I wasn't aware Gouken was supposed to be alive in the game. I just figured he was a bonus character, or maybe that his spirit has returned or something like that, and I'm going to keep thinking that until I see something that says otherwise. Bison/Vega, on the other hand, I have no trouble believing is still alive. He's come back what... twice in the whole storyline? Yeah, I have no problem Akuma/Gouki killing him didn't stick.
Gouken was assumed to be dead, however if you watch the official SF:IV anime trailer with Ryu vs Gouki, you will see Gouken alive and well at the end of the trailer. So the hunch is, Gouken is still very much alive, wether "in" spirit, I highly doubt that, since he's able to physically do things, such as knocking the path of the water fall with his fist, while having it rain back down upon his body.
It'll be good to see what happened to Gen; last we saw of him he was going off to fight Akuma/Gouki and, at the same time, dying of some sickness.
It was assumed that Gen most likely would have "won" that match up in Alpha 3, since Gen is still alive now. They would have confronted one another in Alpha 3 at some point and time, however for his storyline, it's anyone elses guess. I'm hoping to see where he's been at since Alpha 3.
Anyway, say the Sagat match. Left a comment on how everyone assumes all Sagat players play with that overpowering Tiger Shot / Uppercut technique when they don't all do so. I get all sorts of annoyance over people assuming I'm a certain type of player because I use a certain character.
People who piss on other people for playing Sagat with a Tiger/Tiger Uppercut mentality are just simply ********, period. Why should you
not play Sagat the right way? He was created with the intention of keeping at bay with his fast and powerful projectiles. He was made with a powerful AA that can plant you to the ground, so that he can control spacing again with his projectiles.
That's how Sagat is supposed to be played...I would laugh and call someone a scrubby Sagat player if they where trying to rush down and do damage...that's Gief's job. Play to your character's strength, because the Tiger Shot and Tiger Uppercut are two of Sagat's most lethal moves, and to not utilize them to their full potential is to not play Sagat at his most dominant.
Just saw the Sakura trailer-video too. I already knew she was in it, but it's nice to get some confirmation (I don't play her too much, but I feel like I should more, the character is great. I kind of miss the hilariously deep voice she has when doing specials though... it's there, but not as funny). It's good to have characters from Alpha and such in the game instead of it being a straight SFII deal. Street Fighter 3 characters.... I can hope for, but only about half of them would be around at the time the game is made, right? Oro would be sweet, however.
Sakura was confirmed by Capcom a long while ago, and there are plenty of vs vids of her flying around as of late. She was playable at the NYC SF Club about a month back. She seems really good as well, as usually how Sakura always is. I mean, if anyone remembers, almost every incarnation of her has either been solid, or else super powerful.
SFIII characters...we don't know "maybe" Ibuki for fan service, for if I remember correctly, I remember Ono mentioning her name. However, SF:IV was made with a huge thought of bringing back SFII characters and SFII players back into the groove. Ono is exactly right when he made the comments "SFII is just more popular and well known."
However, in all honesty, SF:IV's roster is getting already...too, too big. They should tone it down, because before we know it, we'll be having 30+ characters..and that'll be a pain from a balance standpoint to try and address.