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SMASHPOCALYPSE:: SPOC IX in February? Link to SPOC VIII results in OP


Smash Rookie
Aug 3, 2006
Philadelphia, PA/Long Island, NY
Yeah, thanks for the experience. Velocity, thanks for the advice.

Scar, you're awesome.

Cact, a pleasure as usual.

Chocobo, BAWA.

M2K, was a fun ditto, looking forward to the day where I...you know, grab a stock from you.

Long live Lucha Libre.



Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Unoffical partial results:

Singles :
1. m2k (180$)
2. Cactus (90$)
3. Tec0 (60$)
4. Eggm (30$)
5. Slikvick (10$)
5. Ryoko (10$)

1. M2k/Cactuar
2. Pakman/scar
3. Bass/slikvick

Thats all I know, fun tournament.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
this game's gay. i ****ing succcccckkkkk. c, falcon getting u-throw chain grabbed or tech chased all day i wanna cry. not to mention gay edge guarding. i think i wanna pick up sheik or fox....... erhhhh

ryoko peach is maaaaaad innovative, sorry I suck i wanna learn s ome of that stuff. peach is maad good. crazy ****. thanks for sandbagging. :)

Scar screw you i falcon punched better, it just didn't hit. no more matches prolly till i get back from vacation thoo finals all week. up-b outta shield all day!!

.... technically i got two kills on m2k if you count the game w/ the u-air edge guard + suicidal weak knee.... but who's counting. [YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS] lol i suck.

i think i played pikachu noob too. as falcon then pika dittos???

and for those who got owned by my pikachu: mwahahahahah
those who ***** my pikachu: BULLIES. with your tiers!!!
but yeah this game's gay. played worst than ever.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
Smashpocalypse II: 12/08 Full Results

Full bracket and pools to be posted on tia whenever Neal confirms.

Teams Entrants: 18
1: Losing to Eggm in Singles (M2K + Cactuar) ($126.00)
2: Blue Lazer (Scar + Pakman) ($36.00)
3: SlikBass (Bass + SlikVic) ($18.00)
4: NJ Connection (Eggm + Tec0)
5: Pink Draedel (Will + Dot Eater)
5: Sea Minotaurs (Alexander Triad + Velocity)
7: Sup Baby (MexiMadnez + Jollies)
7: Emerican: ****ing **** (El_Komosutro + UltimaScout)
9: RamRod (Kev + Carmello)
9: The Chosen (Akinola Smakinola + Cless)
9: Asian Guy and Black Guy (Shakugan + Matt Long)
9: Coolness Crew (AztekKing + Wind)
13: Cool Team Name (TenNoTensai + Toushi)
13: No Clue (Ame + Q)
13: Desert Theives (Chocobo + Roykid)
13: Andy and the FUUUUCKING TUNA (El Chibo Sempaizan + GOTM)
17: Dynasty (Ace + B-Fly)
17: Lucha Libre (Joe + Winton)

Singles: Entrants: 42
1: M2K ($180.00)
2: Cactuar ($90.00)
3: Tec0 ($60.00)
4: Eggm ($30.00)
5: Ryoko ($10.00)
5: SlikVik ($10.00)
7: Lord Knight is a Moron
7: Will
9: El Komosutro
9: Bass
9: Alexander Triad
9: Pakman
13: Dot Eater
13: UltimaScout
13: Scar
13: Velocity
17: GOTM
17: UltimoDragon
17: Roykid
17: Chocobo
17: TenNoTensai
17: Michael
17: Moo
17: ChiboSempai
25: Shakugan
25: Clai
25: Yayo
25: KCS
25: Cless
25: Valdet
25: Jollies
25: Rob
33: Ame
33: Steve
33: PikachuN00b
33: Bugz
33: McGraw
33: Juan Mendoza
33: Arabi
33: Ace
33: DSol
33: Carmello


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
I don't have to. Calm yourself. YOU pick who you entered as, it won't screw up your tia. My tourney, my names. Also if you'd like to take a gander at the 7th place smashers you'll find that I had exercised that right more than once.


Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
i found a way to get on my grandparents computer...and im bored...so...shoutouts?

M2K - ...
Cactuar - train me
Tec0 - i am going to be in your pool at every tourney...ever..and yoshis next time, haha
Ryoko - your too good
Lord Knight - number 3 doesnt exist, its just 2 and having to 1 at the same time
Will - i hate your jiggs, but it ***** my life
El Komosutro - your better than m2k and cactuar, lol
Dot Eater - close matches...hope to play you again, next time your at drexel
UltimaScout - didnt get to philly until like after 2am, haha, good ****
Scar - what the?! haha, good stuff running everything, better than we did =/
Velocity - :(, also, you have the loudest voice ever
Roykid - we **** in teams
chocobo - fawkin nawg
Moo - still need to play you
ChiboSempai - our team will eventually ****
PikachuN00b - kid aint no n00b


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2007
Thanks for another ridiculous experience, guys! I definitely had a great time.

The Drexel Regulars, Chocobo, Yayo, Roykid, GOTM, Chibo, Ultimo, Pakman, Cactuar...a pleasure, as usual

ToS crew members, Wind, Mexi, Aztec...great seeing you guys again

UltimaScout, our 2D fighter matches were the best

Lord Knight, you have way too much natural ability in fighters...it was nice playing with you

PimpUigi! Good to see you again...your Zangief is still terrifying

Ryoko, fun pool matches, and I'm sorry I couldn't get Soul Cal 3 running for your earlier

Velocity, we never got to play, but you're hilarious

Komo, good matches! Sorry that I walked out with my headphones on and didn't say anything to you

Mexi, team Sup Baby worked out better than I expected...your Falcon keeps getting better, and my Marth, worse

Triad, I wanted to say no hard feelings about what happened at the last Smashpocalypse, but I never got matched up with you. I'm sure I was just as frustrated with my game that day as you were, and I'm sorry things ended up the way they did in friendlies

And Scar, it was awesome to see you again, and thanks for another great time. I looked around for you for a while before I left to tell you that, but I couldn't find you anywhere. Ryu forever!

Thanks again to everyone for making the second Smashpocalypse better than the first, and for reminding me that the Smash community is the best fighting game community!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
Vineland,New Jersey

yo this is to SlikVik i got really mad for no reason bro im sry next time we play i will be better and it will be a better match so wait and see and im also coming for you gotm


Constantly Delicious
Mar 9, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
Drexel Game Room represent, y'all.

Ever since quitting and getting back into competitive smash more times than I can count, I can safely say this was the most fun gathering I've been to. Lord willing, I'll make it out to more of these events, because I'm satisfied that I was able to play the way I did and not get raaaaaped too too badly.

Velocity, I've been training my doc for a long time now, and it was great to finally see where I stand. The next time we play, I'll be sure to win!
Ryoko, always a pleasure.
Chocobo, I wish we had more friendlies.
Scar, I wish we had more friendlies.
Pakman, thanks for the KFC
Chibo + GOTM One of these days i'll catch you after work and we can smash
el komosutro, man, you're hilarious, and your shiek is ridiculous. Our matches were close! Hope to play ya again soon.
AlexanderTriad, even though you camp like crazy, it's the smartest samus I've seen ever. So props to you. Next time we play, it'll be a different outcome.
Bugz, you left your controller! /cry.
Cactuar, though I didn't have a chance to win in out match, I had the two sickest kills that set, and it was still good to play you.
All the rest of the good people, I didn't get to play, but I did learn a lot from watching your matches.

reppin drexel's #5 spot for ever and ever, UDragon, out


Smash Master
Dec 21, 2006
**** MD/VA. I have no region. no really...
Scar: ran a pretty fun tournament. Thanx for picking up my hat
Bass: best teammate evar. Tunes let me borrow this guy when you’re not using him
Velocity: good games. lol velocity has the best doc, not bob$
Pakman: Your young link is approaching crazy status and I hate your luigi
Ame: keep working at it. Watch Xif. Practice being able to move as fast as him. You don’t necessarily have to move like that all the time, but you need to be able to when the situation demands. Good luck
Eggm: lol, why cant you sandbag/have multiple suicides vs me. I don’t have an answer for you right now. You’re too good. Lemme know when you come to rowan
Cactuar: I don’t know how to fight you or people on your level consistently. To correct that, I’m gonna try to come to Drexel a few times next semester to train. It should help me get ready for pound3
Ryoko: im stealing you edgeguarding vs spacies. Its too good
Magus: ridiculous ganon. Thx for training my disciple all day
Tech0: you’re a monster. I would hate to face you in tourney
M2k: go to sleep more. You were up 30 hours before the tournament. That’s crazy
Ultima scout: we shoulda played
Shakugan: don’t worry about it
Triad: Samus too good(and campy). Congrats on first seed in pools
El Komosutro: lol, I mispronounced your name so many times. Congrats on your upset in tourney and gg. Im not sure how far you are from me but if your not too far from rowan, we should play more
Doteater and will: I hope to see you guys at pound 3
Other philly people I played but am too lazy to continue: I had fun playing you guys. I hope to make these tournaments in the future
SlikVik: good stuff. ur gettin mad good


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!

Slikvik- Thanks, you are the first person to ever put me in a shoutout, I'm honored. Your Peach is ridiculous. I mean....stupidly good. Thanks for the advice, I'll see you sometime soon.
Scar- Great Tourney, we gotta play each other, even though I'd get *****
Shakugan- Dude, I understand the frustration, worry not. You'll get it soon enough. Next Peach Ditto, you're mine, though, lol.
TenNoTensai- Bro, you are unnecessarily amazing, you are a Shin Tensai.
RoyKid- You and I gotta Roy Ditto again. After playing M2K, I learned a few new tricks, lol.
Tec0- Don't mention it, bro. I wanted to see you play, *nods*.
Bass- We gotta match up soon, and I mean soon, lol.
Eggm- I still don't believe that happened. O.o. The worst person in the pool......how did that happen? lol. I'm still couter picking that stage next time, lol.
M2K- The endless KO fest was fun, lol.
Cactuar- O.o you're good, lol. We need to do another endless.
Q- Keep it up with that Link bro.
Velocity and Dora- We gotta chill some time. Just some place where they won't lock us away for all the insanity that's going on.
GOTM- You're mine next time, lol.
Chocobo- Lol, you still own my Peach
Chibo- Oh yeaaaaaaah, you don't spam. *rolls eyes* lol. Good match
Dudes I played with whose names I can't remember- sorry, lol. Um, great matches everyone.

All in all....I'm surprised at myself, despite my losses. Thanks for the support from those that gave it. I'll be back, and seriously.....keep an eye out for the new talent. *nods*

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I don't have to. Calm yourself. YOU pick who you entered as, it won't screw up your tia. My tourney, my names. Also if you'd like to take a gander at the 7th place smashers you'll find that I had exercised that right more than once.
i was being calm... CHECK THE LOGS!!! lol
Andy and the FUUUUUCKIN Tuna is great, I just like seeing my regular name in the brackets. w/e

Shoutoutz (in order of placement to make it easy, people I dont have shoutouts for have been omitted)

M2K - Those bugs in the middle of the road? You might want to eat them! They give you bonus points!
Cactuar - Thanks for the pizza that night. Don't worry, injury johns are legitimate johns.
Tec0 - Nice job placing 3rd! You're tech skill is crazy, they don't call you Tec0 for nothing.
Eggm - You got your TV. Good. lol nice seein ya again. I wanna fight your Yoshi some more, I didnt get a chance to this time lol
Ryoko - I found your weakness: My Samus + Pokemon Stadium + 2,000 missiles. You won both of those friendlies, but I'm getting close lol
SlikVik - Nice job in pools
Lord Knight is a Moron - Yea I get bonus points for playing PIU. **** straight.
Will - Not one friendly against you... I was gonna be against you in the tournament, but the bracket got changed. Oh well, perhaps I'll see you again sometime at the game room. Jiggz ditto? lol
El Komosutro - "Get this what he wants!!!"
Bass - I didn't even know you were there till like halfway through the event lol. Too bad, I wanted to face your link again after Scars last week. I don't sandbag lol
Alexander Triad - Nice Samus workshop. I've got edgeguarding down a lot better.
Pakman - I haven't face you in a while. I need Luigi practice incase I ever come up against another Luigi? Yea, that probably won't happen lol.
Dot Eater - Such an awesome Samus, I need to learn from it
Velocity - "CHECK THE LOGS!"
GOTM - Team Andy and the Tuna is destined to become better. Fox + Jiggz is top tier. We just need to play team matches more than once every other week tops.
UltimoDragon - Wow your Link is ridiculously amazing. Good thing your back in the tournament scene.
Roykid - ROOOOOOOYKIIIIIIIID!!!!! I was the one that was clapping lol.
Chocobo - 4 Samus free for all melee was amazing. Such a great idea.
TenNoTensai - Again I didn't play you, and we're in the same crew! I'll get my chance soon. I gotta organize another ToS meeting
Shakugan - Same as Tensai, when will I play the rest of my crew?
Yayo - Classic Yayo is back! Could he be the newest member of ToS??
Jollies - Overall your Marths gotten A LOT better, not worse lol. The only thing worse is your Smash-specific skills like teching thanks to evil fighters such as Street Fighter.
Ame - It was cool seein you again at another tournament. Keep practicing and you'll get a lot better. However Peach on Poke Float? lol not a good idea
Bugz - You left your controller.... NOOOOOOO!!!


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
Drexel U. or Sicklerville, NJ
Yo...fun event guys for my 2nd tourny EVER

m2k - jv 8 stock? lol i wish i could just throw people near the edge, then just wait and see what happens in a real tourny :/
cactus - when the hell did u gain marth encouraging powers...stop being so amazing, honestly
velocity - 4 stock turned almost comeback? lol...i blame it on cactus...but ur still mad better than me
Eggm - nice meeting ya...funny how people have heard about me before meeting me...ur falco's mad nice
Will - stop being so good with jiggs...it cant be healthy
Komo - constantly talkin on m2k at the beginning of the day was rediculous lol
Pakman - ur young link is 2 amazing...love our link/ylink duels at drexel though we didnt get to friendly there...
Dot Eater - i really don't know how people hear about me before hand...too bad we didnt get to friendly
Scar - awesome job runnin the tourny...telling me how awesome u are at pokefloats after i pick it was too stupid but funny
GOTM - just fyi, dont get grabbed...too good at teams lol, and waluigi ftw/l?
LK - ur waluigi hate is too funny...and ur marth is too good
Chocobo - Nel and Bawa are too good..well do better next time..good **** though
Tensai - ur marth is pretty nice...keep it up
Chibo - wtf...where are the vids from cot lol..but seriously..too bad we didnt get to friendly much
Shakugan - why u hate me man...i didnt do anything to u lol
Yayo - "u know me too good roykid" lol..too true, but u shouldve had me a bunch of times...just out of practice i guess....keep it up
Ame - thx for the roy ditto lol...work on that peach and who knows what'll happen next time
pikachun00b - ur too good for ur age...keep it up kid
mexi - wtf at not getting to play u at all...oh well, ur falcons still mad nice
me - yah u and ur dumb tag lol, i know u love my fox's 0-death combos on u...cant handle my "dead seriousness"...oh and btw roy dittos 2-0...one day u might get me lol...cuz u know those were dead serious

sry if i miss any shoutouts since i was mad tired not having slept the night before, think the only thing that kept me up was random people yelling ROYKIDDD whenever i played...crazy kids lol...went home and slept like 12 hours afterwards ftw...


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2007
Where men are born and champions are raised
My first tournament experience

Yep, I have had the game since it came out and this was my first tournament. College has given me so many opportunities to advance my game and it really has been nice to take advantage of it. I really had nothing in terms of competitive play before this, I just had to learn the advanced techniques from nice guys like yourself. Thank you so much for the smashing and I hope to do this in the future.

Individual shoutouts:
Magus + Chocobo: I didn't have an opportunity to meet you in person, but I saw your Ganon/Samus battle and it was really something else.
Roykid: Why is everyone shouting you out? Enlighten me with your awesomeness.
GOTM: Rainbow Cruise battles for the win!
Eggm: You are the kind of pro that could use Yoshi against one of my mains in Mute City and win. It would have been hilarious to hear you john about the random Nana kill had I won, but then it probably would have led to more Falco ****. Seriously, that was rediculous on every level.
Rob: I don't care about your placing, we had a real great time doing four player friendlies and meeting someone with a good Ness. We need a Ness ditto next time. We also need to do teams together- Low tier madness makes all the surprise.
TheUltimoDragon: Nice match. I really thought we were evenly played. It's that kind of competition that drives the mania in you.
M2K: I know I'm a tournament noob and all, but I really wanted to have a nice chat with you. You seem to be really nice but at the same time you look distant. I'm jealous you were able to thrash my roomate in your pool.
All the other players brimming with greatness: I'd sure like to figure out how to do it. I will do whatever it takes to become friendly with everyone, because that's what community is all about.

My biggest shoutout goes to Scar: Aweome first experience, I only wish I had another win to crack the top half. All it takes is some training, so any time you have people over for friendlies, contact me! It was awesome being in your pool, even if everyone else was excellent and I came out with only one battle victory. I very nearly got away with it twice against your Falcon- both excellent one-sticks, even if you suicided twice each time, but you know what? It's all about the mindgames.

Sadly, I will be going home back to Long Island in two weeks for X-mas, and I have, and I really mean it, no one that I know that plays a good Smash (they all play the N64 game, heh). Combine that with getting Galaxy, Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy XII and my favorite MMORPG of all time, and I won't have any time to prepare myself for the next tournament. I need some friendlies, or else I might have to wait until February until I have a decent shot.


Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
lol this tourney was awesome although getting 2nd seed made my life sooo much more difficult



wayyyyy too hard for a nub like me :chuckle:

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy >_>

Moo - yoooooooo mad fun matches :) you sent me to corneria that was gay =/ but i gayed you harder by picking fox =D. Good matches your fox is pretty sick keep working on it and forget falco he is gay :dizzy:.

Cactuar - >_> lol i dont think anyone will believe that i beat you T_T lmao jk. Great matches Cactus you its like you just straight up thought of a strategy for finals >.<. Man i REALLY wanted to win too T_T lmao. Your so amazing man I would LOVE the chance to rematch you =D playin you is too fun and your so chill :chuckle:.

Pakman - Good matches man luigi is soooooo annoying >.< but sheik is too good i guess lol. I should have played you in more friendlies too T_T oh well next time man.

Ryoko - good matches ryoko brinstar gayness T_T lmao I never knew you didnt like sheik either lmao good placing too man i <3 your peach its ridiculous.

m2k - :(

slikvik - lol thx i hate to see you too your peach is so much better than the last time i saw it good stuff man.

gotm - remember counterpick me with YS so i can use my scrub marth :chuckle:

Anyone else i played good matches i just can't remember all the names :(


Smash Apprentice
Nov 15, 2007
Yo...fun event guys for my 2nd tourny EVER

m2k - jv 8 stock? lol i wish i could just throw people near the edge, then just wait and see what happens in a real tourny :/
cactus - when the hell did u gain marth encouraging powers...stop being so amazing, honestly
velocity - 4 stock turned almost comeback? lol...i blame it on cactus...but ur still mad better than me
Eggm - nice meeting ya...funny how people have heard about me before meeting me...ur falco's mad nice
Will - stop being so good with jiggs...it cant be healthy
Komo - constantly talkin on m2k at the beginning of the day was rediculous lol
Pakman - ur young link is 2 amazing...love our link/ylink duels at drexel though we didnt get to friendly there...
Dot Eater - i really don't know how people hear about me before hand...too bad we didnt get to friendly
Scar - awesome job runnin the tourny...telling me how awesome u are at pokefloats after i pick it was too stupid but funny
GOTM - just fyi, dont get grabbed...too good at teams lol, and waluigi ftw/l?
LK - ur waluigi hate is too funny...and ur marth is too good
Chocobo - Nel and Bawa are too good..well do better next time..good **** though
Tensai - ur marth is pretty nice...keep it up
Chibo - wtf...where are the vids from cot lol..but seriously..too bad we didnt get to friendly much
Shakugan - why u hate me man...i didnt do anything to u lol
Yayo - "u know me too good roykid" lol..too true, but u shouldve had me a bunch of times...just out of practice i guess....keep it up
Ame - thx for the roy ditto lol...work on that peach and who knows what'll happen next time
pikachun00b - ur too good for ur age...keep it up kid
mexi - wtf at not getting to play u at all...oh well, ur falcons still mad nice
me - yah u and ur dumb tag lol, i know u love my fox's 0-death combos on u...cant handle my "dead seriousness"...oh and btw roy dittos 2-0...one day u might get me lol...cuz u know those were dead serious

sry if i miss any shoutouts since i was mad tired not having slept the night before, think the only thing that kept me up was random people yelling ROYKIDDD whenever i played...crazy kids lol...went home and slept like 12 hours afterwards ftw...
each roy ditto u won with 1 stock over 100% damage and i know u love my falco 0-death combos with out my original controller lol. next time we play we should do teams. team fire emblem and my roy can say fu,ck and your tag can say fox


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
I'll do shout-outs in the order you all placed in singles, because I just copypasta'd the **** out of the results post. This way I can't forget anyone I wanted to thank/make fun of!

M2K - I know that you ate that woman's burrito, and I intend to prove it. Don't be surprised if I sift through your litterbox.

Cactuar - Thanks for wearing the hoodie. Even though nobody really asked me about it, I appreciate the sentiment. And you're hired as the posterboy for Choclothesbo.

Tec0 - I wanted to play you, but oh well. I'll get obliteraped some other day.

Eggm - Is it sad that pretending to be you was the highlight of my smash career? I'm gonna find that Eggman plush someday.

Ryoko - Next event. You. Me. $5MM. Loser gets a custom avatar.

SlikVik - I had a good time playing against/talking to you. Come up to Drexel and smash with TSA Philly sometime.

Lord Knight is a Moron - Creepy shades + hoodies = we're amazing.

Will - We're going to practice hardcore at every opportunity (because I, unlike you, need to improve).

El Komosutro - I blame every missed attack, tech, grab, or wavedash on your piracy of my friggin sleeping space! Kidding. No johns. I think I had more fun with you than anyone else. Also, you still owe me 500 babies.

Bass - A pleasure as always, wish we smashed more.

Alexander Triad - Thanks for the Samus 101. I'll try to work your pointers into my wreckless habit.

Pakman - We forgot to record. Oh well. I liked when you crapped yourself over the missing Wii bag.

Dot Eater - Visit this week. Us warriors need to stick together.

UltimaScout - I've come to the conclusion that you sandbagged me in friendlies all day to build my confidence. You dastardly snake. I'll get my revenge!

Scar - <3

Velocity - You're a guy and you're a jerk. No claustrophobia johns.

GOTM - My nawg? I fawked it.

UltimoDragon - Yea-ha! Call me and see if we're free the same times at all this week so we can practice.


Chocobo - I want you inside me.

Moo - Team Desert Thieves almost had you guys, but you're too fast!

ChiboSempai - I died inside when someone called you aggressive. Still, I watched your matches. Good ****.

Shakugan - Keep workin' on that Peach and you'll come along.

Yayo - Glad to see you enter, we can practice more if you want. Or you can get me drunk.

KCS - Good matches.

Cless - Screw Marth, keep playing Shiek. At least there's no tippers involved.

Jollies - You are the king of all non-smash 2D fighters. Respek.

Ame - Keep playing and eventually you'll do better against my ALMIGHTY AGGRESSIVE SAMUS.

Bugz - You're like 8 years old. Thanks for calling me a homo, it was hilarious.

Also, to anyone who stayed at Scar's from ToS, you're all awesome. Chocobo loves you.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
man i wish i went to this tourny..instead of that long island tourny..the long island tourny was fun but i am sure not as fun as this lol..Good shiit tech0 4 gett third ^_^


Smash Cadet
Nov 29, 2007
Drexel U. or Sicklerville, NJ
each roy ditto u won with 4 stock at 0% damage and i know u love my falco getting 0-death combo'd with my perfectly okay controller lol. next time we play we should do teams. team fox and my tag can say love and your tag can say fox
fixed for awesomeness...

lol and i know the roy dittos were close...but if i didnt win most dittos besides everyone i play with cactus...what kind of roykid would i be...oh yah...one that plays marth


Smash Journeyman
Oct 18, 2007
Newark De
That was a crazy experience. The first profesional Smash tournament I been too. I ended Selfdestructing myself in 95% of my matches. And the Highlight for me when I was at the tournament was when I got Mew2King down to two stock. I was used to that kind of tournament play in the slightest and I bombed alot of matches. The only character ever fight is Fox and I never fought one in the tournament except for my first friendlies teams match. I didn't know what combo's, edgeguarding, etc... to look for in other chararters. Most of the characters I fought couldn't be comboed, like Samus, Jigglypuff and Marth is pretty floaty.

And the majority of the time, I was really of my game. I messed up everything thing I tried to do. Even my little brother Bugz(Bfly) got more wins than I did and I **** him on the regular.

Plus, whoever has my brother's controller, could you please return it at the next tournament or Smashfest which I will probably be attending. I would grately appriciate it since that's one of our only two working controllers, and we can't practice against eachother without it. So thanx to whoever found it and please message me if you did. I guess I'll have to run to gamestop and pick me up a new one till then. I can't believe my idiotic brother left the controller. It's kind of my fault too because I didn't check if he had it until we were 10 blocks away.

Also thanx for the people who trained me. I believe one guy was named Pakman and the other guy's named started with Ultimate I think. Sorry I'm bad with names but it was the person who used a GDorf and a Link.

Scar that was an awsome tournament. I hope I get to play against you next time since I didn't this time. Now I know what I need to work on and next time, I will **** you all.( Gives a dirty look and the middle finger).lol.


Smash Champion
Jul 3, 2007
I'll take a potato chip....and eat it!!!
Lol, Chibo, it might not be good against Samus, but it worked against Fox, >_>. I was trying for a doublle victory on Poke' Floats. >_>. I wasn't going Mute City, because I learned from my battle with Alex Triad that it was a BAAAAAD idea.

Aww come on Tec, no shoutout for the Peach Ditto? You know it was fun, lol.

Roykid....lol, thanks. ^_^

Alas I must continue working on my Peach, and finding a GOOD seconddary that I can run to, lol.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2006
Phillipsburg, NJ

Bugz: You are so funny. I hope I see you again, soon.

CanIsmash: Nice matches. Nice Ditto.

Will: ****, your jigglypuff is so amazing! ***** me.

M2K: Learn to balance and schedule your sleeping time. Stop reading this and GO TO BED!

SmashBrudda: I hope you bring your brother more. You should be proud to be related to such an amazing kid.

GOTM: My name is Mike. Don't sell it to Pedos, now.

Roy Kid: Google Doogle Yip Yip.

Scar: Great tournament.

College Police Lady: Hello.

Ame: We don't live super duper far away. I should go to your house sometime and smash. At least on Feb. 10th.

Can everyone give a Bugz quote they remember?

*Bugz approached a sleeping Mew2King*



Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
Lol, Chibo, it might not be good against Samus, but it worked against Fox, >_>. I was trying for a doublle victory on Poke' Floats. >_>. I wasn't going Mute City, because I learned from my battle with Alex Triad that it was a BAAAAAD idea.

Aww come on Tec, no shoutout for the Peach Ditto? You know it was fun, lol.

Roykid....lol, thanks. ^_^

Alas I must continue working on my Peach, and finding a GOOD seconddary that I can run to, lol.
Nah i definitely need to give you a shout out man I was just sooooooooo tired 2day believe me i barely was able to type that shoutout.

3-4 hours on 3 trains is not fun at all... and my teeth really hurt and my mp3 player died on the train T_T.

Anyway besides that MOAR SHOUTOUTS ^_^

Ame - you deserve one of the biggest shoutouts >_> it was sooooooo generous of you to pay for me so amazing. ^_^ i didnt get to play you enough though T_T. Play me more next time your peach is pretty good but it needs a little help >_> hopefully i can help you the next time i see you ^_^ if you want that is >_>.

Scar - Your CF is awesome unfortunately you picked gay falcon T_T lmao. Anyway man your tourney was amazing man. Even though the tourney took too long the amount of players and setups you had wasn't enough. I personally think you did a great job d-_-b.

Triad - OMG SAMUS O_O anyway I hope my sheik was good enough to practice with >.< I'm pretty unexperienced vs Samus so sorry if I wasn't playing well.

Uhhhhhh I forget T_T im still pretty tired I'll shoutout again later when i remember who i saw


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2006
readin spark notes
sorry scar i really wanted to make this but unfortunately i couldnt get a ride home this weekend from school so i couldnt come... but i should be at the next one
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