so what am i doing here now
you are putting ALL OF THESE into the OP and chop chop, dont be a stalling, planking little beeyotch about it either...
]Knightmare's "Keep Yo Money" Tourney @ Gametable
November 8th, 2008
Out of 33
4th-Malcolm (All Sonic)
Arena 51 Biweekly
November 8th, 2008
out of 17
5th-(i was SOOOOOO close to getting money...) K.I.D.Goggles (Sonic, D3, Fox, Wolf)
Only in Niagara 2
Novembe 8th, 2008
Out of 81
17th-Ayaz (Sonic/CF)
[Gamelot Monthly #3:
November 15th, 2008
Out of 39:
2nd - Puffball (Sonic)
City Tech VGA Brawl tournament
(No thread)
(Need a date on this one...)
(out of i dont effing know..)
1st-BlueTerrorist (Sonic/ICs)
you wana get back to us on that?
ESP Brawl Tourney
No Thread
November 21st 2008
Out of 35
1st-Tenki (All Sonic)
from perfect choas ]
Shame on X! He has been neglecting to inform this thread of his placings because he "doesn't want Sonic to go up on the tier list." He wants to say that he doesn't main a high tier, and if Sonic goes up, then that would change... (Even though I doubt little tournaments in Utah would affect the tier placement all that much, anyway.)
Anyway, I'm going to list the ones X neglected right now...
Tourny of Fate 2
October 11th, 2008
Out of 18
2nd-X (All Sonic)
Metal Awesome 8
October 18th, 2008
Out of 15
2nd-X (All Sonic)
Tourny of Fate 3
November 1st, 2008
Out of 21
3rd-X (All Sonic)
Metal Awesome 9
November 22nd, 2008
Out of 19
2nd-X (All Sonic)
IMPORTANT NOTE!!: this wasnt originally in the correct format but it WAS in A format, and it had all the info in it. Yall need to learn yallselves some GD protocol up in this biatch. Even if you dont have the format down perfect, at least do what this guy did and put all the info down in a way that makes it legible please.
Zany Balls: A New York Tournament
November 22nd, 2008
Out of 13
1st-Malcolm (Sonic)
]Test your Might II
November 22, 2008
Out of 40
Ithrowthings (Sonic) - 13th[/QUOTE]
Castlegolf Smashfest 2
December 13th, 2008
Out of 42
4th-(All Sonic)
King Yoshi's tournament
December 13th, 2008
Out of 15:
4th -Ithrowthings (All Sonic)
Critical Hit 4.5. Hosted by Chu Dat
December 13th, 2008
Out of 71
25th-Speed [SonicMaster5 on the boards] (All Sonic)
]Bum's bronx weekly
December 5th, 2008
Out of 31
4th-Malcom (All Sonic)
Arena 51 Biweekly
Going to ask Xiivi to go find the thread.
December 6th, 2008
Out of 20
7th-K.I.D.Goggles under the name Blue (Sonic/D3)
]SGLP 08.12
December 5, 2008
Out of 23;
1st - DJBrowny (Sonic/Lucario/Snake)[/
Gamelot Monthly #4
December 6th, 2008
Out of 28:
4th - Puffball [Espy] (100% Sonic)
Since puffy is good with this kind of thing, im going to ask him to put this in the proper format for me.
Thank you very much
Mind Games, Son I
December 17th, 2008
Out of 21
5th-LuCKy (D3/Sonic)
Metal Awesome 10
December 13th, 2008
Out of 13
1st-X (All Sonic)
Suspect's Brawl/Melee Tournament
December 20th, 2008
Out of 13:
1st - Puffball [Espy] (100% Sonic w/ Sonic plushie)
Only in Niagara 4
December 20th, 2008
Out of 25
17th-Ayaz (Sonic/CF)
Only in Niagara 4
December 20th, 2008
Out of 25
2nd-Anther (Pikachu/Sonic)
[Critical Hit 4.5
Dec 13, 2008
Out of 71:
25th-Speed/SonicMaster5 (All Sonic)
Critical Hit 4.5
Dec 13, 2008
Out of 71:
Final Smash '08
December 28th 2008
Out of 33
3rd - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Final Smash '08
December 28th 2008
Out of 33
5th - PhoenixDark (Sonic)
Test your might III
December 27th 2008
Out of 34
3rd - Shugo-Chan (Sonic)[/QUOTE]
Akron OH tournament and fun times
May 24th 2008
Out of 14
3rd - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Cleveland Area, Smash Tournaments
March 22nd 2008
Out of 14
2nd - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Cleveland Area, ESCAPE tournament
April 12th 2008
Out of 24
7th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Akron University 4/23 brawl
Out of 19
2nd - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Smash on the Lake I!
Out of 23
7th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Test Your Might!
October 25th 2008
Out of 30
4th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Test Your Might II!
November 22 2008
Out of 44
13th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
King Yoshi's tournament
December 13th 2008
Out of 15
4th - Ithrowthings (Sonic)
Wow ITT, way not to mention me, lol.
Final Smash '08 (singles)
December 28th 2008
Out of 34
9th -Camalange (Sonic)
I think I did really well for my first real life tournament ever :D
So many Sonics were there, ridiculous.