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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
theyre talking about oct 18-19 brawl overnight thing

yall know there's a pokemon called Darkrai?



Obama/Biden 2 - McCain/Palin 0

Kadaj, right now I'm trying out Meta Knight and Pit. But as for now, Pika is my main.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 4, 2006
Sova, CNU
sarah palin just got 3stocked
She was professional, witty, polite, and empathetic; Biden used his keen tact and experience in the Senate, neither side having "lost" anything. If anything, I would suggest Palin accomplished more than Biden, but only because she came into the debates with more to prove than her opponent - especially after that terrible interview with Couric :(


Was just wondering, do any of you play other fighting games as well other than Smash?


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
PTZR, i'm probably going to give shayden a ride on sat...so just spend the night at his house friday lol

also, ether, you were the ganon obviously..your fox wouldn't lose to a ganon..i wanted practice at the time because i had just lost my first match to a ganon ever (fats).


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2008
VA Beach
<_< XD

I didn't want to actually start a politics debate here, I just wanted to bust out something really nerdy like "x got 3stocked" in a real life situation

you're right though, she did eons better than anyone expected her to. she still lost the debate though.

she saved face, I don't think she really progressed her campaign at all.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I might need a ride to odu if anyone wants to be nice PM me your number we'll talk, gas money?
Thanks for the ride buddy. >.<

PTZR, i'm probably going to give shayden a ride on sat...so just spend the night at his house friday lol
Hate to intrued.......

Can you add one more person to the ride? I can give gas money if needed. :D

PTZR was suppose to actually drive me and him up there but apparently he's forgotten about that. <.<

If you can't take me that's alright.

Edit: PM me an answer please so it'll be easier to view on a mobile device.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Heh, Scott if you don't see Walls of Text explode in a thread [see the Evo 2k7 video thread, after the post that simply said "PC should have gone Falco against HugS"...that's it. That's all he said. And it spawned so much worthless text.]

This isn't a matter of debate...just an observational question.

Did anyone else notice how she DID NOT ANSWER a significant number of questions presented to her?

I could go on, but I'm not debating this. I can't imagine, in a presidential race such as this, that anyone who has made up their mind will change it. You have your reasons to believe what you do, we'll keep that stuff private (which is to say, if you really want to debate anything, leave it in PMs please :))

gah I started this post a while ago, hopefully no one already said this...stupid surprise clients showing up >_>

ALSO: does anyone have a Nintendo64 with Goldeneye?!?! I need to MM people in Licensed to Kill - Pistols! I need to relearn Puzzle Fighter, too. It's been like...8 years haha

I also need to get back into Halo 1 [just got my old *** XBox back from my cousin =D]


Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2008
On the Runway
I was always a Tetris Attack kind of person...

Yeah, we still haven't done our Goldeneye matches...Me and MaSHi didn't get to do your Smash64 Matches either...


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2004
souf part of VA
Did anyone else notice how she DID NOT ANSWER a significant number of questions presented to her?
didnt really watch the debate for Palin's views as much as I did hoping that I could get some views of her TnA going on. Sexy Skinemax librarian all day. Phuck Biden, though. He's insulted my intelligence four times now, and one of those times was when I was within thirty feet of him, looking him in the face.

The election is pretty much between an older, more articulate George Bush and a younger, less black Bill Clinton (zing!). One doesnt know that we don't have money, and the other one can't tell the difference between real money and monopoly boardgame money.

Screw Obama. Screw McCain.

Nader '08. His time has finally come.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2007
Jag förstår inte. Vad sa du?
Screw Obama. Screw McCain.
Screw politics in general <___<...*doesn't want to vote this year*

Anyway, I'm talkin' to Tope about hosting Melee tourneys in Richmond...I know I've mentioned it before, but now I've actually...y'know...TALKED to Tope about it XD...still waiting for a reply though...

>.> <.<

*slips back into his corner*


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
While it's "legitimate" in the mechanics of American political debates, I find it quite shallow that the American public gauges the success of a candidate's performance with respect only to how he/she was EXPECTED to do. They were not even. As Toasty said, "she DID NOT ANSWER a significant number of questions presented to her." How is this a debate? I kind of wished Larry King was the moderator so that he would interject a "please answer the question" whenever she went on a rant about how she has teachers in her family or how her being in Alaska has helped her shape a strong Energy Policy.

And of policies: what are hers? Biden is often attacked for literally speaking too much in response to a question with boring statistics or expounding unnecessarily upon policies or whatever else. But how else is any candidate, especially one running for (virtually) the second highest office in the country, supposed to legitimately prove points to the entire nation? Biden was loaded with evidences and proof of fallacies in the political game that McCain and Palin are running- no, that McCain and the [neo-]Republicans are running (with the added neo-, of course, because Bush and all of his "old" Republicans are in "no way" associated with this new party that endorses change from the ways of the past 8 years; familiar, no?). And yes, the Democrats are running a political game as well; this is how you win an election, Gov't 101; nevertheless, while Biden was craftily using facts, statistics, and the outlined intentions of his and Obama's potential administration, Palin provided the American public with monologues of tired old conservative ideologies that are in NO WAY applicable to the modern problems at hand. "Taxes will put more strain on the economy; we must cut taxes to fix the problem"; yeah, because cutting taxes and decreasing regulation worked GREAT in the past 8 years, despite the BALANCED budget with which the Clinton admistration concluded its terms.

I could be wrong; I'm not a politician. But when the party's representatives don't explicitly come out and address these issues, it becomes confusing if not aggrivating to those who are trying to grasp the projected state of the union under either administration. Oh, and Blackula, something omitted on your Palinbingo: straight talk. I just think that's blatantly ironic and somewhat ignorant that the Republicans attack the Democrats for, i dunno, talking in circles or not being direct with the public or whatever, when their pick for VP dodges questions and their pick for Prez has still not provided the Independents with reason enough to follow him other than "Obama is naive." They have yet to prove to me, with cold hard facts, that Obama is too naive for the job. I found myself saying "Prove it" any time McCain or Palin attacked Obama's or Biden's lack of expertise.

You can't win a debate by dodging questions, and, by logical standards, you can't win by exceeding some expectation, especially when it's so low. If Biden won, then Palin lost; if Palin won, then Biden lost. No way in hell that Biden lost; and, no, there was no draw, cuz that's bull****.

Palin did NOT get 3-stocked; she got 4-stocked, cuz Serious Government Business is more technical than Brawl.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Palin did NOT get 3-stocked; she got 4-stocked, cuz Serious Government Business is more technical than Brawl.

Also can you pretty please ask Kp the question I had earlier since you know his number. :3

I could Drop by early in the morning, dont know about spending the night i'll have to see.
Your not my friend no mores......<.<


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2008
VA Beach
While it's "legitimate" in the mechanics of American political debates, I find it quite shallow that the American public gauges the success of a candidate's performance with respect only to how he/she was EXPECTED to do. They were not even. As Toasty said, "she DID NOT ANSWER a significant number of questions presented to her." How is this a debate? I kind of wished Larry King was the moderator so that he would interject a "please answer the question" whenever she went on a rant about how she has teachers in her family or how her being in Alaska has helped her shape a strong Energy Policy.

And of policies: what are hers? Biden is often attacked for literally speaking too much in response to a question with boring statistics or expounding unnecessarily upon policies or whatever else. But how else is any candidate, especially one running for (virtually) the second highest office in the country, supposed to legitimately prove points to the entire nation? Biden was loaded with evidences and proof of fallacies in the political game that McCain and Palin are running- no, that McCain and the [neo-]Republicans are running (with the added neo-, of course, because Bush and all of his "old" Republicans are in "no way" associated with this new party that endorses change from the ways of the past 8 years; familiar, no?). And yes, the Democrats are running a political game as well; this is how you win an election, Gov't 101; nevertheless, while Biden was craftily using facts, statistics, and the outlined intentions of his and Obama's potential administration, Palin provided the American public with monologues of tired old conservative ideologies that are in NO WAY applicable to the modern problems at hand. "Taxes will put more strain on the economy; we must cut taxes to fix the problem"; yeah, because cutting taxes and decreasing regulation worked GREAT in the past 8 years, despite the BALANCED budget with which the Clinton admistration concluded its terms.

I could be wrong; I'm not a politician. But when the party's representatives don't explicitly come out and address these issues, it becomes confusing if not aggrivating to those who are trying to grasp the projected state of the union under either administration. Oh, and Blackula, something omitted on your Palinbingo: straight talk. I just think that's blatantly ironic and somewhat ignorant that the Republicans attack the Democrats for, i dunno, talking in circles or not being direct with the public or whatever, when their pick for VP dodges questions and their pick for Prez has still not provided the Independents with reason enough to follow him other than "Obama is naive." They have yet to prove to me, with cold hard facts, that Obama is too naive for the job. I found myself saying "Prove it" any time McCain or Palin attacked Obama's or Biden's lack of expertise.

You can't win a debate by dodging questions, and, by logical standards, you can't win by exceeding some expectation, especially when it's so low. If Biden won, then Palin lost; if Palin won, then Biden lost. No way in hell that Biden lost; and, no, there was no draw, cuz that's bull****.

Palin did NOT get 3-stocked; she got 4-stocked, cuz Serious Government Business is more technical than Brawl.
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