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SoCal Melee Community


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
Interim, if you guys are serious about coming to nexus, i'd be willing to house a car probably.

I'm not even planning on going to Nexus but if CO comes I'll go and house you guys and etc. whatever. :)

There's no blatant hate for CO despite your posts; I was just trying to show you how and why you were rubbing SoCal the wrong way. Nothing personal


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Alrighty. Sorry for offending you guys/rubbing you wrong. I'll definitely try to make it to a Melee/Brawl event with you guys sometime this summer. I miss Melee, and I figure the fastest way to get back to my old level is to play the WC's best. Right now, I definitely couldn't take a match, let alone a set, from a good Fox. I could DI outta shines, but 0-deathing them would be a lot more work than it used to be.

Plus, I wants to learn Jiggz from teh mang0000000000000000, and see what makes Samus good. Aside from the obvious, I mean.


Smash Lord
Apr 20, 2007
Irvine, CA
I never said friendlies were important. I even put the stupid little lol at the end to connote that it means nothing.

I know Mango is good because of his stupid bracket at Pound, and taking first. I also know that your random players were garbage, and that claiming CO<<<Your randoms is fallacious, at best.

atleast he knows mangos good


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Cheaper than they do here. At least during the summer. They rest more, or something.

For HugS, I know he does really well, and that he beats good players, I just don't know why. I haven't really watched him play, but I do know he's a Falco Slayer.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2007
@ interim

I think he is trying to show you how good of a player Ka-Master is and if you watch the whole set, Hugo wins.

Also, that match alone should be enough to show you how good of a player Hugo is, regardless if you watch the whole set or not.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Yeah. Ka-Master is/was pretty ridiculous. HugS <3s his jabs and shield. I know they're both smart and exceptional players, it's moreover the "why" that gets me.

Like, I saw just how Mango took out M2k, but I haven't seen how HugS beats players on that level, or why Forward ended up going Sheik instead of Falco against him (aside from his title, I mean). Does it make any sense what I'm saying? Or is HugS just that much smarter than everyone evar?


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
you need to watch more videos.

you don't need to see someone win a match to see why they're good.

the why is right there in the video

- perfect spacing
- perfect tech skill (do you know how hard it is to perfectly pivot and space a ftilt consistently?)
- superb DI
- patience. very few smashers have more patience than hugo (out of necessity really; let's be honest, samus sucks). patience is found in a ton of things -- the art of shield pressure, the art of tech chasing, the art of punishing. watching match 2 now, for instance, he waits for Luigi to roll so he can die when he uses his charged B. it doesn't matter where Luigi rolls; if timed right Luigi's going to die to it all the time (at that percentage). But a LOT of lesser players won't have the patience and timing to make sure that happens.

hugo traps people in their shield and limits their options. he does it better than anyone else who plays this game. look at his bombs to punish luigi's mobility and rolls.

also, his superior approach to the game is what makes him so consistent. you see it in a player like Azen, too, the way a deficit doesn't mean anything at all because he's playing 100% of his game all the time, not just when he's down to one stock. that puts enormous pressure on the opponent.

seriously, i think it probably says a lot about your own approach and skill level that a lot of these things to you don't pop out at a glance.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Well, it's moreover that I figured that most people at Hugo's level did that. I know Vidjo had some wicked spacing at OC3. Maybe it's just something that those of us playing slower characters focus more on?

I noticed the pressure strings, as well as incorporating the bombs to keep Ka-Master under pressure. I noticed how he jab-cancels a few times, until he thinks they're about to do something. I just figured this was something everyone did.

His patience is something that you don't see a lot of people doing nowadays. Most people just go in, drillshines and lasers blazing, and call it a day. The fact that he waits for them to do what he wants is something I respect. LoVo will do that, too.

Still, I figured it was something that was commonplace amongst players like him, Cort, Chu, etc. That's why I was kind of confused. I didn't know that he was #1 at spacing and all that. I know Ferdi was talking about HugS pressure game and how fast the jabs were once, but I didn't really get to experience it. Make any sense?

It's not that I didn't notice them. Aside from incorporating bombs, I always figured most this stuff was really common at high-level play. That's why I didn't really know what to think of HugS.

Again, I'm not saying he's not good. I know he is. I think the easiest way to see just how good would probably be to play against him whenever I finally make it out to SoCal. Seeing and experiencing a pressure-heavy match are two entirely different things, ya know?

Unless it's Guilty Gear. Then you can kinda see just how easily they'll be screwed if they get caught in a string.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
so watch other pros play and see the differences. samus is a horrible character yet hugo is the most consistent smasher in melee outside of the untouchable pros.

and that's the thing -- because his character is garbage he has to be on top of every opening, every mistake. that consistency in his spacing and shield pressure game and etc. is daunting because he will NEVER miss up -- you have to just outplay him. He will destroy your habits and manipulate them into control of the game.

there's also a LOT to be said for staying on the ground. being in the air in melee is usually death; you just have no priority there. samus can't really do that so she has to have the ground game on lock. by not jumping and playing cautiously aggressive, you'd be surprised at how hard it is to ever kill you or string a decent combo of attacks together. you start playing hugo's game, and he's content to just chip chip chip. you're probably not better than him at that game.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
so watch other pros play and see the differences. samus is a horrible character yet hugo is the most consistent smasher in melee outside of the untouchable pros.

and that's the thing -- because his character is garbage he has to be on top of every opening, every mistake. that consistency in his spacing and shield pressure game and etc. is daunting because he will NEVER miss up -- you have to just outplay him. He will destroy your habits and manipulate them into control of the game.

there's also a LOT to be said for staying on the ground. being in the air in melee is usually death; you just have no priority there. samus can't really do that so she has to have the ground game on lock. by not jumping and playing cautiously aggressive, you'd be surprised at how hard it is to ever kill you or string a decent combo of attacks together. you start playing hugo's game, and he's content to just chip chip chip. you're probably not better than him at that game.
Pretty sure I'm not.

Dammit, I wanna play him now. He really seems like the best person to play for breaking stupid habits, and learning what can happen where. D: D: D:

Who else in SoCal is still good?


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
cause mango has a better character.

mango, lucky, hugo, luigi and larry i would put money to **** all of CO. after that i dunno.

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
wow what the **** is this thread lol
i wasnt around a computer for 3 days and when i come back the melee <3 thread is some random CO guy fighting with P tryng to prove his state is good? lol why the **** did you come to the socal boards to say that thats so random.

caaaaaaaaaan we change the subject to the tourny tomorrow oh its gonna be fun fun P you're going right?
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