Smash Journeyman
(Ignore this Post for anything im not hosting myself)
1407 Canadian ct. Virginia Beach Va. 23453<----------Address n' ****.
5$ VENUE FEE ON TOURNEY DAYS!!!! (meaning when its NOT a fest or practice)
rules: (melee)
Double elemenation, 4 stock, 8 min time.
Life stealing ALLOWED in teams.
Items OFF
Team attack ON
1. You are responsible for bringing your own controller.
2. Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
3. Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.
Random selcet.
Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, [DK 64, Rainbow Cruise(teams only)], Dreamland 64 & Pokemon Stadium, [Fountain of Dreams (singles only)] .
Yoshi's Island (Pipes), Fourside, Hyrule Temple, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom 1, Venom, Yoshi's Island 64, Peach's Castle, and Kongo Jungle, Onett, Great Bay, Mushroom Kingdom 2 and Mute City(teams only)
any non-banned stages are open for counterpick.
Stage & Character Selection:
The stage for Game 1 will be selected at random unless both players/teams can agree on a stage. After the stage has been randomly selected each player/team may call for a reset. Each player/team can only call for a reset once during a series. If a reset is called, another stage must be randomly selected. The stage that was first selected can't be randomly selected again, but is still available for a counter pick.
No stage may be used twice in a Best of 3 or Best of 5 Series. The random select stages are the only stages that may be used more than once in a best of 11 series.
After characters have been selected for the first game, each player/team may choose to knock out one stage. Stages that are knocked out won't be used during the series. Random select stages can't be knocked out. The lower seeded player/team must make their knockout selection first. Once the first game has started, stages can't be knocked out.
After each game of a series, the player who lost the previous game may choose the stage for the next game or elect for it to be chosen randomly. After the stage has been selected, the winner of the previous game may change characters. After the winner has chosen their character, the loser of the previous game may change characters.
Other Rules & Special Issues
1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it unable to be finished are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic, a judge may force you to stop and lose a life and continue the match short a stock.
10 man crews
** stock split EVENLY! 8 min time.
Pokemon stadium, Final, Dreamland 64 on RANDOM.
you must have a team captain.
the first persom on each crew to fight is picked via double blind by both captains. every figher there after is the picked by the captin. (the captains role) you have 2 min after the match to pick your next fighter or you forfit a stock from your CAPTAIN.
(O-no's rule, it save's time)
BRING CUBES/WIIS!!!!!!!!! it would suck to have a tourny....with one cube......
CASH PAYOUT: 60/30/10
CONTROLS! ---if you have special control settings, you MUST change your control scheme before the match starts. If you're human and happen to forget to add your changed controls to that system, you have about 5 seconds into the match [unless your opponent is nice] to remember to change your controls. You WILL, however, remain that character and return to that stage if this kind of event occurs.
3 Stock
8 Minutes
Best 2 out of 3
Losers/Winners/Grand Finals: Best 3 out of 5
Each player can ban a stage prior to the set.
First match of each set will be on a Random stage
Loser of the previous match will choose the next stage, then the winner selects a character, then the loser selects a character.
Any glitches or game-stalling strategies to run out the clock are banned and will result in the loss of that stock.
DEDEDE's INFINITE chain grab is banned.
NEUTRAL STAGES (set to Random):
-Final Destination
-Yoshi's Island (DS Version)
-Lylat Cruise
-Frigate Orpheon
-Pokestadium 1
-Delfino Plaza
-Castle Seige
-Rainbow Cruise
-Jungle Japes
-Green Greens
Stage Ban Rules- Stage bans must be made prior to playing your first match with the person. Neutral stages can not be banned unless agreed upon by both players.
(These rules will apply when these games are played)
Capcom vs SNK 2
Evil ryu, shin akuma, god rugal and, orochi iori are banned.
Marvel vs CAPCOM 2.
match stopping glitches are banned
Street Fighter 3. 3rd strike.
Tekken 5 DR
Guilty gear Accent core
ALL GAME RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. (but more than likely wont be changed)
O-NO HOUSE RULE...(by house, i mean when i host at my HOUSE)
If im hosting a tourney and you plan to be here you MUST play at least 2 events. thats singles, doubles, crews, low tier, low tier teams... whatever.
reason? many players that come to play come from city's away. id like for them to at least get a chance to win gas money WHILE having a great time. people always ask me about hosting and throwing tourneys but halve the time no one wants to enter for fear of losing 5 or 10 bucks. im gonna have to say thats nonsense. if im hosting for practice thats different. but im gonna stop "Hosting" all together and just play with SS whenever i want to play if people stop entering. it makes NO sense for me to host a tourney if everyone in sova comes and only SS enters and, it makes no sense for people to come from other city's to play in tourney and no one enters because they dont want to loose. My house is not that big either and id rather use the extra space for people entering the tourney to be comfortable.
Dont be cheap, have some pride and , have fun while your at it.

1407 Canadian ct. Virginia Beach Va. 23453<----------Address n' ****.
5$ VENUE FEE ON TOURNEY DAYS!!!! (meaning when its NOT a fest or practice)
rules: (melee)
Double elemenation, 4 stock, 8 min time.
Life stealing ALLOWED in teams.
Items OFF
Team attack ON
1. You are responsible for bringing your own controller.
2. Controller mods of ANY kind (short-hop mod, L-trigger mod, etc), except for cosmetic changes (paint job, different colored plastic), are banned. Tournament staff may randomly inspect any controller at their discretion. If you are caught using a banned controller you will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.
3. Turbo or programmed buttons of any kind are banned. You may use third party controllers or pads that have these features, but if you are suspected of using the banned features you will not be allowed to use that controller any longer.
Random selcet.
Final Destination, Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, [DK 64, Rainbow Cruise(teams only)], Dreamland 64 & Pokemon Stadium, [Fountain of Dreams (singles only)] .
Yoshi's Island (Pipes), Fourside, Hyrule Temple, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom 1, Venom, Yoshi's Island 64, Peach's Castle, and Kongo Jungle, Onett, Great Bay, Mushroom Kingdom 2 and Mute City(teams only)
any non-banned stages are open for counterpick.
Stage & Character Selection:
The stage for Game 1 will be selected at random unless both players/teams can agree on a stage. After the stage has been randomly selected each player/team may call for a reset. Each player/team can only call for a reset once during a series. If a reset is called, another stage must be randomly selected. The stage that was first selected can't be randomly selected again, but is still available for a counter pick.
No stage may be used twice in a Best of 3 or Best of 5 Series. The random select stages are the only stages that may be used more than once in a best of 11 series.
After characters have been selected for the first game, each player/team may choose to knock out one stage. Stages that are knocked out won't be used during the series. Random select stages can't be knocked out. The lower seeded player/team must make their knockout selection first. Once the first game has started, stages can't be knocked out.
After each game of a series, the player who lost the previous game may choose the stage for the next game or elect for it to be chosen randomly. After the stage has been selected, the winner of the previous game may change characters. After the winner has chosen their character, the loser of the previous game may change characters.
Other Rules & Special Issues
1. Any unnecessary pausing of the game will result in a forfeit of that single game.
2. Glitches used to stop your opponent from controlling their character or indefinitely freezing them (Mewtwo's Soul Stunner, the Ice Climber freeze glitch), or any glitch or trick that freezes the game or makes it unable to be finished are banned and will result in the immediate forfeit of the entire match.
3. Tactics such as Peach's Wallbombing and Jiggly's Rising Pound are allowed as methods of recovery or to maneuver around the stage. Using them (or any similar tactics) to excessively stall a match, such as dropping below levels intentionally and stalling underneath, is banned. If by using one of these tactics, you have put your character in a place to lose a stock by ending the tactic, a judge may force you to stop and lose a life and continue the match short a stock.
10 man crews
** stock split EVENLY! 8 min time.
Pokemon stadium, Final, Dreamland 64 on RANDOM.
you must have a team captain.
the first persom on each crew to fight is picked via double blind by both captains. every figher there after is the picked by the captin. (the captains role) you have 2 min after the match to pick your next fighter or you forfit a stock from your CAPTAIN.
(O-no's rule, it save's time)
BRING CUBES/WIIS!!!!!!!!! it would suck to have a tourny....with one cube......
CASH PAYOUT: 60/30/10
CONTROLS! ---if you have special control settings, you MUST change your control scheme before the match starts. If you're human and happen to forget to add your changed controls to that system, you have about 5 seconds into the match [unless your opponent is nice] to remember to change your controls. You WILL, however, remain that character and return to that stage if this kind of event occurs.
3 Stock
8 Minutes
Best 2 out of 3
Losers/Winners/Grand Finals: Best 3 out of 5
Each player can ban a stage prior to the set.
First match of each set will be on a Random stage
Loser of the previous match will choose the next stage, then the winner selects a character, then the loser selects a character.
Any glitches or game-stalling strategies to run out the clock are banned and will result in the loss of that stock.
DEDEDE's INFINITE chain grab is banned.
NEUTRAL STAGES (set to Random):
-Final Destination
-Yoshi's Island (DS Version)
-Lylat Cruise
-Frigate Orpheon
-Pokestadium 1
-Delfino Plaza
-Castle Seige
-Rainbow Cruise
-Jungle Japes
-Green Greens
Stage Ban Rules- Stage bans must be made prior to playing your first match with the person. Neutral stages can not be banned unless agreed upon by both players.
(These rules will apply when these games are played)
Capcom vs SNK 2
Evil ryu, shin akuma, god rugal and, orochi iori are banned.
Marvel vs CAPCOM 2.
match stopping glitches are banned
Street Fighter 3. 3rd strike.
Tekken 5 DR
Guilty gear Accent core
ALL GAME RULES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. (but more than likely wont be changed)
O-NO HOUSE RULE...(by house, i mean when i host at my HOUSE)
If im hosting a tourney and you plan to be here you MUST play at least 2 events. thats singles, doubles, crews, low tier, low tier teams... whatever.
reason? many players that come to play come from city's away. id like for them to at least get a chance to win gas money WHILE having a great time. people always ask me about hosting and throwing tourneys but halve the time no one wants to enter for fear of losing 5 or 10 bucks. im gonna have to say thats nonsense. if im hosting for practice thats different. but im gonna stop "Hosting" all together and just play with SS whenever i want to play if people stop entering. it makes NO sense for me to host a tourney if everyone in sova comes and only SS enters and, it makes no sense for people to come from other city's to play in tourney and no one enters because they dont want to loose. My house is not that big either and id rather use the extra space for people entering the tourney to be comfortable.
Dont be cheap, have some pride and , have fun while your at it.