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St.Louis Area Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
stop QQ'ing and insulting people you *** hat

also with ICs it is feasable to do all the time. Watch chu dat vidz please and learn yo **** before you talk out of your ***. the only time he doesn't wobble or chain throw after grabs is when nana isn't near by. so in melee what you need to do is separate the two or be prepared to get 0 to deathed.
Have you ever met Chu?

First off, it IS impossible to wobble on command every time. Just think about it. Nana isnt always perfectly in place, often times in mid slide during a grab. The stage my move on you. More importantly, only a handful of people have used wobbling effectively in tourny. Are you even going to pretend that wobbling was as easy as grabbing once and pressing Z over and over again?



Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
Have you ever met Chu?

First off, it IS impossible to wobble on command every time. Just think about it. Nana isnt always perfectly in place, often times in mid slide during a grab. The stage my move on you. More importantly, only a handful of people have used wobbling effectively in tourny. Are you even going to pretend that wobbling was as easy as grabbing once and pressing Z over and over again?

i've seen complete and utter noobs at tournament who could do nothing but wobble with ICs. he had the timing down and could do it flawless.

i've also seen good players that could wobble, but refused to do so because of how cheap it is.

if you set up the wobble, you WILL always have an infinite. not only that, but ICs can do the forward b to freeze and reposition you into a wobble, or another forward b to grab combo.

i don't see how me meeting chu is at all relevant because i've experienced the wobble's full effects as well as studied chu dat videos. i wouldn't be surprised if my chu dat playing knowledge even exceeds the almighty smash legend zig zags.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
if you set up the wobble, you WILL always have an infinite. not only that, but ICs can do the forward b to freeze and reposition you into a wobble, or another forward b to grab combo.
if you set up the wobble, you WILL always have an infinite. not only that, but ICs can do the forward b to freeze and reposition you into a wobble, or another forward b to grab combo.
if you set up the wobble
What part of "set up" vs "grab" is hard to understand?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
What part of "set up" vs "grab" is hard to understand?
well since you're quoting me i think that i am aware of the terminology used. no need for the sarcastic over emphasis.

i am also aware that set up and grab are different. however in the case of wobbling the set up is the grab. so it was careless of me to just assume that you would realize that it was what i intended to say.

needless to say the above argument it pointless. the topic on hand is if wobbling is easy to do consistently, and my vote is yes. the most practical way to avoid it is separating them, but if the ICs are good enough and patient, they can get a wobble in here and there to turn the tides of a match.


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Have you ever met Chu?

First off, it IS impossible to wobble on command every time. Just think about it. Nana isnt always perfectly in place, often times in mid slide during a grab. The stage my move on you. More importantly, only a handful of people have used wobbling effectively in tourny. Are you even going to pretend that wobbling was as easy as grabbing once and pressing Z over and over again?

by using it effectively, do you mean placing high by wobbling? Because then that would just be Chu and Wobbles. However, the rules for wobbling are almost the same rules for marth's 'chaingrab' in brawl. Higher level players are going to get around it, while lower level smashers get demolished by it.

I have not met chu, but i've met wobbles.

It's the same thing, but it'll be more pronounced because sakurai removed any way to cancel aerial lag.(it being wobbling vs the new gaygrabs). I doubt it's going to warrant a ban. Wobbling is a tech skill like any other, it requires a grab, a nana, and a rhythm. And nana isn't going to be in mid slide if you know how to jump and airdodge diagonally.

I think it's just going to be up to the discretion of the player whether or not he'll use these tactics. It's not going to make suck players be any better than suck.

Since we're on the topic of how Sakurai fails at brawl, say hello to Zero Suit Samus


Smash Apprentice
Sep 7, 2004
St. Louis, MO
Diary of a Mad Gay Asian, Part One
Mood: ;)

Monday, May 5, 2008

Recently I started reminiscing about my video game playing history. I started to think about it in a way I have never thought about it before, systematically and objectively. When I was younger and still a gamer I used to play any game that I could get my hands on. I never formed an opinion until after I had my fill of the game, whatever it may have been. In my mid teen years, after video games where understood by the market to be a money making product and games were being mass produced, the majority of them were becoming sub-par to put it nicely. After I realized this I started looking at every game with contempt and formed a negative opinion almost immediately about every game I saw. I realize this now and I am trying to break myself of this prejudice against new age games. It is proving to be rather difficult. However, having been in the higher education realm for several years now my ability to solve inner problems like this has grown. I have the ability now to analyze my problems and ask myself questions about these problems and to make progress. My goal is not to strip myself of opinions about new games. My goal is to continue to make these opinions but instead make them in a sheer objective fashion and to keep personal biases out of my decisions. It is impossible to completely remove one’s self from their biases, but one can still try. This article is one of my early most attempts to take a subject and critically analyze it to form an opinion, and in this case a prediction of what is to come of this game. The game I will be talking about is none other than the newest installment of Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers series, Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl, from which now on will be referred to as simply Brawl, cannot be fully understood yet. One reason for this is it has yet to be released in the U.S. with exceptions of a very few amount of people who have imported a Japanese version. The entirety of my analysis is based off of video, abundant on the internet, that I have studied and carefully analyzed. So as one reads this they should keep in mind that I have no hard evidence and that everything I am basing this analysis on can easily be proven wrong, or possibly right, in the future. That being said I will start off the remainder of this article by instead of stating assumption or fact I will ask a question, a question I had to ask myself after I formed my initial opinion about the game.

Originally after viewing game play footage of Brawl I formed the immediate opinion that “Brawl will not be a tournament worthy game”. I took my opinion and I questioned it. I asked myself, “Why do I feel that Brawl will not be a tournament worthy game”? This was not the proper question yet, other questions should precede this one. I tried to go all the way to the roots of this opinion. After several days of questioning more questions I found the question I was looking for. Instead of asking, “Why do I have this opinion?” or, “What does Brawl offer for competitive play”? I needed to start with the root question that is simply, “What are the factors that make a game tournament worthy”?

I had this question for several weeks. I could not put my answer into fluid thought but I knew the idea I was trying to convey. Finally, while in a conversation with a friend on the internet during a discussion of the Brawl game, in a moment of shear emotion I wrote in the message box my answer without even thinking about it. I wrote, “…; a game with speed and strategy at its core, a game that requires accurate and precise control of one’s character/s, where the ability of the player is not limited by the character, but where the characters are limited by the ability of the player, a game that consistently allows players of better ability to win against players of lesser ability”. Those are the factors that make a fighting game tournament worthy.

The next question to follow is simply a question to inform my audience of my background and how I came to this conclusion. My question is a simple one. How did I come to that conclusion? The way I found the answer to my first question was not accomplished through critical thinking alone. Since the fall months of 2005 I have been playing Brawl’s predecessor Super Smash Brothers Melee competitively. I was a late starter in the competitive world considering the game was released in 2001. The factors that make a good tournament game were found almost entirely in the game play of Melee. Before I go any further it is necessary for me to state that no game is perfect but, I will make the bold assertion that Melee is the closest game to being perfect for tournaments and competitive play that we have seen so far. Arguing that point would require an article all its own. For the sake of the rest of this article one should keep that in mind.

I spent over 2 years studying videos and traveling across the nation not only playing professional players but asking them questions trying to understand the game more than just how to play it. After years of study and taking what I knew and applying it and figuring out my own ideas along the way I understood why Melee was a great competitive tournament game. There are hundreds of small and detailed points I could make that would support the overall idea, it just took me up until this last month or so to produce a small list of general factors that accurately describe the important attributes of Melee that make it so significant to tournament and competitive play. Now that I have the factors in a list I can take the list and break it down to illustrate why these are the factors that matter. As I do this I will be using examples from melee game play so if one is reading this article and has no prior experience playing this game from here on out they will have to keep an open mind and try to stay with me.

To restate the factors of competitive compatibility they are: speed factor, strategy factor, accurate and precise control factor (the difficulty to utilize the next factor), freedom of control factor, and consistency of outcome factor. This is not as simple as it can get, this is still somewhat of an expansion of the factors. The only 2 factors that really matter in this line up are the factors with the subject of control. Having total freedom to control the game contains the speed factor, and the speed and control should allow strategy. This eliminates the first 2 factors completely. So why did I even state them in the first place? They are discussed and highlighted because they play a significant role in competitive play even though they can be easily categorized under the other factors.

Looking at what I consider to be the most important factor in a fighting game to make it tournament viable, freedom of control, I can take this idea and put it into measurable numerical terms. Before I continue on that, however, I need to explain that in the beginning before I was able to identify these key factors by definition, this was how I tried to justify my idea. While in numerous discussions with peers in the recent months I have tried to make this a point only to find out that simply in the way I had been conveying my point of view on this factor was not sufficient. I needed to find a way in my native language of English to place my idea into a more compact and understandable statement other than a 5 minute sign language battle and a lot of numbers. So in essence, what my audience is about to read is what my argument used to try to stand on, but now I feel that coupled with my definition of this factor, this has become an example more than just the argument itself and the end result being they support each other and it gives my argument 2 legs to stand on. This article is wordy to say the least so I will try to restate some things in order to keep the points together.

To further define freedom of control we can make a scale of numbers. First, I will go over an example of a game that limits control. In hypothetical game A we see 2 players compete in a match. Both players select the same character for the purpose of simplicity. Player1 has an ability of 300, while Player2 has an ability of 50. However, the character they have both selected to fight each other with only has a maximum capacity to be controlled at an ability level of 20. Is it not too unimaginable to see how this can lead to an unfair victory and loss? At this point the player’s individual ability levels do not matter, or matter less. Both of them are limited to the character which is stuck at a maximum capacity of 20. So in this instance we have a 300 versus a 50 and it’s obvious by looking at their skill who is the better player, but Player2 still has just as much of a chance to win as Player1 in these circumstances where neither of them can play any better than the ability level of 20.

Immediately if one questions this who has competitive experience they may discredit this example and make an understandable argument that even though they are still evenly matched, Player1 with a higher skill in the game none-the-less would still be able to use a more developed strategy, or what it is commonly referred to in the video game community as “mind games”, to defeat Player2 who is of lesser ability with less strategy. This would be a good argument that I would love to get into, however, that is another subject for yet another article, but I will still address this with a point I have already made. In my hypothesis I link speed and strategy directly with control. I firmly stand by this assertion. If your control is decreased, one’s ability to produce strategy is lowered proportionately with it. Less control means less “mind games”. Inversely, a game with more control is able to grant more strategy in play.

Now I take the game that is limited by the player’s ability. Hypothetical game B is being played by Player3 and Player4. For simplicity again we will say they are both playing the same character against one another. Player3 has an ability of 300, while Player4 has an ability of 400. The character’s full potential is an ability of 1,200. Now the players are free to fully control the game to the best of their ability and the contest is no longer in the hands of a flip of a coin. The player with a 400 ability in this game should, in theory, consistently win most matches against the player of a 300 ability. These outcomes seem a lot fairer to me, as they should to anyone. To tie this lengthy example together, this is what I mean by the control factor. A good tournament worthy fighting game is one where a player’s ability defines the game play. From this hypothesis of control stems the; speed factor, strategy factor, accuracy and precision factor and, consistency of outcome factor.

Melee is a game where several characters are so complex that it seems almost humanly impossible to ever truly tap into their full potential. The limit is set far beyond the ability of any player the game has ever seen. Melee is an example of a game that allows a player the freedom to use their full potential in some cases. Not all characters in the game are completely controllable, as previously stated Melee is not the perfect fighting game. Melee players have constantly been improving as a whole, the bar keeps getting set higher and higher and the limit has yet to be reached. Players are proving every year in every tournament that they can play even better than previously observed. Every year the tournament videos are faster and more complex and the matches even more exciting than the year before without fail. However, no one has even come close to controlling the game at its limits. This is demonstrated in a series of videos made by a player who goes by the alias, or “tag”, Super Doodleman. He slows down the game to a frame by frame state (one sixtieth of a second intervals) using special software called “Action Replay” and demonstrates just where the limits of the characters lie. The videos are shown in real time and are truly impressive to a player familiar with the game; to someone not familiar with Melee these videos will not make sense to you. Refer to the end of this article for the links to these videos.

Examples of fighting games that limit player control are a lot easier to name. One could take almost any classical fighter and identify how confined you are to every character in the roster. Games like; any Street Fighter (Capcom), any Dead or Alive (Tecmo), any Tekken (Namco), the list goes on. This does not mean that these are bad games. The point I make is that they are not tournament and competitive play conducive as much so as Super Smash Brothers Melee. This is the reason I make the bold assertion that Melee is the world’s best fighting game so far.

This is all the analyzing that I had to go through just to prove to myself that I had reason for my opinion and that I wasn’t just jumping to conclusions. When doing exploration into a subject like this with critical thinking and logic one has to keep an open mind to the facts and not “fall in love with one’s own ideas” (Keith Edwards). Ready with this open minded mind set I started looking at this subject not to justify my opinion, but to reform it if necessary. After my analysis I was successfully able to logically place Brawl’s visibly slower and more constricting game play under the “not tournament conducive” bracket. It has already been confirmed by many sources that several of the techniques that gave far more control in the previous games do not exist in Brawl giving the player far less control. My prediction stands. I believe that Brawl will be a step backwards in tournament play from its predecessor Melee.

I am sure a lot of my readers disagree and are not happy with my conclusion. I am aware I have probably made some enemies with this article. However, there is hope. All I have done here is based my judgments off of observation. Once the game is released widespread in America the Super Smash Brothers community will be studying the game play non-stop like a nationwide task force. If there is hope for Brawl to be played at a higher tournament level than Melee, we have nothing but time to find out how. So, my prediction is nothing more than that, a prediction. No one can tell the future accurately, we can only make our best guesses, and I am sure I stand along-side most of you in the hopes that I am absolutely wrong.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
The STL Smashboards Thread Spectacular!

Now featuring: Much Ado About Ness
The Guy With The Lulz - Tony
Arguing Stuff - Edubs
That New Kid - Darkatma
Sanity - Zig-Zag
Gaysian - Treppy

Be sure you don't miss this week's exciting show; apparently we will also be replaying favorites in "Random's Masterpiece Theater".


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
Comparing wobbling to the infinite on the psychic kids is irrelevant simply on the basis that in brawl getting a grab is 100000 times easier than in melee. Not only is grabbing easier, but to start a wobble you had to get a grab with nana in a specific position, adding even more difficulty to performing a wobble. Even with that people considered banning wobbling, and wobbling was still good. The infinite on the psychic kids is in a whole other league of cheap.

Why is this so?


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
dedede infinite on DK with downthrow
dedede can also do the standing grab similar to the ones on ness and lucas
except he can do it to Bowser, Samus, Mario, and Luigi as well.

the purported snake infinite

Zss infinite mentioned earlier

for chaingrabs we have..
yoshi on metaknight
everyone on ness and lucas
dedede on everyone heavier than zelda

this game is headed towards more infinites
the 'new kid' has played very good people and knows what he's talking about.

treppy that is the longest post I have seen in my life.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
I'm optimistic that the games will co-exist side-by-side. The hate of brawl by people that favor Melee will simmer, and the little hate of Melee by Brawl people is almost gone...

*kicks Tony down a well*



Smash Cadet
Feb 5, 2007
STL MO(St.Charles)
So any1 plan to play games this week?

maybe some1 can show me those infamous infs so I can state a fair opinion.

Diary of a Mad Gay Asian, Part One
Mood: ;)

Mnday, May 5, 2008

Recently I srted reminiscing about my video gae playing histoy. I started to thinbout it in a way I have never ght about i o I am absolutely wrong.
dude thats gay...:dizzy:


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
i am content to play both games in harmony.

but i will still cry about brawl like a little girl hahaha
pretty much same thing here. brawl is fun, but especially with all these new infinites being discovered it is getting more and more lame


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Nessbounder's research/field testing

All tests were performed on Ness, by the way.

MARIO: Ftilt
Not much to see here. An Ftilt to the face isn't so bad at all, especially coming from Mario. His Fsmash and Dsmash are too slow and don't reach far enough to hit you.
Verdict: safe

DK: infinite
DK has an infinite with his cargo hold.
Verdict: hopeless

Link/Toon Link: down smash
Link and Toon Link's grabs are too slow for them to get you again before you can spot dodge. The best they can do is hit with a down smash. It's a strong KO move, so it's still not very nice, but you won't be losing matches solely because of this.
Verdict: safe

Samus: dtilt
Same deal as the Links, except with down tilt instead. It's a hefty attack for Samus, but once again, not too bad either.
Verdict: safe

Zero Suit Samus: ftilt
Not bad at all, really
Verdioct: safe

Kirby/Jigglypuff: nothing
You slide very far away from Kirby and Jigglypuff for some reason. They can't run and grab you again fast enough to get a chain grab going either, and can't reach you with any attacks.
Verdict: safe

Fox: running grab, up smash
Fox can grab you again after the break-out, and even worse, he can lead into an up smash when it's time to KO, making for hideous damage and early KOs from a single grab. Try to stay on platforms and avoid Final Destination if you can.
Verdict: unsafe

Pikachu: running grab, ftilt
Hey, at least he can't combo into up smash, right? What's more, Pikachu slides very far when he does a running grab, meaning you'll reach the edge of the stage in record time. One of the better match ups.
Verdict: safe

Marth: infinate
Broken nonsense.
Verdict: hopeless

Game & Watch: oil panic
How ironic...
Verdict: safe

Luigi: nothing
Lucky his Fsmash is too slow to combo from a break.
Verdict: safe

Diddy: running grab, dtilt
same boat as Pikachu, but doesn't slide as far.
Verdict: safe

Zelda: jump break
For some reason, it's easy to jump break Zelda's grab. However, if you don't jump break, she can follow up with an Ftilt, which isn't TOO deadly.
Verdict: safe

Shiek: running grab, down smash
Dammit, even in Brawl, Sheik can still chain grab Ness. Good thing she can't KO too well with her down smash...
Verdict: risky

Pit: Fsmash
Not too bad, not too good either since it happens to be his best KO move.
Verdict: risky

Metaknight: running grab, ftilt, downsmash
He slides very far when he grabs from a run, but he can follow up with either a very damaging attack, or one of his best KO moves. He can even attempt to trip you with Dtilt if he wants. Yuck...
Verdict: risky

Falco: running up smash (or hit cancel)
Eww...but still, at least he can't chain grab with this.
Verdict: risky

Charizard: infinite
Curses on that long neck of yours, Charizard!
Verdict: hopeless

Squirtle: infinite (almost)
Squirtle can just take half a step forwards and grab you again because of his abnormally good grab range, coupled by the fact that he moves forward a bit in his shell when you break out of his grasp.
Verdict: hopeless

Ivysaur: infinite
Just keep away from Pokemon Trainer...really.
Verdict: hopeless

Ike: AAA combo
Not that bad at all.
Verdict: safe

Snake: infinite
broken ****e. Leads into Ftilt when he's done with you.
Verdict: hopeless

Peach: running grab, Ftilt
Same kind of deal as Diddy Kong. Bearable, but still kind of unfair. At least it's not a magic KO move.
Verdict: safe

Yoshi: jump break
Yoshi's grab always has a jump break out. Probably one of the safest characters to fight as Ness/Lucas. Too bad he's considered low tier and nobody plays him. -_-
Verdict: safe

Ganon: jump break
I may need to test this more, but it seems quite easy to jump break out of Ganon's grab. For now, I'll say this is safe.
Verdict: safe

Ice Climbers: FFFFFFFFF!

Dedede: nothing (possibly down tilt)
I was very surprised by this too. For some reason, Dedede's grab DOESN'T reach Ness after he breaks out of the hold...and a running grab is too slow. It's strange, but try as I might, I just couldn't get Dedede to grab Ness during the helpless animation.
Verdict: safe (however, you still have his other chain grab to contend with).

Wolf: down smash
his best KO move, but still, not a chain grab.
Verdict: safe

Lucario: Ftilt
I wouldn't expect any less from the honorable Lucario. Always ready to fight fair and square, for the sake of a good match.
Verdict: safe

Ness: running grab
Slides a lot. Ness dittoes just got way more boring. It'll hit the edge soon enough, but back throw is a solid KO move.
Verdict: safe

Sonic: running grab, ftilt
Sonic's running grab has hardly any slide at all, making this almost an infinite. Either way, you'll take a lot of damage before he reaches the edge.
Verdict: unsafe

Bowser: infinite (almost.)
Bowser has next to NO slide at all on his running grab, making this pretty much an infinite. Seeing as he can then belt you with Ftilt, which is a pretty good KO move, I'd say this is a bleak match up.
Verdict: hopeless

Wario: infinite (almost)
Wario is exactly the same as squirtle in that he just needs to take a half-step and he can catch you with a standing grab, making this another almost-infinite. He can't combo into anything from it, but still, it's Wario. It's not like he's Sonic and has difficult KO moves or anything.
Verdict: hopeless

Olimar: Fsmash, standing grab if his previous grab was a running grab.
Olimar's weird in that he can grab you twice if his first grab was a running grab. He can't chain grab you, luckily enough, but he can hit you with his Fsmash, which hurts like heck. Either way, Olimar is excellent at grabbing, so this will be a troublesome match up no matter how you view it.
Verdict: unsafe

ROB: running grab, Ftilt, Dtilt
He sees to slide a fair bit on his running grab, but not as much as Pikachu. His follow-ups aren't too bad either. Dtilt can trip you though.
Verdict: safe

Falcon: Dtilt
The good Captain is too manly to use cheese tactics like this.
Verdict: safe

Lucas: infinite
Well gosh darn. Lucas dittoes just got even more boring than Ness dittoes. Whoever gets the first grab wins, and Lucas now has a glaring advantage over Ness. Bravo Sakurai, I hope you're pleased with yourself...
Verdict: hopeless.


*goes back to making his new Lucario animated banner.*

By the way, I thought I'd add that the timing to get a perfect running grab for most of the characters who can chain throw this way is actually VERY strict. If you press Z even just a fraction of a second too late after starting the dash, you'll give Ness or Lucas a chance to spot dodge. NO ROLLING. Spot dodge is the fastest form of evasion available for them in this situation.

not too bad really.
just that the top 3 characters become even more terrible.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
I still feel infinites need time to come into context.

That snake thing is bogus. That is incredibly situational, and more of a chaingrab if anything. The Zamus thing is a bit grayer. Is that stalling? Is that a great tactic? It doesnt look INCREDIBLY easy to do, at least compared to that ness thing. Furthermore, who can it be done against?

I am looking forward to seeing what the community does with these. I think if anything, it's opening up some fantastic experimentation with the characters.

Brawl is becoming faster and faster the more I play it. These pika tricks I'm learning and discovering are quickening up all my matches quite a bit. I really can't wait to go to my first Brawl tourny upcoming.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
from 3 of your posts I can already discern that you aren't good at melee. And you're not going to be good at brawl.
Just to clear things up.

TTT is/was very good at melee and hes an excellent brawl player as well. I would say that both you guys are at about the same skill level. It will be cool to see some matches between you two when you come to STL :).


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
Just to clear things up.

TTT is/was very good at melee and hes an excellent brawl player as well. I would say that both you guys are at about the same skill level. It will be cool to see some matches between you two when you come to STL :).
;_; i-it's beautiful everyone getting along and playing smash together..... FINALLY SOMEONE BACKIN ME UP JEEZ. Also, me in melee now is just ugly lol unless i pick donkey kong and for some unknown reason do decently. Eh hopefully i'll be able to switch back and forth easier. Even so i'll beat all you fools in brawl....unless i get stomped when i'm yoshi haha GGs GENO no johns.


Smash Lord
Jan 7, 2007
St Louis, Missouri


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
Pfffft where's the vid of my Ganon owning it up Legan? Lulz, selective video posting johns.

Also Geno I really, really need you to send me that one replay where I violated TTT so much that I think I might be a sex offender in some states now.


Smash Ace
Dec 18, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Pfffft where's the vid of my Ganon owning it up Legan? Lulz, selective video posting johns.

Also Geno I really, really need you to send me that one replay where I violated TTT so much that I think I might be a sex offender in some states now.
Lol, yeah thats on my wii isnt it. Ill send it to you soon


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2005
St. Louie
Hey what are your wii numbers because i want these replays too....also i need to send you guys some ****.

5256 2836 6703 3756


Smash Hero
Dec 10, 2005
St Louis, Missouri/Fremont, CA
Just to clear things up.

TTT is/was very good at melee and hes an excellent brawl player as well. I would say that both you guys are at about the same skill level. It will be cool to see some matches between you two when you come to STL :).
yeah i got lazy and didn't edit my post

brawlpro already told me you're decent over aim

Anyways I apologize for my earlier statement
^except that sounds really stiff
Brawlpro also said you're mad funny :p


Smash Master
Sep 4, 2006
St. Louis MO
hahaha i am interested to play you guys in brawl after seeing those vids... i see some cute moves



Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Your mother
Screw Deku, I'LL be home on friday!

Actually, I think I'm gonna be in Philadelphia on friday.

But the WEEKEND! THEN I'll be home! :D


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
jigglypuff is high tier?
What 'chu talking about? My boy Legan here plays Link, who along with Ganondorf, Zelda, and Shiek are considered Triforce Tier.

(Triforce Tier also includes Yoshi, Samus, and Pokemon Trainer, and happens to be below all the other tiers...)


Smash Apprentice
Dec 27, 2006
What 'chu talking about? My boy Legan here plays Link, who along with Ganondorf, Zelda, and Shiek are considered Triforce Tier.

(Triforce Tier also includes Yoshi, Samus, and Pokemon Trainer, and happens to be below all the other tiers...)
well he said "our" so i was actually talking about your jigglypuff thinka
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