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SoCal Melee Community


Smash Legend
Jan 20, 2006
North Hollywood, CA
mango - what interem of w/e is trying to do it essentially making you angry so you'll come to his ****ty tournament and take their money, we all know colorado sucks cack, so meh, who cares rofl.


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
yea.....interming thinks his state is good or something .....socal *****<3

intermin....why dont you come to our tourney this saturday,its gonna be at a hotel n **** lol


Smash Champion
Apr 10, 2006
Alhambra, CA
wow larry

[21:31] FesTIzZiO: sup larry
[22:13] cat4523: hey
[22:13] cat4523: ttyl
[22:13] FesTIzZiO: wowwww
[22:13] *** "cat4523" signed off at Wed Jun 18 22:13:54 2008.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
So here's what somebody on youtube had to say about Brawl/Melee

Quote. "Brawl is like a fancy restaurant with crappy food. Melee might not have pretty chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a violin quartet playing Bach in the corner, but oh my . . . it tastes so very delicious . . ."

<3 Brawl for pretty chandeliers ^_^

wow. this is pretty random, but whatever happened to Azeem?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Lulz, I also forgot, Kenny 2-0'ed Taj in pools at OC3.

What have you done, England? Thought as much.

Anyway, Mango/whoever else hosts shiz, what big Melee tournaments are you guys having? I want to get back into the game, and figured that the quickest way would be to go to a tournament in a community that still has an active and large scene. Cali seems to fit the bill.

EDIT: Never said Mango wasn't good. Cali has always had some top level players, but then it has this sudden drop in quality that leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Like... how could people possibly play with the likes of DSF, Ken, HugS, Isai, DBR, and Mango (I guess? lololol) and still be predictable, slow, and stupid. You can't say that Cali doesn't have it's fair share of people that just can't play to save their lives, no matter how much you help them.


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
I'm a golden example of what you're describing Interim lol. I suck at melee but I loves it!


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
lmao, dude, you're so bias that LMAO @ taking you seriously. i'm sure there's a flip side, because kenny didn't place anything special at OC3. Did he get out of pools? Seriously, I wouldn't doubt if tofu / haze / me / etc. would **** most of Colorado.

And I know for a fact Mango/Lucky/HugS/Luigi/Larry would **** all your guys' ****


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Tim took 7th. He lost to DSF. DSF tricked him into playing Wario v Snake. D: D: D:

The rest of us threw our matches so we could play Melee, since the tournament was taking so long. No johning, either. You can see that we all placed the same. Tim was the only one that wasn't stupid.

Most of us got outta pools at OC3. Kenny also took g@be out, but that's nothing special, seeing as g@be isn't as good as bloshi was, technical-wise, anyway. He was definitely smarter, though. A Yoshi that can't 0-death FFers is only winning because people don't know how to fight the character.

Seriously though, CA is better than CO currently, but we have a lower concentration of terrible players. Prolly because all the bad players stopped playing after playing us in Melee/moved on to Brawl. I'd love for CO to go to SoCal and get better at Melee again, since we're all getting bored with Brawl. Don't talk trash about LoVo or Jeris, though. Anyone who thinks Luigi is a joke hasn't played a good Luigi, and LoVo is just... weird.

EDIT: I should rephrase. We have a lower concentration of terrible players that think they're on the level of Ken/Isai/Azen/etc. C0nn0r isn't the type of person I'm talking about. It's moreover people like Boss, manacloud, etc that I'm talking about. Weak players that think they need to treated special because they're "good".


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
lovo does look good......but who does kenny play? or jeris....and who else is good from CO? also,is there any good vids? i seen like one of lovo link....if thats him.....he was prettty cool lol

also some of us played ka-master so we know a pretty amazing luigi lol

and.....you guys should go to nexus,its gonna be bralw/melee

MT PoCkets

Smash Rookie
Jun 18, 2008
Lake Forest, OC, SoCal
I agree!
There's too many kids out here that think they're the shiz and watch smash vids all day thinking they're gonna be MLG or something just because they know who top players are and such.
But we still have the real MLG players too!

Me, on the other, am OK at smash haha ^-^ I do mah best!

but anyways.
Someone needs to go and smack them poser pros out there! with like a green shell or something!


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Uh, no **** some people are going to think they're hot **** the better they get. Since SoCal has a much larger population and a lot more decent people, duh it's going to be more of a problem? You sound really unintelligent judging so much off of a tournament a year and a half ago...


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Uh, no **** some people are going to think they're hot **** the better they get. Since SoCal has a much larger population and a lot more decent people, duh it's going to be more of a problem? You sound really unintelligent judging so much off of a tournament a year and a half ago...
Whereas you're basing what you are saying off of...???


lovo does look good......but who does kenny play? or jeris....and who else is good from CO? also,is there any good vids? i seen like one of lovo link....if thats him.....he was prettty cool lol

also some of us played ka-master so we know a pretty amazing luigi lol

and.....you guys should go to nexus,its gonna be bralw/melee
LoVo never took first at our tournaments, but yeah, he's LoVo link. Out Come The Wolves, Out Come the Wolves 2, and LoVo vs Forward are pretty popular matches/vids, though they're all pretty terrible now.

Kenny plays Fox, and a very crappy CF. Jeris plays Luigi, sometimes Marth. Almost never, though. Ferdi/Spiritdragon plays as Fox/Falco/Sheik/Jiggz/ICs. I play as Peach/Sheik/Roy/Just started Jiggz yesterday/Fox for the amazing fun that is the Fox dittos/Random. :D!

Mainly Peach and Sheik, though.

Aside from that, we have Yang, who plays Marth (lulz, he took a match from Ken, but it was only friendlies, and Ken still won the set). Tim plays Ness and just picked up Ganon, since he wants to have some semblance of a chance if we're getting back into Melee. MikeZ plays Peach, Jiggz, and a ~little~ bit of Fox/Sheik&Zelda.

I'm prolly forgetting some people, though.

If you guys have played Ka-Master, then I can't claim that you don't know what a good Luigi is. We haven't played him at all, but we definitely respect the man, and anyone that says he's not good is seriously brain-damaged.

I think we might have got off on the wrong foot. When is Nexus? I'll come if I can afford it/get housing, and try to bring one or two people. If nothing else, it's always great to meet new people.

Oh, and Kenny and I played against LuCKy and Mang0 in teams for OC3. I had no idea who they were, so I was getting super pissed at Kenny for dying every time I looked away. I stopped teaming with him after that tournament. LOL, good times.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Aside from that, I don't know who all still plays Melee/is even good. OC3 kinda broke mah heart, given how many bad players Cali had.
Tim took 7th. He lost to DSF. DSF tricked him into playing Wario v Snake. D: D: D:
The rest of us threw our matches so we could play Melee, since the tournament was taking so long. No johning, either. You can see that we all placed the same. Tim was the only one that wasn't stupid.
Most of us got outta pools at OC3. Kenny also took g@be out, but that's nothing special, seeing as g@be isn't as good as bloshi was, technical-wise, anyway. He was definitely smarter, though. A Yoshi that can't 0-death FFers is only winning because people don't know how to fight the character.
Seriously though, CA is better than CO currently, but we have a lower concentration of terrible players.
It's moreover people like Boss, manacloud, etc that I'm talking about. Weak players that think they need to treated special because they're "good".
Lulz, I also forgot, Kenny 2-0'ed Taj in pools at OC3.

What have you done, England? Thought as much.
Like... how could people possibly play with the likes of DSF, Ken, HugS, Isai, DBR, and Mango (I guess? lololol) and still be predictable, slow, and stupid. You can't say that Cali doesn't have it's fair share of people that just can't play to save their lives, no matter how much you help them.
I didn't know HugS was that good, to be honest. I mean, I know he always places well, but yeah.
I dunno who's actually good there. Everyone that was supposed to be good wasn't. Except Ken, Tang, Isai (only in teams D: ) and DBR. Boss talked like he was good, so I figured he was ranked, like the rest of the failures we played.

Either your scene was weak, or everyone and their mom thought they were top 10. XD
Haha, you could also ask HugS, though it was only a friendly. He still gets butthurt about it.
When we went to OC3, we ***** your randoms. I beat Boss in pools and tournament. Kenny beat Gabe and shoulda beat BoA, but no johns, amirite?
Nah, SoCal suuuuuuuuuuucks.
Woooow, that shocked even me. What an alarming array of douchebag comments and posts.

So basically, what you know about Cali:

1. Boss and Manacloud
2. HugS places well, but isn't that good
3. Mango
4. Friendlies are important

Uh, good ****!


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I never said friendlies were important. I even put the stupid little lol at the end to connote that it means nothing.

I didn't know HOW good HugS is. I know he's good, but I never get to see him play, ever. That's like you guys and knowing how good Bum is, or Lunaris, or something like that.

I know Mango is good because of his stupid bracket at Pound, and taking first. I also know that your random players were garbage, and that claiming CO<<<Your randoms is fallacious, at best.

The SoCal suuuuuuuuuuuucks is a joke, it's funny how hurt you get over stupid stuff. I know that the big names are good, but I don't know about your players that don't get out of state.

I really fail to see how a vast majority of the things you quoted were me being a douchebag, rather than you being hyper-sensitive.

The thing with HugS vs LoVo is hilarious to me. We didn't even know that LoVo bested HugS in a friendly until he was complaining about it later. That's how little it mattered to us. Then he went and claimed that we put HUGE emphasis on friendlies. After that, it kinda became a running joke.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I never said friendlies were important. I even put the stupid little lol at the end to connote that it means nothing.
Don't bring it up then. At all. Horrible context to do so. You sound like a tool when you do. If it means nothing, don't say it?

I didn't know HOW good HugS is. I know he's good, but I never get to see him play, ever. That's like you guys and knowing how good Bum is, or Lunaris, or something like that.
You know, you don't have to only play someone to have a good idea of how good someone is. I don't know, tourny results? Videos? Who does HugS lose to? How good are they?

I also know that your random players were garbage
From a year ago, right? :laugh:

Hint: it's irrelevant

The SoCal suuuuuuuuuuuucks is a joke, it's funny how hurt you get over stupid stuff.
No one's getting hurt, just saying it makes you look like a douche. We don't know you. You're not cool with us. You're not even good at the game.

I really fail to see how a vast majority of the things you quoted were me being a douchebag, rather than you being hyper-sensitive.
Why are you assuming anyone got offended over it? I pointed out things that make you sound like a dip****, not that those things necessarily offended anyone.

The thing with HugS vs LoVo is hilarious to me. We didn't even know that LoVo bested HugS in a friendly until he was complaining about it later. That's how little it mattered to us. Then he went and claimed that we put HUGE emphasis on friendlies. After that, it kinda became a running joke.
EVER mentioning a friendly win around good players is a HUGE no-no. It's just not cool. It's annoying as ****. It's something scrubs do.

I suggest you learn how your language is going to be interpreted before you use it so callously.

EDIT: Actually, my entire post was in response to this:

Whereas you're basing what you are saying off of...???
Just giving you the evidence you asked for...


Smash Master
May 30, 2006
lol p wont stop intermin.........so if i were you,just stop xD

anyways nexus is next saturday,i dont know if thats to short notice for you guys to come.if anything let me know and i'll give you more info

oh yea..........i did a up throw to running shine nair to up smash on alex......it was ****en sexy


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
Interim... obviously (as P stated before) your not liked here. Just get the F*ck off this thread. F*ckin no good, no name scrub.

And please come to Nexus. I would enjoy ****** your **** in tourney. Or a MM if you will. I don't care. Just please come to Nexus.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
I'll check about bus tickets and whatnot. What's the next big thing after Nexus? Also, would I be able to get housing?

kou, you're a nobody, too. prs to stfu? ♥

P, I'll stop with bringing up irrelevant stuff. I never said HugS wasn't good, just didn't know he was a hero to you guys. Either way, I'm coming back from the Brawl disease. I'm sure a few of you are still recovering from that horrible game, too. D:

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
So here's what somebody on youtube had to say about Brawl/Melee

Quote. "Brawl is like a fancy restaurant with crappy food. Melee might not have pretty chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a violin quartet playing Bach in the corner, but oh my . . . it tastes so very delicious . . ."

<3 Brawl for pretty chandeliers ^_^

wow. this is pretty random, but whatever happened to Azeem?
he DI'ed

I hope this wasn't a pun....:urg:
seriously? Was this a pun Mike?!?!
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