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SOVA, ITS 2010! Step ya Melee game up baby! <3


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2007
Va beach
Maverick, at ECPI, we have the Player's Club which is a gaming club. Well, on Wednesdays, we get together and game for 30 minutes. We mainly play Brawl and Halo 3. Well, I played Brawl in the first set, and I was the last to pick up a Game Cube controller. No one told me though that the A button was busted. During the match, I said, hey, my A button is stuck.
Thats why you bring your own controllers like me and SK! :[

me, cdot and my gf should be there sat. :D
Omg like omg are you serious?!
I cant wait to see you again!!!!! ;]
Wtf at racism on smashboards :(
Jfox started it.
Lol jadak is kadaj spelled backwards
Something malco made up :laugh:
Malco: don't forget ours.
Oh I didn forget! :]


I actually was going to bring a controller but then when I got to the school, I totally forgot. I think I'm just going to leave my controller in my backpack.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
i hope that i get at least a set against ether while i am there..out of the 3-4 times i've been at the same event as ether, i've only managed to play against him in 3 rounds. 1 fox vs marth (was three stocked) 1 sheik vs marth (was barely two stocked), and 1 fox vs ganon...which i barely won...

but i'm better than then i hope.

anyways, i hope we can actually get one set...people are always stealing him..if i bring a tv and setup i expect to get to warm up on it though, ok toasty? also, things have a habit of disappearing at smash events..so i'll probably sit around it to watch over it

if i had to list how many new controllers i've had to buy at smash events/memory cards...lol, but at least i don't get systems/tvs stolen...like m2k

ps- i can't seem to get my friends to come because WM assigns too much ****ed work. so i may try to pick up shaeman from Newport news...maybe he or theo will team with me..sigh


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I think I'm just going to leave my controller in my backpack.
It has begun.

KP, of course you'll have time to warm up :) I also have labels that I'll try to remember to bring. Besides there are only a couple people in SoVa who steal and I know who they are. If anything, god forbid, were to be missing [though it's mostly controllers that disappear when they show up to events] I would know where to find them.

SoVa: as far as marking your controllers, please make a marking that cannot be easily removed. I've had one of those thieves use rubbing alcohol to remove the permanent marker I use to label my controllers [luckily he didn't notice my little drawing of toast on the controller input, though he says he did and THAT'S why he gave it back? wtf don't take it in the first place, no matter whose it is]

It's really pathetic that I have to say any of this. But ever since they started showing up at events, controllers began disappearing [and I don't mean someone took a silver controller because they picked up the wrong one and they left theirs at the event...just straight up MISSING] and even after being caught, they're not stopping, so I'm not going to ignore the fact that their presence can equal a stolen controller.

Nah. **** it. They just won't be allowed at any events I have an administrative hand in.


Can I get a head count of everyone who's coming to my place on Saturday?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
i lawlled at gibbed
forgive my dive into nubville

and again please PLEASE bring setups guys cz while tables and chairs arent a problem, there are zero tvs to work with

also: eddie is a frickin beast


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Blackula: Me, kadaj, and famous make three. There may be one more guy with us so three and a possible.


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
Schoolie - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS *choir of angels sings in the background* This just confirmed my being there, unless of an emergency.

Toasty - lol, I wasn't plan on doing any mms, but we can. That sounds kinda fun, that Link vs. Ness one! Let's have the YYG stuff as bonuses. I feel I may well lose 5 dollars here, lol.

KP - Man, I know what you mean, but we'll play this time. Hey, who was Ganon in the Fox/Ganon match you won? If I was Fox, I'll lawl at myself.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2007
Schoolie - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS *choir of angels sings in the background* This just confirmed my being there, unless of an emergency.
I think Ether was jus waiting 4 that one moment where Schoolie jus came and said he'll team.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
I need all of the numbers of S.T.A.R.S. members. Please PM me and I will reply with my number.

Kadaj...GGs yesterday! I hope you now realize how beneficial it is to your opponents when you don't sandbag. Thanks. We should do that more often.

Also, I'm going to look around [when I get time >_>] to see if there are any events in MD/VA/NC the weekend of October 11th. I really hope there's an NC-Billfest [Karn/NC-Echo's Biweeklies]. If anyone's down to travel that weekend, lemme know.

OOH actually if anyone wants to look up events FOR me, that would be a monster help ^_^

Oh and Kadaj: More Brawl Marth dittos!!!!! I need a better understanding of his hitboxes/spacing/auto-cancels. Don’t have time to go through Marth boards if that info is already there…

strangely, playing Brawl yesterday made me AMAAAAZING for the 30 minutes of Melee I played at Zion's after class =D!!!

For those who don't know, Brawl skills give you SICK powershielding and DI abilities in Melee =D [both of those things are great in general...but amazing against (Zion's) Falco hehehe]

hahaha Ether: my goal is to get 7 in the first two matches [I'll win the first one] and then I'll throw match 2 so I can have more opportunities for YYG KOs in the 3rd match ^_^
jkjkjk that'll be mad hard, your Link is a monster


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
You do know this is for brawl right?

Edit: I was two minutes late with that announcement...
hahaha, it's cool...Schoolie needs the extra effort on our part for the information to get through that gorgeous mane of his =D actually...he's just ****ing lazy with the boards, so more reminders are always better for him ;)

yea theyre gonna yell at me for having a dozen expected attendants T_T
wait wha? please explain...or are you just speculating. Just wondering because if you're serious then this is pretty important.

If absolutely necessary we'll have to move it to my house or something :( I really don't want to do that though.........way too much **** to deal with/clean and way too many things that could be damaged that I can't afford/manage to replace.

Or I could get Zion to let us play at his place >_> not the best idea though.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Norfolk, VA
Toasty, I looked and, there is absolutely nothing going on in this area on the 11th that I can see. I need to play though... Hey Blackula, what time can we start showing up at your place on saturday? I might be there.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2007
Norfolk, VA
Haha, the good ole' haunted hayride... I was about to hit someone last time I went up there... the mofo decided he wanted to climb on the ride RIGHT beside me... bad idea. lol


Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2005
Burke, VA
HAHAHA i lawlled @ dobee

i imagined that video of the person dressed up as a scarecrow scaring a black man at his front door only to get punched in the face

and i checked this morning and while she didnt know the limit, my new estimate was 25-30 and she said it was fine

and scientific studies prove that in groups of more than 30, people's ability to explicitly count objects diminishes and they start making wild guesses so we'll be fine

-Caboose, Sociologist Pro Edition


Smash Rookie
Aug 31, 2008
VA Beach
I hope you now realize how beneficial it is to your opponents when you don't sandbag.
oh man so true

i hate it when people sandbag, it makes me think that people are sandbagging when they really arent which causes me to not try as hard, etc

and if you don't sandbag you force the other person to figure out what to do to beat you, etc

at least for me, I strongly prefer getting 3 stocked over losing a high% 1stock against someone that I know is better than me. it's the only way to learn!


Smash Ace
Sep 14, 2005
Virginia Beach, VA
I think Ether was jus waiting 4 that one moment where Schoolie jus came and said he'll team.
lol, yes.

hahaha Ether: my goal is to get 7 in the first two matches [I'll win the first one] and then I'll throw match 2 so I can have more opportunities for YYG KOs in the 3rd match ^_^
jkjkjk that'll be mad hard, your Link is a monster
lol, I'm gonna get *****. I'll try to remember to bring some money. Honestly though, if I win, I'd rather have a giant plate of nachos in the near future. >.>


If anyone wants to show up earlier than 6, that's cool. 6 is just a habit. So let's break the habit. :) Come as early as 4.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2005
Yo Don. Hook me up with a ride to Blackula's place saturday plz. I will be home all day so just come by.


Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2008
word word...Jeff if you don't find a teammate and if Kadaj decides he wants to team with Famous, I'll team with you if the offer still stands :) I prefer to team with Kadaj ONLY because I want revenge on the 18th. But that's his call...
kk well it stands, and if you'll team with him then ill just wont enter teams haha

Toasty, or my secret friend whom i cant say. but if thats dumb then i might not even go.



Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2007
Richmond, VA
SOMEONE FROM CNU - PM this guy =D oh wait CNU doesn't check the boards >_< [Spod, that's your cue! I know you secretly read this ****!]
I read the boards I just don't really post. Schoolie obviously fails and I don't even know about the others...I'm not sure if Kathleen knows they exist.

PTZR...where do you live?
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