1: M2K - I hate you. I am always in second because you exist. One of these days...
2: Cactuar - I hate you. You are always in second place because M2K exists. At least you are such a nice person that you are willing to volunteer so much effort towards him that you have become Mew2Dad. *high five*
3: Tec0 - Haha, it was a good set. I don't mind losing a set here and there to people, as I generally make up for it. I'm sorry about learning people at a truly ridiculous rate. >.>
4: Eggm - You finally played me in tourny! Be happy! (Consistency is everything. You can't base your ability off of your best possible, only your average matters. Remember that, and relax a bit, it helps with playing well.
5: Ryoko - DAAAAAAAVE!!! I BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! That laptop cooling thing is weird.
5: SlikVik - You are getting better. It's cool to see people's progress over time.
7: Lord Knight is a Moron - is a Moron - is a Moron - is a Moron.
7: Will - What haaaappened? You were supposed to beat everyone.
9: El Komosutro - You are too cocky. Stop trying to challenge me. lol
9: Bass - WTF Donkey Kong?!? Good set in pools though. That second match in teams was tough too. Definitely give me call when you guys want to come and practice a bit. I promise I won't sandbag as much as you guys expect me to.
9: Alexander Triad - YOU MFER! WHAT THE FXCK WHERE YOU THINKING! I'LL KILL YOU! Just kidding. You really hurt my hand though.
9: Pakman - OMG Pakmaaaaan! You're 21?!? ...
13: Dot Eater - Your Samus is super irritating. You do silly things. I love it.
13: UltimaScout - You have a silly grin on your face all the time. It worries me the way mold on an orange that I just pulled out of the fridge worries me.
13: Scar - Bro. We ***** you on Temple. Lawl. Steak Queen is amazing.
13: Velocity - I'm awesome. And I beat you with my Roykid vs your Doc.
17: GOTM - Chibo is your best friend. Don't lie to me.
17: UltimoDragon - Haha. You totally had the two best kills of our set. You are too tall and black.
17: Roykid - ROYKID! I will make you my protege one day. I will teach you all of my cactus tricksies and you will become RoyCactus.
17: Chocobo - I love my hoodie. Also, you are a big ball of Chocolove.
17: TenNoTensai - I do not know who you are.
17: Michael - Same as above.
17: Moo - Lol.
17: ChiboSempai - See: TenNoTensai. (
25: Shakugan - I'm terrible with names....
25: Clai - When did this happen... oh wait it's always been this way...
25: Yayo - Yayooooooooooooo. Glad you made it.
25: KCS - I really need to start noticing people at tournaments...
25: Cless - You need to come around and play other fighting games with me more.
25: Valdet - Weird, I feel like I should remember a name like this.
25: Jollies - Your name makes me happy for no reason.
25: Rob - Ok, I'm pretty sure I talked to you at some point. lol...
33: Ame - People kept telling me who you were. And I still don't remember.
33: Steve - Lord Knight's name is Steve too.
33: PikachuN00b - Pikachu is an awesome character.
33: Bugz - You are a silly little guy. "You're Cactuar? You play Marth right? I'd beat you!"
33: McGraw - Is that really your last name?
33: Juan Mendoza - There is a Samus player from somewhere that goes by Mendoza. He was at FC6 I think.
33: Arabi - I read this as "Arab-eye", and then as "A Rabbi", and then rubbed my eye...
33: Ace - Keep practicing. No one gets good without practicing.
33: DSol - Makes me think of Sol Badguy. And I love that character.
33: Carmello - *throws hands up in the air, dismembered and not his own*
Woot. My first shoutouts ever!
2: Cactuar - I hate you. You are always in second place because M2K exists. At least you are such a nice person that you are willing to volunteer so much effort towards him that you have become Mew2Dad. *high five*
3: Tec0 - Haha, it was a good set. I don't mind losing a set here and there to people, as I generally make up for it. I'm sorry about learning people at a truly ridiculous rate. >.>
4: Eggm - You finally played me in tourny! Be happy! (Consistency is everything. You can't base your ability off of your best possible, only your average matters. Remember that, and relax a bit, it helps with playing well.

5: Ryoko - DAAAAAAAVE!!! I BLAME YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! That laptop cooling thing is weird.
5: SlikVik - You are getting better. It's cool to see people's progress over time.
7: Lord Knight is a Moron - is a Moron - is a Moron - is a Moron.
7: Will - What haaaappened? You were supposed to beat everyone.

9: El Komosutro - You are too cocky. Stop trying to challenge me. lol
9: Bass - WTF Donkey Kong?!? Good set in pools though. That second match in teams was tough too. Definitely give me call when you guys want to come and practice a bit. I promise I won't sandbag as much as you guys expect me to.

9: Alexander Triad - YOU MFER! WHAT THE FXCK WHERE YOU THINKING! I'LL KILL YOU! Just kidding. You really hurt my hand though.

9: Pakman - OMG Pakmaaaaan! You're 21?!? ...
13: Dot Eater - Your Samus is super irritating. You do silly things. I love it.
13: UltimaScout - You have a silly grin on your face all the time. It worries me the way mold on an orange that I just pulled out of the fridge worries me.
13: Scar - Bro. We ***** you on Temple. Lawl. Steak Queen is amazing.
13: Velocity - I'm awesome. And I beat you with my Roykid vs your Doc.

17: GOTM - Chibo is your best friend. Don't lie to me.
17: UltimoDragon - Haha. You totally had the two best kills of our set. You are too tall and black.
17: Roykid - ROYKID! I will make you my protege one day. I will teach you all of my cactus tricksies and you will become RoyCactus.
17: Chocobo - I love my hoodie. Also, you are a big ball of Chocolove.
17: TenNoTensai - I do not know who you are.
17: Michael - Same as above.
17: Moo - Lol.
17: ChiboSempai - See: TenNoTensai. (

25: Shakugan - I'm terrible with names....
25: Clai - When did this happen... oh wait it's always been this way...
25: Yayo - Yayooooooooooooo. Glad you made it.
25: KCS - I really need to start noticing people at tournaments...
25: Cless - You need to come around and play other fighting games with me more.
25: Valdet - Weird, I feel like I should remember a name like this.
25: Jollies - Your name makes me happy for no reason.
25: Rob - Ok, I'm pretty sure I talked to you at some point. lol...
33: Ame - People kept telling me who you were. And I still don't remember.
33: Steve - Lord Knight's name is Steve too.

33: PikachuN00b - Pikachu is an awesome character.
33: Bugz - You are a silly little guy. "You're Cactuar? You play Marth right? I'd beat you!"
33: McGraw - Is that really your last name?
33: Juan Mendoza - There is a Samus player from somewhere that goes by Mendoza. He was at FC6 I think.
33: Arabi - I read this as "Arab-eye", and then as "A Rabbi", and then rubbed my eye...
33: Ace - Keep practicing. No one gets good without practicing.
33: DSol - Makes me think of Sol Badguy. And I love that character.
33: Carmello - *throws hands up in the air, dismembered and not his own*
Woot. My first shoutouts ever!