As disgruntling it is, you can't deny that you might end up having to settle a grand finals set in a Sonic ditto, so it's good to know this im not discussing a ditto...thats such a silly idea. clearly its even. camp each others kill moves and live up to 200% each stock. then the first person to die can spam ASC which will kill @ 200 and then u can do it all over again.
and sk92 doesnt play "safe" aka really gay and campy as falco. hes the type of falco many of us would absolutely love to play against...he takes risks...attempts flashy things and leaves himself open. the typical falco just presses B. that falco is alot more effective against sonic than the flashy sk92...altho i do love his style. hes the most entertaining falco to watch by far...but i wouldnt base a matchup being close off of him.
sidenote b4 i get the flame: sk92 is a good player. i dont think hes bad in any way shape or form...i am just referring to his playstyle and how it differs from the typical falco.
numbers are for people...who dont main sonic. so if they for some reason say "yo my sonic is good...maybe ill use him in tourney as a secondary or a counterpick...lemme check the sonic boards and see his good matchups" then that person wont have to read 310 pages or every matchup summary. they can see the numbers and decide from there.
i think we should discuss metaknight again...and marth again. cause i hate seeing them as they are right now...especially marth. i think its in his advantadge but nowhere near this 65:35 stuff. ill c if i can get edit: KNOWLEDGABLE :itde marth ppl to write stuff
I see... such a shame, and here I thought I was actually up there with the big names.
I am sure he would understand, and perhaps actually take your advice the next time he would fight a Sonic, if what you say is true that a more campy/gay Falco does much better against Sonic compared to his normal style.
It's such a shame though that you would have to be insane to use Sonic as a 2ndary in tourneys, seeing as how his matchup ratios are not impressive, and IMHO you either main him and play good with him in tourneys, or you don't. (or at least if you have such a thing as a play to win mindsetm or even just a small dose of it) I don't know one character you could use to back up a main as besides say Donkey Kong Vs. D3 or something stupid like that.
Both matchups have seem to have changed over quite sometime. I am unsure of Marth, but there really is no point in going back because Greenstreet manages oth matchups, and unless 2 things happen, we're better off going over the matchup one of the more common boarders uphold (Greenstreet comes back or Xiivi makes us posses GS' posts.)