why is there no pool results? werent they in tia? im sure someone from each pool can remember. i was pool 9 i believe and it went
eggm hat chibo bbad bill
eggm x 2-0 2-0 2-0 2-0
hat 0-2 x 2-1 2-0 2-0
chibo 0-2 1-2 x 2-1 2-0
bbad 0-2 0-2 1-2 x 2-1
bill 0-2 0-2 0-2 1-2 x
and last i cant remember his exact name, something like lazlo? he forfeited anyway tho so hes not that important lol
i forgot to put the match record, and that matters in pool results. see the modified quote above. and i got a match off hat

. so close to getting a match off eggm, thanks to pokefloats. dam you eggman!
uhhh.... how was magus in the bracket? he wasnt in pools
anyways.... shoutoutz
(in order of bracket results. ppl who didnt make the bracket b4 are below)
1: M2K - lol at stage picks in the tourney set. i dont care if im gonna get wrecked lol, i wanted my chance on green greens. and im glad i warmed u fox up for u lol
2: Teh_Spamerer - i didnt even kno u were there lol
2: Cactuar - u have no clue how much those friendlies at the beginning helped. i wanna play u b4 every tournament i enter lol. it warmed me up perfectly and got me on my game.
4: Plank - cant wait for pound, u kno im confirmed.
5: Sonozaki SHION - dont be picking random names lol. i dont think we even talked tho lol
5: Eggm - 2nd time in pools! and sonic always beats eggman!
7: Will - we shoulda friendlied. join our crew lol. who is in pimp taxi!?
7: Inui - im not money matching u until brawl lol
9: Velocity - ur doc is so **** evil. i do better on a sandbagging cactuar...
9: Vanz - cant beat ur peach, y link, jiggz, or dk. lemme get a shot at ur bowser!
9: Scar - happy bday blue lazer! awesome tourney. ur one of the tourney director gods. (with me! lolz)
9: Tec0 - nice friendlies aftereards. didnt win any, but im pleased with my performance. no matter how bad u say u r, ur awesome at the game.
13: CopyCat - didnt kno u were here lol. i kinda wanted to play the new leader of TSA.
13: pool 4 seed 4 - who the hell is this?
13: Pakman - happy bday blue lazer! ur luigi is amazing, i need to play it more often. i need luigi practice. il help u make ur samus guide lol.
13: Sensei - o man i wish i played you there! i heard u played pikachu, i wish i saw the matches
17: M00 - no friendlies... ur awesome tho. i wanna play ur fox with all my practice on gotm
17: Emblem Lord - man all these jersey smashers and i didnt play em! come to CoT2, we need friendlies.
17: DoYoung2Win -same as above
17: Hat - lol at double blind pick. i watched u play throughout the pool and that
17: Wes (LEY) - lol, if u were wes i would be learning more samus tricks lol. man that was some closes matches. i wanna play ur falco more often. i wish i made it to scars on thursday but i didnt get out of work early enough.
17: Magus - how did u make it in the bracket? i wish i played ur gdorf again, there were close matches last smashpocalypse and i get better every single day.
17: pool 4 seed 3 - who is this?
17: Dot Eater - ur in pimp taxi.... WHO ELSE IS!? lol. i didnt see ur samus at all. hmmm... i wanna friendly u again.
25: Chocobo - yay at not getting matched up lol, tho we need to break that 1-1 tourney set tie
25: GOTM - i need sheik practice. help me out with that
25: UltimaScout - no friendlies in smash or pokemon lol. why is that!?
25: RoyKid - ROOOOOOOOYYYYYKKKKKKIIIIIIDDDDDD!!!! Nice job with eggs n bacon, but i look forward to a boco girl rematch!
25: ChiboSempai - this kids samus is amazing, who is he? he made it out of pools, which is so awesome lol
25: Atomsk - i didnt kno u were there lol
25: TenNoTensai - nice job makin it to pools, glad to have more ToS members doing good at tourneys.
25: Keitaro - we didnt even friendly at all haha.
extra ppl:
Bbad - o man you took a match from me! good stuff, and i hate doc lol. 3 matches and 3 characters? mind games.
Bill - first tourney right? good stuff, ur falcons pretty nice. keep going to tournaments and u get nice. is bill ur actual smash nickname? lol. it seems too.... normal lol
xzax - new ToS member! ur a lot nicer than i was expecting, ur videos on youtube dont show how good u r lol. we need to play with u and vex.
toushi - green greens! and i hate scrapple lol. u kno what scrapple is made of? scraps of garbage haha
gomen-ne - nice to play you again as iv only played u once before in teams.
shakugan - ur getting a lot nicer, just dont get angry when ppl beat u. congratulate them for once.
mexi - you shouldnt have gotten a shoutout since u didnt enter lol. so this shoutout ends.... now.
ame - hopefully il see u again at the next tourney, awesome wawa sandwhich lol