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Smashboards Mini-Recreates: The SSB Series Rosters


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the nominations
Pupp135 Pupp135 Sheik
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 Wolf
nirvanafan nirvanafan Chibi-Robo
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Takamaru
Perkilator Perkilator Rosalina & Luma
Louie G. Louie G. Excitebiker

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Rosalina
2. Sheik
3. Excitebike Rider

I’m voting for Rosalina because of the puppet gimmick, and I think Excitebike Rider would fill in the same niche that Duck Hunt filled in the canon timeline.

Job 44: Create a list of Three Semi-Clones who should return from the Alternate Brawl roster.

Black Shadow
Toon Link
Dark Samus

In the case of Toon Link, I think the multiple Links is an important thing from a gameplay perspective. While Black Shadow probably has a popular moveset, I personally find Lyn to be a more interesting choice. Falco was still relevant enough at the time, and he was one of the more popular Melee clones.

Add Three Clones
Add any remaining fighters

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Takamaru
2. Excitebiker
3. Chibi-Robo

Looks like Rosalina is a popular choice this round, and I get it - her playstyle is certainly unique. Personally I was assuming we may pass up on her to continue to pave our own individual path, but she's at least a dynamic and interesting member of the cast. As for the ones I'm endorsing though...

Takamaru is great. I suppose it'll probably be one of him or Excitebiker, and while I do have a preference for the latter I can get behind the former quite easily. Little Mac is very much a western pick, so balancing out such a heavily Americanized character with a Japanese samurai from a Famicom game just feels satisfying. I was always a fan of this dichotomy and I'd love to see it play out here. Still giving a nod to Excitebiker though, a great character choice that I'll probably put in my back pocket for Ultimate if we push a different retro through here.

Chibi-Robo is cool, not much else to it. I think he would have fit really well, and the series is more in limbo at this point than it is entirely dead. So I think we could justify bringing him in for this game, but I don't think he's essential either. I think we kinda hit on all our essential bases, really. With a possible exception to Wii Fit Trainer. Wolf feels unnecessary right now (unfortunately), it just doesn't feel like quite the right time for Sheik anymore and Kamek... pretty cool, but I'm not that passionately convinced about it.

Job 44: :ulttoonlink::ultfalco: (Lyn)
It hurts a bit to cut Black Shadow, who has remained a part of the series since Melee now, but with F-Zero's relative dormancy it's at least understandable why it might lose a character in contrast with some of the others. Dark Samus is another unfortunate loss, but consider them analogous to Wolf in our universe I suppose. Metroid has a bit more going on with the release of Other M, but the series was left in a state of limbo and hasn't provided much for Dark Samus to do.

These three are pretty safe. Toon Link is nice to have around to represent a prominent style of what at that point was several games in the series - including Spirit Tracks, which had released between games. Falco is hard to part with, and I guess Star Fox 64 3D exists with Zero on the eventual horizon. And Lyn just feels right to keep around, I don't know. I like her contrast with Marth and Ike a lot. Might be going a bit hard on Fire Emblem for base but if Lyn makes it here I think we'll probably be able to leave it at that - give or take Lucina. Without Roy or Corrin (probably) as DLC it balances out a bit more nicely, lol.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Sheik 5
Wolf 3
Chibi-Robo 6
Kamek 4
Takamaru 17
Rosalina & Luma 14
Excitebike Rider 11

Rosalina & Luma and Takamaru are our next fighters.

Black Shadow 2
Falco 8
Toon Link 6
Dark Samus 5
Lyn 6

Toon Link, Lyn, and Falco joins the roster.

Job 45: Submit a Fighter (Open Ended, and Veterans not on the roster like Mewtwo and Blaziken are allowed)
Tom Nook ACNL.png
Sopo/Sona and Sheik feel like throwaway picks at this point, so I’ll nominate Tom Nook here. While we did add Villager here, Animal Crossing New Leaf was a major game, and Tom Nook is a major NPC.

Job 46: Nominate a Clone (specify who the fighter would initially intended to be an alt for, Melee clones cut from Brawl are allowed)
SSBU spirit Alph.png
I liked the idea of Pittoo, but I’ll nominate Alph here as Pikmin 3 was recent in the timeline, and Allh is an easy alt for Olimar initially.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2023
For the clone, I'm gonna throw the DK series a bone and submit Dixie. One of Nintendo's big series and works well with Returns 3D and Tropical Freeze.

As for the open-ended character, I'm going with Mewtwo, given how huge his return would be for fans. With the Gen 3 remakes on the horizon, I think Blaziken would be better suited as DLC.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Job 45: Charizard (Pokémon)

A newcomer in this world, and a warranted one at that. Charizard’s demand would be through the roof. It’s gotta get in at some point, and now is a good time after X and Y brought older ‘mons back into the limelight.

Job 46: Princess Daisy (Super Mario)

If there’s any Melee clone that makes sense to bring back, it’ll be Daisy. Her return would be welcomed moreso than Dr. Mario was.


Smash Champion
Apr 11, 2022

Open: Bandana Waddle Dee
He's the fourth playable character in the Kirby series

Clone: Dark Samus
The Prime series recently got a game for the 3DS, although it is hated by many


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023

I think this makes a lot of sense, really popular Pokemon and they'd want to reuse the assets.


Black Shadow
He's been in since Melee here so I think he makes sense to keep even if F-Zero isn't super relevant right now.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Will resubmit Magalor


Almost forgot about this character, think hed be a fun pick for a new Kirby rep. Played a big role in one of the latest games (Return to Dreamland) & returned in subgames for the Wii Collection & Triple Deluxe.
& will throw Felix in as our promoted alt / echo


Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Job 45: Wii Fit Trainer

Just going to give us the option - I still want us to diversify some more and continue to make fresh new moves, but I think WFT was a really great addition to Smash 4 and kept that lineup feeling unpredictable. We could argue the addition of ROB toward the beginning has already achieved this, but on top of the surprise factor Wii Fit was just a really, really successful outlet for Nintendo in the prior generation. WFT isn't even really considered a "surprise" or "wtf" tier character officially speaking, that was Duck Hunt. But I think if we still want to do another character like that, and if we want to represent another recent IP that has been killing it and is essential to Nintendo's modern brand, this is it.

Job 46: Abstaining in support of either Daisy or Black Shadow.
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Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2013

I like her and think she still makes a lot of sense as a clone. Do worry about too much FE but we're probably not doing Corrin so it's easier to swallow
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the nominations

Pupp135 Pupp135 Tom Nook
TheLastMaverickHunter TheLastMaverickHunter Mewtwo
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Charizard
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Bandana Waddle Dee
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 King K. Rool
D darkvortex Blaziken
nirvanafan nirvanafan Magolor
Louie G. Louie G. Wii Fit Trainer

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Wii Fit Trainer
2. Tom Nook
3. Charizard

Even though we have some oddballs like R.O.B. and Yuka, I still find Wii Fit Trainer to be a fun choice, and the Wii series was very large. In the case of Charizard versus Mewtwo and Blaziken, I’d rather focus on adding one more newcomer and leaving one of Mewtwo/Blaziken for DLC.

Pupp135 Pupp135 Alph
TheLastMaverickHunter TheLastMaverickHunter Dixie Kong
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Daisy
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Dark Samus
D darkvortex Black Shadow
nirvanafan nirvanafan Felix

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Dixie Kong
2. Princess Daisy
3. Alph

Dixie Kong would finally get her chance after being rejected from our Alternate Brawl, and Princess Daisy was probably the biggest loss from Brawl in terms of Melee clones. While Black Shadow and Dark Samus would be cool to see, it would feel awkward to make them more clonelike from their Brawl iteration as the For clones were initially added as alts of their parent fighter.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
1. Bandana Waddle Dee
2. Wii Fit Trainer
3. Magolor

1. Daisy
2. Dark Samus
3. Lucina
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Charizard - Aside from being an obvious and at this point likely heavily fan requested pick, Charizard gives the Pokemon lineup a well needed bestial foil for several of its more humanoid choices thus far, as well as a fire type to pair neatly with Greninja's water theming.
2. Wii Fit Trainer - I've already spoken about how much I like this pick, and I'm glad others seem to agree. I know we could have diversified a bit more on this roster but I think its kind of a testament to how good a job Smash 4 did covering its bases... funny, because I think most would consider it the most controversial roster of the bunch.
3. Magolor - I think another Kirby character is justified and I still prefer Magolor to BWD for now. His role in RTDL is more striking and interesting than a P4, he's got more moveset potential and the series has shown some interest in keeping him around. A bit of a gamble still but one I'm happy to make.

Normally I'd support my boy Tom Nook, I feel like I'm usually his most outspoken advocate, but he may feel a bit redundant right now.

1. Princess Daisy - Arguably Brawl's most glaring omission and one that I'm sure fans would like to see back. She's grown exponentially as a character since her debut in Melee and would certainly be seeing Dr. Mario level changes in strength and speed.
2. Alph - It's a nice idea. Olimar isn't the most popular character in Smash, but it always felt a little odd Alph got stuck behind a costume when the likes of Lucina and Dark Pit got to break out. Could probably bring in Rock Pikmin as well.
3. Dixie Kong - A bit of a disservice to make her a clone, but it's plausible. Perhaps they wanted to act on her here as a last minute pick knowing of her prominent role in Tropical Freeze. DKC could warrant another character and has a new game that just dropped.

I'm gonna pass on Lucina since we kept Lyn around. Between these four we got a pretty well rounded FE lineup already... maybe she can join in Ultimate?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes

Tom Nook 5
Charizard 6
Bandana Waddle Dee 11
King K. Rool 6
Blaziken 3
Magolor 4
Wii Fit Trainer 19

Wii Fit Trainer is our final unique base game fighter.

Alph 9
Dixie Kong 10
Princess Daisy 18
Black Shadow 4
Dark Samus 3
Felix 2
Lucina 8

Princess Daisy, Dixie Kong, and Alph are added as clones, rounding out the base roster.

Base game check in: What is everyone’s opinion on our Alternate Base For roster? What do you like about this roster, and what would you have done differently, and what do you hope to see with our Alternate DLC? Also, would you like me to set up an Alternate Ballot next job?
Mr. Game & Watch
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Bowser Jr.
Rosalina & Luma
Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
Dixie Kong
Little Mac
Princess Zelda
Toon Link
Captain Falcon
King Dedede
Meta Knight
Fox McCloud
Falco Lombardi
Pikmin & Olimar
Pikmin & Alph
Wii Fit Trainer
Mega Man
Sonic the Hedgehog
Honestly, I like this roster a lot, and I think we made the best decisions in terms of cuts. For newcomers, I like that we continued to add some quirky choices outside of the ones that were added outside of the real game. I don’t really have any complaints with this roster. In terms of DLC, I think Mewtwo or Blaziken would be a great opener. For semi-clones, it’s probably best to add Dark Samus and Black Shadow back even though I’d prefer Celica. In terms of third party newcomers, I’d say that Cloud and Ryu would still be nice to have. As I’m keeping the advertisement pick here, I think we should rip off the band-aid with Inkling and open Alternate Ultimate with something like Waluigi or K. Rool as our reveal.

Submit a Veteran for Bonus DLC
Submit A Semi-Clone
Submit a Third Party Newcomer
Submit a Newcomer
Submit a Newcomer from a 2015 Nintendo game

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
I think I like this roster. We got a good amount of new series in this time around, and I think we set our priorities straight. I'm glad we got to maintain a lot of what made our Brawl roster unique, I was worried we would abandon some of that new foundation. The return of Isaac, Lyn and Krystal is satisfying and continues to mend something of a shortcoming that the real life roster has - its lacking representation of the GCN / GBA era.

Unfortunately that came at the expense of Blaziken, who honestly has no right to be cut when he's about as prominent as ever at this point. I'm not certain I'd trade any one particular character for him to return, would rather spread the love, but I think it feels wrong for Pokemon to only have four characters here. And furthermore, for a fire Pokemon not to be here and play into the theme that Greninja sets up. But either way, whether it's Mewtwo or Blaziken, I have to imagine we're going to see another Pokemon added immediately. So perhaps there just wasn't enough time. While on the topic, I guess I should mention that I think we probably should have found a space for Charizard. That feels like the one missing piece here. And unless we add him as DLC I'm a little confused where he's going to fit into the puzzle... if we need a Gen 7 Pokemon in Ultimate, are we going to burn two valuable, limited slots on Pokemon?

The other cuts seem fair, losing Black Shadow hurts a bit just because he's established himself as a "mainstay" after two consecutive roles. But it seems sensible that F-Zero might be a bit less of a priority nowadays when it's no longer getting consistent releases. We made the right choice to keep him in Brawl, after three new F-Zero titles, but there isn't a whole lot saving him anymore.

I wanted to be an advocate for newness when possible, but I quickly realized there wasn't a lot I really wanted out of this roster. Some of the characters I want to see moving ahead - like Isabelle and King K. Rool - kind of just make more sense in Ultimate. We were able to squeeze Rhythm Heaven in this time, brought in pretty much all the most obvious pulls and even got some surprises like Takamaru. Maybe I'd have wanted us to go for a different Mario character than Rosalina or something, but I can't complain too much.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
For convenience, I’ll set up the ballot after we select the DLC fighters.

Job 47: Vote for three most wanted Veterans missing from Alternate base SSB For.
Donkey Kong Jr.
Black Shadow
Dark Samus

1. Mewtwo
2. Blaziken
3. Mudkip

For this job, I’m effectively vouching for a fifth pokemon fighter based on the selection available. Mewtwo is my largest priority because it provides a legendary pokemon, and it was the other tough cut going from Alternate Melee to Alternate Brawl. For May’s pokemon, I went with Blaziken first as it seems to be the most popular of the three, and I chose Mudkip for the third slot out of preference for water type pokemon.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Mewtwo
2. Blaziken
3. Black Shadow

Pretty basic stuff. I think Mewtwo and Blaziken have pretty equal merit to return, to be honest. One of them probably should have been on base. But Mewtwo gets the edge for his unique playstyle and presence, as well as having even more of a prominent feature in his home series around this time. From the semi-recent Mewtwo vs Genesect film, a feature in Pokemon Origins and one of only two Pokemon to get two version exclusive Mega evolutions. Mewtwo (and Charizard, who I feel could have also been on the base roster) was a big deal at this point and no doubt he'd be sorely missed.
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