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Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Just an update on the job search... I got the job I thought I did poorly on in the interview! Now I'll be working for CTV as a Junior Systems Administrator in Scarborough! YAY!

*does a dance*

Sadly, this means I'll now be living in Toronto. Sauga will have to find their own way to David's now ><... unless I come home for the weekend or something. Time will tell.

Regardless, yay!


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Results for singles

1: unknown522
2: KirbyKaze
3: Metaknight0
4: Runawayfire
5: europhoria
5: grmo
7: idea
7: afro_chris
9: ndot
9: peterx
9: Prez
9: aandy
13: nightmare
13: ACA


1: team team bucket of chicken, in loving memory of marco(kirbykaze + unknown522) ($17.50)
2: team 3x spicy baconators (europhoria + metaknight0) ($5.00)
3: team puffy mushroom (idea + runawayfire) ($2.50)
4: bye

and I ordered three spicy baconator combos and failed to eat it all rofl


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
wait wait wait, something's wrong with this picture. How did anthony get 3rd place..........he got last place last time, lol.

and wait -- $2.50? did we win money?
no, tio fails. It was winner takes all.

Also, Nate: it's great that you came out, it was fun playing you again. Good job on 4th place, almost had 3rd.


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
what the HAGS

Alright, this makes no sense. So I get 10 hours of sleep yesterday, and I didn't feel at all alert (so I kinda sucked at smash in comparison to my usual ability), and then it takes me 2 and a half hours to get home. I get to sleep at 12:45, set my alarm for 7:45 (Japanese class, which I should have just taken on the internet lol), and now I feel great. Like, not tired at all. Makes no sense.

Anyway story time. So we were driving home from square one, and we were coming off of the creditview bridge, and then we see a wild Fox. So it runs off to the side of the road and starts laser camping. I was like holy ****, I guess I deserved that.

So yeah, fun tournament. The subway was hilarious. I was waiting for the bus at Finch to go to David's, and then this tall guy comes upstairs, and I'm like "k I swear I know that guy". I look away for a second, then look back and he points at me and he's like "Grmo". And then I recognized Nate without the dreads. That was pretty funny.

K back on to the tournament. It was fun. Not spectactular, mostly because of the weather, the fact that I was sucking (which might have been corelated), and the fact that 5 people basically became byes in the bracket.


I'll post these when I get back.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
hey guys fun tourny like always, i got 3 bys in a row hahaha XD to bad i had to leave early tho TT-TT, anthony we never got to finsh our falcon ditto!!!! oh yea i have a video clip of me comboing u from long time ago i'm put it in my combo vid ok? to david i never got to play u today....... mike because of u i fear all marths TT-TT, ryan that was a close fox ditto =D i wana rematch some time, lol Grmo i banned poke floats and it made no dif TT-TT, lol nate our team friendlys were fun XD u should have let me be bowser we could have won!!!! XD


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
Results for singles

1: unknown522
2: KirbyKaze
3: Metaknight0
4: Runawayfire
5: europhoria
5: grmo
7: idea
7: afro_chris
9: ndot
9: peterx
9: Prez
9: aandy
13: nightmare
13: ACA


1: loldongs (kirbykaze + unknown522) ($17.50)
2: team 3x spicy baconators (europhoria + metaknight0) ($5.00)
3: team puffy mushroom (idea + runawayfire) ($2.50)
4: bye

and I ordered three spicy baconator combos and failed to eat it all rofl
lol sry for the double post but this is f***** funny i played 1 match and i got 3 bys and i came in 7th XD and i didn't play my 4 match cuz i had to go XDXDXD


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
lmao that is actually pretty funny.

anyway shoutouts:

David: yay. thanks for hosting. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Mike: no I'm not going to sleep with David and even if I did, you weren't going to watch.

Ryan: good stuff, and congratulations. You're getting a lot better; it's pretty scary.

Nate: I wasn't expecting that lol. You did surprisingly well; it was fun playing with you again. lmao @ our floats match.

Anthony: you are the real mew2king, except you're louder and you eat more.

Kyle: you've got a decent jiggs; you do some really cool stuff. Keep up the good work. we should play again some time.

Chris: lmao yeah. I tend to trick people into doing that. The truth is that I know how to play on every stage, and no better on any one.

Ndot: you've got decent marth stuff. Some good technical aspects. Countering did get you out of some of my combos, but honestly I would cut down on it. As soon as I realized that you liked to counter I stopped approaching with attacks and just started grabbing instead. You lost a lot of stocks that way.

Peterx: like I said before, you should try to stick with one or two characters for a while. I think you'll find that you'll go much farther if you do.

Andy: lol. you're like b-town's god.

nightmare: happy birthday =D. Too bad we didn't play any matches.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2003
Ontario, Canada

David: thanks for hosting your house is hilarious fun. I can't beat your sheik with fox so I went mewtwo who did better than my fox lol

Ryan: We didn't play singles but we know the outcome you would've trashed me lol

Nate: **** me in pools then I bring out random samus lol. our set was probably the funnest set I've done in a long time. I survived Rest lmfao

Mike: I am new ambrose glasses asian skinny can't drive lmfao. we'll **** teams in future.

grmo: yeah I'm pretty loud lol it's just my nature. good fox. 3 spicy baconator combos NEVER AGAIN

idea: good stuff in teams I had to gay with sheik =x yeah I went mewtwo at the end xd

afro_chris: lol @ your brackets. you ***** the byes, couldn't believe my eyes.

peterx: LOL MEWTWO

marco: trades lacey underwear for his wallet back LOL RE4 looks amazing

everyone else: it was chill playing and hanging out. I kind of forgot names but I was loud enough to be a part of everyone's day lol


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
you guys never knew that falcon secretly has an afro under his helmet? That's where he gets electricity with his knee, combined with a car battery.

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
He should use FOD to his advantage! send an electrical charge thru the water and deal 50% everytime some1 touches the ground. Sounds fair to me.........

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
this tournament was pretty fun lol thanks for hosting david
woooww I did so much better than I expected
sucks that i had to leave so early lol
brampton just moved up to middle tier yaaayyy


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
T.dot, Canada
you guys never knew that falcon secretly has an afro under his helmet? That's where he gets electricity with his knee, combined with a car battery.
lol when me and d.b combine our falcons we have a whole power plant!!! lol **** FOD use jungle japes thats like 1000x as much water, dealing 999% it's super effective, besides for sheik TT-TT
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