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Super Smash Bros. Infinite Project (Finally Finished!???)

Which title should we use?

  • Total voters
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of our upcoming Miitopia stage! We had a lot of great submissions but only one can win!

By a somewhat narrow margin, Miitopia which was submitted by Yiptap Yiptap will be brought in as our next stage! It sped ahead Greenhorne in the final hours for a steady lead with 7 votes!

While not a discussion topic, I do want to know what you think should be the represented icon.

Job #110: Submit a Pokémon Stage from the Following Gens: 2, 3, 7, and 8

We have yet to have a stage from these following Gens which seems odd considering we have Pichu and Incineroar in the game. Poké Floats and Pokémon Stadium doesn’t really count as a tried and true Gen II stage. Will we have a stage to represent Pichu and Celebi? One to represent Grovyle? How about that Alolan stage for Incineroar? Or perhaps focus on Gen 8 as it didn’t get a represented fighter this time around?

To clarify,

Gen 2 -> Pokémon Gold and Silver
Gen 3 -> Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire
Gen 7 -> Pokémon Sun and Moon
Gen 8 -> Pokémon Sword and Shield

And to further clarify, yes, spin-off games will be accepted. These are limited to only the following;

Gen 2 -> Pokémon Crystal
Gen 3 -> Pokémon Emerald
Gen 7 -> Ultra Moon and Ultra Sun
Gen 8 -> Isle of Armor and Frozen Tundra

Remakes from these gens will not be accepted. Only those listed above will be accepted.

Please provide the following info:
  • Image
  • Stage name
  • What Gen it is from
  • Layout and appearance
  • Any gimmicks or stage hazards
  • Any cameos
  • Omega and Battlefield form appearances
  • Any other info

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
New stage:
Dynamax Stadium (Gen 8)

Dynamax Stadium is a stage designed for competitive play. It has similar lighting to the above image. Characters do not have clouds around them - though there are clouds on the background of the stage. Its bottom/hard platform is very similar to that of Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, albeit with more of a blue look to the bottom of it and a floor resembling the above image, however the layout of the soft platforms is more akin to the Melee Adventure Yoshi stage - though the sloped platforms are further apart.

There are no gimmicks nor stage hazards. (unless you count the background being sized down to make fighters look big as a gimmick) The ever classic Pokémon Stadium jumbotron returns, being propped up against the pink sky by those little sticks on the first image. Similar to Spring Stadium, it will display different human characters from SwSh (specifically all 8 gym leaders) between footage of the battle going on. Occasionally Rayquaza, Yveltal, or a Wailord will fly by in the background, albeit at a small size to furher enhance that sense of scale.

Its Omega and Battlefield forms resemble Pokemon Stadium's.

A crude mockup of the soft platforms.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 110

The Galar Wild Area

This is a travelling stage, the layout changes depending on the terrain, the transition is just a flat platform.

The Areas:

This part would be just completely flat and you can see Motostoke in the background, in the front you can see and handful of pokemon wandering in the grass.

This one would also be flat, you could see some flying type pokemon in the back.

For this one there would be a giantrock wall on the right side that is angled upwards.

For here the platform is small and surrounded by water, In the background you can see many cramorant fishing and a Gyarados.

The Platform is the rock shown above and it is above the dusty bowl, Ground and Rock Type pokemon would be found, A Runerigus would fly towards the players.

You can destroy the bridge pillars on this one in a fashion similar to Shadow Moses

The layout is right in front of the Tower.

The platform is on the cap and a the terrain gets very tall and rocky.

You land here and you can see a large amount of Eeveelutions standing aorund in the back.

In all of the formations there is a chance that a Dynamax den will appear and it might have a have a laser coming out of it, Occasionally if you land in front of the Dynamax den that is lit up, The platform will descend into a dynamax lair where you can see a random Dynamax Pokemon.

The pokemon will then roar, blasting the platform out of the den and back into the wild area.

Omega and Battlefield forms would just have the platforms flying around the area without landing, A powerless Dynamax den sits on the Platform.

This is the most advertised and most famous location from Sword And Shield.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Here's my Pokemon submission
Pokémon Ultra Sun/Moon
Ultra Warp Ride

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Moon were 3DS games released in 2017, and were enhanced versions of 2016's Sun and Moon. One of the new features was the Ultra Warp Ride, a mini game that let you visit alternate dimensions to catch Legendaries, easily find Shines, and the focus of the stage: Encounter Ultra Beasts on their home turf. The stage starts out on a basic Final Destination-esque platform in the minigame portion of the stage. You might even see Cosmog, Solgaleo, or Lunala fly by, but they have no effect on gameplay. Very quickly (About 10 seconds) into the match the stage swaps to 1 of 4 options. The first I'll talk about is the home of UB-02, the Ultra Jungle.
View attachment 158288
The Ultra Jungle is about twice the size of battlefield and takes place on a tree that looks like it's flexing. Occasionally during a fight, Buzzwole appears. He's not here to attack players, his only intrest is to show his muscles by pushing the tree's "arms" around, altering the angle. You may also see Pheramosa running around in the background. 45 seconds into the fight the location changes again, this time swapping to UB-03's homeworld, the Ultra Plant!
View attachment 158291
The Ultra Plant is a large arena, similar to 3DS Gerudo Valley in proportions. There's a "bridge" of sort that connects the two areas, but it can't be destroyed or anything. Occasionally, a Xurkitree appears in the background and electrocutes the bridge, making it damage anyone who touches it. It deals large damage, but can't kill. A harmless Blacephalon may also appear. The next layout and the last one for the Ultra Beasts exclusively is the Ultra Crater, home to UB-04!
View attachment 158290
Yes, this isn't a mistake, on the Ultra Crater you actually fight on the Arm of a Celesteele (You wouldn't think it, but the thing's absolutely massive.). It's quite large and you can see other Celesteela, and maybe even a Kartana in the background. This portion's gimmick is that the Celasteelas may start rising upwards, increasing gravity 1.2x. The stage's final portion isn't home to any Ultra Beast in particular, but it's still worth having. Welcome to Ultra Megatropolis!
View attachment 158294
Ultra Metropolis is the home of the Ultra Recon Squad and presumably Necrozma. The stage is less likely to appear than the others and takes place on the top of Megalo Tower and has somewhat dim light already, but just you wait. Necrozma appears in it's regular form and starts charging an attack. If it receives 35% or more it'll go away, but if it fully charges for 10 seconds the stage goes pitch black, except for some that comes from Necrozma, who is now a being made of light, White Diamond Ultra Necrozma. It creepily floats around changing the lighting angle. You may see Poipole or Naganadel flying by in the background.

Notes: This was a rush job, hence why most of the layouts lack fighters. I'm a horrible procrastinator, and School isn't even back.


Smash Lord
Nov 29, 2018
The 104 Building
Pokemon Stage

Altar of the Sunne & Moone (Gen 7)
(alternate name: Poni Altar) (but mine is much better)

A significant story location in Pokemon Sun, Moon, and their Ultra versions, it is an ancient ruin on Poni Island tied to Solgaleo and Lunala, the mascots of the generation. It takes on two forms--the Altar of the Sunne in (Ultra) Sun and the Altar of the Moone in (Ultra) Moon. You are, however, capable of using specific Pokemon to cross dimensions into a world where it's the opposite version's altar, and that forms the basis of the stage.

Gimmick: The stage represents both versions of itself. By default, it starts on the Sunne version, though you can start on the Moone version by pressing Y while selecting it. If stage hazards are on, an Ultra Wormhole will appear in the background after a certain amount of time. After a few seconds, it will open up, and then warp all the gameplay elements into Ultra Space briefly. In this state, you will fight on what looks like an enormous crystal in the exact shape of the altar's main landmass before things return to normal--although you will now be on the opposite Altar.

Below are images for the various stages of the Wormhole.

Whether the stage is on Sunne, Moone, or Ultra Space will dictate what Pokemon will cameo and also the platform layout (both detailed in the relevant sections). In addition, the decorations will favor sun symbols on Sunne and moon symbols on Moone, and they will be set to the appropriate times of day.

Layout: The stage consists of a single landmass sticking up and out from a mountain; imagine Spear Pillar if it was just the bottom layer, it stuck up higher, and it was a bit longer. The middle section of the land has a stone portion sticking up slightly with stairs (slopes) on both sides.

If you are on Sunne, there will be a platform floating above the raised stone portion; it is about 3/4 the length of that portion. On Moone, there will be a platform on each end of the land about the same height and about half the size of the Sunne platform; their edges are just before the edge of the land. In Ultra Space, there are no platforms.

Cameos: As mentioned above, Pokemon cameos are dependent on which version you're on. They will fly in from offscreen, pop out of the ground, or emerge from behind pillars or foliage. All of them appear in the background and do not act as hazards or affect gameplay.
Sunne: Alolan Dugtrio, Gumshoos, Crabrawler, Fearow, Tauros, Cottonee
Moone: Alolan Raticade, Trumbeak, Wimpod, Granbull, Hypno, Mandibuzz
Both: Tapu Fini (rarely)
Ultra Space: Nihilego, Poipole, Celesteela, Blacephalon

Ω and Battlefield Forms: Floating stone platforms with a bit of overgrowth in the middle of the air with the actual altar in the background (like Temple, except much closer). There will obviously be no dimension transitions, so you're stuck with Sunne or Moone the whole match. The Pokemon cameos still appear on the altar proper, and can barely be made out from a distance. (The flying ones, however, will appear closer to the stage proper.)

Miscellaneous Info: This will become the new home stage for Incineroar. It would also be highly recommended to move some, if not all, of Sun/Moon Pokemon's Spirit battles to here--maybe Ultra Beast spirits could be fought in a version locked exclusively to Ultra Space?
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Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
Job 110 Pokémon stage

Alola Tour

Game from: Pokémon: Sun and Moon


Here you start on a beach on the bottom right corner of the image above. The background will feature a few Pokémon native to the Alola region. Those ones being Crabrawler, Mudsdale, Tsarrena, Toucannon, Alola Meowth, Pallosand and Alola Dugtrio. Eventually after 30 seconds, a stage appears and takes the fighter’s to the sea near by, before dropping in the rocks near the water.

And then, a Wailord emerges and the fighter’s will have to ride the Wailord around the sea. As this happens, flocks of Wingulls and Pelippers fly above and diving in the sea for food. Pelippers can drop from items for you as well. There is also Wishiwashi swarms that can jump out of the water. Then you reach a dock on the bottom left, making the fighter’s leave the Wailord.

Then you fight on the roadways, and as you do, you encounter Dhelmise, who will be fought at this stage.

This Pokémon has four moves it can use. It can use Rapid Spin, Gyro Ball, Anchor Shot and Giga Drain. Defeating it will get you an extra point.

Then the stage moves and heads back to the beach, starting the stage all over again.

The main gimmicks is that it is a teleporting/moving stage with a stage boss.

Also the battlefield and final destination stages uses part of the beach as it’s base, with Wailord and Pelippers being cameos in those versions.

FWI: this will be Incineroar’s new homestage. As a bonus, it also gives Wailord a promotion of the sorts, being promoted from stage cameo to technically allowing a Battle go on it.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007

Bell Tower
Gen II

Honestly I would rather have Sprout Tower but this is one of my more favorite fan created stage. I think the appearance is beautiful and exactly how I want to see a stage included in Smash. It carries a certain atmosphere and look that we are lacking.

For the sake of making it a bit different, the stage would take place on top of a single building, maybe even a Pokémon Center, with the Bell Tower in Ecrutreak City. I think it’s a nice touch to have Battlefield like platforms that mimic the structure. In the background is the tower itself and much of what we see in this image.

It would be a rather neutral stage making it ideal for tournaments due to a lack of notable hazards of gimmicks.

Cameo Pokémon would of course be Ho-Oh and possibly Suicune which would mean both would be ineligible for Pokémon Pokeball inclusion. Chimecho, Ninetails, Zigazagoon, Frosslass, and other Japanese-like Pokémon could appear to mimic the Japanese architecture but also some Gen II like Unown, Suudowoodo, Yanma, Espeon, Misdrevius, Girafig, Heracross, and others. The Battlefield and Omega forms appear just like the image above.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
We will be closing submissions in just a little bit so please try to get them in when you can.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Alright, it’s time to vote for our second Pokémon stage! These are from the gens not yet represented by a stage in Smash. Please vote for your top 3, ranked voting is on, and you can vote for your own for the second and last choices. It seems we have a lot of Gen 7 but hopefully we get some good results!!

Dynamax Stadium Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario (Gen 8)
Galar Wild Area cashregister9 cashregister9 (Gen 8)
Ultra Warp Ride PeridotGX PeridotGX (Gen 7)
Altar of Sunne & Moone Paraster Paraster (Gen 7)
Alola Tour BowserKing BowserKing (Gen 7)
Bell Tower Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2021
The Flat Eric cult
1. Wild Area (Even if you don't like Sw and Sh, gen 8 deserves something)
2. Bell Tower (Has a really cool vibe, I dig it)
3. Dynamax Stadium (Really neat idea for a stage)
Honorable mention to Alola Tour, I actually really liked it, but I think gen 7's time has come and gone and it's time for gen 8 to take the spotlight, or a stage from an older game.
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Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2018
Alright, it’s time to vote for our second Pokémon stage! These are from the gens not yet represented by a stage in Smash. Please vote for your top 3, ranked voting is on, and you can vote for your own for the second and last choices. It seems we have a lot of Gen 7 but hopefully we get some good results!!

Dynamax Stadium Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario (Gen 8)
Galar Wild Area cashregister9 cashregister9 (Gen 8)
Ultra Warp Ride PeridotGX PeridotGX (Gen 7)
Altar of Sunne & Moone Paraster Paraster (Gen 7)
Alola Tour BowserKing BowserKing (Gen 7)
Bell Tower Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom
1. Galar Wild Area
2. Dynamax Stadium
3. Ultra Warp Ride

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Job #110: Update 2 Past Stages

We will be updating the following past stages. Please pick two of them and provide an update to them. Please follow the prompt for each one carefully so you know what the promp requires:

Choice 1: Castle Siege
Please provide a fourth destination (technically second) that would go between the first phase (the topmost of the castle) to the second phase (the throne room). Please explain its appearance and attributes.

Choice 2: Saffron City
When you went near that one room, a Gen 1 Pokémon shoots out. Let’s expand that list by adding a new Pokémon that would shoot out. We will be adding a Gen 1 Pokémon that has yet to appear in such a fashion that will jump out to attack. Please provide which Gen 1 Pokémon that is and what does it do?

Choice #3: King of Fighter’s Stadium
We will be expanding the list of cameos that appears on King of Fighter’s Stadium. Please include one character that would join the cast. You can only include from Fatal Furt, Art of Fighting, and King of Fighters. Please provide the character name, what series they are tied to, and why they should be included. Mai is eligible.

Choice #4: Skyloft
The stage Skyloft travels around the floating island and visits a few places. Provide an entirely new location for Skyloft to travel to during the duration of the stage. Please explain its appearance and attributes while also the significance of that new location.

Choice #5: Living Room
We will be adding new variation aside from the default in Living Room! In Nintendogs, there exists different styles for the living space for pets. Here are a list of acceptable submissions. Please explain a bit how these variations would look. The variation is randomized before battle or can be chosen using a code like Minecraft World.

Choice #6: Pyrosphere
Pyrosphere is back but without Roidley Ridley. Instead, we are adding an enemy that players encounters beyond the three ones that were found previously. This enemy can either be a standard enemy that Samus encountered in the Pyrosphere stage or a boss that will replace Ridley for that stage. Please explain what that enemy/boss does in battle.​
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 110

Choice 3


K' is a recurring character from King Of Fighters and was the Protagonist in KOF '99, He has appeared in basically every KOF since 99 and he would be a good new cameo

Choice 5

Outer Space
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2018
1. Alter of Sunne and Moone (which is pretty much an Idea I was going to post)
2. Wild Area
3. Bell Tower
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Job 110

Choice 3

Mai Shiranui


Mai Shiranui is one of the most iconic characters in the SNK pantheon, making major appearances in numerous games, to the point where Sakurai felt he had to personally explain why she had to be excluded from the game. (If she has to be censored for CERO, she'll simply wear a pair of black shorts underneath her current outfit to cover her up as necessary like with Pyra/Mythra).

Choice 5

Country Home

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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Saffron City:
Mr. Mime

Mr. Mime creates an invisible floor, which makes it as if the slope on the main platform is a straight line. Once Mr. Mime disappears, so does the floor.

Living Room:
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Mr. Robotto

Smash Ace
Jan 20, 2019
The Mayship
Job #110: Choice 3


Duck King and his pet chicken P-chan take the stage... as a stage cameo for the King of Fighters Stadium! A character originating from the first ever Fatal Fury game, he made his KOF debut in the King of Fighters XI, replacing Andy and Joe's spots in the Fatal Fury Team along with Kim Kaphwan! He had always been a highly requested character for the King of Fighters, barely missing his boat for the '97 Special Team in KOF '97, a team that was decided by a popularity vote where he ranked 4th. Important to note that the winners and members of said Special Team were Yamazaki, Billy Kane, and Blue Mary, all characters that appear on the KOF Stadium.

Now, since he's known for his eccentric breakdancing, his poses will reflect this particular hobby of his. Cameos on the KOF Stadium consist of 2 poses, an idle one and an animation for whenever someone on the stadium gets KO'd. Here are Duck King's (and P-chan's) animations!

Idle Pose:
For his idle animation he will do what he does best, groove. He dances from left to right, referencing his idle stance from Real Bout Fatal Fury! As for P-chan, the little chicken will just be nodding along.
snk-duck (1).gif
KO Animation:
Once someone on the stage is KO'd, Duck King will perform a very rad breakdance move as seen below. This very short dance will then be followed up with P-chan flying on his hand and both companions giving a thumbs up to each other. Referencing their win screen from KOF XI.

dk-wn2 (1).gif

Duck King and P-chan will have a slightly higher appearance rate if a Fatal Fury song plays on the stage, however if their theme from Fatal Fury (yes, it's in Smash) or the Fatal Fury Team theme from KOF XI (also in Smash) plays on the stage, they're guaranteed to appear. As Duck King is definitely one of the more iconic characters of Fatal Fury; let's get this man and his lovely little chick the love and spotlight they deserve, in return, the KOF Stadium becomes richer in personality (and swagger).

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Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2019
KoF Stadium
New Cameo Approaching!

Alice Nakata

I know that this is a weird pick but hey, it's more fun to play with fire. For those of you who don't know Alice first debut game is in a Fatal Fury Pachinko machine made by SNK called Garou Densetsu: The Legend of Wild Wolf, while it may seems odd for her to cameo the main detail of her is that she's a big fan of Terry and his team (basically the Shingo to Terry) so her cameo in the stage is fitting for her role and personality.

She is more likely appear if a song related to the Fatal Fury team played like Kurikinton.​
Idle Animation

While her standard animation is based on, well her idle animation in KoF XIV she will have 2 idle poses:
  1. The first is where she stretches her arm which is based on her entrance animation from KoF XIV
  2. The second mimic one of Terry's own idle animation where she adjusting her cap
KO Animation

Special for her she will have a special animation specifically for Terry everytime he took a stock

The standard one is where she pumped up her hand up in the air which is based on her pose when you win a match with her

The special one is where she hops up and flexes her arm while she shouts "Go, Terry!" In broken english. While the part where she shouts is unique to her and is a direct reference to her shouting her special moves just like Terry the pose however is based on her animation when she wins a round.
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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Please note that votes for the Pokemon stage will be closing later on today. Please get your tallies in. We will be extending stage addition submissions into the morning.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Pyrosphere Addition: Vorash

Vorash replaces Ridley as the boss of Pyrosphere. It will occasionally rise up and will try to crash into opponents which induces an explosion when it does. It will also perform a powerful upwards dash which will cause it to slam into the stage, knocking anyone around and causes stage to tilt. During the ensuing chaos, it will attempt to reach the side of the stage to devour anyone for a OHKO. It will also perform a rising or falling dash attack from above or below the stage. Attacking the beast on the blue energy core will cause damage to it. Defeating it will cause a kill count for the player who landed the blow.

Saffron City Pokémon: Machamp
Machamp will reach out and will attempt to grapple the player. Using the low-res image that comes with Saffron City Pokémon, this fighting type will then hurl the player away. It has high knockback.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Here are the results of the second Pokémon stage! There were some good submissions with tons of content for Gen 7 and 8. However, only one can win and the voters decided.

Dynamax Stadium Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario (Gen 8) 19
Galar Wild Area cashregister9 cashregister9 (Gen 8) 20
Ultra Warp Ride PeridotGX PeridotGX (Gen 7) 7
Altar of Sunne & Moone Paraster Paraster (Gen 7) 5
Alola Tour BowserKing BowserKing (Gen 7) 4
Bell Tower Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom 13

It’s quite interesting that not only does Incineroar, Grovyle, and technically Celebi not have a representative stage but we also have a stage that represents Pokémon but doesn’t have a representative fighter! It shares this distinction with Unova Pokémon League.

We are continuing our updates to stages! Please bare in mind that Skyloft and Castle Siege updates are still missing. If no one submit one, the leadership team will make a submission. In addition, Pyrosphere only has one submission. If no one puts a submission down, then that one wins by default.
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Deleted member

Job 110: KOF Stadium Cameo
Chizuru Kagura Seals the Deal!
Debuting as a sub-boss in the King of Fighters '96, Chizuru is an extremely important character in the Orochi Saga and the rest of the King of Fighters series. In KOF '96, she organizes the tournament in order to lure Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami into working with her to repair the seal keeping Orochi away. Orochi is still brought back into the world, however, with the New Faces team being able to revive the deity. Luckily, Chizuru, Kyo, and Iori are able to defeat Orochi and seal it in KOF '97. Throughout the series, she is one of the only people able to get Kyo and Iori to work together, now forming an official team with them and entering KOF XV. Due to her importance as a character in the story of the King of Fighters series, she is definitely worthy as a cameo in the stage.

Idle pose:
Chizuru stands still, adjusting her hair every so often. This is based on her taunt in KOF '97.
Win pose:
Chizuru does her entrance animation against any members of the Hakkeshu.

Chizuru will have a likelier chance of appearing with songs relating to the Orochi Saga, and will have an even higher chance of appearing if New Order from KOF XIV is playing (due to the relationship between Kyo and Iori). Hypothetically, if we were to add her theme, Fairy, she would be guaranteed to appear..
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
we also have our first stage, Galar Wild Area that represents Pokémon but doesn’t have a representative fighter! That’s a pretty big break in tradition but perhaps that’s for the better.
Isn't Gen V in the same boat?It's got no mon representng it, but has a stage in Unova Pokemon League.

Or are you referring to just this project in particular?
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