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SoCal Power Rankings (October 28, 2007)- Will the update ever happen?

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Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
LOL mike is awesome.

Dude i dont mean to intrude on BONE and neighborhood P, but i got some advice for the 2 of you.

To bone first: dude, i know its been a while since your last boner, but you're too wound up right now. Seriously nobody laughs like this "SD & friends are going to steal the new ranking spots before him & his friends do. LOLLOOLOLOL"

its not funny. This isn't an episode of "Friends" that can make a viewer smile every ****IN time they crack a joke and have that fake audience laughing in the background.

And to neighborhood P: I know ur pissed off cause you'll never move up in the white corporate america that we live in. You'll hit that invisible wall somewhere along your career as a mid-level manager in Jack in the Box and all your perfect grammar wont be able to save you.

Life sucks, sometimes u gotta throw a DAWG a BONE.

****, im amazing.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
This is what I get for going easy on P, people.
He thinks he's good now... and gets whiney cause SD & friends are going to steal the new ranking spots before him & his friends do. LOLLOOLOLOL. the only cocky person in SD is patrick, obviously and i guess me at times. you sound mad because i wooped your *** second round in the bracket 2-0. L0L take it out on sd then,just take it out on the teddybear. why dont you mm me instead, why dont you step it up and show everyone how good you really are. quit trying to get bragging rights off a counter against patrick's ganon. its okay though we still love you and would love to see you at our triweekly so, i can rig your bracket and get your first round again.
Oooooh, SD is going to take the next open spots?

Nah, I don't think so. Pbody/Danimals/Me/Kira are way before you guys.


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Haha, I'm not that good, I lose to Gimpyfish =P

Honestly though, I don't play enough friendlies at tourneys or away from them, so I don't improve that much. Also I'm pretty predictable; anyone who's played me for over an hour has me figured out already.

But doubles is fun, I always try in teams =)


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
This is what I get for going easy on P, people.
He thinks he's good now... and gets whiney cause SD & friends are going to steal the new ranking spots before him & his friends do. LOLLOOLOLOL. the only cocky person in SD is patrick, obviously and i guess me at times. you sound mad because i wooped your *** second round in the bracket 2-0. L0L take it out on sd then,just take it out on the teddybear. why dont you mm me instead, why dont you step it up and show everyone how good you really are. quit trying to get bragging rights off a counter against patrick's ganon. its okay though we still love you and would love to see you at our triweekly so, i can rig your bracket and get your first round again.

Dude, I'll see everyone at the triweekly. I will offer open money matches to anyone in San Diego except Edrees because he *****.

I don't even need to john it up vs you. I'm pretty horrible v Peach, but I'm working on it. Don't trip. Wolf ***** me; you just beat me. Big difference.

Here's who are the best, skill-wise, who are not ranked, in no particular order:

Mike Haze
St Patrick

Some other notables, but that's mostly it. No johns.

Mike, I beat Joe -- Fabian, him and I played all day errday the past two days -- but it's mainly because Sheik ***** Marth. I still think he's better than me.

We got this =)


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006

will smith is going to make the list before you do jtb. sorry. OKkkAAAY'
Mmm, challengesies.

Looks like I'll have to step up my performance to make P's list of the best unranked players (which is totally wrong, btw).


Smash Hero
Jun 2, 2006
Wait people who should be ranked.. in this order..

St. Patrick is reall good

And nes is kinda getting there
any one else thats top 3 .. in my opinion


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Mmm, challengesies.

Looks like I'll have to step up my performance to make P's list of the best unranked players (which is totally wrong, btw).
When's the last time you've even been to a tournament?

I forgot about Inks, ***** *****


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
maybe we should let these panalists continue making an quarterly list
and assign a certain amount of other panalists to make a "current list" that is updated every 2 weeks
we can decide this through a poll on game's website or something
but we would have to assign a certain amount of people from each regien to vote for most accuracy
if we give the 38 people in round bit/818 to vote then larry would be #1

p.s. hey bone was it as easy for you as it was for me to beat P with peach? lol


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Kind of off topic from the flame wars, but I think Rick should be a panelist to rep SD. Even though we all still consider Edrees SD, the face remains that he doesn't live here anymore :'( Bone and Pat are too cocky (lol) and I'm too lazy. Rick is too nice, but of all our flaws that's probably the best one to have, so I nominate him.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
where does edrees live now?

edit: wow fabian if you wanted to lose to me you had ALL DAY yesterday and wednesday. money match me.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
i think the san diego kids are waaay better than phood's list.

St. Patrick and Rickety are gonna get on, because they're ****? duh...
Gabe and ultra might get bumped off, not because they're not good but because they've been MIA for awhile.
boss and kira also stepped it up lately from what I've seen.

if you want a more frequent updated list, you need a more spread out panel, 1 or 2 people from each region, then it could possibly work. it would work as more of a "who's on fire" list, sortof..


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego
p.s. hey bone was it as easy for you as it was for me to beat P with peach? lol
i was rolling and testing him half the time. l0l. i didn't even try because i wanted to see if he was any good. boy was i wrong. if he couldn't tell i was going easy on him somethings wrong with his head. again, he thinks he's great because i went easy on him. okaaay yeah. "i just beat him" is how he's going to FRONT it but, i played way better & greater shieks after him i.e RICK and AESIS (and defeated them, RESPECTFULLY) and i can tell you that neither of them was a walk in the park compared to P. so he can talk all the garbage he wants and try to compare me to wolf, who lost to BOSS (who beat EZYNJAY)/ who i beat at UCLA right afterwards. i have TOURNAMENT PROOF & RECORD he can't live up to, he doesnt. all talk. he still ****ing sucks. again he's just talking as usual and not stepping it up. he's just underestimating my adaptability. whatever. thankfully, the panelists believe in my ability to actually put me on the PR waay before this c0cky *******. i think it would be just so funny to see arash, edrees and hugs rank someone as inconsistent as you. mm edrees/hugs before you start talking bad about my game because you dont have any. P. then lets have them decide whos really ranking material.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Funny, on smash boards you're all loud and obnoxious, but then you IM me and you get all nice and kind and ****, offering to give me Chipotle as an olive branch. And then IRL you don't say a word so I assume you dropped everything, but LMAO there you go again talking **** on smash boards.

At least you could be consistent. You go from all "i'm not sure i'll win, i suck vs sheik" to now saying "I play against rickety and aesis a lot, u sux lololz."

Seriously, you're on some ***** move type of ****. On smash boards you talk all this mess, for whatever reason I don't know, then in personal convo you don't say a **** thing and instead act like we're friends.

But I already offered mms to all of San Diego. Since I'm so bad and all. Tell everyone in SD to take my money =). I dunno if I can beat you since I am crappy v Peach, but I'll be more than glad to mm boss / patrick / whatevs else SD consists of. It would be kind of embarassing to lose to someone as bad as me, though.

And if you got words to say, you can say it to my face, not ***** out like a little punk. Everything I say online I'd have no problem saying IRL. No need to put up a little charade online. And don't act like you weren't all friendly as **** with me on AIM, I have the logs =/


Smash Ace
Aug 20, 2006
San Diego
Funny, on smash boards you're all loud and obnoxious, but then you IM me and you get all nice and kind and ****, offering to give me Chipotle as an olive branch. And then IRL you don't say a word so I assume you dropped everything, but LMAO there you go again talking **** on smash boards.

At least you could be consistent. You go from all "i'm not sure i'll win, i suck vs sheik" to now saying "I play against rickety and aesis a lot, u sux lololz."

Seriously, you're on some ***** move type of ****. On smash boards you talk all this mess, for whatever reason I don't know, then in personal convo you don't say a **** thing and instead act like we're friends.

But I already offered mms to all of San Diego. Since I'm so bad and all. Tell everyone in SD to take my money =). I dunno if I can beat you since I am crappy v Peach, but I'll be more than glad to mm boss / patrick / whatevs else SD consists of. It would be kind of embarassing to lose to someone as bad as me, though.

And if you got words to say, you can say it to my face, not ***** out like a little punk. Everything I say online I'd have no problem saying IRL. No need to put up a little charade online. And don't act like you weren't all friendly as **** with me on AIM, I have the logs =/
kid. its not the same anymore. shut the hell up. and i thought you told me it was a ***** move to tell everyone what we talked about over aim. you hypocrite smashboards attention trite. as soon as you start talking **** about MY FRIENDS and underestimating ME, you're not my friend or anyone i want to be friendly with anymore. LOL. OLIVE BRANCH?? LOL. are you kidding me. you and i both know, that there was no intention of a fight and you didn't care either way. you're just hard headed and ignorant. you and i both know that the fight was going to be staged/ it was going to FAKE and i was going to pull a water gun on you infront of everyone. EDREES, AESIS, NEAL all knew because I told them in advance because there would be no fights happening at UCLA. get *****. i'll tell you how much you suck after you get ***** in SD. see you soon. im done replying. talk to you in person.

peace, love & RESPECT
team harmony


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I treat people how they treat me. Act like a *****, get treated like a *****. I guess I just have to treat you like I would any *****. "If you keep acting like a *****, I'm going to have to slap you like one." Ever seen Reservoir Dogs?

Of course I'm a hypocrite, every human is to some extent. In fact, you are a hypocrite for apparently chiding me for being a hypocrite considering you have and are undoubtedly in some shape, way or form hypocritical. Get *****.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
at ucla i wasnt playing well my cousin had just died that week so i wasnt really in the mood to smash i just went to see everybody mainly..

and even though boss beat me it was extremly close i had bassicly won the match and he got a rest when i had no jumped i mean u were there bone lol everyone was excited when he did it.

i dont mean to make johns but between ucla and scc i have had no practice ...but thats fine i accept ucla as a lost ^^ it was good cuz it made me wanna start playing again..so ill see everyone around.

as far as sd goes i know u guys are really good i saw u at ucla but your not the onle kids on the block who are getting better p and atlus are getting really good i have seen them play recently i cant say for sd since i dont live out there but i guess everyone will be at the tri weekly so that will be that should be fun =)

edit-fabian yea i did by accident i thought it was mine cuz i didnt see the printing my bad


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
you and i both know, that there was no intention of a fight and you didn't care either way. you're just hard headed and ignorant. you and i both know that the fight was going to be staged/ it was going to FAKE and i was going to pull a water gun on you infront of everyone. EDREES, AESIS, NEAL all knew because I told them in advance because there would be no fights happening at UCLA.
peace, love & RESPECT
team harmony
I didn't see this because I skimmed your post, but a big fat LMAO to that. No, I didn't know any such thing. You just randomly IMed me and were like "wow let's stage a fake fight at UCLA" and I was like, "Dude, wtf? Not down with that." That was it in a nutshell.

I really don't know why you'd lie about something like that when I do have proof this convo took place and I'm not making it up =/


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2006
Here's who are the best, skill-wise, who are not ranked, in no particular order:

Mike Haze
St Patrick

Some other notables, but that's mostly it. No johns.
That's your opinion. Facts win arguments, not opinions. ;) I'm not saying you're wrong, but none of can be proven precisely and that is a fact.

I thought you and Bone were friends.. I could've sworn you guys were talking to eachother at a tournament, but I guess I was wrong. =0


lets just play smash

^Mango ***** again! >.<
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