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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
Hey, give us more credit than that! I still play the odd Melee round, and Random has a respectable Wolf! :p And Geno can attest that Ness vs. Lucas singles are made of win.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Yeah, Ill play a bit of everything. I can just only tolerate brawl singles 1v1 for so long though.

but on a more important note. I'm just confirming again that there is smash at my place tonight and that everyone who wants to come is welcome. Just don't come before 5 as I might not be here.


Smash Ace
Oct 27, 2005
Geno i left my wii at your house i need to come pick it up today. when will u be @ your house


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
So yeah just went to a Norcal Biweekly yesterday..
Melee is awesome, All sorts of cool stuff happened
Brawl was cool, but excessively boring to watch. I swear, out of the 70-80 people in the room, no one was watching the brawl finals (well okay very little), even though finals was of zelgadis and lucien and germ, norcal's best smashers.
There were more people watching the money match, which was Tang and Silentspectre vs Zhu and Luninspectra than any of the brawl matches (this was melee, and I think nearly the whole room was watching)


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2007
Redmond, WA
Denny's at 3:30 AM is too good

sorry for having to crash at your place over the night Geno, hope you didn't get into to much trouble :(


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Lol, had to work the next day or else I would have stayed up with you guys.

Sam you can come over anytime today, I should be here.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
Should infinite grabs be banned?


If not, Ness and Lucas are useless in tourny.

Discuss, St.Louis.
I implement the "No ***gots" rule. Anyone who does an infinite is DQ'ed, infinites banned. Eliminating chars from tourney just because people are ***gots is ********. How about you ban the ***gots instead of making the chars useless.

Tell me what is more fun St. Louis. Using ALL of the character competitively in a fun great tourney. Or infinitely grabbing for 5 minutes until you win. Playing someone on an even field where the better player wins? Or grabbing them once and and winning just because ur a ***got and couldn't win otherwise?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2007
Redmond, WA
Me and bozz showed Sam that **** friday night , but i agree that's gayer than wobbling and I'm a IC player >.>


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
I implement the "No ***gots" rule. Anyone who does an infinite is DQ'ed, infinites banned. Eliminating chars from tourney just because people are ***gots is ********. How about you ban the ***gots instead of making the chars useless.

Tell me what is more fun St. Louis. Using ALL of the character competitively in a fun great tourney. Or infinitely grabbing for 5 minutes until you win. Playing someone on an even field where the better player wins? Or grabbing them once and and winning just because ur a ***got and couldn't win otherwise?
*sarcasm* I don't know that sounds like scrub thinking to me. */sarcasm*

Seriously though, I hate David Sirlin and I think he's an arrogant, condescending @$$, but I don't see how you could possibly enforce a ban against this.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
*sarcasm* I don't know that sounds like scrub thinking to me. */sarcasm*

Seriously though, I hate David Sirlin and I think he's an arrogant, condescending @$$, but I don't see how you could possibly enforce a ban against this.
If there was a button on the gamecube controller that was called the wobble button, would you consider possibly turning it off? This is a no skill, INCREDIBLY easy to perform maneuver. I think its worth looking into.

I think more characters than ness and lucas are possibly affected by this, though I am not sure right now.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
If there was a button on the gamecube controller that was called the wobble button, would you consider possibly turning it off? This is a no skill, INCREDIBLY easy to perform maneuver. I think its worth looking into.

I think more characters than ness and lucas are possibly affected by this, though I am not sure right now.
So, what, you have a rule saying that you can't grab Ness/Lucas again if they break out of a grab? Or you can only do it twice in a row? Is it okay if I hit you with some regular non-grab attacks in between?

Whose word will you take? Do you appoint an official judge to every match with the potential for someone to abuse this?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
So, what, you have a rule saying that you can't grab Ness/Lucas again if they break out of a grab? Or you can only do it twice in a row? Is it okay if I hit you with some regular non-grab attacks in between?

Whose word will you take? Do you appoint an official judge to every match with the potential for someone to abuse this?
You have to actually try to infinitely grab someone and anyone can tell. You don't accidently infinite someone and if you do do it more than once you have a chance to redeem urself by letting them go and you won't be DQ'ed.

It's pretty easy to find out who's trying to get away with something. 99% of the time other people are watching the match at any given time be it pools, which is 100% of the time, or brackets which i'm pretty sure ppl could vouche for you. Even so if you think it happens before 3 minutes kill urself off and save the replay if you really want it enforced.

ITS NOT THAT HARD TO ENFORCE THIS just don't do it or you're DQ'ed nuff said.

i think that they should ban brawl from the tourney scene instead
ur a faaget

ALSO, post ur opinion in my thread lets start the debate


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
it's no different from a ganon chaingrabbing a pikachu. Except now half the cast can chaingrab ness and lucas. Just makes them like they were in melee.. suck.
Its not a chaingrab...thats something different. this is an infinite homo grab.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
it's still a chaingrab, you still have to run forward for most characters.
yoshi chaingrabbing metaknight
CJ's yoshi, that is.

edit: except marth, which is very slightly forward... then again, who'll play ness on marth anyways? and who would do this kind of **** in friendlies.

edit2: Infinite homo grab is wobbles in melee, which worked on every character from 0-any percent. I just saw it in tourney again and was reminded of how gay it is.


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
why get so worked up? this is only the beginning of the end for that trash sequel called brawl.

good luck banning it. I know i will enjoy trying it lol


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
it's still a chaingrab, you still have to run forward for most characters.
yoshi chaingrabbing metaknight
CJ's yoshi, that is.

edit: except marth, which is very slightly forward... then again, who'll play ness on marth anyways? and who would do this kind of **** in friendlies.

edit2: Infinite homo grab is wobbles in melee, which worked on every character from 0-any percent. I just saw it in tourney again and was reminded of how gay it is.
That did like...3 percent everytime he grabbed him...and couldn't grab him infinitely at all. That's a chaingrab son learn the difference. He could only do it like...5 times max and it was situational veeery different.

Oh and wobbling: if wobbling was as easy as infinites are in brawl they would have been banned a LONG time ago. if wobbling was feasible IC's would have been god tier and everybody would have used them. too bad it's a completely different situation...similar good job, but different game bro.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
why get so worked up? this is only the beginning of the end for that trash sequel called brawl.

good luck banning it. I know i will enjoy trying it lol
I fight for my friends!

First off, I think the interesting point is that had wobbling been discovered within months of Melee coming out, I have a great feeling that it would have been banned. From the Kish's language and a lot of the better smash players' language around that time, it seems there just wasn't enough time left in melee's lifespan to warrent a ban of such a technique.

The biggest problem here is that its a tough thing to actually ban. HOW do you enforce this? That said, I dont think its as tough as some people say, but its still the biggest problem.

For those of you who still feel "play to win" and all of that, please turn on Brawl right now and try this out for yourself. Pick Marth, go to FD, put on a ness on level one, and start pressing Z. It really gives you a good idea of HOW unfair that technique is. I would NEVER EVER EVER in a million years try to enforce a ban on shiek's chaingrabbing on pika in melee, but this seriously could turn into a real problem if it is found out to be a counters for these characters.

EDIT: I just tried this out on some more characters. I picked Marth, went to FD, and picked mario, DK, link, ness, and lucas, both level 1's and level 9's.

I could NOT get it to work with DK and Mario under any cicrumstances. Anyone who claims they can do it with them I would be highly interested in figuring out HOW.

With Link, I could ALMOST pullit off. In reality, it acted like more of a chaingrab. I believe a human might be able to escape, as there is just the tiniest window available for the player to get out of the way, and that's all you need.

With Ness and Lucas, I could pretty much pull it off, every time. There were times when ness and lucas would escape very high in the air from my grab, but Im not sure if that was a legit escape, or if I just did the grabbing wrong. Still, level 1's or level 9's could not get out of my grab so long as I kept the pace of it right. It's worth noting, however, that Lucas does move forward more per grab than Ness does.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
I implement the "No ***gots" rule. Anyone who does an infinite is DQ'ed, infinites banned. Eliminating chars from tourney just because people are ***gots is ********. How about you ban the ***gots instead of making the chars useless.

Tell me what is more fun St. Louis. Using ALL of the character competitively in a fun great tourney. Or infinitely grabbing for 5 minutes until you win. Playing someone on an even field where the better player wins? Or grabbing them once and and winning just because ur a ***got and couldn't win otherwise?
In a tournament, you are playing to win. If you are playing to win, you should do whatever is possible to win. Why SHOULDN'T someone beat Lucas/Ness in this way? The people who play them should have known about this weakness beforehand. If they couldn't handle it, then they should have switched mains.

This is like people saying you can't use the reflector against Samus's charge shot, because it's 'cheap.'

If someone brings a knife to a gun fight, would you feel bad about taking them down because of it? I wouldn't. Essentially, that's what playing Lucas/Ness is. As is playing with Link, who is my main. The player had every option to choose a gun, but he chose a knife. What happens because of that is his problem, not the game's. Maybe the player feels more comfortable with the knife, but once again, that's his problem. Characters aren't supposed to be 'equal.' It's an even playing field because they willingly chose the gimpable character going into the tournament. No johns.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
wobbling isn't hard lmao.
zhu basically told me he laughs at ICs who can't wobble, and then goes to the tv next to them and starts wobbling just to piss them off (he hates ICs)
it's not even as hard as a drillshine. or a waveshine.
anyways i don't really care about brawl atm, so whatever :p


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
wobbling isn't hard lmao.
zhu basically told me he laughs at ICs who can't wobble, and then goes to the tv next to them and starts wobbling just to piss them off (he hates ICs)
it's not even as hard as a drillshine. or a waveshine.
anyways i don't really care about brawl atm, so whatever :p
Like i said....ICs would be god tier if it was feasible to do all the time. They're not end of story. Enjoy your 7 year old updated game.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
Like i said....ICs would be god tier if it was feasible to do all the time. They're not end of story. Enjoy your 7 year old updated game.
stop QQ'ing and insulting people you *** hat

also with ICs it is feasable to do all the time. Watch chu dat vidz please and learn yo **** before you talk out of your ***. the only time he doesn't wobble or chain throw after grabs is when nana isn't near by. so in melee what you need to do is separate the two or be prepared to get 0 to deathed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2008
Wow, that seems like a pretty serious issue. As others have said, I think banning these infinite grabs will be all but impossible. Brawl is really shaping up to be quite boring for anything but 4-man play. :ohwell:
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