How do you guys pick your teams
I see a lot of people (including myself) arguing about the best way to pick a team.
Some people say pick the best characters, some people say pick the best team
Some people say pick a character you like and put the best assists and dhcs behind It.
I say just pick the 3 characters you like and gel with the most and make it work.
What do you guys think
TLDR version:
I'm somewhere in between the ideas of team synergy and picking characters you like being important parts of the game. My (Vanilla) team (that I still use in Ultimate for some reason) was built to safely give Hsien-Ko gold armor and raw tag She-Hulk with only 2 meters. The team was built around She-Hulk and Hsien-Ko, and even though Magneto is first, She-Hulk really acts as my point character.
In Vanilla I ran Magneto(B)/Hsien-Ko(a)/She-Hulk(a), and while the order is questionable, I had many reasons for this particular setup.
Magneto was on point because 2 meters, no matter the circumstances, always netted free gold armor assist and free raw tag to She-Hulk. This is because magnetic shockwave dhc into gold armor gave you enough time to raw tag without being punished since shockwave is still out and pushing the opponent fullscreen, block or not.
If Magneto was able to land a hit, he could rom to the corner and dhc glitch into gold armor, in which case Hsien-Ko could typically just finish them off, and if she didn't, she could get a free raw tag to She-Hulk after the knockdown.
Magneto has B assist because it is able to extend She-Hulk's combos and makes for great resets if jabbed while still in the Hyper Gravitation. Also, if She-Hulk went for a normal air grab reset in the corner, she could throw out magneto's assist. If she got the throw, the opponent would fly right into the assist allowing her to simply land and crouching H into a new combo (which is stronger than relaunching with torpedo). If they tried to break the throw by mashing H, sometimes they'd still land right into the assist.
Hsien-Ko's assist gave me great opportunities to throw She-Hulk's overhead (forward H) into blockstrings. Also, since gold armor assist takes a while to actually hit someone, you can just command grab while Hsien-Ko starts her animation. I got a lot of grabs with those two.
Lastly, She-Hulk's command grabs gave you enough time to raw tag in Magneto and do whatever you wanted, with unscaled damage. I liked that, a lot.
Biggest team flaws:
- No assists or means of moving in for Magneto at the start of a match. This sucked, since if I couldn't open with a throw or a quick mixup, I'd usually end up cornering myself with disruptors hoping to hear the announcer say "Level 2!".
- My final character would almost always end up being Hsien-Ko. Wasn't entirely terrible, since people that don't know how to fight Hsien-Ko always wanna hit her when she has Gold Armor on. She can also set up decent scenarios by herself on incoming characters (heavy item throw plus low equals unblockable). If you're fighting anyone that's familiar with Hsien-Ko, though, you prolly lost. Easiest character to run away from in the game, I think.
- If the team order gets ****ed with at all, especially snapping in Hsien-Ko, things are gonna fall apart quickly.
- If Magneto dies before you gain 2 meters, **** gets a lot harder. Not a horrible scenario, though. If you get 2 meters with Hsien-Ko, you can always heavy gong to gold armor if the opponent is far from you then raw tag in She-Hulk behind the gong's cover, or if they decide to move in, you can gold armor dhc into she-hulk antiair grab once they jump.
Biggest team advantages:
- Magneto + Gold Armor gives Dark Phoenix (obviously a huge problem in Vanilla) very few options since she can't fireball camp in the air (magneto can just shockwave or gravity squeeze on reaction) or teleport (gold armor assist on reaction to free combo). In general, though, people getting locked down by gold armor gives magneto all kinds of time to move in and go high or low a few times.
- She-Hulk + Gold Armor gives one of the nastiest mixups on incoming opponents (excluding Sentinel, of course), in my opinion. Gold armor plus She-Hulk's antiair grab super will equal one of three things:
1. Opponent presses a button, they get air grabbed, free combo.
2. Opponent doesn't press a button, now they have to deal with the fact that She-Hulk is going to move past them and they're going to have to decide which way to block the gold armor assist which will usually lead to a free combo.
3. They end up not pressing a button and blocking the ambiguous crossup, however, She-Hulk has enough time to land safely (since the assist lasts so long) and apply pressure or go for a grab.
I, admittedly, also use this team in Ultimate. It isn't nearly as effective, as She-Hulk has been nerfed into the ground, and dhc glitch has been removed.
Also, She-Hulk + gold armor gets ****ing destroyed by Ghost Rider to the point of embarrassment.
Although, now Magneto has the option of pulling incoming characters straight down into the gold armor assist for free mixups.
In Vanilla, this team wasn't exactly solid, but if the 2 meter requirement is filled before Magneto dies, the team is pretty unstoppable. In Ultimate, this team kinda sucks, although it will counter the **** out of certain teams/individual characters. Still, it's way less effective and can be a pain to get things rolling. Also, in Ultimate, certain characters can now punish the raw tag after shockwave (Vergil).