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Still no news to report? 'fraid so...


smash fan #100000

I don`t know sannannanctrum….

prisioner_of_love- did you really did that? it looks fun, let me try it…
_ _ _ _ _
l \ / l l \ l / / \ l l l\/l
l l l__l l_/ l / \ l_l l
l_/ l l l \ l \ \_/ l l l
….aaaaah!!! this requires a lot of patient and dedication!!!
I`m done with this

smash fan #100,000

is there really a guy called like fox father`s in f-zero?

if someone from f-zero should be in brawl it would probably be samurai goro

and about the new video of smash….the fox that we see there its oviously the fox that we all know, fox mcloudhe just looks like in he`s newest game: starfox command, for the DS

smash fan #100,000

I say that samurai goro because he apears like a tropy in smash melee and he was a rumor

smash fan #100,000

why don`t you guys post something in every page of this site?


there is no one good enough in f-0 exept blood hawk or black bull.

smash fan #100,000

I just say that samurai goro have more posibilities than other characters cuz he appears as a trophy in smash melee

smash fan #100,000

hey do you ugys remember the idea from XperimenT of using the Y button as a new combo system? well I don`t know how was he refering to it, as a button that you press in the middle of a combo to make another move, or to make it another button (like if it was another normal button that executes a different move by taping it in diferent directions just like the “a” and “b” button, that would be another 6 moves for each character!)


More pokemon??? If you say so. I say replace pichu with Bulbasaur, just because I would personally love to play him and think that he would be an awesome character. I have no idea on pokemon so I won’t even pretend to. But I do think that Pokemon is a little over-rated, and old news for brawl. It’s just not as popular as it used to be, thats all. Ooh, I’ve got an idea…

__________________________________________________________________| \____/\____| \___| /________________________________
_____| | /__\___|___/___|K_________________________________
_____|___/__/ \__| \____| \________________________________
______________________________________________________________ I’m gona try adding more characters and see if that helps.


In no way, shape, or form. BTW, I got my first experience playing Wii today and it was amazing. I hate racing games and I loved this game. Basically it uses only the Wiimote and you hold it parallel to the TV. The game knows to change the up and down arrows to left and right respectively based on the game you are playing and the wiimote’s orientation to the sensor bar. Which brings up another good point, you can decrease sensitivity so you don’t even have to point at the tv, just the general direction of it. Also, the wiimote’s position when you turn the system on has nothing to do with how it reacts. Remember when you tried to play melee and accidentally were pushing a dirrection when you turned on the ol’ melee machine and it set the default direction? Well when the guy turned it on he was dangling it from the wristband with his finger and it performed fine. Anyway the game, you press “1″ for brake and “2″ for gas, and to steer, you rotate it on the X axis. Also, if you tip it on the Z axis(towards or away from you) while in midair, the car tips fowards or backwards. This is important because landing flat gives you a turbo boost. Also, the screen moves and shakes when you land or turn, which makes it feel like you are actually driving. Remember playing GT 3?(gran turismo) The screen stays behind you so when you skid you correct quickly. With this game, the screen slipped back and forth, making it hard for you to regain control. It was very realistic as far as simulation and physics, and I was genuinly impressed.


What I meant was that the characteres should be able to push varible button combinations to work in a combo in that button combo’s respective order. The enemy shouldn’t go flying until the combo finisher is executed.(link) Like a few punches, then a boomerang, and a kick or two, then a grab and throw move, a sword chop, and a smash attack combo finish to send them flying. Its cool, but if no-one likes it…..


Metroid Hunters characters would be good, but not nearly as good as Dark Samus would be lol.

I see two problems with the button combo system. 1)It seems way to easy to combo people and rack up damage. 2)Melee is a successful 2 button fighter for the most part. When you add more, it gets to be like Tekken and I think we all agree that Tekken sucks big sweaty balls.

Speaking of Metroid, does anyone have an idea on when Corruption is supposed to come out?


OMFG NO WAY!!! I just did a search for Corruption on IGN…one of the related links is an article, the title of which reads and I quote “David Yarnton: A Mouthful of Wii - UK”. Nintendo really has a sick sense of humor for naming its system Wii instead of Revolution.


what color is dark samus?
why do we need more pokemons?
it should have bowser jr./shadow mario
more characters from different games


I have no idea when Metroid Prime 3 is being released, but I thought it was a launch titile. When I found out it wasn’t, I was peeved.
Tekken does smell, but if the addition of the said combo system was confirmed, it wouldn’t be so bad. It would be better, however if the combos could only be used when your damage gets high, and if it was hard to figure out how to do extreme combo moves, then it wouldn’t be so bad.
Now I wonder why they’ve never put the 2nd Brawl game trailer on the official site. Why does Sakurai want to hide these things form us so much?


On second thought, the idea of the combo system went from awesome to slightly below cool…
The grab and throw system should definately be upgraded to a slightly more complex system.
You should also be able to take snapshots at any time during the game using the Wii Remote. Even during Single Player modes.


Dark Samus is a dark character with sort of a blue aura.
See for yourself.


Due to the unnatural content of this comment, it has been deleted. If we continue to notice this problem, you will be banned.Error=100412/php?


Dark Samus looks barefoot in that picture I swear. Not like it matters much, she is still the **** around here. I am counting down the days ’till I’m playing as Dark Samus in brawl. However, there is a slight problem, Nintendo hasn’t told us when it is being released yet. Ooh btw, if Dark Samus isn’t in brawl…i can’t say the rest for fear of the unknown


I would like to see U-Mos (Metroid Prime 2) in Brawl, it would be so cool.
Anyway i don’t know why F-zero is that resented, it isn’t bad. Besides how many video games got a cartoon show. F-zero did! and so did kirby……. even pokemon. Although I am sure the show came first (pokemon).
So why shouldn’t F-zero get more then just C.Falcon in Brawl hmmmmm.
I think they should!


That logic garuntees Sonic’s inclusion. He has a tv show, therefore he is in.

U-Mos would be cool. Even though they never showcased a single move he could potentially use, the data log says his race were excelent in combat, so why not? He even had a well rendered 3-D modle for his trophy. If you remember correctly, so did Wario(confirmed), and Balloon Fighter(rumored that he was supposed to be in). If Nintendo already has a modle to work with, it would make sense that the character would make it.

This also worries me, I never saw a Dark Samus trophy. :sniffle:


ok, my damn compter just was keeping accumulating virusesso U throw it away, buy a new one and finaly I got a GOOD internet! hahahahaaa!


now integrating to theconversation…

-the metroid prime hunters characters are a realy good idea for brawl

-metroid prime 3: corruption was suposed to be released with Wii but it was pushed back so nobody knows here it go

-that idea of taking snapshots at any point in the game should really be considerated ecause I have made a lot of funny situations (since I press that beautiful start button every 5 seconds)

-I have some ideas for the upgrading of the grab system, when you have someone grabed you can just punch it and tehn throw it, maybe they could make that when you press the b button you punch in other way or that you jump with the character in hand to make other type of throws


the fact of that each character have his own tv show does`nt really have something to do with deciding if they are in the game or not


the new movie (more large and best design than the one posted her like a link) was added and ome wallpapers!!


FINALLY! Now maybe thaey can update this website and add the topic of what you see in the video.

What if every stage had a destructible property to it? Think about it. The stage you all saw in the new video has platforms that crumble. What if there were stages that had a wall you can break through if you are sent flying fast enough? From then on the wall should stay down, and there will be a new way to fall of the screen. Brilliant.


I sure hope the rumors are true that we will be playing brawl with the GameCube controller. Sakurai never mentioned that in the Smash Bros Dojo.


they siad that they were using gamecube controllers as a alternative thats what ive heard.


I don`t know, I herd that it will be played wih the gamecube controller, but I personally prefer to play it with the classic controller because if we use he gamecube one, then it will feel someway strange and obsolete do you understand me? it will be a little awful to use the gamecube controller again for smash, it would be like just having new characters and games


i really don`t see a problem and it saves us 40.00 or more on controllers so they should let you use gamecube controllers.


They said “If your waiting for Brawl, don’t throw out your GCN controller just yet.” That would suggest we will be playing with the gamecube controller. I don’t care which controller I use. Personally, not switching controllers means I don’t have to remaster the coordination of playing. Remember where the C buttons were on N64 controller? And grab with Z which was on the back was weird going back to it from melee.

As far as grab systems, you should be able to use your neutral B attack while grappling an opponent. I have always wanted to grab someone, than blast them to their almost certain death with Samus’ charge shot. Hopefully she will get some new beam weapons this time around, and maybe the power bomb?

Everyone go see Happy Feet! It bashes organized religion, and is the best kids movie!


that is a awsome idea prisoner of love, i never even thought of that.


November 29, 2006
November 3, 2006
June 2, 2006
February 28, 2006

Notice anything about these dates? Nintendo seems to be giving us information that is available by intervals of a month. If you look at individual dates for everything put on IGN, it actually comes to about 10-11 days. Meaning, every giving of information can be broken into intervals or multiples of 10 or 11 on average. This is all statistics, but bear in mind that it could be clues as to how long the game is taking, as well as when we will recieve the next bit. Of course, there have been dry spells of 3 months or more, just an estimate regarding more recent updates.

In this video is a small segment of some of the more anticipated Wii games. There is a Brawl section, featuring footage not shown in any trailer so far, from 0:35 to 0:40, which isn’t a lot but at least it’s something. My comp is too glitchy to actually analyze that right now.


Hmm…it would appear that the style of text formating I used above is not valid on this site. I will note that for the future.

Hopefully this will apear more pleasing to the eyes. :)
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