dark samus is not a double character, conceptually. the radioactive, super fast, highly deadly, not as sexy counterpart deffinately has earned a spot in brawl. if it comes down to it i hope the production of zero suit AND ridley is crushed so they have to add dark samus. if she gets in, she will undoubtedly be my new main.
they already have a game where you can button mash or use strategic comboes, TEKKEN. why make melee into that kind of game. sure it might be interesting at first, but the sheer complexity is un-neccessary in the smash bros series IMO. i am fine with using the 2-button system. it would be nice if more characters could use their B attacks in combos. so far the only characters in melee where it is almost required to be good would be bowser, falcon, fox, falco, samus, link, y. link, marth, roy. they should change a B attack or two to make them comboable, and also add smash B.
mid-air throws would be cool if you look at it in the perspective of bowser, who can hit you into the air, jump up and grab you, carry the combo to the ground and hit you up again for more punishment. the only thing i would be afraid of is if people were to abuse it much the way people abuse chain throwing now.
i dont like the idea of changing the function of a button depending on what you are currently doing, thats not my kind of fighting game. piano boy laugh out loud, call me whatever you want but it doesnt change the fact that your system is not as streamlined and efficient for total pwnage as the current system is.