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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
I don't think any other character can do it like Fox.

Falco's shield pressure is highly overrated. Shine grab and double shines are his saving grace.
Just because he can't match Fox doesn't make his shield pressure "bad" all of a sudden. It's not as good, but Falco's shield pressure comes with that tower of comboing terror that he lives in, and it's still fast.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Yeah I don't think it's "bad" either, but I do think it's overrated. Here's a little break down of how that old nair/dair shine shield pressure works for anyone that's interested.

Falco's shield pressure with Dairs and Shines leaves a total of 19 frames unaccounted for where they are free to act. That seems like a lot, but it's not so bad when you figure you split that number up into two smaller numbers.

Only real rules of splits are that 2 has to be at the end, and there needs to be something like 4 or whatever at the start because of the time to get the Dair out. Nair comes out a frame faster so it's 3 or so at the start (whatever Dair is, it's one less), and there's 2 less frames of L-cancel.

You can wind up with stuff like 12-7 splits, or 10-9 splits, which can be really annoying to shield grab. Though it is possible.

edit: I feel much of this should be obsoleted because of Multishines and getting behind him anyway but


While at first it seems fast, if you train your eyes to look for the splits it isn't that bad. You can find the spots to shield grab him, stomp him OoS, upB OoS, etc etc.

And it's like, most of the time multishining doesn't last forever because each shine pushes Falco's opponent away from him. Getting behind your opponent *****, but that doesn't happen very easily.

Unnecessary long post. lol I swear I could make a whole other improvement thread on match ups. >_< It'd probably be longer.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
And it's like, most of the time multishining doesn't last forever because each shine pushes Falco's opponent away from him. .
You must be mad scrubby, this is what I do for shield pressure: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEcVGznUpTk

Thanks for the smash today Dylan, I'm learning some useful things, although I still don't have dash dancing down. And it was nice to beat people for once. (voorhese's children) ... :/ Anybody have any advice on how to learn dash dancing? Like useful dash dancing, not the technical ability to do it. It's hard for me to "see" the zoning and harder for me to react correctly and quickly to it. Can you practice with cpus? If not, anyone up for a sparring session to teach me? Thanks.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
glad to see you made it home....well like i said, i see how close to them i can get b4 they react (with a plan of attack if they do react) then start going with in that range to bait an aerial, grab, or w.e and just practice punishing it.... you may not be able to use this on cpus very easily (i dont play against lvl 9's) but u can pretend they are going to do something like grab or ftilt w.e (as long as you know the reach of the attack you want to practice punishing)...good games today, and i hope when i finally get to another tourney you are there (mainly so i can make you a ganon main ;) jk i wouldnt risk that in a tourney)

edit: that kid claws for his shield pressure if you where wondering


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Rofl, well, what I have isn't really a lesson plan, but more of a guideline for Jay to follow.

Jay, in order to be like me and master the delicate art of drinking, there are some guidelines and rules that must be carefully followed.

1. Whenever in doubt, just remember that MORE IS ALWAYS BETTER. Never think to yourself, "hmmm I am a pretty small dude, and my tolerance is really low, so maybe I should cut myself off before things go south." This is child's talk, Jay. Remember, you own the alcohol. The alcohol doesn't own you. If you want to drink more, then by God you f'n drink more. That's my motto, and it's never steered me wrong.

2. When drunk, you always want to say what's on your mind even when you know it's probably best left unsaid. This rule has yet to backfire on me, and has yet to get me made fun of for.

3. Always make it so you're a burden on the people around you. What? you need someone to basically hold your hand while you walk from point A to point B? Great! there you go! What's that? you need a chaperon while you go to the bathroom? Spectacular! you're a natural at this! Oh, and what's that? you want to just lay down anywhere and make everyone else wait in annoyance and fear of you getting a public intox? Awesome! I knew you could do it!

4. Always make pointless MM's with low tier characters (you may already have a head start on this one :p)

5. Always drink on an empty stomach. The alcohol can double as your meal for that night because it's very filling. It essentially saves you from the pesky nuisance of having to order food. Also, you always want to make sure to consume everything in a short time period. Time is money, so you don't want to just be sitting around all day taking baby sips!

6. During those really awesome times when you get the honor and pleasure of spewing, be sure to do it right. Anyone can just do it in the toilet. No, no, no. You need to do it with style. You wanna do it in a public bathroom where half of it land on the stall floor? Ok! You want to do it on Ckit's furniture? Be my guest! You wanna do it in the parking lot? See? now you're gettin' the hang of it!

Well Jay, this mostly sums up my extensive guide on being a successful drinker. Now, I understand that many of these guidelines can be tough to follow (this is why we have so many people who fail at drinking), and I'm not trying to scare or overwhelm you, but with enough practice and dedication, I am confident that you will one day be as great as me in this regard.
I've been waiting to find the right words with which to respond to this, but I just can't. Goose, you have officially started off this year in epic fashion.


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
Anybody have any advice on how to learn dash dancing? Like useful dash dancing, not the technical ability to do it. It's hard for me to "see" the zoning and harder for me to react correctly and quickly to it. Can you practice with cpus? If not, anyone up for a sparring session to teach me? Thanks.
Come to Smashing Grounds with the Purdue car and I will show you how to DD.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Rofl, I'm glad you guys liked it. Yeah, there was ALMOST too much sarcasm in it even for ME, lool.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
ive talked to limitz about this for awhile but im not so sure he is still down. I am thinking i want to find someone to team with basically for the purdue tourneys and future bigger tourneys (i know we team with basically everyone to make it more interesting, but im thinking having good team work and playing with a person as friends and partners in more than 1 tourney every 5-6 would make the game more enjoyable to me... i mean come on its not like we have had kels + vro team together like 3 times in a row at the dew tourneys....they arent teaming for "fun" they are teamin for cashes) let me know if ur down.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Rofl, I do the same thing, Alan. I was going to quote his first four words and just be like, "f'n Voorheese" or somethin'. But I saw you already beat me to it, so no dice, lol.

Voorheese, you need to actually show up to these things, then people may consider having you as a regular partner. I think you showed up like twice last semester, you cob. And why do I have the feeling that you'll only be satisfied if your regular partner is someone good? u Voorheese.

Anywho, tell Limitz to come cuz I want to team with him.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Finally, it's about time Nevake stopped dragging his *** and uploaded some SC vids. My Stork is on fiiiiiiire!

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Pure GOLD.

Get ready, for some knowledge is about to be dropped upon you.......

What we need is some more Link players. Link is low tier because his style of fighting has not yet been mastered. U must be swift.....swift like the mandibles of a squid. U must continuse to fall back and lay traps for your foe, and fight only wheen there is a good chance of success, in doing so u will become the Cong....the vietcong.

We fight on our ground and for our land, this is our land and we will defend it to the last man. Vo Ngyen Giap will make the french and american pigs pay for every step they take in the motherland.

Also like Bruce Lee's study on Kung-Fu, i have revolutionized the style of fighting with link. U cannot follow a specific combination of smashes and combos like the rest of the characters require, u must flow like the water, the water is like dough, u have to mold it in ur image and make it into a weapon, a weapon like clayface does in batman, u must mold urself iinto an impregnable steel ball, with holes in it that shoot stinging foam into peoples eyes. In this way u will be victourious.

Dont take on the odds, the Germans tried this and look what happened, the world crushed them, u must be like the Jews, and strike first, kill those Syrians and Egyptians fore upon thee ur hopes will rest.

that is all for now,, and just remember

Watch out FrO hes coming for you!!

DienBienPhu (Roy Valle) he will be eliminating all challengers at the Cook county tournament later this month.

he will be destroying them with a vengence.


u wont see it coming,

ill be like the conquistador from Guadalupe,


edit/ It gets better and better

What u have to realize is that fox is links B*&^h!! Simply because fox is an american, an american that has entered the vietnam war unprepared. Hes like some kind of being, or a man if u will. A man with a face, a face that will destroy ur very being. Thats the reason why fox just gets owned by link.

When u play my link its like being the french and british trying to hold back the german onslaught. U got to realize that i have bombs, bombs explode and do damage so does teh boomerang. If u think about it the rank is the liftwaffe flying to down attack the naive brits, burning their capital and punishing them for their sins against the Nazi Empire.
(9:48:57 PM): Like i said bvefore
u have to flow
flow like war
be agil
agil like the tenticles of a squid.
u got to be quik like marmot
u have seize ur opponents and sqeeze them like the mandibles of some sort of crustacian, but not any crustacian, an angry crustacian, **** its probobly a freakin freasome crab with the face of Harrel Chany.

u got to realize that im freaking going insane but that doesnt take away from the fact that im going to own all u SSB obsessors in the tournie. When i beat u, u will have been defeated by a player who doesnt have the game
(9:49:08 PM): a player who is just superior to u in intelect which is why he just simply overcomes u.

ull be like the alamo and ill be santa anna leading the unstoppable mexican hordes........................
or the golden horde for that matter....it was a fearsome horde indeed i mite add.

Yassar Arafat ...... what a ridiculous name
All muslims arent evil.......thats bs over 90% hate america and are so because they are naive and ignorant..........

in this way

u will be victorious in the arts of link

if u take all i said to heart u will be the god of SSBM

later SSBM hotheads ill be posting again soon --; just hope i dont own u at the tournie for if i do u should just quit the game because thats sad --;


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2004
Saint John, IN
Yeah, the second one is Trail's ridiculous first ever post on the forums, back when he had the clown avatar; Jason just didn't feel like clarifying the labeling. lol I had archived it because it was just so random, but its literary merit is quite apparent (if you try really, really hard).

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
Sharing some Winter Break FB pictures cause I'm bored. lol

My dog on his silk pillow.

Palm tree barrage

L.A. pan picture

Right outside downtown

Looking up from Pershing Square in downtown

(lawl, it's officially "a thing". lol You win Lance.)

Mountains around the corner from my house. They look so awesome in person right after it snows up there.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
OMG, I was going to make a post about next weekend, but now I can't even concentrate with all these pictures of palm trees and Oreo all up in my grill.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Phew, alright, I think I'm ok now.

Anywho, I found out today that I am actually going to be free to come down the following weekend unlike what I previously thought. I already mentioned this to Anthony, and he was up for having an SSBO and other weekend shenanigans. What I want to know is whether this would be good for most of you guys too. I know SG's is that weekend, but other than that, would hanging that weekend be good for you guys? Please post up so we know how to plan.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Lance, and to everyone else, my main concern is for the weekend overall. You guys know that I don't really care too much if we don't have an SSBO. I more so wanting to know if pre and post SG stuff will be taking place at Purdue. If so, then I can show up at my regular time. So yeah, let me know.

$1.25, Jay? Hmmm........(I kid).


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
That sounds like a good idea goose, only we should make you enter Smashing Grounds. Because you love this game. With all of your heart.

EDIT: So I have a tech problem, I email Itap, it gets solved. It was super easy. So I replay back thanking them and complementing the clarity of their instructions, the quality of their service, etc. I was super impressed by their work so I wanted to let them know. Then I get some reply from the "service desk" that says they believe that they have resolved my problem and that if this is not the case I should reply but if not no reply should be made. Come on! My reply obviously indicated that I had no difficulties, I don't see why me saying thank you is such a big deal. I didn't need to ever hear from them again, but now that ticked me off. :glare: I hope that tech at least got the message before they told me off. :c


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
You know I'm good for pre and post SSBO shenanigans Qoobsfactor.
Sweet. Glad to know you guys are on board. I'll be bringing Pandora's Box for cries and lafs. :oneeye:

we should make you enter Smashing Grounds. Because you love this game. With all of your heart.
If I were to enter, then for once, Melee wouldn't be the prime source of my annoyance, I assure you.

EDIT: So I have a tech problem, I email Itap, it gets solved. It was super easy. So I replay back thanking them and complementing the clarity of their instructions, the quality of their service, etc. I was super impressed by their work so I wanted to let them know. Then I get some reply from the "service desk" that says they believe that they have resolved my problem and that if this is not the case I should reply but if not no reply should be made. Come on! My reply obviously indicated that I had no difficulties, I don't see why me saying thank you is such a big deal. I didn't need to ever hear from them again, but now that ticked me off. :glare: I hope that tech at least got the message before they told me off. :c
Looks like a simple "ownd" is in order here, no? Really though, that's so impressive, lool.
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