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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2008
LOL i live in springfield missouri and i want to come to some tourneys in st louis but money is tight right now so if i had a smash fest would any be interested in joining

pretty please


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2008
i almost went to gamecrazy tournament but the gamestop tourney was only like 30 min away from me and so i just went with that but i plan on going to some more tournaments later this year.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Melee is amazing
Just went to a tourney where the finals was the best peach in Norcal vs Zhu
Wow the 2 sets were amazing. That peach really has his shiz down.. he can nair/slap pillar so well that you can't punish/grab/upsmash


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
Geno please hold something this week. I can get off work quite early Wednesday or Friday (preferably Wednesday).


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2007
Redmond, WA
So i just moved back to STL for the summer from WA.

It seems there are tournaments or something like that at "Geno's" could anyone fill me in on the details i can't seem to find the location etc.

Hope to see you guys soon.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
School is coming to an end I'll finally be able to hold some smash again soon. I'm thinking of doing something this Friday (May 2nd). To all you new guys I usually (or used too) hold smash at my place on random friday nights.

If you guys want to come just PM me and ill give you an address and phone number.

Proof Melee is AWESOME

I think i beat you on Corneria last time we played zig :laugh:


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
School is coming to an end I'll finally be able to hold some smash again soon. I'm thinking of doing something this Friday (May 2nd). To all you new guys I usually (or used too) hold smash at my place on random friday nights.

If you guys want to come just PM me and ill give you an address and phone number.

Proof Melee is AWESOME

I think i beat you on Corneria last time we played zig :laugh:
Hey geno you still gonna be in St.L next year? You're a pretty cool guy from what i've met in the 3 hours that we were smashing :p AND we had some good matches =]

on a tangent:
amazing song


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Yeah those were some good matches, it was a lot of fun getting to play so many matches with a west coast smasher =). But anyway, I most likely wont be in STL next year :(, Ill probably be in Columbia which is only about 1 hour away. I'm sure ill be coming it to town quite a bit for any major smash events on the weekends.

And yes, that song is great
check out the fray if you haven't already


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
Darkatma who do you play in melee

i sometimes visit wash u for a weekend, maybe next year we can play some one of the times i'm there.

i will be home the 8th actually btw.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
Alan Lopez – Professional Gamer
An Esteemed Member Of Professional Gaming​

When someone mentions video games, what comes to your mind? Do you think of a few friends that sit around on Friday nights jamming out to Guitar Hero? Perhaps someone sitting alone exploring vast lands in search of ancient relics in a virtual world? Whether played alone for enjoyment or taken to a large scale competition, video games offer something for everyone.

Alan Lopez, a 20 year old video gamer from just outside of St. Louis, Missouri, has been fascinated with video games ever since he was a small child. “I remember when I was four years old and I got my Nintendo Entertainment System and I was introduced to PC gaming at a real young age.” As the years have progressed, Alan has stayed with the Nintendo’s gaming platforms and, recently, has branched to the other companies.

Alan has a plethora of other interests besides video games. He enjoys cultural subtexts, pop culture as a whole, the history of music, and likes panda bears. He has also travelled the United States in various video game competitions for Nintendo’s most notable fighting game; “Super Smash Bros. Melee.”

Alan began getting involved with video game competitions in April, 2005. Out of his group of friends, he was the best Super Smash Bros. player. After hearing about a rather large video gaming tournament being held in St. Louis, his friends urged him to get involved with it. Alan registered for the competition, but unfortunately, failed to advance that far out of his pool. “It didn’t matter how well you were at a game, you will end up choking from inexperience,” says Alan.

After about a year on the competitive gaming circuit, Alan had finally adjusted to the lifestyle and feelings for the competitions. The first time he had ever been able to place within the top five gamers was at a competition in Indiana. Alan had ranked fourth during the solo matches and placed second overall for team battles. The first prize money he had ever received was worth a total of $30. “Normally, I would pay $20 for an experience, but I had never gotten anything back. I was really happy to have played Smash Bros. and I used that money to buy myself dinner,” Alan recalls.

Within that year, Alan’s gaming skills had increased exponentially. He was beginning to stay within the top three players of the competitions for both the solo matches and the team battles. “The moment I realized that I was good at the game was when professionals wanted to team with me,” states Alan. He began to place high in national tournaments as well for the character that he chooses.

Alan’s character of choice is an electric mouse named Pikachu, which is most noted for its speed and the ability to generate electricity from the pouches on its cheeks. Pikachu is generally unheard of for competitions because of its mediocre power, light weight, and little attack combos, but Alan has been able to become one of the top three Pikachu users in the nation.

Alan’s name became soon came to fame throughout the competitive gaming circuit. His win at the Indiana competition earned him much notoriety and respect amongst the community. Many fans on online communities have posted videos of matches that Alan has played during these competitions.

A newer version of the game has been released for the Nintendo Wii called “Super Smash Bros. Brawl.” The game has entirely new physics, older characters have been updated, and many new characters and levels have been added. Since the game is entirely new, not much is known if it will become put up for competitive gaming tournaments. “Not many people are happy with the physics of the new game,” Alan states, “within a year, I can see the gaming scene going to the way of Brawl, whether some people like it or not. I am willing to learn the new game and take it to the professional level.”


Contact Information: Alan Lopez
AOL Instant Messenger: anish37
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/ziggypanda
Email(s): zenny75@charter.net


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
What is this, an article in your school paper?

Did you know there's this "Alan Poole" kid on Facebook who has the same Myspace page as you?
Some kid asked to interview me here at my college, and I just got this thing in my email. I thought it was HI-larious, so I posted it.

Also, considering Im not sure if thats a joke or not, I have two last names!


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Darkatma who do you play in melee

i sometimes visit wash u for a weekend, maybe next year we can play some one of the times i'm there.

i will be home the 8th actually btw.
Yea sure we can play :p
In tournies I play sheik and peach
otherwise I'll go my falco, fox, marth, falcon, zelda

except after playing a really good peach, i'm inclined to start practicing tech skill with peach again


Smash Master
Jul 2, 2007
Florissant, St. Louis, MO Tech Skill: Over 9000
Can I borrow someones second controller tomorrow if I come to geno's crib, mine got ****ed up so bad because of tech skill abuse and now the control stick's sensitivity is all whack, like when I try to stop running the character will stop running a second after i let go holding the stick right or left, so this basically means I can't do nairs with any character with my controller, since I would want to do: run>jump>A, my controller would input the commands: run>jump> forward A since the stick would still be moving the character forward even though I let go of it. And trust me guys, fox and falco's fairs aren't all amazing. =|


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
Can I borrow someones second controller tomorrow if I come to geno's crib, mine got ****ed up so bad because of tech skill abuse and now the control stick's sensitivity is all whack, like when I try to stop running the character will stop running a second after i let go holding the stick right or left, so this basically means I can't do nairs with any character with my controller, since I would want to do: run>jump>A, my controller would input the commands: run>jump> forward A since the stick would still be moving the character forward even though I let go of it.
Can I borrow someones second controller tomorrow if I come to geno's crib
if I come to geno's crib
geno's crib
MTV: Killing the English language in our youth since 1981.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO

Yeah brawlpro I have a controller you could borrow.
But anyway, who all is interested in coming to my place Friday night?
Prolly start around 5, and to all you new people, usually everyone is late so dont be surpised if your the only one here for a little bit people will start coming in eventually.
And to all you STL veterans STOP BEING LATE.

Phone number is 314 413 1251 if you need to call me.

Post here if you coming so I have at least some idea of how many will be here, and bring set ups if you can.


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
if geno is hosting friday i might just go there

Gblast-cool if i go? i just started playing. Im just bring 1(myself)

were are gonna play brawl right not melee?
That's a little out of the ways but if one of these days Geno can't host then we might go to your house.

We usually have one TV each for Brawl and Melee. I'll play both, Geno will only play Brawl doubles, Random only plays Melee. Thinkaman only plays Brawl. It's a pretty wide spectrum.

Since my boss is out of town this week I'll be sure to get off work early to be there at 5.
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