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SMASHERS UNITE! ... in Celebration. Brawl is Online, and I'm just paranoid ;)

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Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
I honestly don't think it's a big deal. I have no doubts it will be in. It's not THAT hard to implement, especially since they already have the global online thing (wifi) already set up.

I'll play ya...:p
Hell yeah.. I'll play ya with Krystal and you can use Ridley :chuckle: (That was the first smiley I used on these forums)

Now we indeed absolutely need Online so I can play this guy... As well as Krystal and Ridley haha.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 24, 2005
Margate, FL
Didn't read any other posts beside the first.

I thought the online was confirmed already?


Smash Champion
Jul 12, 2007
Its a mixed bag from what I've seen. No real "Confirmations" but a lot of people saying its definitely going to be in.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2007
I got this from your 1up link -

'the game will be fully online playable in addition to featuring a robust multiplayer mode. "My plan is to include Wi-Fi connection compatibility and online functionality. One of the primary reasons Super Smash Bros. Brawl was created was that Nintendo, when taking Wii online, wanted to have Smash Bros. to do that," added Sakurai.' This was on IGN last year, probably on many other sites too. It is high on their "to do" list at the VERY least.

I really doubt that they would just blatently lie about it, and wasn't it on the screen next to the other online games; Madden, Fifa?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
I can't belive how ungrateful you people are...
Stupid no edit!! :mad::mad:

The "ungrateful" comment was meant for those who are complaining that Nintendo has given up on its core gamers and moved solely to the casual gamers as well as all of you complaining about the daily updates. More than half of them have been AWESOME and even the not-so-great ones have some interesting things about them. What other game in history...in HISTORY has given daily updates about its game to awaiting fans? Exactly. So stop complaining...and they are awesome, and we almost always get screen shots.
No argument from me Grim. I've enjoyed the daily updates. What more could people want (other than a reconfirmation of online play...)

I really like this thread and I also really want an online mode. I immediatlly emailed them and here is what I said :

"Brawl is one of the most anticipated titles from hardcore players everywhere! I am a Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament player and I love playing Smash Bros competitively. It was my ultimate dream to display my skill by being able to play against others around the world in an online multiplayer mode. Why were other online modes confirmed for newly announced games like Mario Kart but not even mentioned for SSBB. It will be a huge let down to fans everywhere if Brawl doesn't release with an online mode. An online Mario Kart in place of an online Smash Bros just doesn't cut it at all. If Brawl fails to provide this feature me and many others will be extremely disappointed and I would have to consider other consoles to meet my competitive online multiplayer needs!"

i am in full support of this and i am willing to do anything possible help this cause!!
also please let me know of anything you need me to do to help im here...
Thanks for the support! And great email.

Well, TP was delayed because the developers wanted to add motion controls. It was NOT delayed because of a barrage of fan emails.
My point was that delaying games to include more features is not unheard of.

The first halo had lan play if I remember correctly, and it was well known throughout the development of halo 2 that it was going to have online. It wasn't a secret or anything. Also, you can't just throw money at something to make it go faster, there are limits to everything.
My point was that Microsoft would not let their star franchise be released without online, and neither should Nintendo.

And throwing THE RIGHT KIND of money can solve pretty much anything. Nintendo could, if they wanted, create a whole new development team of one hundred programers or so with nothing to do other than create an online mode for Brawl. So why don't they?

At this point, it is in or it isn't. Honestly, do you really think a feature like online wouldn't be decided until the last year of development?
Case in point: Metroid Prime Hunters. Originally squeduled for late 2005 (without online) the game was delayed just a month before release (until early 2006) becuase the feedback was pretty clear: online good, no online bad.

Adding controls to Twilight Princess is trivial compared to adding online to Brawl. Also, I am pretty sure a lot of the Twlight Princess time was to release the Wii version first, followed by the gamecube one. They also had the whole "mirror the world so link is right handed" thing :D
The new 3-d Dragon Ball Z fighting game supports online. We're not talking rocket science here poeple, this is a 2-D fighter. Besides we know that Nintendo started development on an online mode, it's just that after E3 some are worried that it might be scraped.

WOW smashers unite a big plug for our north florida tournament XD just kidding.... even tho that is the name of our tournament series.

Brawl would be great online and I am going to sign and email ...... but I still dont think that all this would do any good because if brawl doesn't run well online you cant change the whole game. Who knows I am hoping it will be online..... but I would still drive to other tournaments because meeting the people is half the fun.
I was going to say "SMASHERS OF THE WORLD UNITE!" but I didn't have enough room....

You guys just need to relax. There is nothing you can do about it. The date is coming soon they probably already have things planned.

Its their decision what they will do with online we just have to accept it.

Whether this is online or not, authentic or poor, I will still buy this game. I bought melee even though it wasn't online. Why not this game? If your looking to only play this game online you may be disappointed. The best thing to do is to not over hype the game yourself and just accept what the game actually has.
I here what you're saying (I'll be preordering game regardless) but is there really any harm in trying? I think online play is a must if Smash is still going be relivant in ANOTHER six years.

Not to mention show how much we want it, withing reason of course. Threatening not to buy a Wii or Brawl just because it doesn't have online quite frankly is retarted. We need to handle it in a civilized mannor as Wiseguy suggested. Also, here is a exact copy of the e-mail I sent about 12 hours ago to Nintendo Power! Enjoy:

^^^^ I suggest we use similar formatting, and be curtious, while on topic. In other words, don't be rude, and make solid points. Sure mine was just a question (it sounds stupid, but I want to be 100% sure), but even if you want answers, do it respectfully, otherwise there is zero chance they will respond. Stick to the point as well, and use common sense, PERIOD. ;) :) :p
Great email! Very well done. I'm excited to see which ones (if any) make it into pulse...

Agh, I forgot to put Dear and sincerely... But I was polite with it.

I feel like I epic failed...
Don't sweat it. Your email is very polite, but frank - just what we need to get some attention.

I got this from your 1up link -

'the game will be fully online playable in addition to featuring a robust multiplayer mode. "My plan is to include Wi-Fi connection compatibility and online functionality. One of the primary reasons Super Smash Bros. Brawl was created was that Nintendo, when taking Wii online, wanted to have Smash Bros. to do that," added Sakurai.' This was on IGN last year, probably on many other sites too. It is high on their "to do" list at the VERY least.

I really doubt that they would just blatently lie about it, and wasn't it on the screen next to the other online games; Madden, Fifa?
You didn't get that from my link....

And here is the full quote:

Masahiro Sakurai: My plan is to include Wi-Fi Connection compatibility and online functionality. Actually one of the primary reasons the Super Smash Bros. game was created was that Nintendo staff both in the United States and in America [we assume he meant the US and Japan - Ed] said that when taking the home console online, the best title to do so would be Super Smash Bros. But, at the same time, I think it may be a lot of work for us to try to come up with a system that will allow four players to play simultaneously and try to find out who's number one. We're mainly focusing more along the lines of bringing lots of people in together to play simultaneously in perhaps some new and different ways.

Wow. A year old statement that basically says: "we'll try our best". I feel way better.


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
hey wiseguy can you post any responses from nintendo and if any of our emails get posted!..thanx...i want to hear every detail!


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Oh, and online petitions never work.
Yeah, i said that earlier Doggalina.

The thing you guys don't realize is that it's already TOO LATE. They set a date and if they have put in online play, it's in, if not, then it won't be in or will come in an update later. Your petitions and emails won't be read for the most part, nor would anyone care about an online petition (really, it's dumb).

I'm an optimistic person, but at the same time I'm realistic. This is just something that will more than likely annoy Nintendo as they push for completion in time for the set date.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
If you are hired to do a job.... and your boss says to you

"Ok, i want you to draw a circle, i dont care if it is white or black or whichever color, you can just copy and paste it i dont care, BUT i want a CIRCLE"

You just dont go and to a triangle in 3d with a beautifull background and a bunch of photoshop filters and babes naked and and....


you got my point ? ;)


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
I could spend my time systematically destroying the validity of any plan to get Nintendo's attention, but instead I'll just jump on the "Online petitions never work" wagon.

Online petitions never work.

And hell, gathering every single Smashboards member and having them construct a picket line outside of Nintendo's HQ demanding that brawl be online would fail just as easily. If Nintendo plans to put it in, they're going to put it in (or probably already have, as Mookie suggested). If Nintendo doesn't plan on it, it ain't going to happen. No cult of competitive gamers is going to change the fate of Brawl at this point.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Yeah, i said that earlier Doggalina.

The thing you guys don't realize is that it's already TOO LATE. They set a date and if they have put in online play, it's in, if not, then it won't be in or will come in an update later. Your petitions and emails won't be read for the most part, nor would anyone care about an online petition (really, it's dumb).

I'm an optimistic person, but at the same time I'm realistic. This is just something that will more than likely annoy Nintendo as they push for completion in time for the set date.
Yeah. Once a realease date is announced, Nintendo will never delay said gam to include online. Oh wait...

Case in point: Metroid Prime Hunters. Originally squeduled for late 2005 (without online) the game was delayed just a month before release (until early 2006) becuase the feedback was pretty clear: online good, no online bad.
If you are hired to do a job.... and your boss says to you

"Ok, i want you to draw a circle, i dont care if it is white or black or whichever color, you can just copy and paste it i dont care, BUT i want a CIRCLE"

You just dont go and to a triangle in 3d with a beautifull background and a bunch of photoshop filters and babes naked and and....


you got my point ? ;)

I could spend my time systematically destroying the validity of any plan to get Nintendo's attention, but instead I'll just jump on the "Online petitions never work" wagon.

Online petitions never work.

And hell, gathering every single Smashboards member and having them construct a picket line outside of Nintendo's HQ demanding that brawl be online would fail just as easily. If Nintendo plans to put it in, they're going to put it in (or probably already have, as Mookie suggested). If Nintendo doesn't plan on it, it ain't going to happen. No cult of competitive gamers is going to change the fate of Brawl at this point.
You know, in the time it took to right that, you could have written an e-mail and signed the petition. Good thing you only use your time for important things - like whining.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2006
Where it all went wrong
You know, in the time it took to right that, you could have written an e-mail and signed the petition. Good thing you only use your time for important things - like whining.
Yes, for it to be ignored and achieve absolutely nothing, and I'd become yet another blindly obsessed hopeful who thinks that their voice has any value to Nintendo.

And btw, as much as you'd like to insist otherwise, creating a thread and attempting to start a motion to persuade Nintendo to do as you please just because you're unsatisfied with the lack of news regarding a particular aspect of the game -- an aspect that Nintendo has a perfectly good right to not mention -- is going a pretty good length to whine.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Yeah. Once a realease date is announced, Nintendo will never delay said gam to include online. Oh wait...


You know, in the time it took to right that, you could have written an e-mail and signed the petition. Good thing you only use your time for important things - like whining.

LOL no no wait u didnt get my point!

What i tried to say is that if saku was asked to do the game online, and it was mainly the purpose of the whole project, then he must have done something about it since long time ago!.

You do what you are asked for to do!.

Continue with your crusade fella...ill try to sign later in hous...as im working now!

I want online too =)


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
Man, I tried to read it all. Too much.

On a side note in response to this:
"As long as Sakurai continues to blow our minds with new Dojo updates, I have no complaint."

I have not been blown away by any updates yet. All of these ******** confirmed threads of characters we all know are coming back are pointless. DK not coming back? Yoshi "Semi- confirmed"? STFU. He's in the game. So is Peach. So is Luigi. So is C. Falcon etc etc.

So far all we get are updates on things we know. Whats next? A profile for Snake? Give me a break. Give us the rest of the starting line up in consecutive updates and i'll be pleased. After that they can beat around the bush with stages, items, ATs and all that jazz, but in the mean time I want to get to the meat of the game. The only good update was in May of '06 with the trailer. Everthing else is a FAT dissapointment.
what I've been wanting to say, calm down, there will be online, just because they havnt mentioned it dosnt mean that they arnt doing it. unless a horrific accident happens, brawl will be online.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Yes, for it to be ignored and achieve absolutely nothing, and I'd become yet another blindly obsessed hopeful who thinks that their voice has any value to Nintendo.

And btw, as much as you'd like to insist otherwise, creating a thread and attempting to start a motion to persuade Nintendo to do as you please just because you're unsatisfied with the lack of news regarding a particular aspect of the game -- an aspect that Nintendo has a perfectly good right to not mention -- is going a pretty good length to whine.
Sorry. That came off harsher than it was intended.....

Anyway, I guess my point is: where's the harm? Nintendo Power does respond to reader mail in every month's issue, and it is concievable that they could tell us one way or another whether Brawl is online (Nintendo often gives their official mag the inside scoop). And it is not unheard of for Nintendo to delay one if it's games so Nintendo can include online play (ala Metroid Prime Hunters). If Nintendo started getting enough bad press about Brawl not being online, they might relent. (Emphasis on the word "might").

I'm not stupid. I know that we don't know whether Brawl's online has been scrapped. I also know that just a petition and an email campaign would not convince Nintendo to give the time of day. I just wanted to do something to try something productive. You can argue tha I failed in this regard, but at least I tried. :(

I guess I lashed out at you becuase I'm a little tired people telling me that this thread is pointless. Even if that's true, is this thread any more pointless than debating the merit of wavedashing?


3DS Surfer
Jan 21, 2007
Akron, OH
Signed and sent. Great ideas, Wiseguy. At the VERY least, as you say, we may get an updated confirmation on Wi-Fi play out of all the hullabaloo.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Ok is maybe pointless by trying to reach nintendo.

but your nintendo power attempt have a very good chance of getting the attention of them and give results!

so go on man!


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
Even if that's true, is this thread any more pointless than debating the merit of wavedashing?
Well you see, my chances of convincing an uneducated person about the merits of particular parts of competitive play are WAY higher than convincing Nintendo that they should throw their plans to the wind and delay the game for something they could fix with a patch update.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
LOL no no wait u didnt get my point!

What i tried to say is that if saku was asked to do the game online, and it was mainly the purpose of the whole project, then he must have done something about it since long time ago!.

You do what you are asked for to do!.

Continue with your crusade fella...ill try to sign later in hous...as im working now!

I want online too =)
Okay. I wasn't quite sure what you were getting at.

what I've been wanting to say, calm down, there will be online, just because they havnt mentioned it dosnt mean that they arnt doing it. unless a horrific accident happens, brawl will be online.
Why do people keep telling me to calm down? I'm calm, already. Cool as a cucumber, in fact.

I was very clear in my post: we know nothing at this point. Tomorrow, Sakurai's update could be about the games online mode and my concerns will have proved without merit. But at the moment, Nintendo's silence is a cause of concern. If Nintendo is weighing their options on whether or not to include online, they might just be swayed. At the very least, it can't hurt.

So, chill out.

Signed and sent. Great ideas, Wiseguy. At the VERY least, as you say, we may get an updated confirmation on Wi-Fi play out of all the hullabaloo.
Ok is maybe pointless by trying to reach nintendo.

but your nintendo power attempt have a very good chance of getting the attention of them and give results!

so go on man!
Thanks for the support guys. :)


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
This could be a double post. Blame the edit button.

Well you see, my chances of convincing an uneducated person about the merits of particular parts of competitive play are WAY higher than convincing Nintendo that they should throw their plans to the wind and delay the game for something they could fix with a patch update.
No, I'm talking about the "Should Wavedashing return" thread - where they debate about whether or not wavedashing will be possible in Brawl. No matter what they say, it won't change how the game is made. So why aren't you telling those people to stop waisting their time?


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
I support this thread fully. Nintendo will not do anything unless we stand up and give them our voice. EMAIL NINTENDO POWER.

my email is sent I'll post the responce later


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
So why aren't you telling those people to stop waisting their time?
Because of exactly what I said before. It is a debate, and most of the people opposed to wavedashing (or for that matter any of the advanced techniques) are doing it on a basis that is full of holes logically or on change for the sake of change. It's not so much a speculation thread as much as it is the clashing of the casual and competitive mindset, and an issue that has divided the smash community as a whole. My chances of at least convincing a few of the casual players about the merits of competitive play are much higher than the 0% chance you have of convincing Nintendo to do what you want.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Because of exactly what I said before. It is a debate, and most of the people opposed to wavedashing (or for that matter any of the advanced techniques) are doing it on a basis that is full of holes logically or on change for the sake of change. It's not so much a speculation thread as much as it is the clashing of the casual and competitive mindset, and an issue that has divided the smash community as a whole. My chances of at least convincing a few of the casual players about the merits of competitive play are much higher than the 0% chance you have of convincing Nintendo to do what you want.
I don't want to get TOO involved here, but isn't it OUR purchasing of the game that convinces Nintendo to make a sequel to a VERY popular game?


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Because of exactly what I said before. It is a debate, and most of the people opposed to wavedashing (or for that matter any of the advanced techniques) are doing it on a basis that is full of holes logically or on change for the sake of change. It's not so much a speculation thread as much as it is the clashing of the casual and competitive mindset, and an issue that has divided the smash community as a whole. My chances of at least convincing a few of the casual players about the merits of competitive play are much higher than the 0% chance you have of convincing Nintendo to do what you want.
So trying to convince others that you are right is time well spent, even if you fail. But trying to convince Nintendo to include a crucial feature in their most anticipated game is bad, becuase it I could be speding my time doing more important things?

How about the "Smashbros.com background white: DOCTOR MARIO RETURNING?!?!?! " thread? Is that time well spent in comparison to my thread?


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
and so what it's pointless it gives me at least a feeling that I tried everything I could to make brawl online and it's already been said (at least I think) if you don't agree with it you don't have to complain on it
Online's already been announced months ago and they even said that it may take a while for it to set up but whatever. Do what you think you have to do. Besides, I have a feeling they know that if they don't put online in it, it's not going to look good for them.


Kinda Sorta OK at Smash
Mar 7, 2004
Umeå, Sweden
So trying to convince others that you are right is time well spent, even if you fail. But trying to convince Nintendo to include a crucial feature in their most anticipated game is bad, becuase it I could be speding my time doing more important things?
Why yes! That is my sarcastic answer, but here is an answer that isn't full of holes:

Talking to someone and trying to submit to them a different opinion, one that is uneducated in the matter, in turn *could* educate someone if they didn't know in the first place. I have already gotten some more casual people to either A: realize that they were wrong in their reasoning, or B: realize that there isn't a solid reason to remove certain elements from brawl for the sake of it being different.

That and debating is just fun. I would definitely like to see you debate on how debating isn't entertaining, cause I'm pretty sure you enjoy debating with me on this matter right now.

Now, onto things about why those points I said are less of a time waster:
1: You are trying to do something that has been done many times before by many gaming communities, and none have them have ever worked.

2: You guys also don't seem to understand that if they can't get the online feature to work well, then it might be better to leave it OUT. It might not be feasible for it to work at all. I don't know if you guys understand this or not, but getting brawl to be played online isn't an easy task.

3: The more time they spend working on this game, the more money is being spent. Nintendo might be cracking down on the budget or they might want to make for a holiday release. The thing is, regardless of online capabilities, this game is going to sell like hotcakes, and Nintendo's primary shareholders and all the higher ups know this. The most ironic thing, is that they know that the people sending emails are so dedicated with smash that you guys will still buy Brawl even if it's not online.

4: They may have it in, or plan on it being in but they just want to hype it up by getting you guys flustered.
How about the "Smashbros.com background white: DOCTOR MARIO RETURNING?!?!?! " thread? Is that time well spent in comparison to my thread?
While a lot of people fail at humor, some of the posts are quite funny.

Anyways, I'm off, gotta go work. I'll check back here later and we can debate more.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Yeah, I don't ever recall it being announced, only "stated and considered". Most people on this forum want it set in stone FACT :)


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2004
Why yes! That is my sarcastic answer, but here is an answer that isn't full of holes:

Talking to someone and trying to submit to them a different opinion, one that is uneducated in the matter, in turn *could* educate someone if they didn't know in the first place. I have already gotten some more casual people to either A: realize that they were wrong in their reasoning, or B: realize that there isn't a solid reason to remove certain elements from brawl for the sake of it being different.

That and debating is just fun. I would definitely like to see you debate on how debating isn't entertaining, cause I'm pretty sure you enjoy debating with me on this matter right now.

Now, onto things about why those points I said are less of a time waster:
1: You are trying to do something that has been done many times before by many gaming communities, and none have them have ever worked.

2: You guys also don't seem to understand that if they can't get the online feature to work well, then it might be better to leave it OUT. It might not be feasible for it to work at all. I don't know if you guys understand this or not, but getting brawl to be played online isn't an easy task.

3: The more time they spend working on this game, the more money is being spent. Nintendo might be cracking down on the budget or they might want to make for a holiday release. The thing is, regardless of online capabilities, this game is going to sell like hotcakes, and Nintendo's primary shareholders and all the higher ups know this. The most ironic thing, is that they know that the people sending emails are so dedicated with smash that you guys will still buy Brawl even if it's not online.

4: They may have it in, or plan on it being in but they just want to hype it up by getting you guys flustered.

While a lot of people fail at humor, some of the posts are quite funny.

Anyways, I'm off, gotta go work. I'll check back here later and we can debate more.
Doing this is far better then just laying down and doing nothing. It may or may not work but atleast we can say that we tryed to do something about it. its kinda like why does a person continue to put money into their car to make it faster if street racing is illegal. It is because of pride and to have a little bit more of that edge to defeat the cars who challenge you. it may seem risky and pointless but the thrill of winning that race means more than anything to them...just think about how we will feel when we win this "online smash bros" cause! Another thing is that it really should not be too hard for nintendo to include this feature. Basement hackers were able to get super smash bros melee to be online and the only problem they had was to keep it synced when different events in the stage happened, but if I were nintendo I would be utterlly embarrased if I let basement hackers out do my proffessional team of programmers.

oh yea and this thread really should be stickied ^_^


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Why yes! That is my sarcastic answer, but here is an answer that isn't full of holes:

Talking to someone and trying to submit to them a different opinion, one that is uneducated in the matter, in turn *could* educate someone if they didn't know in the first place. I have already gotten some more casual people to either A: realize that they were wrong in their reasoning, or B: realize that there isn't a solid reason to remove certain elements from brawl for the sake of it being different.

That and debating is just fun. I would definitely like to see you debate on how debating isn't entertaining, cause I'm pretty sure you enjoy debating with me on this matter right now.
That's really my point. The only reason anyone posts on a thread is becasue they want to. They enjoy it. There shouldn't have to be a reason for everything. If you get right down to it, this whole site was created for enjoyment - nothing more. And maybe I like tackling the (seemingly) impossible.

Now, onto things about why those points I said are less of a time waster:
1: You are trying to do something that has been done many times before by many gaming communities, and none have them have ever worked.
Who cares? There's always a first time for everything. Similar attempts by fans trying to get Nintendo to localize Mother 3, for instance, failed becuase Nintendo could care less about a handfull of fans.

Brawl, however, is a very important game in their Wii lineup. It has a massive fanbase that, if suffieciently riled up, could create some negative press and potentially hurt sales. If Nintendo thinks they can make more money by including online, they will do it.

2: You guys also don't seem to understand that if they can't get the online feature to work well, then it might be better to leave it OUT. It might not be feasible for it to work at all. I don't know if you guys understand this or not, but getting brawl to be played online isn't an easy task.
But they CAN get online to work - if they choose to. It's been done. Mario Strikers Charaged for Wiiis a 3-D, four player multiplayer game with FULL online play. Madden and the new 3-D Dragon Ball-Z fighter are both online. The PS2 had tons of online shooters. Puting a 2-D fighter online is possible. It doesn't have to be more robust that Halo 3, it just has to work.

3: The more time they spend working on this game, the more money is being spent. Nintendo might be cracking down on the budget or they might want to make for a holiday release. The thing is, regardless of online capabilities, this game is going to sell like hotcakes, and Nintendo's primary shareholders and all the higher ups know this. The most ironic thing, is that they know that the people sending emails are so dedicated with smash that you guys will still buy Brawl even if it's not online.
Yes, but Nintendo also wants to keep their customers loyal - if they can make money in the process.

So let's say Nintendo waits until the last possible moment before delaying Brawl, say late Novemeber. By then, they've already sold Wii's to people expecting a December release date. This increases sales of other Wii titles in the mean time, and then in March they deliver their trump card: Brawl with online play. Not only would that keep Nintendo fans happy, but it will also be the ultimate killer ap - thus selling more systems in the long run than if Brawl lacked online.

Nintendo isn't stupid: they know Brawl is going to sell well regardless. But they won't go out of their way to anger their fanbase either.

4: They may have it in, or plan on it being in but they just want to hype it up by getting you guys flustered.
Oh my gosh! You mean I may have flustered people unnecessarily?! How will I ever live with myself!!!

Honestly, what does it matter? If Brawl is confirmed to be online, then this thread will be gone in a week and forgotten in two. If it isn't onlne, then I'd say we have a right to be flustered.

While a lot of people fail at humor, some of the posts are quite funny.

Anyways, I'm off, gotta go work. I'll check back here later and we can debate more.
Don't get me wrong. I really like that thread. But it illustrates my point: not all threads have a purpose. They can just be for sheer enjoyment. And if that's all this thread is good for, then so be it. But if there is the slightest chance that we can prevent nintendo from making the worst mistake imaginable (forgive my hyperbole) then I say this thread is a worthwhile endevour.

And besides, I'm having fun.;)

http://wii.ign.com/articles/709/709205p1.html There you go. Sakurai even said it may take some time in the article, but I believe he and his team will pull it through.
It's great to here that Sakurai wants to include online. But I'm concerned that Nintendo might not give him enough time to complete his goal. Like Mookie said, Nintendo could release the game at any time and make a ton of cash. But WE'RE the ones who have to live with it for years to come.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
The Netherlands, Noord-Brabant, Aarle Rixtel
could you show me a video of sakurai saying it I still don't believe it and if it's right why they doing so mysterious about it wasn't it better to say that brawl is online on smasbros.com to hype the game and why didn't reggie say oh jeah super smash bros. brawl is online


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2007
Ansonia, CT
could you show me a video of sakurai saying it I still don't believe it and if it's right why they doing so mysterious about it wasn't it better to say that brawl is online on smasbros.com to hype the game and why didn't reggie say oh jeah super smash bros. brawl is online
Maybe the reason why they're so mysterious about it is because they're still working on it and Nintendo likes to tease us. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can show you a video of Sakurai saying that. :( Remember, do what you think you got to do.
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