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Step it up!


Deleted member

Hiya yoshis. Im here to tell you to STEP IT UP!!!
Im gonna be frank and brief:
The yoshi community is a piece of crap. And no I dont mean individuals, or even our boards. The fact that we have about 5 yoshis placing in tournaments is pathetic. Im always excited when I see new yoshi's post on the tournament thread showing that they at least went to a tournament and tried! Nobody cares.

Mmac doesnt visit the boards often at all anymore, and though he might still be having weather problems, but he was saying that he thought that all of his hard work and determination to get yoshi respect was for nothing. Not only did yoshi not move up, but he moved DOWN! But it really isn't his fault. Its all the yoshi players who had the chance to go to a tournament but were too tired, or could've worked harder but didnt.

Our yoshi backroom has literally done almost nothing. We have random yoshis who arent active or arent top yoshis, and not enough of the ones that are helping. But at this point, there are only a few people that fit the criteria. If you look at the jiggs backroom, they are constantly makin new discoveries, and we used to have that, with all of our DR shinanigans and discovering how to do Fumis techs, and our CGs, but it seems like thats all gone...

If we want to boost yoshi, we need to step it up. Go to tournaments if you can, actually TRY to be the best you can be, we can do it!

Scat will prolly write somethin better, im just tired =/


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: I am probably one of the top offenders of the crime that is dragging Yoshi down.

I will be spending this entire upcoming weekend at my regional tournament pushing my Yoshi to its absolute limits in both Brawl and Melee. I may not come home with the gold, but I will be out to make a point this weekend. If it's not Yoshi, it's done.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2008
Lynn, Massachusetts
Man, I just wish I could go to a tourney for once in my life. Don't think I don't try to get to one; I ask my parents about it every time a new one comes up, but the answer has always been the same: Either "No" or "Yes but we will change our minds the night before for some BS reason."

I feel that I could defidently start repping somewhere once I get the liberty to travel.

And I know it isnt really good for me to come in here and start complaining about a bunch of excuses for why I cant contribute, but I just feel like I have to say what needs to be said.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
It's not just you, Shiri, don't worry about that. My life's been crap for the past six months or so, and will continue to be messed up for the next few months, til I get rid of these college payments. I just plain can't afford to travel at the moment, even though I got my first car this past weekend (which is an amazing relief, considering I've been biking through the snow to get to work for the past few months. It's been a VERY wearing past six months, mentally.) I'm taking classes again for the first time since the spring, and am working on getting into a 4-year in the fall, so I'm really really bust at the moment. I will keep experimenting with Yoshi's mechanics, as I have been, so that I don't feel totally useless around here.

I'm not sure of the chances for success, at the moment, given all the crap I'm working on, otherwise, but I'm trying to get a big state-wide tourney started around here (which would be perfect since I'm in the middle of NY.) I need time to find a venue, which is proving rather hard. I'm trying, though. If you can't go to the tourney, bring the tourney to you, that's what I decided.

And to tie in to Shiri's post, I've severely underperformed at the few tourneys that I've managed to go to. Figures, eh? =/


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2009
CA, SanDiego
i feel like i shouldnt post here...but i must i can only go to tournies that are here in Chula Vista
anywhere else i am to afraid to go with out getting a Car i mean seriously if you want to know
how i feel try coming over to mexico with out frigging clue what bus goes where and when will
they stop, sure you could check the internet the times and everything but what if you get it wrong?
thats one risk i do not want to get i hate feeling lost

the only thing i can do is online.....and that for many of you is close to nothing but this is all i
can do and i will continue to do until i find such a tourney in chula vista
i wish the best of luck to you guys i just dont think im the kind of guy to come up with
amazing moves like you have all done, the best i can do is find uses for them thats all
well be seeing yah i got online ladders to beat XD


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
I'm glad this was posted, this is exactly the way I feel. I'm a huge culprit of this... I've never attended a tourney in my life, I rarely even post. I wish I had some way to contribute but as Pidgey will tell you, there are no tourneys in the UK. I would even have been more than willing to travel to France in april for Epita 3, sadly its Melee only... Europe still mostly plays only Melee, people seem to have some kind of problem with moving on over here.
My promise to you is this: I will be at any and all tourneys that happen in or near the UK, I'd even host one if I got enough interest. From now on I'll try to post more and contribute more to the Yoshi boards.

So to all you people that live in the US... can't you travel to another state in your own country? I'd kill to live in the US. This is Yoshi we're talking about here people! Its serious business!

Who can say no to this :yoshi2: face!


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Alright, here's my rant (sorry for being late stocky, I fell asleep >.>).

WARNING! This is just what I have to say, so don't take some things out of context!

From the moment brawl started, we've gone from a great community to a community that just whines about how good Yoshi is in brawl. Since then, it's been something that has been pissing me off for quite some time. If we meant to prove that Yoshi would be good, you'd think that we continue to work hard, continue to develop his meta-game, continue to improve ourselves in matchups, and at the same time, continue to be a unfied family.

Since the beginning of each month, we've done less and less of those things, and now, we're at the point where nothing ever gets done around here or ****. Where was the ****ing pride that made everyone strive for things? People need to get off their lazy ***** and get some **** done here. If you think that you don't have the time to do **** here, then I want you to sit down and think. How many times have you checked these threads, waiting for posts to pop up? How much free (random) time you get to just do completely nothing? How many times could you have posted about insight here, but left it out? These things pile up, and we now look like a board that just comes to chat and look at the **** that could've been. We're wallowing in our own **** here, and I know most of you know that that **** it ain't cool at all.

So yeah. I know most of you are like, "Well I can't get to any tourneys cause of *insert john here.*" I know alot of us have difficulties when it comes to getting tournaments (believe me, I know), but if most of you never went to a tournament, then why the **** would you just continue to sit back and watch others work to get connections for traveling, or to get around any other problem that might come up? You have this whole **** forum to try and get a ride through (yeah, I may be talking OoS, but this can be the same for In-state also). Even then, I hear even more *****ing cause it comes down to some other **** like "My friends don't want to go." **** THAT ****! Do you NOT know how much fun it is getting to play new people, learning new **** about this game, getting to impress someone with a character that's proclaimed as **** to most people? That **** is ****ing amazing, and frankly, it should make you WANT to continue going and getting better (Yeah, I know parents are a factor, but you gonna have to put a foot down on them or something. As we get older, we get more freedom and responsibilties. Don't let that **** get taken away cause your parents don't want that **** to happen. Show them that you can handle it).

So you can't get to ANY tournaments in your area. Fine, you could have a serious problem that can **** up a ****load of things. This doesn't change much when it comes to at least posting on the boards, at LEAST theorycrafting of some options that might be possible on certain scenarios. We have nearly an infinite amount of things that are out there, and someone is going to encounter that spot(s) and get ****ed up along the way. Even you pro Yoshi's out there (yes, I'ma have to say something aobut yall), what the **** happened to the posts that help in various matchups that you knew EXTENSIVELY? I've seen you guys continue to post less, until you just stopped posting (only until you feel like making a point on something or whatever).

I'm tired and trying hard, but it's not worth **** if all I'ma see on this board is threads that look like they came from complete casual players. These "why is yoshi so bad" threads shouldn't be taking our time as they won't do anything that will benefit us. We should be continuing to work on more important stuff, and not giving two ****s about anything else. Put a **** foot down, and start taking some **** seriously.



Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
*puts head in the guillotine for not helping either*

Thank you, Sockz for posting this. I feel bad because I haven't been going to tournies much (no johns man), and I want to so badly. I may not have a car or live within 10 miles of another player but if I use that as a crutch, I am not really trying my hardest. I'm not speaking for other people that may also have similar problems so don't take it personally.

Right now, I am making more of an effort to attend events and help his placings. I am going to a tourny this weekend at GIGS, and like Shiri I am going strictly Yoshi for this (unless if it's against super g@y matchups). I also main Diddy Kong and second almost the entire roster because I like variety but I really don't care if I am really good with them (even though my Diddy is sick). I play with those characters because I am good with them. Yoshi is my best character because I truly put more effort into him than any other character. Yoshi is the only character I truly care about. To quote Shiri again:

:yoshi: If it's not Yoshi, it's done.
I can't lose now, I just can't.

Edit: Scatz is right. That is why I am not making excuses anymore. No more johns, no more crutches. It's go time for me.

Plus, we need another mod for these boards, I'm new to these boards and I even hate the "why is yoshi bad/yoshi doesn't suck" threads. That, too, is dragging our community the **** down.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I too am sorta guilty. Although I do go to tournaments weekly, and place ... okay... weekly, I have been lazy when it comes to ACTUALLY trying to improve Yoshi's meta game. DR has been out for about 6 months and I just refuse to try and learn it and incorporate it into my game due to its difficulty in mastering it. I will step it up.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2008
Im sorry. ;__;

The last few tournamnets I lost faith in Yoshi and only used Snake. I would only switch to Yoshi if I had an easy chaingrab in the matchup. But I promise that next time I will use Yoshi as much as I can!


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
so this is what the planning was about.... that makes sense...
well, as long as this winterstorm doesn't affect the roads on saturday morning, i WILL be going to a tournament, and i WILL place 1st, even if OS does show up.... i'm sick and tired of people that use MK in tournaments just to win; it's ****ing ********! what's the point of playing the game if you're not going to play as the character that made you want to play the game?! what's the point of not trying to prove yourself to everyone if you call yourself a competitive gamer?! i found out a while back that people in my state don't even like talking about OS...

now, to my metagame, i have 3 days to correct my spacing problem and find something to do about DR... i don't want to sound more like a loser, and ask how to work on spacing, but i might have to... =\

also, if it means anything to anyone, sharky and i are planning on starting a series of videos of how to play yoshi the right way. if anyone thinks this could STEP IT UP, i would suggest and appreciate cooperation for advice to give...

edit: i'm sorry about making yoshi look bad on wifi and at tournaments by SD'ing a lot on accident.... i will try my best to do better when i am put under the magnifying glass... =\


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
ur right, its our own fault...i think we all may be somewhat guilty...
we CAN do this! Yoshi deserves better


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Here is the back room problems that you are talking about the people that don't post in it and do not contribute to any conversation at all here is a list of people that havn't contributed really anything OR are not tourney players

Azen Zagenite
Scarlet jile


I think the biggest offender to not contributing to the back room is the maker of the back room him self honestly Chaco has not done much in his own group and has not contrbute really anything and won't even update the topic

I think I should make another real yoshi back room that tournament yoshis can discuss thing that you might not want to release to every single freaking yoshi right now there are like 15 yoshis in the BR and that doesn't even make sense when I only have like 5 yoshis that contribute results every week or so to the results page come on guys step it up or you should not be in the BR the BR should only have these members

lil b (me)

If you guys would like me too I could make a new BR just for TOURNEY yoshis so we can get some real discussing done without revealing it to every yoshi main at once the room is not the "yoshi main room" it is the Yoshi BR" so it is for the top yoshis not every yoshi some don't even main yoshi and people like Chozen dont even play so come on guys lets get the BR together I will make a new one if you 5 or 6 yoshi mains that I listed want me to and we can get some thing done


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
the chances of me getting a tourney that has enough for it to count for rankings is the same as hell freezing over. Also I suck at arguments, I dunno what to do.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2008
I saw this thread as the most recent post when I was scrolling down the character boards page. With such a short title, I wondered what it was about, so I clicked on it.

Now, I don't play yoshi, but this kind of thread is what communities need. Yoshi is severely underrated, and I was surprised when moved down on the 5th instead of up. The Pit boards have this problem as well - the board more or less remains dead, or the discussion is just random things that don't move us anywhere. Good characters are written off as crap because no one goes out there and proves that they aren't crap. A lot of people I know just assume that Yoshi is horrible, simply because it's a reputation he has gained over the years in melee, and they just assume that he's not that much better in brawl. It's just like how Pit is written off as a spam character and only holds his place on the tier list because he can force characters to approach.

It's a horrible thing to see a good character in a situation like this because of a lack of tournament results. I wish all of you luck in your goal, and hope that this thread achieves it's goal in getting you off your ***** and into tournament brackets.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Me and a few other yoshi have been going to tourneys for a while now but the thing that get chars noticed is placing top 5 almost every tourney and no one has done that yet and until someone constantly places in big and small tourneys they will never think much about yoshi and thats the truth we can say all we want and know all this stuff but the BR and other character mains will never think much of yoshi unless we start placing more consistently ino its hard but that is the only real way to get respect for a character


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
I'm gonna try making it to tournies this summer (no1 in town plays, no transportation aka physically impossible for me to go atm) but at least ill be trying xD. I'm also gonna be representing both yoshi and jiggs (depending on the char i gotta face in a tourny) so even if i don't place at least i'd be trying to go

-BTW the yoshi boards do suck atm (sry guys :(). As for scat mentioning the jigglypuff boards, yeah we do find new AT's a lot and rest actually has an important part in her metagame now. I'd say as of now her matchup against yoshi is dead even because of all the moves she can interupt, and may even turn into her favor in the future. But this isn't a matchup discussion. MAKE YOUR BOARDS BETTER!

Deleted member


Lets take yoshi to the next level.

I agree with lilb.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
I was at a tourney December 23rd. I got 4th with Yoshi, but there were only 14 in the brackets, so I figured it wasn't too big of a deal...


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I've actaully got a tournament soon. My friend is having one in town.

Stroupes. Well be like the best two there. So you can probably expect a first or second.


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2009
CA, SanDiego
umm Contribute by Theories? well alright i will dedicate myself in finding uses for moves
and any strategy and mind games, i will use the AIB chat as a test ground...tough maybe i out to start finding SWF battle grounds, by the way im still sort of new i actually Always come 1st to every Yoshi Boards and from there move on to the chat or tourneys hosted by the same site

does Smash Boards share that same chat like AIB does? or do people only come here to
discuss? also these boards could need some organizing i do post but i feel that most of the
time i am somewhat ignored, only Silent Beast leaves me a nice comment by the way
im surprised he hasnt commented here or at leats give his opinion
i have gotten a few moves but not sure if you guys would find it useful so
im going to start making a video prject showing all of the moves i have come up with
and find clips of their usefulness you guys would debate from there if its good

also theory about match ups? i can get that down but who do we have issues with? i would
only post my own personal ones and newly discovered ones trough fighting really good
opponents witht he same char...so if theres wirtting and analyzing to be done let me give it
a try just give me something to work on ^_^
ill do what i have for now until i get a response to what i just said latz Yoshi friends keep it up guys


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
So are all Yoshi mains chosen by destiny to be placed in bad tourney locations before they knew they wanted to play Yoshi? O_o


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I know right? That shiz is gay as ***. At least I'm slowly getting into some action.

Lil B, we getting some friendlies if I go to your tourney mangz. I'ma have to see whether I got the skills to keep up ;)


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
you might have that md/va skillz and not even know it is going to be spam vs DR to see which is better lol jk fux yoshi dittos it is going to be falcon ditto son


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
**** yoshi and falcon dittos in one tourny idk if the venue will be able to handle such a rare occurance of events


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2008
Tijuana/San Diego
so I see burntsocks is rallying up the Yoshi troops. good **** lil dude.
Burntsocks is right everybody is responsable for the new placement of their character on the new list. Other character communities such as Peach/Olimar are flourishing with their new discoveries on how to combat MK and Snake along with cool little tricks they have found over time. Im a Pikachu main, not a great one but good enough. The pikachu boards have this same problem to a certain extent.

... I do think Pika should be lower, because as was mentioned there really aren't many pika players... at all. The ONLY one putting up consistant results is Anther. One person should not dictate the entire friggin character in regards to the tier list.

Anther is a statistical anomaly in concern to Pika results in tourneys, if you take him out of the equation pika would be dropped to atleast 16th on the list.
Most pikachu players (myself included) do little or nothing to improve pika's metagame. the pika players that do make advancements are 4 or 5 at most. Yoshi isnt the greatest character, but making advancements as a community will help you rise as high as possible.

Oh and Dyz69 there will be a chula vista tournament on sunday so you can start with your path as a tournament yoshi main

EDIT: Yes, I saw a thread by burntsocks and immediately came to see what it was about.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2008
I live in NJ... home of the M2K..to my dismay it is truly gay.

I hate to use the word gay but I had to keep the rhyme.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
So are all Yoshi mains chosen by destiny to be placed in bad tourney locations before they knew they wanted to play Yoshi? O_o
Lol that never stopped me, houston only has monthlies but I've been to over 10 OOS tournaments in 3 different states in the last year (which is actually REALLY good considering how expensive it is to travel lol)

ALSO!!!! I would also like to say a few things

To me the yoshi community feels (for the most part) to just be a bunch of noobs who don't quite understand how the metagame works. Yoshi =/= Metaknight, and the fact that we're using yoshi is a HUGE crutch. The fact is that yoshi ISN'T good, he's just better than where he is (if that makes any sense) and given enough effort (WAY MORE than what is required to be a normal character such as lucario MK snake Wario ect.) yoshi has potential to be a viable character. But we won't be able to prove that until we actually step up our game in place well in tournaments.

that is all

Speaking of which I'm cast in a lead role for a play out here in houston so due to college and rehearsals I'll have a lot less time to attend tournaments :(


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2009
CA, SanDiego
Oh and Dyz69 there will be a chula vista tournament on sunday so you can start with your path as a tournament yoshi main

EDIT: Yes, I saw a thread by burntsocks and immediately came to see what it was about.

Oh Snap there is Tourneys! thank you so much i will visit these when i am
able to change my rest day to a sunday, since i work and sometimes skip it XD
they dont give me that many privilages but it seems they hold it weekly
so there will be more in the future seems like a small tourney to go to and its
really not that far....Simply Perfect and it has a know name Havok...Sweet
Thanks Again dude ^_^ i guess is what they say

*you will never find your way, if you dont look for it*


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2008
RS, Brazil
I discovered Yoshi this december.
It felt so good. Playing as Yoshi made feel better. The tourneys here in my region begin in the middle of the year. I'm planning of using my Yoshi there.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
yoshi just has a bad rap...

unfortunatley, i have no idea where tournies are (i live near Boston >.>?)
and most yoshi players dont know how to get to tournies/cant get to them. it sucks :/

but, we can all try for the sake of improving his rank! i man, look what my secondary's community has done by getting together and swarming tournies!

Deleted member

yoshi just has a bad rap...

unfortunatley, i have no idea where tournies are (i live near Boston >.>?)
and most yoshi players dont know how to get to tournies/cant get to them. it sucks :/

but, we can all try for the sake of improving his rank! i man, look what my secondary's community has done by getting together and swarming tournies!
Dude, this forum has a whole section on finding tournies. GO!

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
MA/CT also is a pretty close knit group AFAIR if you get in touch with them you should be able to get to some tourneys.

also, go yoshis!!

Do yo thang,

sonic boards had a revalation similar to this right after the second tier list so I wish you luck in proving your character worthy.

Except for shiri and sharky.

Eff those guys.

I hope they play like trash.
This is because in order for them to get tourney results, they will have to play in the same tourneys that I attend. and as much as i feel for the cause of proving yoshi to be good, proving the worth of sonic comes first
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