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smash fan #100,000

Ada, lion scott kennedy and krauser woould be cool as hiden characters


Another Idea!
Say you are returning to the edge of the stage after a brutal attack that sent you airborne. You catch the cilff and are now holding on for dear life as some bo-zo comes over with the intention to knock you off again. Instead of using a roll, jump, or a weak basic attack to climb back up, suppose you could press “Z” while hanging to climb up and quickly grab the enemy, and send him/her over the side as a new edge recovery move. Cool idea, huh? Freakin’ sweet!


By the way, smash fan #100000
The reason some pages have more posts than others is because of updates from the site’s webmaster. Breaking news involving Brawl is posted, and the first people come with their comments. Older news was obviously there for a longer time so people continued to talk about it.


I have a idea now how about if you have link for instince you get thrown upwards you recover in the air but you go twods the enemy you can grab him in the air and put him upwards and do it again but send him strait down in the ground.

The Mario fan Boy

To XperimnT
I love that grabbing the enemy thats edguarding u thing.. It would make it so much easyer to make it back on and have a chance to give ur opponent a taste of how it feels like to be hanging for ur life by a few finger tips…. I personnaly use Y to jump, but I think that X should be used to do a small jumps an Y should be used for normal jumps…. I also think that there should be a way to cancel lag on ur landings with any move, to make this game have a much more indepth control design. I also think that in this game an any other smash bor game to come should have its own pattented moves like Brawl moves that u talked about erlier…


Mario Fan Boy
If you really understood the concept of the pressure sensitive property of the GCube controllers, you wouldn’t need “X” for small jumps and “Y” for normal jumps. Go play Melee Training Mode. Try getting used to the”X” button for your jumps. Once you’ve done that, with any character (I think), you can tap on the “X” button LIGHTLY to perform a small jump. Its a little hard to do for the first time, but when you get the hang of it, you’ll get it right. The small jump is good for doing midair attacks close to the ground without having to jump high and wait for a landing to do an attack, when your opponent knows whats coming. This small gump is great for Meteor Smashes.


By the way, I think the “Y” button would be a better choice for a combo system because it would be right next to the other attack buttons, bundled up altogether. You would be able to access all buttons in one place. The “X” button is on the other side all alone with one use: jumping.
The “B” “A” and “X” buttons would all be attack buttons, all right next to eachother.


The midair grab sounds okay I guess. Maybe you could grab someone whose in midair with you, and throw them.

The Mario fan Boy

mid air grabs are ok but they might be used in really cheap ways… (thinks back to the grabaholic level 9 Yoshi). I think that the primary change or rather upgrade that Nintendo should think about is evening out the characters.

smash fan #100,000

…. it would be totally cool an air-grab man, instead of more ground-throws you`ll have 4 air-throws and the idea of the corner is cool to…. and the Y button and it could apply if it was a new combo system button and there it is

it would be cool that if you press the Z button when handing of a corner, you throw yourselve to the enemy if he is near the corner and if you grabe it, you`ll do a special move that will damage the enemy and throw him to the corner but you`ll only could do it one time cuz your enemy would do it to or use your super move to execute it


midair throws would only be bad if the grabing character had way to powerful an up throw(eg mewtwo, jiggs) if you miss a midair grab you should be vulnerable until you hit the ground, otherwise samus and link could abuse grapple recovery. DAT(down ariel throws) should be meteors so they can be cancled, you get your second jump and b-up if you are the throwing character or throwed character.

making Y a combo button is a bad idea for several reasons. first, it makes the game more challanging to learn. 2nd, nintendo could easily add smash b attacks for new moves. third, some people, such as myself, use Y to jump and would have to re-learn basic character control. Y is easiest for me with my finger coordination from playing piano. I press the A and B buttons with the joint in my thumb after jumping if I want to do an attack, and have become accustomed to gently tilting the control stick for ariels, not using the c stick. It is a very efficient, fast way to do attacks. It would almost be like me saying “well no one uses R to shield they all use L so lets make R the combo button, and then there can be RA combos and RB combos for 2x as many attacks.” That is a bad idea, there are enough attacks in the game already(although I personally am a fan of SmashB attacks)

Like I said at least a month ago, Dark Samus for brawl. Dark Samus is way cooler than Ridley IMO. Besides, Ridley would be a big, slow character like bowser. How many people would actually use a slow character like Ridley over a much faster character like Dark Samus? She has to be fast, after all you can barely see her with the echo visor in the final battle of Prime 2, and can’t lock on to save your life or at least I couldnt.

smash fan #100,000

…then there would be an option to change the new combo button betwen the “x” and “y” button, and the midair grabs would be NEW grabs, not the same (if not it will be boring and nonsense, how could you do jiggly down grab? or link`s one? it would be a move that shoots them to the floor but the character shoioted could recover)and it will be of course diferent of just throw them way-up, it would be a punch that gives them a light impulse upward

there you go, that anzwer all your questions

The Mario fan Boy

To me super smash has always ben about being able to learn n do techniques on ur own, adding a combo buton would kinnda kill the challenge…. I’m not speaking for anyone else but I personaly like performing combos with varios buttons instead of mashing on 1 button. I Think that adding a combo button would make super smash lean to a button mashing kinnda game wich should absolutly NEVER happen. The controls should stay the same, the only thing they should add is new ways of attacking without rellying on mashing 1 button.

I also think that there shouldn’t be any midair grabs. For 1 it would be pointless… a midair grab n throw down, if u have a spike? Or a midair grab n throw up whrn u have an u-air? They’ re pointless.

One other thing that I personnaly don’t think is necessary is Dark Samus. We already added Zero suit samus, theirs no need to add an other variation of samus to this game.

smash fan #100000

what the hell is wrong with you!!!! a new smash button wil not kill the chalenge, it will make it harder and cooler!!! and of coorse taht everyone uses a lot of buttons instead of one (if you are really a good smash player) so you will use more with another combo button!! aside with new ways of attacking!!

man, you are totally crazy!! what its wrong with that midair grabs? it would be more moves instead of just making the same air moves ( a/b + any side) so that you (and everyone) don`t get tired of the same moves…. I“m starting to think that YOU are the pointless guy here

of course that dark samus is necesary!! I mean, just check out the actual characters, everyone have their archirival or best partner!! mario- bowser, link- ganondorf, pikachu- mewtwo/pichu, fox- falco, marth- roy the unice exeptions are ness, samus and kapian falcon (kirby has`nt one in melee, but in brawl it will be metaknight) so it would be stupid that they don`t put dark samus ni game cus is more than just the archirival of samus, is tha seprdeupermegahyperarcji rival of samus!! with out saying that is the dark version of samus….ç and with capitan falcon… maybe they`ll ut samurai goro for him!!!!xD


Dark Samus is more than necessary. I can say that have confidence in Sakurai to add her in.
Back to the debate at hand. Brawl could be a button masher as well as a strategic game. Sure, button masher fighting games aren’t that good, but Smash Bros is more than that. You can choose to use the combo system if you want to. Im only saying, for the success of SSBB, there should be a combo system to add more diversity to the gameplay experience and take it off of the vicious repeating cycle of the same old style. For those of us who are Smash veterans, it will give us all something new to look forward to. It is also a good idea to change the controls to move the combo button somewhere else since prisoner of love likes to play the piano and use the stupid “Y” button to jump.


One more thing.
Use the “Y” button to start the combo, press it again and again to continue it, then in the middle of the combo, press the “B” button and make a special combo move a part of your combo. Not a copy of the original “B” move, but a whole new “Combo Style B” move. THAT MIGHT CHANGE YOUR MIND, PIANO BOY!!!


smash fan #100000

jajajaja!!! yeeees, TAAAAAAAAAAKEEEE, THAAAAAAAT!!!!!

that damn piano does`nt has nothing to do with videogames, It`s like if I saying that I play in a strange way cuz I play drumms, of course not!! I play like anybody does!!!

and that you (XperimenT) mentioned of the diferent combo sequense… I don`t know… I was thinking on doing diferent moves ONLY with that button like if it was another “b” button, do you understand me? that you say would make it more like a normal fighting game, that execute diferent moves by pressing another button instead of presing the same, actually there are no combos, just moves that can be executed in a secuence, if they were conmbos some moves only could be execured by doing a especific combo, actually that`s what makes smash so cool and diferent frrom the other fight games is that is a totally diferent fight concept cuz you don`t fight until you enemy`s life is over, you fught until you make enough damage so you send you enemy flying!! and you don`t have does combo, just moves, and what I was refering with the new combo button was like adding another button to do more “just-moves” do you understand me?… ok I`ll write this cuz I don`t want to erease all of abobe: well, there are combos, but they would be more like the b moves, not combos did I explain my self? (if not, ask me then)

The Mario fan Boy

Okk then this will OFFICIALLY be a debate… Ok Super smash bros melee had flaws (every game has some minor flaw here n there), one flaw would be that they added pointless characters that could have very well been other more useful characters all together. Those characters would be 1. Dr.Mario (he’s Mario, no point in having 2 Marios right?) 2. Y.Link (he’s just a younger version of Link, no use) 3. Pichu (he’s Pikachu just a different form and much worse altogether). Having the same character but with multiple versions is pointless cause it kills the variety, Dr.Mario coulda been Wario, Y.Link coulda been Tingle, and Pichu coulda been Ash… But no they had to put these rip off characters insteed. Adding Dark Samus will just add to an already flawd factor in super smash.

OOhh n I personnaly like using “Y” to jump n using “B” to use B attacks… Super smash can already be a button masher as it is. By adding a combo button we kill the near perfect control mechaniques that make super smash bros melee sooo good. There’s nothing wrong with me I just think that Brawl will be better off without those suggestions (don’t take this personnaly, this is just an opinion.)

smash fan #100000

……………. I… don`t… understand… YOU!! dark samus does`nt compares with the similarity between dr. mario or pikachu and pichu, or link or young link, those are the same characters and dark samus is the opposite version of samus!!! she is her archiruval!!!


i agree with you it is basicly the same concept and that is why dark samus probably not be in brawl


i have a good idea how about you can block without using shield plus it would make weapon fights so much cooler and better.


dark samus is not a double character, conceptually. the radioactive, super fast, highly deadly, not as sexy counterpart deffinately has earned a spot in brawl. if it comes down to it i hope the production of zero suit AND ridley is crushed so they have to add dark samus. if she gets in, she will undoubtedly be my new main.

they already have a game where you can button mash or use strategic comboes, TEKKEN. why make melee into that kind of game. sure it might be interesting at first, but the sheer complexity is un-neccessary in the smash bros series IMO. i am fine with using the 2-button system. it would be nice if more characters could use their B attacks in combos. so far the only characters in melee where it is almost required to be good would be bowser, falcon, fox, falco, samus, link, y. link, marth, roy. they should change a B attack or two to make them comboable, and also add smash B.

mid-air throws would be cool if you look at it in the perspective of bowser, who can hit you into the air, jump up and grab you, carry the combo to the ground and hit you up again for more punishment. the only thing i would be afraid of is if people were to abuse it much the way people abuse chain throwing now.

i dont like the idea of changing the function of a button depending on what you are currently doing, thats not my kind of fighting game. piano boy laugh out loud, call me whatever you want but it doesnt change the fact that your system is not as streamlined and efficient for total pwnage as the current system is.

The Mario fan Boy

Amen to that prisoner_of_love… This game needs less clones.Dark Samus is a pritty much n identical copy to samus she would be a pointless addition to the game.


Wow you guys have tons of charecter suggestions but I would love to see a few FFX,8,7 and devil may cry charecters even though it won`t happen,oh well a guy can dream cant he.


yea, dante is one of my most desired characters for brawl. that doesnt change the fact that he has like a -200% chance of getting in, though.

mario fan boy, i think you missunderstood me. i did say that the game needs less clones, but i also said that i don’t think dark samus would be a clone. she has enough origionality to be a completely seperate character and fighter from samus. not to mention that she is my top pick for brawl and would be my main. i obsess over dark samus. ^_^


well know that i remember it i can actulley agree with prisoner of love dark samus does have originality plus we need alot more villans and rivals this time around.


If you would have read what I submitted earlier, Dark Samus can have the scattershot-style power beam from MP2 Echoes, and whatever original moves they come up with for her in MP3 Corruption.
-Prisoner of Love-
Think about Marth and Roy. They each have a special move that is a combo which is variable in three different sequences, so they have a higher range of movesthat are interchangable. That gives them a slighter edge, and they make the fight more interesting. Why not do that for everyone else? Use it if you want to, or just leave it alone.
Besides, Tekken sucks. All other fighting games suck because Smash Bros has set a higher bar in that style of games.
Fighting games like that have a Punch button, a kick button, and so on….
Smash bros could have a “Basic Attack” button, a “Special Attack” button, a “Grab” button and a “Combo Attack” button.


Anyway, Im just trying to suggest a new element that would (possibly) make this game even better. A combo system isn’t the only thing that would do it either. New characters, new modes of play, new items, and all that other new stuff would set it apart from Melee. We dont just want a repetitive game to continue for years.
If you look a the history of some games, they all failed because of a lack of new elements, and a repetitive series of sequels, at least when it comes to the gameplay. Some games can repeat themselves and still be great, but others can add new stuff and become better.

The Mario fan Boy

New game modes, items characters and new arenas is the standard for any sequel, this game needs a new twist like super smash bros melee had… Super smash bros melee they didnt have air dodges, now they do… It helped me and im sure alot of u. I think brawl needs something like that a whole new game mechanic that seperates it from an average sequel to an amazing sequel. I cant put my finger on wat that should be (though super moves is a pritty cool idea) but watever it is , it prolly would make brawl one of those exellent sequels.


The sequel would be even more interesting if they added in an extra life as an unlockable item (stock matches only). A green mushroom. Whoever grabs it gets an extra life. It could be one of those items that dont really appear that often, like a starman or a heart container.
I say that the combo system would be a genius idea. It should work just like Marth’s and Roy’s “>B” special move, but with the “Y” button, and you should be able to work a special technique like a grab or a special “B” move. Thats all Im saying. Those of you who are against this should really keep an open mind about things. Spend some time thinking about it. It should become awesome in due time.


On this page, there are tons of names in black addressing the topic with comments, but why is “Vicky”, “Matthew” (”Matt”) and “The Mario Fan Boy” have their names all highlighted in Red? Hmmmmmmm…


mabye they are employees spying on our ideas and try to enter ideas in the game if there good enough.

The Mario fan Boy

Its cause our names are links to other stuff… Donno why though.

I would say that I have an open mind I just think that “Y” should stay the way it is, for jumping, though I have to admit three ways to jump is rather anoying and unecessary (”Y”, “X” and up on the control stick). X should be changed to something else but a combo button isnt necessay.


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