ok, so I was finally able to meet up with my friends to test the build and we all loved how fluid the game has become. One of us even said a passionate "This game is great" while playing
. But we all agreed on something, Sonic is way too safe. Dash attack is safe, dsmash is TOO safe(if it's gonna be this great, nerf it a little because it seems overpowered) and most if not all of his aerials are useful(Nair, Uair: good power and come out fast, Bair: it's good as it is now because it comes out kinda slow, so the power suits it and finally Fair: has a LOT of priority). The only thing he really lacks, and I hope he doesn't get, is an upper boundary killing move(Uair kills, but you have to combo it or have a lot of %). So, you guys should check out at least his Dsmash, which seems to be the cause of concern to most of the people I play with.