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Super Smash Battle Opera - West Lafayette, IN, USA

Mr H

Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
this was the best tourney so far :laugh:

Draco- u need to stay longer next time

Bunbun- settlers ftw :O im glad u liked all my ds games too lol and that big *** dog u had was the ****

Ckit - thanks for winning the crew battle for us and kicking my *** in friendlys a couple times

Alan- since u love this so much http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4cPU2GKzTA also good job trying to infinate combo me in friendlys and thank your gf for cleaning up my slushy lol

Fro- debut of ******* in the sky was a success, u better be at the next tourney so we can do good in teams again and ur top tier in battle toads

Goose- thanks for showing me settlers, its a good game, u need to get the spadish back :/ and Roys our boy :laugh:

George - i am not dark flow and i am not 10 years old in dog years

Kirk- why are u so good in settlers?

Maus- u need to come back to purdue again somtime and

Njay- MM shoddy battle?

AC- sorry i forgot to bring mario, i failed also thanks for carrying me to second place in settlers lol


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2008
Nashville, Purdue
Andrew posting from Carl's.....:

Aoko combos hurt so much.

Anyway, I think you should come practice with us on off-saturdays. That way you can enter the tourney's and beat the hell out of everyone.
I do come on off saturdays!!!

But you don't understand, I learned so much about melty in less than a week because I could actually sit down and play the game. Sure, experience is much more important than anything else in a game (At least from all the fighter's I've learned so far) But if you don't have any practice with execution, you can't even practice that in games with other people. I need to just sit down for a few days with this game and learn it instead of trying to learn how to do it in real games. I sat down for like... three minutes last time at the tourney while everyone was watching some match and learned how to wavedash. I don't think it'll take me long to learn this game, but if I can't actually sit there and learn the **** without someone beating on me, it's gonna be hard to get better. I might just have to confiscate someone's cube.

Also, Aoko >> Maid(s). And Nananayayaya is so lame. If I don't play melty with you soon I might explode.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Rodney Craig Keith Pullins, if all goes to plan, I will be there next time. And next time, you better have Super Mario World and All-Stars with you. Battletoals & Double Dragon was fun and all, but I want a game that doesn't kill me every five minutes. Although, looking at how long it's been for me with Mario, I might be dying a lot in that,too.

EDIT: Dammit, Carl! Your post is stretching the screen 10 million feet wide! I'll let is slide for its amazing LOL factor.

Mr H

Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2007
I want in on this action!
we have to play sometime soon :bee:

Rodney Craig Keith Pullins, if all goes to plan, I will be there next time. And next time, you better have Super Mario World and All-Stars with you. Battletoals & Double Dragon was fun and all, but I want a game that doesn't kill me every five minutes. Although, looking at how long it's been for me with Mario, I might be dying a lot in that,too.
lol il bring them for sure next time


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
Ya, I'd really like to recap on the spectacular weekend, but this paper that I need to finish for tomorrow morning is owning me right now.

I do, however, have the time to say that your guys' Purdue police are huge aggros. I totally got ***** by them this weekend. I guess even they were intimidated by the Spadish all along and feel that they can just bully me around now because I have the truck.


Smash Ace
Jan 14, 2006
Lafayette, IN
Ya, I'd really like to recap on the spectacular weekend, but this paper that I need to finish for tomorrow morning is owning me right now.

I do, however, have the time to say that your guys' Purdue police are huge aggros. I totally got ***** by them this weekend. I guess even they were intimidated by the Spadish all along and feel that they can just bully me around now because I have the truck.
That's because the Spadish has automatic lights. :p You got rolled, "sir."


Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2008
Nashville, Purdue
Yeah, it just takes time.

Also, almost everyone owns maids. They are bottom tier =/ Aoko is high tier.
Yeah, but Kohaku (might have messed up the name) has pretty awesome corner loops not to mention EX dust is such a block *****. Her pressure is so hard to keep up with.

In other news maybe I should start playing a more viable character for now in Smash. Who knows, I really just need to get my hands on this game for a weekend or so.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Yeah, but Kohaku (might have messed up the name) has pretty awesome corner loops not to mention EX dust is such a block *****. Her pressure is so hard to keep up with.

In other news maybe I should start playing a more viable character for now in Smash. Who knows, I really just need to get my hands on this game for a weekend or so.
I thought you were working on Peach and Doc? Both of those are actually pretty viable characters. Peach provides a good answer to Falco, and Doc can chain-grab Sheik to death. They don't cover all match-ups, obviously, but they're both pretty good. I wouldn't give up on them, unless you're just not comfortable using them at all.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
Andrew from Carl's account (of course...):

Voorhese: Counterpicking Yoshi's story against ganon was a bad idea, Eh?
i dont remember playing u, or r u talking about teams?

also the monticello bi-weekly is on this sunday, i hope to see u all there, post on my thread if u want to go


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
i dont remember playing u, or r u talking about teams?
Ohhh, OUCH. Dud, Bunbun, that's gotta hurt- being insignificant to The Voorheese to where he doesn't even remember playing you in singles. Heh, I guess when you go on rolling rampages like the Vooorheese does in singles, you pay little mind to the countless poor souls you eliminate from the tourney.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
All that means is I need to slap him around a bit. I've got a nice Louisville slugger in my room <3

Just kidding Jvor, you know I'm not violent =P


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
heh, Back to my dorm in Georgia Tech.
I feel sick. ;_; lack of sleep + motion sickness (quad combo of Lafayette limo - Plane - Train - tech trolley (shuttle))

unpacking is also a biitch. so annoying.

Lots of fun at Tournament, at freindlies, and also at non-gaming life.

Cunning Kitsune// you and your kitsune. dayum. I failed so hard at onett. lol

but it was fun playing your fox, though it was frustrating a lot too.

NJz// good team work in teams, good friendlies.
Do not Fuck around in tourney. -_-

Lavos // my head still hurts. =P

and you lied. you beat the crap out of me, but you've said you cannot. liar. =P

Goose // i felt like... we have reemerged our first games at the last tourney.
so even. good thing over all. =)

AC // you improved a lot too. and our falcon ditto at 3 AM was epic. too good.

Bun Bun // SC?

'Fro // pick up sheik, and become me.

MICROWAVE!!! // Biitch. =P
we should have played more, but you left.

Kirkq // I never knew falco could be that gay. sfhaiuetbkasdbgakseyh

but still. GG. no johns =)

Mr. H // i hate peach. i hate peach players. i hate you.


do not fully trust asian's complaints. anyway, good things over all.

Voorhese // to tell you the truth, IF you haven't used random down B, i might have not thought of Down B spike or i might have not even thought of using it.

you reminded me in the midle of the match. =P



Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Maus, that actually almost happened during the summer! I started playing Sheik when I was losing confidence in my Samus. Then I got bored, went back to Samus, and just kept working on that. I might pick Sheik up again, though, just for certain characters.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2008
lol become Maus for me and take my place of me while I am not there =)
O_o ... Sorry, I just got this really funny image of Fro jumping into a phonebooth and coming out as Maus. Thought I'd share.

PS: Blue Spandex make all mental images better.


Smash Lord
Sep 9, 2005
All that means is I need to slap him around a bit. I've got a nice Louisville slugger in my room <3

Just kidding Jvor, you know I'm not violent =P
I dunno about that one. I remember you saying that when we got back to your room you were gonna threaten to hit me with your.....nvm.

unpacking is also a biitch. so annoying.
Did you remember to unpack the Dirt Devil and the Pichu goggles?

Goose // i felt like... we have reemerged our first games at the last tourney.
so even. good thing over all. =)
Heh, ya, that set really brought back memories from our very first one. It's certainly a set I won't forget about (I still haven't forgotten our first one from nearly a year ago). Perhaps I should've counterpicked JJ? :bee:


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
I don't know if that's a joke or not, but JJ is banned in SSBO tourneys (as well as GG).
99.9% of tourneys have it legal though.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
O_o ... Sorry, I just got this really funny image of Fro jumping into a phonebooth and coming out as Maus. Thought I'd share.

PS: Blue Spandex make all mental images better.
I was about to say "That would be AWESOME!" Until I read the part about the blue spandex.

Maus, as much as that would be awesome, there is only one Maus. :)

Carl....Forget it, you won. You still have to treat me to those wafers sometime though.:laugh:


Smash Lord
Aug 22, 2006
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332
Did you remember to unpack the Dirt Devil and the Pichu goggles?
I sent them to myself. so it will arrive in few days~weeks.
Then, i will unpack them =P

Heh, ya, that set really brought back memories from our very first one. It's certainly a set I won't forget about (I still haven't forgotten our first one from nearly a year ago). Perhaps I should've counterpicked JJ? :bee:
dayum. IF we could, we had to. =P

stupid pokemon stadium. lol


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Why do we ban it, then?
Anthony found them both banned at a tournament, and followed that. I honestly support having those two stages banned. the amount of stupidity possible on either one of them is obscene.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Anthony found them both banned at a tournament, and followed that.
I honestly support having those two stages banned. the amount of stupidity possible on either one of them is obscene.
If the amount of stupidity possible was that bad, it would be banned all the time like Onett, Peach's Castle, and Yoshi's Island.

Also, Rainbow Cruise, Corneria, Poke Floats, Mute City, and maybe even Kongo Jungle are up there in stupidity. You can pretty much play 2/3 characters on each.

For the record, my interview for "The Smasher Revolution" was recently put up:


Check me out.


List Evader
Jun 3, 2003
Actually, in the SBR rulelist that was made for Melee, Cruise was voted as a possible neutral. It is a solid level.
And Mute City is just awesome.

However, I really can't deny the possibility for "dumb" happenings on Corneria, floats, or Kongo Jungle.

Anthony found them both banned at a tournament, and followed that. I honestly support having those two stages banned. the amount of stupidity possible on either one of them is obscene.
But, how "dumb" a stage is isn't really something you can measure, I could argue that FD has potential for a lot more stupidity on those stages due to chaingrabs. Part of the uniqueness of the Smash series is that we do have diverse stages, that force you to play differently. I think that's part of what makes the game great.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2007
west lafayette

If the amount of stupidity possible was that bad, it would be banned all the time like Onett, Peach's Castle, and Yoshi's Island.

Also, Rainbow Cruise, Corneria, Poke Floats, Mute City, and maybe even Kongo Jungle are up there in stupidity. You can pretty much play 2/3 characters on each.

For the record, my interview for "The Smasher Revolution" was recently put up:


Check me out.
nice interview carl


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2004
Saint John, IN
Alright, I have had just about enough of this stage debate debacle. It's time for me to post my thoughts on the matter as I am sick and tired of having my integrity as a TO called into question.

Let me start off with a couple of things. First off, there is a reason that I am a tournament organizer for this series; I largely decide what goes into the ruleset and what doesn't. Period. End of story. Second, I should not have to cite precedents for each and every change to the rules that I or another TO makes for the simple aforementioned reason that I am a TO for SSBO. Besides which, I have cited at least a few instances when Carl for whatever reason prodded me to justify my decisions; I did not follow up beyond those as the subject was closed in my eyes. As well, this whole need of "precedents" is entirely illogical in and of itself; if any change to the ruleset absolutely required a precedent before it was made, it follows that the ruleset would remain static for the entirety of the game's life if all TOs were not allowed to create a precedent. And you know what? If that is the case, then I just did create one; it seems that it has caught on nicely for SMYM 9, which is slated to be a major Midwest tournament.

I would also like to clear up the rationale for my deciding to ban these stages. My decision was not based solely on the fact that a single tournament already had these stages banned. Far from it, in fact. The reason I banned those stages was for the long-term good of our community. Think about it for a moment, please. If prospective new players just so happen to wander into our venue to watch a few games and happen to see an 8-minute-long stand-off on Green Greens or Jungle Japes between a Fox and a Falco or what have you, what do you think their first impressions of Melee's competitive play will be? They will believe that it is slow, drawn-out, and ultimately boring, and they will leave without so much as a second thought. If I as a TO, however, can do something to prevent this situation and to increase interest and attendance from our area and from outside our community, then rest assured that I will do it so long as it retains the competitive integrity of the game; where, I ask you, is the problem in that?

So there you have it. The reason that I banned those stages is for the long-term good of our community and of SSBO. I suppose that the only question that remains unanswered is why concerned parties want these stages unbanned. See if you can convince me to un-ban them without making it seem as if you would prefer an easier ride through the tournament, to use a mild euphemism. Show me that your decision is the one that will increase our attendance and our community's fervor for the game.

And, for the record, if I ever see anybody get up and leave the room in the middle of a match while camping on opposite sides of the stage for the full time limit, all concerned parties will be entirely disqualified. I consider that a sign of utmost disrespect not only to me as a tournament organizer but also to everybody else who has to wait and waste their time as the supposed "competitors" don't even try to compete.

Take all of that as you will. Now you know where I stand.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Ok, the new guy, HIPY, I counterpicekd him to Pokefloats and camped. I've been counterpicking everyone else to Corneria and camped. No one except Kirkq enjoyed the matches.
Corneria isn't banned; Pokefloats isn't banned. Seriously, with that logic, you should ban these stages since the majority of players attending SSBO are annoyed with these stages.
As Iggy says, "Part of the uniqueness of the Smash series is that we do have diverse stages, that force you to play differently."

Regarding the 8 min campfest, the same thing happens on Corneria and Poke Floats with Fox/Falco though...no? It's actually worse on those stages since matches can actually end pretty quickly on JJ/GG.

And about SMYM9, yes, the creator of the thread told me that he personally doesn't like those stages that much. However, the creator of the thread simply copied and pasted our rules. Do you really think if we left JJ/GG on our rules, he would take the time to change it? I'm 100% sure he wouldn't change it, let alone even bother checking it (which he didn't when he made the thread). Sure, SMYM9 has JJ/GG off "because of you"... but the reason for it is simply humorous.

Also, Event 52 (another huge MW tourney) clearly states JJ/GG being available as counterpick stages.... and this is coming from Darkrain. Darkrain>the player who posted the SMYM9 thread, uses Falcon, and doesn't like those stages.

BUUTTT... the fact that Alan didn't know that the stages were banned nor even the reason why is I bother bringing this up time and time again. He even asked if he can counterpick to GG at the last tournament on Saturday.

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but Alan is a TO... or at least, he says he is.


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2004
Saint John, IN
Alright, Carl. I think that you have just given me the rationale to ban both Floats and Corneria. Thank you.

Your reasoning for the SMYM 9 ruleset is based on the assumption that he would not change it and thus carries no validity in my eyes.

Regarding the situation with Alan, I cannot help the fact that he simply (and somehow) was not aware of the changes I had made that I explicitly informed him of while he was sitting directly beside me in my room. There is simply no way to use that as a justification for your reasoning. As well, the fact that both you and Alan are competitors in this tournament series does not bolster your case in that in every single one of your posts I read a good deal of bias towards stage selection as a result of your standing to win money in this tournament. I hate to bring this up, Carl, but I really only heard complaints about this ruleset when you found that you could not counterpick Kirk to a stage on which you could easily beat him (or so you stated); as a result of this and your inherent bias as a player in these tournaments, your reasoning will do little if anything to comvince me to change. I am sorry.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
Alright, Carl. I think that you have just given me the rationale to ban both Floats and Corneria. Thank you.
That actually works for me, you're welcome. I lost 2 stages, now Kirkq lost 2 stages.
Your reasoning for the SMYM 9 ruleset is based on the assumption that he would not change it and thus carries no validity in my eyes.
He simply copied and pasted, that is a fact and he admitted it. He even said he'd unban them if it was a problem... so... LOL?
Regarding the situation with Alan, I cannot help the fact that he simply (and somehow) was not aware of the changes I had made that I explicitly informed him of while he was sitting directly beside me in my room. There is simply no way to use that as a justification for your reasoning. As well, the fact that both you and Alan are competitors in this tournament series does not bolster your case in that in every single one of your posts I read a good deal of bias towards stage selection as a result of your standing to win money in this tournament. I hate to bring this up, Carl, but I really only heard complaints about this ruleset when you found that you could not counterpick Kirk to a stage on which you could easily beat him (or so you stated); as a result of this and your inherent bias as a player in these tournaments, your reasoning will do little if anything to comvince me to change. I am sorry.
Yes, I'm the only one who complained, know why????

I'm always the only one who is even aware of those stages existing, let alone be the only one even thinking of using them.

That's even easier to believe it when you consider how small the tourneys where (and no, attendance didn't rise because you banned them, especially since tourneys where still insanely small only up until now and newcomers don't even know the rules / how gay stages can be).





Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
Hey Ckit,

I get really annoyed when I get laser camped and dash dance camped on Pokemon Stadium and Final D. Obviously one person's annoyance is enough reason to get stages banned, so let's do it! I can only imagine what a noob would think if they walked in and saw Carl **** me on one of those stages. "Man! This game is really broken! I wouldn't want to play that!". For the good of the future of Melee, you need to ban these stages! And turn Items back on! Noobs love items and would think that it makes the tourney more fun and fair!

Note: I'm just pointing out the ridiculously flawed logic that you're trying to throw around here. I'm sorry, but you're showing a lot more bias than NJ if all you're going to say is "Because I say so, you're bias", when he's trying to give evidence and logical thought. You don't get respect as a TO by inventing hypothetical situations involving making a good impression to noobs, you get respect by listening to your players and giving logical, well backed answers.


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2004
*didn't read Jay's post yet*

Something else I'd like to add, this relates to how the SMYM9 guy said if people are against the ban, he'll change it:

When JJ/GG were legal, no one said "**** this, these stages should be banned". Same story with Floats and Corneria.

Now... when they were banned, isn't that when the dispute even occurred?

People can hate the stages if they want, but that's what stage bans, personal counterpick stages/characters, and Fox are for. I mean, we have people here that hate Stories, Final D, FoD, and Battlefield because of their own personal view of what is gay.

Also, I counterpicked Kirkq to GG only twice, ever. One game, Kirkq camped me with Fox vs my DK; the other, it was a Fox ditto where I simply ***** him. It didn't even happen in the same tournament nor were they long matches.

I only played on JJ once ever here at Purdue, and that was a friendly match against your Falcon with my DK (which was hilarous on my part ^_^).

Also, you brought up the fact that I was going off assumptions (which I proved to be false), however, aren't you being a hypocrite??? You're ASSUMING newcomers won't feel like entering tourneys with the stages being legal.
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