Jab2 - WDKB:20>35, JabLoopPoint:none>9, AllowInterupt:none>21.
Jab3 - ShieldDamage:0>10, Hitlag:x1>x3.
DashAttack - ShieldDamage:1>10, Hitlag:x1>x1.5/x1>x1.5(weakhit). Allows jump cancel frame 12.
Ftilt1 - ShieldDamage:3>F, Size 7/6/5.5->7.5/6.5/5.5, tripping rate 0->50%
Ftilt2 - ShieldDamage:A>10, size 6/7/5/6.5->7/8/6/7
Utilt - ShieldDamage:0>10. Size strong hit 6/5/5->8/7/8, weak hit 7/5/6->8/7/7. Damage strong hit 13->15, Damage weak hit 12->14. Strong Hitboxes mirrored behind snake (inverted X-offsets). All strong hits fire.
Dtilt - Angle:80/75/70>275, WDKB:0>30, KBG:110/100>50, BKB:50>30, ShieldDamage:0>10, TripRate:0%>50%, Hitlag:x1>x3.
Fsmash - Loops twice, larger damage, bubble size, and graphic with each blast, DMG:17,22... Third loop has 5 blasts shortly after one another following a line pattern.
Usmash - Generates 3 articles 7 frames apart.
Dsmash - Mine activation:71>50 frames, Mine Duration:25sec>Infinite, TriggerRadius:4>8, DMG:14>17. "There!"
Nair - ShieldDamage:0>5/0>10(LastHit), Hitlag:x1>x2/x1>x3(lasthit), SDI:x1>x0.5(first3hits), frame speed x2 if "B" is pressed after 3rd hit and before 4th hit, calls C4 action. "Good!". Autocancels ending frame 8 (was frame 3) and starting frame 46 (was 49). Hit one damage 6->2, hit 2 damage 5->2, hit 3 damage 4->2, hit 4 damage 13->9, KBG 5F->62. Hit 2 angle 78/3C/64/4B->16B (autolink). Hit 3 angle 104/118/64/4B->16B, hit 4 KBG 62->40
Fair - ShieldDamage:0>10, Hitlag:x1>x3 on tipper (ID2) ID2Bone:Knee>Foot. Weak hit ID1 Damage F->C, Direction 10D->40. Weak hit ID0 KBG 64->40 Autocancels frame 26, allow JC after frame 26, frame speed x1.7 between frames 1 and 22
Bair - ShieldDamage:0>10, Hitlag:x1>x3/x1>x2(Weakhit).
Uair - ShieldDamage:0>10, Hitlag:x1>x3/x1>x2(Weakhit), AutoCancel:36>33,AllowInterupt:N/A>43. Landing lag can be JC'd.
Dair - ShieldDamage:0>5/0>10(LastHit), Hitlag:x1>x2/x1>x3(lasthit), SDI:x1>x0.5(first3hits), autocancels frame 37 (was 62). Damage first hit 6->2, Angles second, third hit 266/80/80>363/363/363, damage 5->2, angle last hit 361/361/361->10/10/10, damage C->A, KBG 6E->60, frame speed x1.5
Standing Grab - UNCHANGED.
Dash Grab - UNCHANGED.
Pivot Grab - UNCHANGED.
Pummel - DMG:2>4, "Ommnn..."
Fthrow - BKB:3C>5C.
Bthrow - Angle:40>0, KBG:65>45. BKB:65>55.
Uthrow - DMG:10>13
Dthrow - "Tasty!"
Nspecial - Upon article limit(2), pulls out a sensor mine at x0.7 frame speed.
Sspecial - DMG:7>10/14>17, ShieldDamage:1>5/1>10(HiExplosion), TriggerRadius:2.5>5, Automatically exits animation after Missile fires.
Uspecial - HeavyArmor:7>11, AllowInterupt:41>5, More control horizontally.
Dspecial - StickyRadius:5>8(Ground/Wall/Enemy/etc.), StickyTransferInterval:121>75 frames, Increased size of blast. Blast animation speed x3
Attributes - UNCHANGED.
GrenadeItem: DetonationTime:180>120, Angle:80>20.
SensorMineItem: MineActivation:101>50 frames, Mine Duration:20sec>60sec, DMG:5>1(Thrown)/25>22(Explosion).
C4Articles: StickyDuration:900>3600 frames, AutoDetonate:1600>3600 frames.