-than-me Bulbapedia also has.
Thats not an aspect that’s actively user the games - just lorecsi we don’t be including that. Just the attack portion.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 176:
Hoopa (Gen 6)

When summoned, it uses its rings as Portals to warp around the Area. The portals is be only used by Summoner and no one Else. When it tries to Attack from Far range, it uses Shadow Ball to make enemy weaker. When it's close to enemy, it uses OHKO move, where Hoopa throws someone to the Portal (Which it leads to Another Dimension) that Instantly Kills Someone. His Incarnation is based on Normal Form and he appears in the Background, where he floats in any direction he wants.

He can't be Harmed or KO'ed like Andross AT.

I'll nominate him, because we need a Gen 6 Mythical Representative as Pokeball, so why not Hoopa. Hoopa is a Genie-like pokemon, who likes to use Rings as Portal to Another places or Another Dimensions. Also, he has unique gimmick that could break the Game and His close range attack is Deadly, but it can be nerfed from Meta. Hoopa even was Spirit in Smash Bros. Ultimate and Infinite, so it can not only be Represented by spirit.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Legendary Pokémon

This would make it unsummonable in Prism Tower. When summoned, it will erect an aura which will drain health away from opponents within this aura. If the player manages to KO an opponent while this effect is active, the summoner is granted that health upon the KO. The damage dealt is 1.5% per hit and Yveltal is active for around 18 seconds. If the player manages to KO the person who was within the aura the whole time before the Pokémon vanishes, then would be awarded around 30% health. If the player KOs the opponent moments after Yveltal vanishes, then it’s not given to them. This move is called Dark Aura but, in theory, works like Oblivion Wing.

When summoned, the mythical Pokémon ejects dozens of small crystal diamonds shards that shoot out in all directions. This radius wil gradually grow bigger in a similar manner to Rosalina’s final smash. The diamonds will do moderate damage and has combo potential. It has the added benefit of increase the launch resistance/super armor of the summoner or team after leaving. The strength of this effect is dependent on how many opponents get caught in the attack for more then 4 seconds. It grants the player 1.8% more increase in their launch resistance/super armor stat with the effect lasting 15 seconds after success. This move is called Diamond Storm.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of the Pokemon Voting Round! Thanks to everyone who submitted content and voted!

Name3 Points2 Points1 pointTotal
Galarian Farfecth`d0011
Venipede1 (3)2 (4)18
Litwick3 (9)2 (4)114
Diglett03 (6)06
Spheal2 (6)039
Azurill1 (3)014

Based on the results, the Ghost/Fire type Pokemon Litwick, will be our non-evolved starter Pokemon


It`s a good day for Gev VI! Goodra will also be joining the party as our psuedo-Legendary Dragon Pokemon!

With that decided on, we will move to our voting round for the Legendary and Mythical Pokemon submissions!

Job 176:

Legendary Pokemon:
View attachment 332141
This cover Legendary for the Isle of Armor expansion has a 50/50 chance if being either Single Strike or Rapid Strike. If he's a Single Strike Urshifu, he will linger in place, waiting for a character to come closer by. If a character is close enough, he will deal a single, powerful Wicked Blow that causes a Special Zoom to anyone it hits. As Rapid Strike Urshifu, he will dash to anyone within 2 Battlefield Platforms and barrage them with Surging Strikes.

Mythical Pokemon:
View attachment 332142
The liquid metal Mythical that debuted in Pokemon GO is a rather large Pokemon who wanders around like Bewear. If anyone is close enough, he will perform Double Iron Bash, which is timed to punish anyone who dodges the first hit. The move in question is really powerful and can even deal some good shield damage, too.

Thundurus will appear above the stage and summon 2 giant balls of lightning that move around in a fashion similar to Pikachu's Volt Tackle. If after a few seconds the Lighting defeated an opponent, Thundurus will become it's Therian form

After Thundurus becomes it's therian form it will fly around and use 2 abilities
Electroweb- an attack that snares an opponent and damages them periodically
Thunder Punch - A very powerful punch attack that can stun opponents.


Once Spawned Magearna will use Gyro Ball where they will rev up the bottom of their body and slam into an opponent dealing massive damage and knockback. Magearna may also use Flash Cannon a powerful laser attack.
Job 176:
Hoopa (Gen 6)

When summoned, it uses its rings as Portals to warp around the Area. The portals is be only used by Summoner and no one Else. When it tries to Attack from Far range, it uses Shadow Ball to make enemy weaker. When it's close to enemy, it uses OHKO move, where Hoopa throws someone to the Portal (Which it leads to Another Dimension) that Instantly Kills Someone. His Incarnation is based on Normal Form and he appears in the Background, where he floats in any direction he wants.

He can't be Harmed or KO'ed like Andross AT.

I'll nominate him, because we need a Gen 6 Mythical Representative as Pokeball, so why not Hoopa. Hoopa is a Genie-like pokemon, who likes to use Rings as Portal to Another places or Another Dimensions. Also, he has unique gimmick that could break the Game and His close range attack is Deadly, but it can be nerfed from Meta. Hoopa even was Spirit in Smash Bros. Ultimate and Infinite, so it can not only be Represented by spirit.
Legendary Pokémon

This would make it unsummonable in Prism Tower. When summoned, it will erect an aura which will drain health away from opponents within this aura. If the player manages to KO an opponent while this effect is active, the summoner is granted that health upon the KO. The damage dealt is 1.5% per hit and Yveltal is active for around 18 seconds. If the player manages to KO the person who was within the aura the whole time before the Pokémon vanishes, then would be awarded around 30% health. If the player KOs the opponent moments after Yveltal vanishes, then it’s not given to them. This move is called Dark Aura but, in theory, works like Oblivion Wing.

When summoned, the mythical Pokémon ejects dozens of small crystal diamonds shards that shoot out in all directions. This radius wil gradually grow bigger in a similar manner to Rosalina’s final smash. The diamonds will do moderate damage and has combo potential. It has the added benefit of increase the launch resistance/super armor of the summoner or team after leaving. The strength of this effect is dependent on how many opponents get caught in the attack for more then 4 seconds. It grants the player 1.8% more increase in their launch resistance/super armor stat with the effect lasting 15 seconds after success. This move is called Diamond Storm.
Job 176:
Hoopa (Gen 6)

When summoned, it uses its rings as Portals to warp around the Area. The portals is be only used by Summoner and no one Else. When it tries to Attack from Far range, it uses Shadow Ball to make enemy weaker. When it's close to enemy, it uses OHKO move, where Hoopa throws someone to the Portal (Which it leads to Another Dimension) that Instantly Kills Someone. His Incarnation is based on Normal Form and he appears in the Background, where he floats in any direction he wants.

He can't be Harmed or KO'ed like Andross AT.

I'll nominate him, because we need a Gen 6 Mythical Representative as Pokeball, so why not Hoopa. Hoopa is a Genie-like pokemon, who likes to use Rings as Portal to Another places or Another Dimensions. Also, he has unique gimmick that could break the Game and His close range attack is Deadly, but it can be nerfed from Meta. Hoopa even was Spirit in Smash Bros. Ultimate and Infinite, so it can not only be Represented by spirit.

For our Legendaries, we have...
  1. Urshifu
  2. Tornadus
  3. Yveltal

For our Mythicals, we have...

  1. Magearna
  2. Melmetal
  3. Diancie
  4. Hoopa

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Moving on from our Pokemon section, we are diving right into Assist Trophies! This will be the last time we air Assist Trophies to fans so this is the time to bring out the big guns! For those who may remember, the Final Smash Direct showcased a number of Assist Trophies. While we won`t be including as much as they did, we will still finish off our Assist Trophy roster!

Job #177: Submit an Indie Rep Assist Trophy

Shovel Knight was included in Ultimate so it`s time to include another 3rd Party Indie Assist Trophy. The guidelines for this character is that "they must be a popular and requested indie character that would be excitement for its inclusion" in the same manner as Shovel Knight did. As always, when submitting, please include the name, series, what attack the trophy does, and why it should be included.
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Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017

Ori & Sein:

The titular character from the Metroidvania series developed by Moon Studios, Ori is a character that has seen some surprising rise in Smash requests, even moreso after both games came to the Switch.

In Smash, Ori will mainly take from his Blind Forest incarnation, where he is joined by Sein, who can attack for him using Spirit Flame, a three-projectile combo attack. Ori himself can also use Bash to bounce off enemies and projectiles to move around, Stomp to hurtle to the ground and deal damage from above, or Light Burst to throw a grenade of light in front of himself that explodes after a set period of time.
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
Job 100: Hat Kid

Yes, for this job, I'm decomfirming Hat Kid. I chose Hat Kid because she comes from an indie game that was insanely popular when it came out, as well as having crazy meme potential. As an assist trophy, Hat Kid would run around the stage, hitting people with her umbrella. She could also switch hats, like the sprint hat, which makes Hat Kid sprint to the nearest opponent and punch them (4% chance for Hat Kid to use her scooter). Other hats would include the time stop hat, which does the same thing as Shadow for 4 seconds, the brewing hat which makes Hat Kid throw explosive concoctions at opponents, and the ice hat which does the same thing as Kirby's down special (only activates in the air, causes a small, icy shockwave). And that covers it!
Resubmitting Hat Kid.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 177


Zagreus is the main character of the game Hades. Hades quickly rose to popularity due to the devs prolific background with games like Bastion and Transistor and also because the game is just incredibly fun and you should totally play it if you like roguelikes.

In Infinite Zagreus will run around and attack using the various weapons seen in Hades.

The Stygian Blade: Zagreus will do a three hit sword combo
Eternal Spear: Zagreus throws the spear a long distance
Shield Of Chaos: Zagreus will charge up a shield bash and dash forward dealing big damage. While charging all projectiles will be reflected off the shield
Heart Seeking Bow: Zagreus shoots a cone of arrows in front of him
Twin Fists Of Malphon: Zagreus does a very powerful uppercut
Adamant Rail: Zagreus shoots a powerful grenade.

Right before Zagreus leaves he throws out a bottle of Ambrosia, which would just be a reskinned Fairy Bottle.

If Zagreus is KO'd his defeat animation is reminiscent of his Death animation in Hades
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Smash Master
Feb 5, 2019
New Mexico

He ain't bad to bone, just a very laid-back skeleton who likes to be your friend as long as your doing the right thing. If not then you might get on his bad side which isn't great.

When sans spawns he stands their and explains a speech relating to how you'll die(similar to the beginning of his fight) before displaying his one glowing blue eye indicating he's going to give you "one" bad time.

For Infinite: Sans will randomly throw someone forward away from the stage attempting to launch them away(anyone with a high percent of damage will be KO'd off the stage).

he will also summon a field of bones from the ground or a large bone poll which knocks fighters back.

He'll also summons The Gaster Blasters from two different sides which deal a good ton of damage. He is unable to get hit since he zooms around the stage to keep himself from getting hit, though this can exhausted him to the point where he can't dodge quickly(landing one hit will ultimately KO him similar to the end of his boss fight).

After about 15 seconds of chaos, Sans will get exhausted and then say one last friendly line saying he was just having some fun, raise his hands up and makes a wink with his left eye. before he leaves sans make one last bad pun.
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Indie Assist submittion:
Alien Hominid (Alien Hominid)

When summoned, runs and jumps around the Stage and shoots with his ray gun at enemies. When its close to Player, it bites their head off and makes players stunned or Reverse their Controls. Also, for some reason it can abduct Players to death. Remember, you can escape from Tractor Beams when you're lower than blast zone, but when you're up to KO, you cant escape it.
He can be KOed.

Inclusion of Alien Hominid has the Reason, because he could represent everyone's favorite Flash Game Website called Newgrounds with its subsidiary Behemoth in this Game. Also he could act like Fun Assist that shoots at enemies or Bites their head off to make it more fun at gameplay if you're playing with Items. Also, if you like Alien Hominid, then I respect your opinion.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
How about no.
Welcome to the Smash Infinite thread, a community led project where we work to put together a Smash game to succeed Ultimate. This isn’t a fan game, simply just a fun little side project for Smashboardsz While it’s grounded in realism, we do take various creative liberties to creating an unique experience. The thread operates based on jobs by the thread leadership team (myself and four others). The jobs could be newcomer submissions or in this case, assist trophy submissions. Once the submission process closes (in about 8 hours), we conduct a voting period on Google Forms to decide which submission to include.

We strive to create a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere. Belittling a submission is a huge no-no. While you can question its authenticity of validity, making fun or, in this case, personally rejecting it isn’t in the spirit of the thread. It would be far more productive to explain why you think this wouldn’t be a good addition to the Smash Infinite game.
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Adrianette Bromide

Smash Lord
Dec 22, 2020
Beeland Capital
How about no.
Freddy from Five Nights at Freddy is a valid submission. While not as popular as it was in its height, FNAF is an influential indie game that has been mentioned here and there in the Smash community. The job asks that the character would be someone who would garner excitement and I think for how hilarious it would be atop FNAF's actual fans, it would have people excited to see Freddy join Smash (the most someone can be excited for a non-fighter role anyway.)
Aug 7, 2021
my office, probably
I don't care, FNAF content should not be in Smash.
I don't exactly like the idea of FNAF in Smash either but this is a creation thread with no bearing on the actual official game, and I've never seen you post here before so I don't see why this should affect you, and coming here just to basically say "you can't put it there because I don't like it" is rude and pointless

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I do want to take this time to direct our attention to the Direct.

As mentioned before, we are looking to include the bill or our remaining content into our final Smash Direct. This includes any items, stages, game modes, and other content. Following this, there will be a number of jobs to include last minute content.

There are a number of things I’m not too super obsessed about completing; namely alternate costumes or story mode content as I feel that there are more important things to focus on and we can also use these for jobs between lulls in our DLC phase.

We are nearing the end.


Smash Master
Sep 17, 2017
Yeah, Smash Infinite is basically the collective brain-child of a lot of Smashboards users who throw their imaginations around and vote for who they feel like. You're free to disagree with the notion of FNAF in Smash if you want, Smash Nerd, but don't attack others over it first chance you get. Before you respond, no, this is not attacking you, it's just goddamn common sense and yes, that exists on the internet in some circles.
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