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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
In addition, he said he wanted to satisfy “the fans”. Not just Smash fans.
Good thing only people obsessed with spiting the Smash bubble, which the majority isn't, would be dissatisfied.

Yes, the majority doesn't need these characters in the game. But will they hate them? Absolutely not.
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Deleted member

This week I'm going to be starting on a film project for school. Hopefully it goes well. Main idea is to take a twist on sci-fi, where instead of wars being fought with guns and similar stuff, you fight with cards that conveinitely allow you to do stuff like summon meteors in space.

Course, that's not an completely original idea(somewhat) so may as well show you the inspiration for my idea:
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Deleted member

Anyway, FP opinions?

:ultjoker: Didn't do it for me. Sorry. It's weird, I like playing Sheik so playing their upgrade should be great, but Joker just honestly didn't feel as rewarding to play. Maybe I'll try again sometime, but for right now Joker just ain't it for me.

:ulthero: I can't pretend they aren't horribly designed lmao. I love the ever evolving, hectic nature of playing them though. I love popping my menu in the heat of the moment and thinking fast about what among what it's given me is best for the situation. They really are a wild card, it's just a shame that they have no actual base to rely on and have to pray to RNGesus.

:ultbanjokazooie: Recently put my thoughts here already, so without being too repetitive, I'll just say they're probably the best designed fighter of the pass. I say this without bias, I think objectively they are the least gimmicky, most consistent fighter on the pass. As others have said, they are rock solid. also Banjo is better than Joker because he doesn't need an imaginary friend to get kills, he has a real one that has his back at all times.
:ultjoker: I still remember how I lost my **** when I saw the Smash envelope. I was checking my college discord chat while the Persona 5 trailer played, and suddenly they were saying "weeb 4 smash." And I check back to the video, only to flip my **** immediately after. That was great. I always thought Joker, and Persona in general, was the type of series I'd never expect to see in Smash, but was something I loved. Never played Persona 5--was more of a Persona 4 guy--so I really really appreciated the Persona 3 and 4 content. He plays alright, too, but I don't appreciate the Arsene gimmick. I was never good at counters.

:ulthero: If anybody knows me, they know about the months I spent debating this ************ being in Smash. Payoff was worth it and his moveset is easily one of my favorites. 19 different gimmicky special moves to choose from with decent power on his standard attacks. It's really all I ever needed and we even get Battle For Glory. The stage they chose to represent Dragon Quest was pretty disappointing though. Would have preferred Alefgard or something of the sort. Can't say the MIDIs are ideal, but I'm used to MIDIs in Dragon Quest at this point. Not a killer to me. Better than Final Fantasy

:ultbanjokazooie: Haven't played them yet, but I'm just happy they're here. Like just conceptually, seeing them in Smash feels like they never left gaming after Nuts and Bolts. The fact that this stock icon I'm using for this post isn't some fanmade creation is bizarre. Stage isn't that amazing, but I didn't have any other ideas beyond Gruntilda's Lair being a tour stage like Delfino. I'm just glad to see the side characters updated and alive. 7 remixes is more than I expected and I love how each of them sound.

Terry: Only played KoF 94 on Wii back when that was still relevant. I was like, a kid back then. Anyways, Terry looks and sounds like a cheesy video game character from the 90s and I appreciate it. If we get a Metal Slugs costume, I'm buying that **** immediately
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Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Oh yeah regarding Terry I'm very excited. I'm a little saddened that we kinda got hit with the Joker treatment (reveal but no gameplay within the trailer), but I'm really happy we got a month instead of a season, much more specific. I am so excited to see what music they implement, SNK's catalog is excellent and I really hope they don't skimp out on the selection.

:ultjoker: - Excellent stage, tons of great details like the fantastic music changing the colour of the stage and victory screen and the AOA art if it finishes the fight. Moveset is super fun to use.

:ulthero: - Boring stage but there's still lots of effort put in. Music is a complete travesty and they're a complete mess in terms of moveset.

:ultbanjokazooie: - Boring moveset and stage. Music is alright. Still lots of cool details regardless.

:ult_terry: I'm about to bustah wolf
Oh yeah I only talked about fighters in terms of movesets.

Joker brought a pretty damn cool stage, simple but colorful. As for music, I enjoy it a lot, Persona has some great tracks. Was especially happy to get Reach Out to the Truth.

Hero has an okay stage. Really nothing special imo, just alright. Music is so ****ing boring though holy **** I'm sorry. It's almost MCU tier bland to me. Not a single track that stuck out to me.

Banjo's stage is definitely unique. I love the amount of detail put into recreating the original from the N64 game. Wish the omega form didn't spin but eh. The music is pretty good about staying true to the vibe of Grant's original tracks, it's not my favorite in the game but I enjoy it a lot. The main theme remix is especially great. No Final Battle theme is a bit disappointing though, very iconic track that is arguably at the level of Gangplank Galleon, still a good track selection overall though.


Dimensional Dile-Up
Feb 26, 2019
Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?​
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Deleted member

Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?​
Very very small sample size and within a subsection of fans who focus on upgrades so it's definitely not reliable but I do love seeing Isaac and Geno up there. That's fantastic.

Kirby Dragons

Smash Hero
Aug 30, 2014
Another Dimension
Bold indeed. I’d argue the opposite honestly.

Nintendo chose the DLC the first time, and we got a pass entirely made of 3rd party characters. In addition, he said he wanted to satisfy “the fans”. Not just Smash fans.

Bandanna Waddle Dee also doesn’t expand the crossover, which is a key part of what Sakurai has found so special in not only the base game, but as a part of the DLC as well. If you ask me, just having the popularity isn’t enough.
I mean, they expanded the crossover in the base game, but at the same time they added multiple fan favorites from series that already had characters. If they've done it before, I don't see why they wouldn't be willing to keep doing it. Maybe all the DLC has been third-party so far, but with the possibility of there being around 10 more DLC characters, I just can't see them ignoring popularity 10 times just to keep expanding the crossover. We're almost certainly guaranteed more third-party picks, but expanding the crossover can't continue to be the sole and only thing they focus on.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
DLC Reviews? Okay. I'll leave out Piranha Plant since they're not part of the pass, Terry because he hasn't released yet, and FP5 and onward because lol who are they.

:ultjoker: - My favorite of the three so far. He oozes style, he's super fun to play, and the music and stage are fantastic. They put their best foot forward and, more importantly, they took Sans's advice: they used their strongest attack first.

:ulthero: - I love the character choice, the trailer was wonderful, and what I've played of the demo is fun as hell. However, this was by far the most disappointing Challenger Pack so far for me. Hero's moveset doesn't really click with me (the Menu slows me down too much so it's kind of a hassle) and the music is one huge OOF. Still appreciate the choice though, and I like the stage.

:ultbanjokazooie: - VERY fun, but not as fun as Joker. Incredibly charming animations and a fun zoner/bait and punish moveset, a great stage, and my favorite selection of music from the pass so far. Though I'm sad at the lack of a full Final Battle and the lack of any version of Click Clock Wood.

:nessecho: - Singlehandedly got me to start playing Mii Gunner. The absolute best part of the DLC so far, bar none.

Deleted member

Since we don't know what to expect for the second wave of DLC, I'll make a bold claim and say Bandana Waddle Dee is the most likely character. There's no way Sakurai and Nintendo aren't aware of his popularity (going by the poll from back in Sm4sh, Dee is the most popular character in Japan to not be on the roster), and Sakurai himself said he wanted to keep satisfying Smash fans. Nintendo picking the DLC also gives me the idea he'll be chosen.
I'm going to need some credible sources on Bandana Waddle Dee's popularity. Sounds like the same argument that could be made for Waluigi, Isaac, or Geno.


Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?​
No, that seems about right.

Sample size be damned those are all the community rave on about.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Good thing only people obsessed with spiting the Smash bubble, which the majority isn't, would be dissatisfied.

Yes, the majority doesn't need these characters in the game. But will they hate them? Absolutely not.
First, I literally never said anybody would hate the character. I said the character in question wouldn’t fit what Sakurai has explicitly mentioned is important to the success of the game (which is the crossover of all the different series).

Second, I’m not sure if you’re calling me “obsessed with spiting the Smash bubble” or what. At least, the way it’s worded it seems that way. Everything I said in my post was accurate. Nintendo picked the first pass, we got all 3rd party. Nintendo picking the pass again may not hurt 1st parties, but I don’t see any logical reason why, after the sales of the game and first pass (all 3rd parties) were excellent, they would totally change focus of how the Fighter Pass was constructed. Optimism is one thing, but I feel that expecting it another thing entirely.

Don’t take me saying that first-parties aren’t as likely as me saying it to “spite” the “Smash bubble”. I have 1st party wants too. However, I do not find them especially likely for a variety of reasons. I also don’t know that it’s fair to assume that BWD would please the entire Smash bubble, as that surely isn’t accurate. I know I’d personally be underwhelmed by the addition.


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island

Deleted member

Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?​
>Most voted doesn't even break a hundred votes
>Not having sources after the fake 2chan poll
>Assist Alliance

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
With Terry in...

I really hope we get some Tuna with Bacon

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Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
:ultjoker:- I like the that he feels pretty good to control, but that’s about it. Like some of his normals, and specials, but he isn’t really the character for me.

:ulthero:- Really like playing him (Specifically Eight) however he’s surprisingly a bit boring for me. Don’t know what else to say with than that I like using his projectiles, and normals.

:ultbanjokazooie:- Love then. At this point they’re probably gonna be my main since they’re now my top 3 in Elite Smash. I just love their zoning/setup playstyle a lot when you throw out your eggs (Especially Grenade Egg), and surprise people with Side B. For me it actually makes fighting against characters that annoy me (Like Joker, and Pichu) more bearable to fight against because that have three jumps, which is a valuable asset to me. So overall, they’re one of the, if not, the most fun zoning characters I’ve ever played.

Deleted member

I'm too lazy to think of my full thoughts on the FP so far so I'll just say I like all of it. Banjo is my main, I play Hero a lot casually, I don't play Joker but my friend loves him and I think he's cool, and all of their stages are amazing.
My only letdowns are in the music department, there are few tracks missing from Persona and Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie that I would have loved to have, and lol midis. I'm just hoping we get CvS2 music with Terry.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC

Anyone want to share their thoughts on this?​
A blocky smash logo is really the best people can think up of for a Minecraft series icon, huh?

Like I thought it was pretty unanimous that a Creeper face would be the way to go
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Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
I'll be personally disappointed IF we get nothing but Third Party characters after the announcement that there's going to be more DLC.

Sure, I don't mind Third Party characters, but like I said before, there's only a few 1st Party characters left that are super big. It'd be easy to include a 1st Party and satisfy a good degree of those fans. I get that Smash is trying to be all-inclusive but I feel like with the more that cone the more the fambase splits into people who only like Smash cause of their favorite characters being in and then totally phasing out of the scene come the next entry when half the roster is getting cut in favor of the core of Smash: A Nintendo Crossover. I know it's become more of a gaming crossover in general, but we can't lose sight of Nintendo being the foundation this was built upon and just how LITTLE the First Party editions we got were this time around.

Inkling, Ridley, Daisy (kind of), K. Rool, Isabelle, Chrom (kind of), Dark Samus (kind of) and Incineroar.

As for Third Party: Simon, Richter (sort of), Ken, Joker, Hero, Banjo & Kazooie, Terry Bogard, and then likely the final fighter of the Fighter Pass.

That's a 1:1 ratio so far. If the next 5+ characters are gonna be 3rd Party than more than half of the inclusions this time around would be from Third Party characters, and if we truly get 10 more than that would tip the scales over to 2:1 in favor of Third Party characters.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Since we don't know what to expect for the second wave of DLC, I'll make a bold claim and say Bandana Waddle Dee is the most likely character. There's no way Sakurai and Nintendo aren't aware of his popularity (going by the poll from back in Sm4sh, Dee is the most popular character in Japan to not be on the roster), and Sakurai himself said he wanted to keep satisfying Smash fans. Nintendo picking the DLC also gives me the idea he'll be chosen.
I envy your optimism. I thought he was a lock from pre-Ultimate to the Joker reveal.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
I’m perfectly fine with Third party characters composing the entirety of the Smash DLC Roster. Sure, it would be nice to see Isaac, Elma, Rex, Dixie, Chorus Kids, Impa, etc etc etc but, seriously, I would trade every single one of them in to have the chance to play as either Joker, Hero, Banjo, Terry, or any other third party character they have planned.

Plus, having a third party character in means adding another universe in. I absolutely love seeing what they include to help represent that world. That’s the meaning I got behind Sakurai’s statement in that last Direct.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
If K. Rool and Ridley weren't in: oh my god I can't believe the DLC is all third party sakurai is a hack smash jumped the shark smh it's nintendo all stars

me now that k. rool and ridley are in: omg the roster is 10/10 sakurai can do no wrong we stan a king I'll never ask for anything again


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2015
I wish retro reps are possible post pass, since the whole “Represent worlds” might also mean repping some obscure/japan only series from the past like Ayumi, Hanafuda, Mike Jones, and such.

However, I do think this is quite unlikely unfortunately. :(

Deleted member

Censor dodging
Anyone up for some memes?
-removed for crude language in the preview screenshot of the video-
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Smash Champion
Mar 14, 2018
Not saying third party characters aren't allowed, just that I'd like to see at least one or two characters from Nintendo's series that I and a lot of people feel are glaringly absent from the roster and this is a good chance for it to happen.

And I know we're likely getting nothing but third party characters. This is just my wishful thinking and I would still be a little sad at Dixie and Dee being absent even though I know the roster we have is totally incredible. Of course it wouldn't be a lasting disappointment, but still.
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