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Super Mario RPG Mafia: Hilt lynched, Town wins!


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
But I must admit that one question threw me a bit: "If I turned out to be scum, would you still feel RR was scum?" (Something along those lines. Forgive me for not quoting it--rather difficult on my iPhone.) I found it a rather odd question for town to ask. Why paint the picture of you being scum in someone else's mind?

I was trying to get a better idea of what you actually thought of the interaction between the two players (me and RR). This in turn offers insight into what you think of each player individually. Just so happens that one of those players was me, and you had already offered a stance on RR. I'm not really afraid of "painting a scum picture", since I will aim to show I'm town in other ways.

Also Pierce and Raziek, what are your thoughts on T-block?

I thought Pierce has already made his thoughts on me pretty clear?

Asking questions for the sake of asking questions?...


Disney Film Director
Oct 4, 2008
Burbank, CA
Has he already said his thoughts on you? I must have just forgotten. I just wanted to ask because I'm getting a clear town vibe from both Pierce and Raziek.



Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
My opinions on T-Block have not changed, I am getting a town read on him atm, but I suppose I'll take this moment out to remind everyone that my opinions on people are subject to change very easily. It's only Noon 1

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Does anyone want me to hammer?
Let me rephrase that:

How does Town feel about hammering?
I don't like these posts at all. A question for you, Pierce. What are your thoughts on hammering a player this early into the day? Also, what are your thoughts on hammering Rajam specifically this early into the day with the situation as it is now (him not having posted for awhile, or responding to the recent pressure on himself). I would very much like to hear your opinion on it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i never really sensed scum vibes from, RR. he's just being useless and distracting
This is how I feel as well

4) ChiboSempai - leaning town, he's not doing something off the wall nor anything that I would consider, still I would like to know why he has been ignoring my fake restriction for so long, seems like avoidance, not sure.
So you expect me to be baited by something obviously unhelpful and annoying? There's no need to comment on such nonsense, I'm still trying to play the game around your ridiculousness. Maybe you should stop purposefully being bad, since you are basically admitting that you are.

And fake restriction? Hardly. Nothing of what you did was consistent, and none of it matches Mario RPG. You're an idiot for thinking that you were going to pull that off as a fake restriction. And using it to get reads? So what if people get pissed off at it? In the end of the day it still comes down to you not doing work and doing whatever you please.


I'm not letting Rajam be at L-1 and wasting a day.
Maybe the day wouldn't feel like a waste to you if you contributed to it.

. . . I'm not quite so fond of RR right now. He still majorly distracted town, then and didn't stop until we put some honest pressure on him. Then he made a read list that looked a lot like mine with a bit more detail, but isn't doing anything except large scale parroting. To top things off, he then simply hops on the Rajam wagon. I still don't see any kind of productive town purpose to his Rebecca crusade. There was no need to paint himself as a scum target to get reactions, becayse Rajam already did that. Now, he's directing town saying that he want x amount of voted on target obvious bandwagon player. I'm not buying it.

@krystedez, what do you think about Red Ryu?

With all of the nonsense over, I feel this way as well.

However I still feel worse about Rajam.

Vote swapping with no explanations is far worse and potentially detrimental to town.


Haven't read the four latest pages yet


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
lol i really like Chibo this game.

while we wait for Rajam (never forget)

@hilt: glad to see you back. im somewhat happy to see you defend RR on that "slip" i mentioned. i was just ****ing with him to see if he'd overreact but he was pretty calm. which in actuality is very different from how he plays when he's town and when he points fingers at him. and unfortunately i didn't see anyone try to jump on such a silly straw grasp so phooey. i have a good feeling about RR but at the same time i don't. it's sad. but his "gambit" imo was extremely unnecessary. suggesting that it was "needed" is laughable; like Chibo said it's just what he felt like doing

anyway, Hilt, what are your thoughts on Shaya?

@RR: did i scare u away?


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
@Hilt, you have an issue with Rajam claiming? Why?

If you've done a proper read of the game thus far, I would find it odd that you believe there is any other alternative.
Would you want to go into day 2 after what he's posted thus far without knowing 'why'?
It's early in day one, but I'm pushing for efficiency. He's a likely lynch for today, but he isn't going to be lynched this early. Pierce's "want me to hammer" is very awkward, to me its like "I want town to like me!" and considering how people are talking about him being potentially scum, it seems kinda like desperation.

Zac has been completely useless. I would like our business with Rajam to be cleared up soon and move onto Zac. I'm feeling better about RR but I'm not even close to trusting him.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Krystedez, is Rajam scum?
What kind of question is this <_<

I don't see that so much as a slip, Omni. Calling the players as a whole town is, for the most part, common.
While this is true, Red Ryu didn't use the term like that. He said he saw town react a certain why, and we all certainly didn't act the same way. For instance he mentioned a couple times about how I refused to really acknowledge it. Using town in the sense you explain here means Red Ryu all thought we acted the same way, when he knows and said we did not. Not that I'm defending or acting on what Omni called was a slip, just saying I don't think he meant town as a whole, I personally read it as him meaning town aligned players, which can still be said even if he himself was town.

Let me rephrase that:

How does Town feel about hammering?
tbh I wouldn't mind it

Nobody hammers until Rajam is back to defend himself some, we still have 9 days, lmao.

I'd prefer Red Ryu or Pado hammers, personally. I'd rather scummy players hammer than obvious Town.
Who cares who hammers. After one game here in the BBR where someone had a kill whoever hammered them power role you guys are all so paranoid about it. If x person didn't vote him yet, then x person is fine to hammer.

Rajam did however go from a lot more active with scummy gameplay, then pressure on him, to him clamming up.

Pretend like there isn't a deadline. Live at the moment.


Please, no one put Rajam at L-1 again before I post. You're all ninjaing the !@$# out of my first attempt at a case-revelation and I haven't even posted it... This isn't to defend Rajam so much as it is to give me a chance to put something on the table. Just don't want to move to Twilight Phase already.

Thanks for the vote count.

I'll be back in about 40 minutes (eating dinner) to finish my post, I'm halfway done. (worked on it about 20 minutes so expect something in an hour...)
This is... awkward.

Do you really need more than 20 minutes (hell, more than 10?) to put your thoughts down about Rajam?

This honestly feels like a stall attempt.

lol i really like Chibo this game.
You haven't played with me in a while :)


Also to throw on the table here... I don't like TBlock too much. I can write up a bit more of a solid case later, some things just seem off about him.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Is that a question you want me to answer, Chibo?

What kind of trap are you thinking is set, Krystedez? Do you think Rajam is scum setting a trap then?
What kind of trap are you thinking is set, Krystedez? Do you think Rajam is scum setting a trap then?
Krystedez, don't ignore this question please. Thanks.
I've been thinking that Rajam has been setting a trap since his very first post. Sure, it can be read as a random item or maybe vote-bait/scum-slip-bait, but I think he's really building something here more than that.
That question comes off the heels of this. I wanted to know if he thought Rajam was scum setting a trap, and he ignored the scum part in his response, so I re-asked. I can explain why I wanted to know if you want, but I don't think that's necessary.

Interested in hearing your case on me.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
lol i really like Chibo this game.

while we wait for Rajam (never forget)

@hilt: glad to see you back. im somewhat happy to see you defend RR on that "slip" i mentioned. i was just ****ing with him to see if he'd overreact but he was pretty calm. which in actuality is very different from how he plays when he's town and when he points fingers at him. and unfortunately i didn't see anyone try to jump on such a silly straw grasp so phooey. i have a good feeling about RR but at the same time i don't. it's sad. but his "gambit" imo was extremely unnecessary. suggesting that it was "needed" is laughable; like Chibo said it's just what he felt like doing

anyway, Hilt, what are your thoughts on Shaya?

@RR: did i scare u away?
Nah I scare people away cause I'm scary Ryu, rawr.

I'll be honest, I tried something out just for the hell of it. I like trying different things out, so I said, why not try this and see where it goes?

Dumb? Most likely based on what people said, I wanted to try it out and see what reads I could get off of people in this game.

I think it helped me figure some people out and realize other people. So who knows.

@Chibo: You calling me out on making a gambit? Two words. Resident Evil.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Actually, ignore that question Chibo. Didn't think it though and it's not appropriate to talk about another on going game.

My bad.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
The two are MASSIVELY different Red Ryu

@Tblock, it was more rhetorical, but if you wish then state the real purpose of such questions


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
ITP: Same Time Posting is Relevant! D:

Day 1 Start

: The Confusion :

Okay. Let's start from the beginning. This is interesting because the RVS phase was the most non RVS I've ever witnessed. Evar.

Vote: OmniToo easy.
Red Ryu. First Person to post anything relevant to the start of Day 1. First to vote. First to move into RVS. Pay attention to this.

who got smithy?
Near immediately after, Rajam posts; an odd question indeed, and no one bothered messing with it except UTDZ.

Obvious chainsaw defense.
vote: UTDZac
@Raz, What does "chainsaw defense" even mean? I'd like Raz's comment here. Is this a term I'm not familiar with apart of RVS voting, or did you mean anything by this? Even with the :trollface:, I'm just curious. Serious.

After Omni asks new players (TO HIM) about their mafia experience, we have...

players already evading my questions :mad088:

vote: UTDZac

FoS: Raziek

FoS: Omni
D1 claims are fun fun fun fun

Rebecca Black - Friday Townie.

I have the power to kick it in the front seat or kick in the back seat while remaining indecisive about it.

Every Friday I am God and and use whatever powers I want.
Again, near immediately if not exactly the same time (12:26 yesterday EST time) they post, apart from anyone else at this point on the page. Maybe STP (same time posting) isn't that relevant, could be coincidence, or it could simply be reaction time and seeing posts updated right in front of you. But it's a trend nonetheless. Be picky about this analysis if you wish, I'm not finished. Continuing on...

Rajam had asked an odd question, to continue the RVS banter, but UTDZ did legitimately answer him. So... Why did he say he evaded his question and subsequently voted "randomly" for him? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but this is just getting too weird. RRR is in full force from here on out with his distracting behavior. If not for the fact that he had not posted about being Godbecca numerous times after this, this all could have been taken as a joke. But no, he uses it as a crutch for his entire play here on out. It's gotten frankly tiring, and requires justification, or he isn't going to last long. It's all WIFOM to me honestly, and I honestly don't like it.

I totally answered your question
vote: Hilt

Seeking QL opportunity? At RVS?

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious daykill: Omni
The...point of this post... To reiterate his Godbecca powers? Oh my, Flying Spaghetti Monster rules a SMRPG mafia game!... gimme a break.

Oh, and again, near STPing. by like 2 minutes. Guh.

You want me to give scum picks already?

I am answering this 100% seriously following Omni's attempt to move us out of RVS.

Raziek and RR are my top two scum picks at the moment. They seem to show no intention of moving us out of RVS.
@ T-Block: I was confused here. Are you sure you meant Raz? What was the reasoning behind you thinking Raziek was a top scum pick? Hardly anyone at this point so early in the game was attempting to move out of RVS except for Omni. I think T-block should have just simply re-read the question or just asked Omni to reiterate it. I thought it to be quite clear. Being a loaded question is another story in itself though, and depends majorly on Omni's usage of the question in the past. Has it helped him as scum before?

ok Zigsta has obviously been coached

vote: Zigsta
More random *** voting with no intention to put substance in his posts. I was surprised no one really said anything here specifically. It's clear here that Rajam has only the intentions to draw town to himself without acting WIFOMy like RRR.

Krystedez, would you mind answering that question then? What do you think the factions and roles are like in this game? Roles as in which types of characters fill the factions, not specific roles like cop and stuff.
Answered this lead to nothing interesting, except now a few people are inclined to believe that I was distracting them.


But let me make my point here though; in what way was Chibo's question justified here beyond mere speculation? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to keep his thoughts to himself, rather than making me talk flavor and get all into it like the fanboy I am? Now I feel like Chibo was setting me up for that "useless" junk. Although I may not be mad that he got me to speculate, it makes me wonder what Chibo's true intentions were for this post, and it sort of got me in a predicament I didn't like to be in before I could even make these observations. But it's something now to go on. I don't know how to read Chibo now, and he's been coasting, but we'll get back to that.

I have played this game many times (it's one of my favorites), and yes I think that the faction might be somewhat more than what we think. I would like Krys to answer first though. I was looking for someone else through sign ups that appeared to have played the game, which is why I thought you did.
I honestly think that if Chibo was playing a scum game, he's using this post as a good way for looking for potential lynch targets that would blabber off too much, and starting off with the over-zealous people from the beginning is a good start. Now, why was it me, after Raz? (yes I know Pierce asked you this, but not framed in the same way as I'm framing it) Why not Rajam? Or Pierce? They both said how much they liked SMRPG before I got to post.

FoS: Chibo.

I want to know your real intentions behind the initation of the flavor talk. I have no "scum" feeling from you near as much as with RRR and Rajam, but just laying the line down here on how I feel about you. Moving on.

i didnt ask for scum picks. perhaps i wasn't clear. i meant if you were scum who would you choose to be your two scum buddies within the cast. interesting that you'd have scumpicks this early in the game when staying in the RVS is somewhat universally okay at this point
I agree with this. I've been feeling a major town vibe from Omni since we started, and his question was pretty well-framed.

it's not solely based on strength; it could also be based on relationship or your previous experience with other players. or how well you know a certain player. or how well you mesh.

i've asked this question many times via RVS stage and everyone has answered it. it's not loaded unless you're worried or concerned about leaving some kind of opening
@Omni, What I want to know is how you can use this information, and not just town at that point. Thoughts here? Has the question helped you formulate anything about the players thus far?

Raziek - We think alike and would probably work very well together
Shaya - Always seems to play a strong scum game =x

@Everyone: Comment on the interaction between Omni and me please.
T-block answers now, confirming that he had misread the question and coming down from his stance that it wasn't a good question to him. Change of heart perhaps because he is hiding something? In any case, he put himself in this position by misreading the question, so it's forgivable.

Do we massclaim now?
I already claimed, I'm Rebecca Black - Friday Townie.
SERIOUSLY. Look at these STPs. This freaks me the hell out. And this is where RRR officially has taken the godbecca tangent where no one has gone before D: Rajam is officially on the hunt for someone to c-claim against, hmmmmmmmmmm.....

Rajam, this is now targetted specifically at you. Please answer.

RR, same thing.
My response,

Vote: T-Block

Your digging for a quick lynch like Pokemon Mafia again.

I'll vig ya with my god friday powers.
I'd hardly call it "Digging for a quick lynch", RR.

He's asking people to comment on the interaction between him and Omni, and you're still making no effort to leave RVS.

I'd say he's justified in asking you for a response.

FoS: Red Ryu

OMGUS vote doesn't help you here.
null. Can't conclude anything with so much nothingness
Seriously. I'm laughing for real right now. It's ironic because Rajam's posts are filled with nothingness. And then replaced with stupid when you read them a second time.

I don't know a whole lot about the Pokemon Mafia debacle, and though not entirely relevant to my reads right now, only this part strikes me as intriguing.

So you outright claim he's scum, instead of examining or asking for his motivation behind the question?


I don't even....

vote: Red Ryu

That was just a ridiculous response, and a rather knee-jerk reaction. Not only is that weak meta at best, the tone of your response strikes me in an extremely negative fashion, given the lack of support behind your accusation.
Red Ryu supported his accusation, but rather weakly. He is using meta that can not be confirmed or deconfirmbed, on either side, by all members of this game right here and now, especially considering T-Block's response being a direct contradiction. Red flags by Red Ryu don't necessarily mean a Read. That's all I can say right now about that situation.

notice how I called him RR now. He lives!

guys lets slow down a bit and let the rest of the cast chip in on the situation and answer some questions. we're out of the RVS and there's plenty of infor-
So Omni, town director (just kidding :awesome: ) suggests we slow down which is all fine and dandy. But here's something caught my eye (which I'm sure some of you were already familiar with)

-chance of scum sitting back and letting a TvT scenario go down is high
I'm not taking this out of context when I say this but... This seems like Omni is trying to seem nice.. Like, he's reminding me of...well... ME, from BBRM. Trying to stay on good terms with everyone he's spoken with so far, and waiting for more responses is a good excuse to. Even this early in the game, I feel like that if you have experience in mafia and know what you're doing, you can start formulating a stance to be on, even if it's flimsy or you don't want to hurt someone's feelings this early or something.

I'm not saying you KNOW it's a TvT scenario though, Omni, so don't get this wrong, but I am saying you're trying to make those around you feel better with them knowing you don't expect them yet... Just a thought.

Finally I post, and though it's not that relevant... I'll link to it anyways, with the most relevant part.

Red Ryu seems to be letting on some sorta insanity role or something, in my head. Unless he's just being FRIDAY ITS FRIDAY FRIDAAAAY silly or something. It makes me think he might be scum simply because of the setup I described above. Bowyer. Mafia Roleblocker.

FoS: Red Ryu

I'm not inclined to vote for him though, I'm more interested in the response adhered to his accusations and behavior, since I'm not quite out of that RVS mindset yet.
"dont kill me guys, seriously, i'm rebecca black, but i dont care if you guys kill me, im rebecca black :awesome:"

Seriously, that's how I've been feeling about RRR since the game started. RR on the other hand seems to post coherently and make good attempts at painting targets in the next phase...

(next post)


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Simple Questions

: The Inquisition :

Let Omni and T-block defend themselves. You're wasting a chance to create more pressure

FoS: Pado

This post... Ugh...


vote: Raziek

Do you think RR vs Raziek is a TvT scenario?

Chibo if you were mafia this game which strategy would you follow?

GAWD DAMN IT I can't freaking handle it!

Rajam is leaving behind a lot of information in his posts and not answering enough to pressure. Ironically, he wants pressure built on others between themselves. This shines light on my opinion that Rajam is not only possibly ADVOCATING these TvT situations, but he's also making himself a possible target for speculation that would create a trap.

I alluded to this earlier; it may very well be a pseudo-jester situation that would NOT make the game end if we lynched him but... do something terrible to the person(s) that hammered him, like a real bomb. It's possible that the p-jester(s), when knocked out, benefit mafia in some way as well. How else would someone fit our favorite crazies, the twin jesters Knife and Grate guy, in this game, without ACTUALLY having a real game-jester? Reduce their roles to only being helper roles and not self-serving factions, and you've got an interesting Mafia power.

The other jester most likely gets the most non-jester like power, and thus acts as a distraction.

Later down the road you see the c-claim breadcrumb from Rajam (remember that c-claim notation I made earlier?), in order to throw off suspicion IMO that RRR and Rajam are linked -V

The RVS non-sense is fun. fun fun fun friday fun
( breadcrumbing a c-claim to RR here btw
He(Rajam) wants people to see that he has no affilliation with him (RR) by proposing counter-claiming RR later, (unless I'm reading this wrong) and he (RR) wants people to know that he's willing to put a vote on Rajam... but not hammer or be close to hammering him.

@both Rajam and Red Ryu. Why. Is. That?

Believe it or not, take it or leave, flavour speculation or not, if you hadn't noticed, I've been referring to RRR AS RRR for not just because he's being Rebecca Red Ryu, but possibly because he's affiliated with another R... Rajam...

Before anyone asks, I don't think Raziek has anything to do with RRR. No relation, a popular two cartoony bunnies once said.

@Red Ryu again, can you explain any of these occurences and trends? What is the deal with you near STPing with Rajam at certain intervals? And yes, I know STPs are not as relevant as the rest of the interaction between you two, so beyond that, why is it that you both seem the most connected right now?



vote: Chibo
Something bugs me in almost every mafia game I'm in..

I absolutely HATE it when people just throw down votes with no reasoning at all.

Vote Rajam

until you explain your stance.
Not to mention the wtf post preceding it.
Although I think voting for Rajam and putting him anywhere near lynch count is a bad idea right now, I do agree with his unreasonable voting structure and behavior. Still, I like how your vote is pretty much an OMGUS at this point XD!

Omni was right to be worried that he had scumpicks already so soon into the game, and yet TB thought it was a loaded question. If he thought it was a loaded question, why wouldn't he come right out and say it? I feel like his urgency to answer the question asap, and do so seriously, feels more scum than town.
See, I sorta agree to this. I think I prodded about this earlier.

Making connections between players and figuring out how they think = good scum hunting
Distracting players with flavor is typically a bad idea. However, I like your explanation a lot, so I'll let it go. What I don't like is how Krys is still talking about the flavor though.
And now I'm fully understanding the concept behind this pressure you put on me in the first place Pierce. I thank you for that, because now it has lead me to believe Chibo very well have had ulterior motives for asking about flavor in the first place, especially because of (like I said before) his choice being me to ask instead of you or Rajam.

Chibo: I know no more than you do about the situation about RR and T-B. Should I be reading any more into this?
@Chibo: I may have missed it, but I don't think you answered this question Chibo. Could you help me out here? :D

he's (Red Ryu) been very active and has already thrown out votes and FoSes, which makes me inclined to believe he's scum and is too actively trying to hide it.

If we lynched you and you turned out to be scum, that would slightly sway my opinion, but enough for me to judge RR as town.

As for other players, I feel Rajam is scum. I'm still getting a feel for everyone else.

Technically I think the Zig man has it down about RR. He's trying too hard to WIFOM the !@#$ out of town so that we don't vote for him but vote for the trap over there (points at Rajam).

The way you say it in the first post, it prompts me to believe you have this information confirmed. It's very misleading for town. Surely you at least suspected that you would have attracted some attention to yourself, with this "claim". Unless you're trying to confuse town, which is scummy, what was your reasoning behind this? If you're getting a read on Chibo, why not just call it a read instead of declaring it as fact?
@Pierce, I was taking a stance. The reasoning for the lack of clarification is so I could bait certain responses, like yours for example. Since my statement about Chibo wasn't really directed at any one individual and the fact that you picked up on it for whatever reason, tells me something about you. *takes note in his captain's log* You aren't a player that merely pays attention to people's posts directed towards yourself, but instead reach out and try to scumhunt.
@UTD, I like your play. I want to know. What else is in that captain's log, sir? Could you give me your opinion fully on my reads on RRR? (Red Ryu Rajam)? And what do you think about Chibo?

If you need a good spectrum on my thoughts on these players, here's how I rate it.


Omni. . .Chibo . . . . RRR(RedRyuRaj)

The rest of town falls between the cracks at null or close to town. With 13 players I'm assuming 3-4 our mafia and like 1 is an indy. I could be wrong.

As for Red Ryu specifically....

(next post)


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Red Ryu is Free

: The Pressure :

Rajam please do no play like you did in FE and Super Hero mafia...please don't.

@Omni: Why are you not trying to ram a fork in my head?

@Everyone: Shouldn't we not do set-up speculation until we get a flip or try and figure out flavor, no one has claimed except me, and I'm Rebecca Black.
This post is a mixture between Rebecca Red Ryu and Red Ryu. he makes a post coherent enough to understand and actually makes fun of his role claim like people honestly should not take it seriously. But that's just more WIFOM. I'm not buying it.

Time to meta the man who should be meta'd, Overswarm
There are two jesters in the game at the moment - Rajam and RR.
I know through experience and through his own statements that he dislikes the jester role, so I doubt one would exist.

Paying attention to things such as Rajam's "kupo" in one post, there's something interesting occurring.
Myself, Omni, Chibo and Hilt are players I know who were in FF6 Mafia. Hilt said he's reading but hasn't posted yet but w/e. But Chibo ignoring it is kinda odd.

To clarify, in FF6 Mafia, there were two roles with posting restrictions that OS explicitly created to confuse town. They were both town. One of the two broke the rules of the game (outside contact) to keep the other alive. Fun times.

I have no idea if RR's mixed in with this at all, but Rajam is definitely painting a strong message of sorts.
I think Shaya is on the same wavelength as myself, plus one for town here. It's not just because he's got pretty much the same sentiments before I've even posted them, but because he's got some actual evidence to show for it. OS games I know nothing about.

@Shaya, would you elaborate on those two roles, please? I'm just curious, and wonder if it would trigger some discussion/backlash from the RRR.


About the RR Vs. T-Block incident. Well, I can't believe Red Ryu said the stuff he said. Honestly, it's pretty bad, BY THE WAY, because of it being so bad I suspect he done it on purpose so maybe other scummates could try FoS'ing him to make him look like Town. I wouldn't assume he did it on purpose if he was a newbie which he isn't...
I'm just going to say that ... I think the mafia members wouldn't ship their own this early. I think this is pure WIFOM on specific role relation between players here. They're so obvious, it hurts, but mafia is playing this I think to BE obvious so we DON'T choose the obvious route. I'm nipping this scenario in the bud in that which we should lynch RR and leave Rajam the hell alone until we get a better grasp on the situation.

See I think this is how it is.

Rajam wants to be lynched/voted on
RRR doesn't.

Rajam posts to make himself lynchable, but not too Wifomy, just easy lynch bait.
RRR makes himself look really lynchable, by just using Wifom up the freaking butt.

By doing these two things, we lynch Rajam (+1 for mafia because of likely weird role that Rajam has that he wants to occur day 1) and we don't lynch RRR (+2 for mafia, because then at night 1 RRR gets to use his super secret Rebbeca-God powers to f*** s*** up!)

Not to mention mafia's kill ability (+3). Day 1. Done. We're !@#$'d.

Pado, I don't like where your going with this.

How are we gonna have a fun fun fun fun day on Friday with my friends?

And if you knew how me and Omni interacted in past games you would understand it more. Scumni and my lol comments at him are referenced to him, lol.

Man everyone wants to kill me today. :awesome:
Except not really. You're doing this on purpose! *NOW cue Dr. Obvious*...

Well since I am Rebecca Black, most likely never.

Or I win it for town by performing a ninja vig on all scum on Friday. They can kick it in the back seat.
I'd really hate to find out that you actually do end up doing something Friday... VIA RAJAM.

How many people think Omni's a strong town player? I could meta him a bit here from past experiences, but I generally know what he's doing here. While the effect he's going for is leaving me thinking null, the 'courtesy lynching' would seem to me scummy coming from most other players.


TBQH, I'm not sure why the wagon is getting stronger on Rajam while RR is RIGHT HERE and is causing a commotion. He's not answering all the questions either.

What are people's actual thoughts on what I've stated about Rajam/OS meta?
RR could very well be apart of that too - he's here and active right now, and we aren't pressuring him why?
Another quality Shaya post. Though I'm unsure about your sentiments about Omni, you're extremely right about RR. And that's why I'm pressuring now, had to recheck all the facts though which is why I took so long.

Yup, it's just me being me.

Or something.
*sigh* And this is where I truly snapped. Just a point of reference, for those wondering exactly why I wanted so badly to get facts straight and make a caase on my own interpretation of this.

Red Ryu, you didn't play like this at ALL in PoR. Can you explain why you're talking like this, clearly?
Dear God this may very well be the saving grace for RR, if he can do it.

Other random thoughts:

I'm somewhat concerned about Pierce dropping a full read list this early. Typically speaking, Town doesn't need to do that, since they can't confirm anything besides their own alignment, and it just paints possible targets for scum. I found myself doing that as scum to re-assure Town players I was worried about that I think they're Town, which tends to get them off my case.
I wonder about Pierce. I think his intentions are good at heart, but my interpretation of Chibo may very well be wrong and Pierce is playing carefully now since my last reply to him. Still, he's full blown town to me. Chibo is familiar town, because of his play in BBRM play. But I'm sure that Chibo is feeling more null then Pierce is now in hindsight.

@Everyone: Do you believe Pierce posting a full read list was a good idea? Why or why not?
I think it was okay, but could have been executed better. I think putting his top scum picks would have been more beneficial to his cases. He was just providing a read on the current situation. I'm not sure though. He plays very organized.

lol @ "persist". RVS lasted 2 pages, a couple of hours, and like 8 or less posts for me. Also, look at the first statement in my #221. RVS too good for trolling
It's just a game and it's for fun, that is why I play how I play.
o_o... You guys just...ugh... It's like you guys are two puzzle pieces... It's amazing and annoying, especially when the times are so close yet again, and it's always Rajam, then Ryu, except for the first time...

Vote: Pado

I'm perfectly fine with this.

Gotta go with the classics on this one.

Try looking at his post without going, "wtf?" I'm getting rid of bad town/obvious scum, win-win imo.
Um. Yeah. Except you're the perfect example of obvious bad town/scum. And Pado responds perfectly with said claim. I don't see what's so hard to get about Pado's post other than it's structure. His points are a bit off base, but so is the rest of town's I think right now. A lot of people voting on Rajam is a no-no to me right now at this point. And the fact that it's exactly what you want RR (but don't want to be the one to hammer him) is making you more of a candidate for lynching then Pado ever will be in 100, no, 1000, no OVER 9000 mafia games!

Man I see 6 people viewing and no posting, Guy remember, "Partyin', Partyin' Yeah!, partyin', partyin' yeah!"

You should join the party, aka post more please and thank you.
Yeah, because people like to double post and reiterate points they've made to you again. I mean, really, RR? This is the most active I've seen a mafia before. granted it's only my second, but still, look at Omni, he was wetting himself! :awesome:

Anyways moving on...

@Rajam: You gonna play like FE mafia?
Explain? EITHER of you?

Rajam just kinda obviously stated something along the lines of "RR, LOOK AT ME!!!!!".
Now to be perfectly honest, I'd be willing to lynch Rajam for just that. He's pretty much just claimed a role that involves affiliation of some sort, and his play has been pretty shoddy (even though I am liking him more now he's "stopped trolling"). He's breadcrumbing **** like crazy, especially with remarks such as 'kupo'. His play is pretty darn obvious, he's wanting attention.

Do people feel he is proper wagon worthy? (I guess there kinda is a wagon right now... but if we're going to push to L-2 on anyone and then demand a claim... it seems like Rajam is the obvious choice...)
I think that's what they want us to do though... And I doubt someone playing like Rajam is now is going to give a useful role claim at all.

People really didn't get red flags from his post?

Scum picks, Pado, T-Block, Rajam.

Any of them can die.

@Raziek: Well sometimes, you gotta do what ya gotta do, and in this case I gotta.
Uggh. T-Block, seriously... You're just filled with half-finished riddles and OMGUS, aren't you? Except, you're free. Free as my grandmother's kitten puzzles. Glued together. Hung on a wall. FINISHED.

Vote: Red Ryu
And people just aren't looking at it. Le sigh.
No more delaying the inevitable.

Is this they way you are playing? Is this the way you usually play? I can understand now why you said you are a top scum pick, check below.

If you post like this on everygame of course you are going to be picked as top scum. You can't be mafia because you look scummy and you can't look as obv town because you never could? WHAT? You are bad in both ways?

Thinking that way , IIRC, you said that if people lynch me, town would just kill bad town/obv scum, win-win right? Well, you just told everyone on this post that you fit exactly on that statement.

Once again vague and at the same time really strange. I can't understand your posts. You just throw away something serious and then go back justifying with previous games or making fun of something.
And I'm out.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
EBWOP: I just want to iterate that I rechecked my posts over and over again before doing this but if you notice something odd I said or I missed something grammatically, don't feel bad for correcting me or asking me what the hell I was thinking.

I hope I didn't leap too far in logic here.

In any case, readdressing Hilt: Didn't forget you


...what? You didn't answer because you didn't know, but then you say he's "lethal scum"? What makes you think he's indy? Why do you think Ryu is a goon, or a lesser mafia role? Why makes rajam not-mafia in your eyes? Why would you answer a question you don't know the answer to?
Rajam is lethal scum, in the fact that he may very well have a really good role in the Mafia faction. I no longer think he's indy now that I've fact-checked myself and found out my real intepretation of the matter.

I think Ryu is associated with Rajam in some manner, and may very well have a really good power, but not as game-breaking this early as Rajam's. Ryu may very well not even have a good power, and may just be distraction in order to live longer. He may very well work through Rajam, or may work on his own accord after Rajam is gone if we continue to push for his Lynch :/

I'm firmly believing that Rajam is connected with a faction now, so my previous stance is changed, which is why my answer was a little off and rather hasteful on my part. I was trying too hard to address people while getting my facts straight.

I hope I answered the question now more efficiently for you.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Another post for the night until I get feedback:

Red text means it could very well be irrelevant. STP's are too flimsy to rely on, due to coincidence and other factors. However the relation and connection between said posts sets me off anyways and are what matters.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
For the record, my asking to hammer wasn't a "Oh, let me do this for town" kinda thing. It was more of a "Let me see what town is thinking" kinda thing. I obviously know that offering to hammer during Noon would be questionable. People are still asking questions. I just wanted to get opinions.

Oh, and I know I've been light on him, but I do indeed still think Rajam is extremely scummy.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
But let me make my point here though; in what way was Chibo's question justified here beyond mere speculation? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to keep his thoughts to himself, rather than making me talk flavor and get all into it like the fanboy I am? Now I feel like Chibo was setting me up for that "useless" junk. Although I may not be mad that he got me to speculate, it makes me wonder what Chibo's true intentions were for this post, and it sort of got me in a predicament I didn't like to be in before I could even make these observations. But it's something now to go on. I don't know how to read Chibo now, and he's been coasting, but we'll get back to that.

I honestly think that if Chibo was playing a scum game, he's using this post as a good way for looking for potential lynch targets that would blabber off too much, and starting off with the over-zealous people from the beginning is a good start. Now, why was it me, after Raz? (yes I know Pierce asked you this, but not framed in the same way as I'm framing it) Why not Rajam? Or Pierce? They both said how much they liked SMRPG before I got to post.

FoS: Chibo.

I want to know your real intentions behind the initation of the flavor talk. I have no "scum" feeling from you near as much as with RRR and Rajam, but just laying the line down here on how I feel about you. Moving on.
We're all working together here, and while it's appropriate to keep some things to yourself (as I mentioned to Omni about him talking about other players' scumtells too soon/early), I'm more proactive about people not holding things back, something which was very evident in BBR Mafia as I drilled Praxis into him with these crazy note pad docs he kept holding onto to reveal later supposedly (who turned out to be scum). It's kind of hard to say what my true intentions are, it's something that will be much easier to discuss perhaps starting as early as day 2, once we get some flips from people from lynches/nks to attribute to the conversation.

But back to my first point in that paragraph, the knowledge we have is our role pms. That can be incredibly vague in a game with 13 players with 13 different roles, etc. Something was sort of confusing to me that could mean a few different things and wanted some opinions from other players, and ultimately waiting on various flips I can bring the information together to make more sense of this game.

You saying that me starting up flavor talk to look for lynch targets is completely baseless. I have not once targeted you as a potential lynch, and in fact I semi-defended you if I recall from other people being annoyed from flavor talk, saying why there is such purpose. How was I supposed to know you were a mega fanboy (like me lol) that would go into a rant. I don't see it as much of a bad thing either. I follow a pretty set pattern for every game I'm in, which basically includes (but not limited to), discovering information about the game to wrap my mind around it better, then using said information to aid me in scum hunting better. I never make speculations up out of thin air, I want to at least have some information backing to everything, even if it's loosely based on just flavor. Someone saying like oooo I think there's an independent faction in the game means nothing. However saying that because there is arguably three different factions in the game Mario RPG makes it more believable.

I wanted to ask the question to someone who was most knowledgable about the game. It would be annoying to get some half-***** answer from someone who might just enjoy the game, but not know a lot about it (again, also part of my fanboyish action of this game like you). It's like saying if I want to debate with someone about what part I should buy for a new computer I'm building, I'm not just gonna ask a random someone who owns a computer, I'm going to ask someone with specific knowledge of computer parts and has experienced it themselves. Looking down the posts at the start of this thread are: Raziek being wow overhyped calling OS god and typing in all caps , UTD just normal in'ing, Rajam showing some knowledge of the game but nothing extraordinary, Pierce being indecisive about joining, though saying he likes the game, but watching a LP of it almost made me thought he hadn't played it yet, then you crying and posting random jibberish in excitement lol. It's completely appropriate of me to have thought that Raziek followed by you (in post order) were those most endowed with knowledge of the game.

Well that was quite a rant <_<

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ummm...ok...that's a lot of theory craft you got right there.

You know, when I was scum in the three games I have ever been scum, FE mafia, Upick1, Mad Idea Mafia 4, I never pulled something in order like this.

I've never been purposely posting in a manor which I would post right after my scummates unless we we're trying to set something up. Like making OS look like the town cop in FE mafia, or trying to get Morrigan lynched on a lie...and yeah that's it. Those are the only times I have coordinated posts like that as mafia to be purposefully posting one after the other like your saying.

Although A for effort, that is a pretty nice post I guess, still eh, it's digging deep into theory, and you cut off without finishing it.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Fairly long post that confirms my suspicious that I was looking too hard at Chibo.
We mega fanboys gotta stick together. Let's win this for town then.

I hope you won't be offended though when I tell you that I also wanted a response out of you about the T-Block RR situation along with my sentiments about the RRR. not just a clarification of your sentiments about the flavor speculation and questioning me specifically (thank you for that, you gave me what I wanted and much more XD)

@RR, I'd like to know what I did that made the post unfinished. Something I'm missing here?


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
I didn't stop half way. I stopped at page 17. There were no relevant posts to my read-back and I had started when the pages had reached 26. The last relevant post (that I admittedly forgot to include) in my read-back that was based around my theory around you and Rajam is this:

Page 22:

Ok, I got what I needed.

1) Rajam - I'm not confident in him being scum entirely, he's playing mostly how he did in FE mafia which is fine, he didn't play that poorly, it was a combination of town being disorganized and people doing some really dumb things like Zen's stupid rat out the PR's with a stunner role and Ranmaru being silly. I think this is a case of mehtown rather than actual scum, but I still want a claim to help myself feel better about what he is doing.

2) Raziek - Town, he's definantly is putting more effort in actual scum hunting rather than focusing on useless crap, he was concerned with my fake posting for a while and wants to investigate more than most players. He jumped on me for being useless which is good, I definatly feel strong town vibes from him.

3) UTDZac - Null, He made some smaller posts but nothing that strikes me as a strong town or scum read, reponded to me accordingly so I'm not sure.

4) ChiboSempai - leaning town, he's not doing something off the wall nor anything that I would consider, still I would like to know why he has been ignoring my fake restriction for so long, seems like avoidance, not sure.

5) Krystedez - Scum, he's had plenty of time to analyze players and look for specific things but he focus on specific speculation over looking at the game itself, not happy with plus Bowyer...there is a reason I don't like that.

6) Red Ryu - Godbecca.

7) Zigsta - Null until I get more info from him.

8) T-block - Leaning town, Omni was right I was looking too much into this for it to be a legitimate scum tell. He's looking at multiple angles, but I don't feel much commitment at the same time, so I will watch him but he is more likely to be town than scum imo.

9) Omni - Null, he hasn't done anything to my bad play yet and is staying more on the sidelines compared to past games, at the same time I feel as though it isn't fair when I have been playing in a way that is hard for him to see my play. Still he is right and being more objectiful, so I'm not gonna say he is scum trying to play nice with me since it seems it may be me just over analyzing things.

10) Pierce - Scum, his larger posts I feel are fluff trying to hide that fact the true content is very lacking. I'm not buying hald his posts since I don't see much outside of him saying what he will do over what he has done. Too much specular and fluff for my liking.

11) Pado - Town, Sorry for giving you a hard time bro, your legit in looking at my like you have.

12) Hilt - Null, he needs to post.

13) Shaya - leaning town, he's being more brief in a Gheb kind of way, but not easy to peg down in the sense of looking at alignment, but he is looking around better than most. I would put him in town over scum over many other players so he has my approval.

Rajam - A claim this early from someone who hasn't done anything but be a confusion for town? I think you're semi-tunneling him into revealing his role and doing it in such a way comparable to Praxis's tunneling on UTDZ I think in BBRM where he did it so hard that he didn't want people to actually do his advice. Even if Town wanted him to claim that hard, I think Rajam isn't going to claim anything useful at this point, and if he does it will be useful for mafia because it will fufill the trap I'm talking about.

You two may not have to be directly related in order for Rajam to still be a trap. Let's keep that clear here. If you want to get Rajam lynched by being the hammer then I'll drop all connections between you two. Until then I can't say I'm convinced of anything.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
EBWOP and we don't have to lynch him RIGHT NOW ... I'm all for more discussion and prodding, and I'd really like it if people read my entire post as you have and actually respond to things when I inquire or comment directly to/about them.

If you disagree with lynching Rajam with you being the hammer, and the roleclaim provides nothing viable for our current situation, I'm just gunna keep my vote on you RR. Sorry I had enough of Beccasaurusrex when Friday came.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't disagree with being the hammer, but I want him to post before any action is taken, he got time so chill.

Also leaving out quotes saying they are not useful isn't good for analysis.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
Well by relevant I mean posts that I had not re-read and/or responded to already :X I was caught up on the pages from 22-on but beyond that... Yeah.

But yea, until then. Chill mode activated. (goes to sleep x.x)


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Role fishing is a scum trait.

But when Rajam is pretty much stating "IVE GOT A ROLE!!!! *pseudo claim*, even if it is a OS game (in which all players have PRs), its been his intent the entire time to ... well... do this. It could very well be bait. But its day one.

About FF6,
there were two roles, one was a kupo, which was a role blocker IIRC, he had to type 'kupo' at the end of every post.
The other was the umm... yeti whatever, and he had to vote for someone in every post he made. The two were masoned with each other.

I'm very adamant about the course of action relating to Rajam because of this.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

Vote count:

Hilt - UTDZac,
Rajam - Zigsta, ChiboSempai, Omni, Shaya, Pado,
UTD Zac- Pierce,
Red Ryu - Krystedez,

Note Voting: Hilt, T-block, Rajam, Raziek, Red Ryu,

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Friday, April 29th, at 3:00 p.m. EST


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
About FF6,
there were two roles, one was a kupo, which was a role blocker IIRC, he had to type 'kupo' at the end of every post.
The other was the umm... yeti whatever, and he had to vote for someone in every post he made. The two were masoned with each other.

I'm very adamant about the course of action relating to Rajam because of this.
So the kupo role suggests he may role block and the yeti role suggests he might be masoned with someone/votes randomly near every post.

He's combined the two of these, but not necessarily staying consistent. It's most likely a bread crumb to a more ludicrous role that we haven't thought of yet. Perhaps he might be bread crumbing in this case to HELP town, but it's directed at RR, which makes me think two things:

1.) He's WIFOMing the !@#$ out of town as to relieve the idea that him and RR are connected.

2.) He's trying to reference to RR that he actually is masoned with RR but RR doesn't know

But you know... if you guys end up lynching Rajam before the day is even halfway over, then... I don't know what to say. I just hope my "reaching" wasn't all for naught... I really have a bad feeling voting Rajam off, but... if nothing changes and Rajam doesn't shake off the pressure or make us all feel any better (which role-claiming would be the last resort honestly), I'd like RR to go ahead and hammer him which he agreed. I'd RATHER you guys as a town make a decision though, and read all of my posts that suggest an RR lynch, but until Rajam posts I won't know RR's true intentions I guess.

Out again.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Krystedez, is we lynch RR and he flips town, how will that impact your thought process? Will it affect how you think of Rajam? How about any other players?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
catching up


About the RR Vs. T-Block incident. Well, I can't believe Red Ryu said the stuff he said. Honestly, it's pretty bad, BY THE WAY, because of it being so bad I suspect he done it on purpose so maybe other scummates could try FoS'ing him to make him look like Town. I wouldn't assume he did it on purpose if he was a newbie which he isn't...

In addition to all this, I don't like justifying votes with previous games/plays for many reasons...

1st - We are on a different game with different people with different roles there is no correlation between this games and other games, all you can take from other games is PERSONAL experience about how other people play and as said PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

2nd - It's just too easy to do it. You can say someone is playing like this and you have to read a whole other mafia game, which I doubt hard someone has done it before, to figure something out and, finally, voting for that reason you figured. Honestly, seems like the perfect move for scum mates to fake a town alignment. The "previous game/play" reasoning is weak and easily dismissible.

This is on RR side.


Now T-Blocks side:

Maybe he saw how unfortunate RR's post was and just pressured to get some information outta him. Scum team saw someone pressured RR before they did and they just didn't pressure longer so the wagon would get stronger. This would put us back again on 0% progress.

He's his scum mate trying to look like town. Since he used the "previous games/plays" justification too this is still a viable supposition. But still can't be confirmed, I believe nothing can be confirmed so early in this game. Remember that all this is EASILY dismissible, I'm pretty much bringing this back to life lol.

End of T-blocks side.


Overview of the incident.

I don't like the votes justification, they are bad, I don't like lynching people because of previous plays it's just too inaccurate. I'd rather analyze this more later on.



I believe we should just focus on Rajam throwing away votes like this. I just hate when people start throwing away votes without any reasoning AND using the RVS as justification is no more acceptable since we all reached a consensus that it should end when things started to happen.

FoS: Rajam

And waiting for a good answer on: why are you doing this Rajam?


Ninja'd by many people LOL
Super loaded statements. Within many possibilities, you just put one which fits your tastes the best. Didn't you consider more possibilties?

So, you also recognize your statements are weak and can change, nonetheless you still threw them out. Why did you throw these loaded statements and at the same time said they're weak? I can but only infer you're just throwing garbage around


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Rajam is viewing this topic right now.
(I've pointed out a few times that I've spotted him reading the topic).

IF he decides to IGNORE THAT HE'S AT L-2, then if he's town he's killing us, and otherwise we get a good lynch! Even though there are others that I would like to hunt down a bit (Zac's inactivity even though I've been playing LoL with him a lot :p), switching over a wagon (I assume people know what the purpose of this wagon is, right? Are people disagreeing with this wagon?) that had no conclusions is something that can easily come back to bite us.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
oh Pado and btw regarding your last question:

And waiting for a good answer on: why are you doing this Rajam?

RVS. I have no other explanation.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Rajam is viewing this topic right now.
(I've pointed out a few times that I've spotted him reading the topic).

IF he decides to IGNORE THAT HE'S AT L-2, then if he's town he's killing us, and otherwise we get a good lynch! Even though there are others that I would like to hunt down a bit (Zac's inactivity even though I've been playing LoL with him a lot :p), switching over a wagon (I assume people know what the purpose of this wagon is, right? Are people disagreeing with this wagon?) that had no conclusions is something that can easily come back to bite us.
Shaya, while I'm catching up, could you tell me which are the main points of why I'm at L-2?
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