Hi guys
I'm here to learn squirtman, make fun of how stupid the movement names are, and agree with Mad about double aerials (don't try to do the stupid ike one though, it's not worth even trying)
I'm going to slowly delve into all the threads for information, but I have a few questions to ask for now:
What do you feel Squirtle win conditions are? Like what do you aim for to win nuetral and take the stocks? (Insert can't just side b joke I guess). Do you feel he is a rush down character or all super bait/punish using superior mobility? Combo monster or using his good gimping tools? Somehwere in the middle of all of these?
What do you guys go for for general combo strings? Upair is silly I know that, dtilt is crazy good (cc tho I guess), fair/bair can carry off stage well and Squirtle can follow up, up tilt got nerfed but does it still work well? Down Smash converts into a lot, is dair good?
What moves do you go for to make convertions? Do you go for grabs mostly to start things? Upthrow still good? Fthrow di mixup? Movement option>dsmash as major coverting tool? Bubble trips, is that used very often?
How the hell do I use bubble. Im used to trips from being a diddy main, but he doesn't convert the same way as Squirtle does off it and I can't figure it out, it feels like it's hard to follow up on hit depending on how they roll in respect to the stage and how much room I have to do another sling **** and react in time. Grounded bubble feels really good though.
How do I use water gun?
How the hell do I land aqua jet now? I can't even get it out half the time.
How do you guys threaten the space right in front of you quickly? I feel that's his worst trait in that he can't threaten in front of him well without doing something because his dash sucks. (I feel peach/rob/jiggs /wario could be really hard for this reason, if they aren't rough already)
I would like really good footage of Squirtle to figure it out and stuff, I'm going to dig through the video thread later but hints in who to watch would be great.
I should probably ask burnsy stuff too, it kinda would help considering we live in the same region lol.
This character is really fun, want to learn him. I don't think he does any MUs better than diddy that diddy would struggle in, unless you guys think squirtman beats spacies samus and peach, but I want to learn anyway.
Right now my Squirtle is booty because I haven't like, figured out game plans and stuff and suck if I don't plan ahead at least abstract things. Soon tho, I want to learn this character for a lot of reasons.