Tooooooonlink? helllllllllo? any1 played the matchup? exaaaaaaaaactly what i thought....
uh, yes i have, multiple times. his name is Lobos. you want me to tell you my thoughts?
its pretty obvious that a character that spams projectiles dont really give sonic issues. the problem is his ability to apply pressure at midrange with his quick, nearly lagless aerials, and use of Zair in between those series. when given time to develop, creates a wall of attacfks that allow TL to move forward or backawrd with ease, and makes him a powerful zoning character.
Nair, Bair, and Zair are incredibly fast and beautiful moves. Bair combos too easily, even with proper DI, because he's coming at you at the same time. Nair is fast, and hits both sides. Zair, gives him a quick midrange semi projectile with little lag and can set up mindgames easily. combined with with his strong aerial mobility TL can zone you while keeping himself relatively safe from the sides. and although not to the extent of snake, TL can mix his jabs up with smashes, especially after a lagless aerial to protect himself and get damage. in short, TL seems best played passive aggressively.
Sonic's ground speed is great to disrupt the projectile spam, and his chance in the matchup depends on whether or not he can disrupt TL spacing and keep it that way. WHEN he does, he can get significant damage from below TL and with throws. the problesm is that it must be done tactfully, and i feel that, a combo of power shielding, spring and spinshot will be used more in an aggressive attempt to dodge projeectiles and apply pressure to a camping TL. the problem is that Links aerial moves, like Nair and bair are so quick and spammable that he will attempt to intercept your assault often with them. know that, then bait/punish with shield cancelled grabs. Under him is the best way to fight an airborn TL, becuase of sonic's mindgames , but the good TLs Diar well.
getting damage was never the hard part, against lobos whenever i played him (not saying it wasn't a challenge) finishing him off was the hardest part. once sonic goes into "time to try and kill you mode, the battle changes for some reason. Link can be gimped but, it usually wont happen, his recovery set is quite balanced. also, the more damgage TL takes, the campier they get. add that to the lack of kill moves and he can rack up % on you quickly. now granted his lack on kill moves are an issue (Fsmash, UpSmash, Uair) too... and he isn't gonna gimp you either, though hell try to spam you into a mistake...
TL's advantage 35:65 - sonic can win if he wins the battle of spacing, but links moveset allow him to regain it at anytime. learning to punish Tink is the hard part, as well as finishing him off. Discourage projectile spam asap, punish his landing spot on aerials... you're gonna have to out manuver him to win...