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I never sandbag except for the last stock where I sometimes try to make them as high percent as possible


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I make 50$ for every sale I make.

Difference is I'm going door-to-door. The product is really good though, and since it's a TV package everyone is a potentially interested customer.
There's also an hourly wage of course
Awesome, whats the product exactly?

I make 10/hour base

at 10 sales in a week I get 10/hour + 50$ on my paycheck

at 11 sales I get 10/hour and 100$ on my paycheck

at 16 sales in a week I get 11/hour and 150$ on my paycheck

at 21 sales in a week I get 12/hour and 200 on my paycheck..

Thats over the table bonus

now, for every 3 sales in one day I get 20$ Cash! for example, 6 sales today 40$ cash.

also, for 20 sales in a week (I think Ill get it this week) I get 200$ CASH! on top of the paycheck.

If I do well its like 2 paychecks a week! :) But im looking into finding new work soon with a steadier higher base salary. Customer service maybe for a bit for Fido or Rogers


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
I never sandbag except for the last stock where I sometimes try to make them as high percent as possible
LOL thats cruel... and funny

I always sandbag against worse players. Trying the hardest against noobs can make them quit smash LOL

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
There is a huge difference in skill level between me and the next best on Vancouver Island here... and once when I did play my best, some of the next better players lost interest for the day.

But I do remember one match, it was the grand finals, he was on his last stock of the tournament. I was puff, and used Dair to bring his damage to over 400%. I tried to get a sliding sing (teleport glitch) to rest, but accidentally up-tilt killed him. Not exactly how I planned my last stock of the tournament, but it worked out I guess lol :p


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
LOL thats cruel... and funny

I always sandbag against worse players. Trying the hardest against noobs can make them quit smash LOL
This backfired on me the other day. I was owning my friend, so I decided to let him win one so he'd keep playing. But instead he instaquit, saying that he was going out with a win. *******.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
This backfired on me the other day. I was owning my friend, so I decided to let him win one so he'd keep playing. But instead he instaquit, saying that he was going out with a win. *******.
I find a lot of people seem to do this. Specifically random people online. About a week ago, I played some guy. I 4 stocked him twice in Falcon dittos, than he picks Kirby, and I let him beat my Pika, then he says "okay gtg ggs" than quickly leaves.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
A lot of people like to play vs players who are similar or worse than them.... never better... mostly noobs and average players


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2009
Lawrence, KS
That's how i feel too, the only way to get better is to play a better opponent. Anyone know the reference? (although it's not like what I'm thinking about is the only time this was said, lol)

lol I can't find that critique thread a made a while back ;_;

This one?? You know you can just go to your public profile -> statistics -> view threads started by zen1


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
That's how i feel too, the only way to get better is to play a better opponent. Anyone know the reference? (although it's not like what I'm thinking about is the only time this was said, lol)
I disagree....

Playing against worse players improves your self confidence and your combo skill. But only if you try, not if you sandbag


Banned via Warnings
Feb 16, 2009
Katy, Texas
Playing against worser players, similar skill level, and players alot better is just an entire process for a person.
I'd say its all. It just depends on the individual's pace. How well they observe, dedicate themselves, and their talent. If you're willing to improve, you most-likely will, just requires patience and experience.


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
People are always like: "Sheer how do you parry so well? I wish I could parry like you."

and I'm like:

"Well maybe if you had spent the last 3+ years trying to parry every projectile and every non multihit move in every match you played you'd be as good as me."

Cause thats what I had to do. Which proves that practice makes perfect.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
I disagree....

Playing against worse players improves your self confidence and your combo skill. But only if you try, not if you sandbag
wtf are you on about, playing worse players to improve your game is the worst idea i've heard from you
and you say some stupid stuff..

of course you have to play better players, if you SERIOUSLY want to improve why would you play worse players? all you're doing is picking up bad habits and 'mindgames' that good players wont fall for

sure you might get better at beating that one noob, but who is going to care?

my point is a bit longwinded but:

Anyone who is seriously looking to get better, once you have your foundation of techniques (z cancelling 100%, combos, fast movement, spacing (to a degree) etc etc) you should start playing as many good players as you can whenever you have the opportunity. One good player =/= 3 or 4 good players and you need to get experience against different playstyles.

Doing so, you will learn your openings, and how different people exploit them. Once you know this, you can really get a solid playstyle going, if your spacing is good matches will literally be a fight for the first hit and keeping that combo

Personally I don't think you'll learn all of this from mediocre players, atleast not to the extent of what you could/should be doing


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2008
Toronto & Kingston, Ontario
I can't handle playing worse players anymore, I start to sandbag too much. It also starts sloppy habits, as people have said.

At this point I'm only interested in playing better players, bottom line.
If I want to play worse players, I'll accept challenges in real life. Online, I want to learn and be challenged


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Not the greatest attitude Daed. :(

If everyone had that attitude none of the "better" players would wanna play you either and you'd be out of luck.

edit: I don't know if u mean better as in literally a superior player to you or better as in players who know what they're doing. So I assumed you meant it as if better meaning superior to yourself.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
wtf are you on about, playing worse players to improve your game is the worst idea i've heard from you
and you say some stupid stuff..

of course you have to play better players, if you SERIOUSLY want to improve why would you play worse players? all you're doing is picking up bad habits and 'mindgames' that good players wont fall for

sure you might get better at beating that one noob, but who is going to care?

my point is a bit longwinded but:

Anyone who is seriously looking to get better, once you have your foundation of techniques (z cancelling 100%, combos, fast movement, spacing (to a degree) etc etc) you should start playing as many good players as you can whenever you have the opportunity. One good player =/= 3 or 4 good players and you need to get experience against different playstyles.

Doing so, you will learn your openings, and how different people exploit them. Once you know this, you can really get a solid playstyle going, if your spacing is good matches will literally be a fight for the first hit and keeping that combo

Personally I don't think you'll learn all of this from mediocre players, atleast not to the extent of what you could/should be doing
I dont know if i didnt explain well or if you read it bad...

I just said that owning worse players improves your self confidence, and as they are easier to hit, you improve your combo skills also.
Playing against much better players than you can make you get so frustrated (thats what happens to me when i play JaimeHR on high delay for example)

I didnt say playing worse players is better for learning.... Playing slightly better players than you would be the best in this case for overall improvement


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2007
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Just like in MMORPGS, if you kill a higher lvl than you, you'll recieve more exp than if you kill a lower one. You'll learn slower dealing with lower lvls. Simple as that.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Nixxxon is just saying, play better players to learn, play worser players to practice.

But imo you can learn from everyone. It just depends on how you about it.

Play worse playes to know what not to do.
Play better players to know What to do.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2008
Yeah kinda my point... and if you practice, you get better. Its way better to practice combos and stuff against a worse player than practicing against a dumb level 9 CPU or in training mode.


Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2006
Reading, UK
personally i dont think playing worse players is good practice, if you're playing to improve look for higher levels

if you're looking for friendlies -> worse players


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
It most likely varies from person to person, after all it is only opinion.

For me teaching others strengthens my own knowledge. Any type of play to me is practice. Different people help you in different areas. Better people help you more, but that's not to say worse people don't help your skill at all. Better players can advance your mindgames, what to do in certain situations, as well as tuning your control and applying your skill. Worse players are still useful in tuning your control and techs. And still help to retain your knowledge of play. So overall I agree playing better people is far more affective for improving yourself. But I don't believe playing worse players is utterly useless but in some ways they can help you to develope, even though not as much as playing a better player.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
I'd thought I post it here.

I play smash a lot. (ssb64) A lot of people know me.
I own the server EGX (biggest smash server on kaillera)
I'm in the competitive social group.
I'm in one of the toughest smash crews.

i'm pretty much into the ssb64 community
I'd like to be a Mod of this forum.

if i remember correctly Surri-Sama was made mod because he was a part of the comunity

just giving my 2 cents.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
I'd thought I post it here.

I play smash a lot. (ssb64) A lot of people know me.
I own the server EGX (biggest smash server on kaillera)
I'm in the competitive social group.
I'm in one of the toughest smash crews.

i'm pretty much into the ssb64 community
I'd like to be a Mod of this forum.

if i remember correctly Surri-Sama was made mod because he was a part of the comunity

just giving my 2 cents.
If he was made mod because he was part of the community, that qualifies more or less everyone who posts here to be a mod :\

People who put their hands up to be mods, claiming they have so many qualifications usually don't get the job...I know this from a lot of other forums, 2 of which I did get mod status in because I was voted in by the community (not huge forums, but fairly large communities). I was fairly computer-dependant back then :\

It's an attitude thing. Sure you have the skills, but what you seem to be showing is more like a 'getting into the backroom' thing, not a mod thing.

Anyway, you do seem really enthusiastic, which would make a decent mod (unless you get overenthusiastic...). Good luck on it.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2008
If he was made mod because he was part of the community, that qualifies more or less everyone who posts here to be a mod :\

People who put their hands up to be mods, claiming they have so many qualifications usually don't get the job...I know this from a lot of other forums, 2 of which I did get mod status in because I was voted in by the community (not huge forums, but fairly large communities). I was fairly computer-dependant back then :\

It's an attitude thing. Sure you have the skills, but what you seem to be showing is more like a 'getting into the backroom' thing, not a mod thing.

Anyway, you do seem really enthusiastic, which would make a decent mod (unless you get overenthusiastic...). Good luck on it.
Well Surri-Sama was made mod because he was talking to MLG_JV about the community and the competitive play subforum was made.

Yes, I know that when you're like "pick me! pick me!" you're most likely not to get mod(in fact i've been told queen killjoy hates when people do that) but it's worth a shot... this place needs a good mod. I only stated all of that so that I can say "I'm part of the smash 64 community" and have something to back me up.

As for the backroom I wasn't even thinking about that haha i've been wanting to be mod for quite a while... just ask around ;) Anyways, don't get the wrong impression... it's not for the backroom haha.

Dair would be a great mod cuz I would be like give this guy an infracT and he would jk

I hope you were joking about JUST the part about infracting someone cause you asked and you were serious about me being a good mod if so, Dair = ISAI approved

EDIT: I've also been linking people from EGX to here and so far I see a couple people signed up ^_^


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yes, I know that when you're like "pick me! pick me!" you're most likely not to get mod(in fact i've been told queen killjoy hates when people do that) but it's worth a shot...
You are right. And it's definitely not worth a shot. She means what she means.
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