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Smashboards Mini-Recreates: The SSB Series Rosters

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Job 39: Skull Kid

Truth be told, I was a bit stumped on who to nominate here. A couple big ones were already covered and at this point I think I may be more interested in pursuing unique series reps. But I figured I would present a valuable option here - an opportunity for us to break out of the Triforce curse with a fairly popular and iconic Zelda villain. Worth mentioning, Smash 4's lineup is a bit short on the baddies as well so it could be an interesting spice. Let alone a trickster character with dark magic, perhaps some status influencing attacks? There's loads of rich potential here unexplored by other fighters.

The timing isn't quite there for Skull Kid in our reality, the Majora remake came a bit later, but there's no harm in suspending our disbelief a bit. The value in adding something fresh and unique from Zelda outweighs it to me and I just found him more compelling than Ghirahim overall.

Little Mac is our next newcomer.
Oh we're only doing one newcomer this round? How come?
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Oh we're only doing one newcomer this round? How come?
For this round and the round where Little Mac was included, I intentionally added only one because we’re past the halfway mark, and I wanted to have a round where we have an open ended newcomer round and an open ended round for two fighters each.

Here are the nominations.

Pupp135 Pupp135 Robin
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 King K. Rool
nirvanafan nirvanafan Megalor
D darkvortex Impa
TheLastMaverickHunter TheLastMaverickHunter Bandana Waddle Dee
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Rosalina & Luma
Louie G. Louie G. Skull Kid

Vote your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Rosalina
2. Robin
3. Ashley

I liked Rosalina’s puppet gimmick, and she provides more women to the roster, which is something that we don’t many of right now. I think Ashley would be a cool idea, and Wario Ware had been out for roughly a decade at that point.

Job 40: Provide a List of 3 Veterans that you’d like to return.
Mr. Game & Watch
Black Shadow
Toon Link
Dark Samus
Meta Knight


Honestly, I find Wario as an unlockable in For to be a little jarring. In the case of Ike, he‘s a popular character and the first unique SSB playable Fire Emblem character from a game with an overseas release. Meta Knight just feels a hair more important than Lucario to make as a “starter”.

I guess as we’re far in this thread (ninth newcomer out of thirteen/fifteen depending on how we handle the Mii Fighter situation), I’m unsure how we should handle the slots attributed to Mii fighters if we don’t have them be a three in one package from a resource development standpoint. Please feel free to provide any suggestions.

Upcoming jobs
Add Two Newcomers
Add Two Fighters (not necessarily newcomers)
Add Three Clones (cut Melee clones are allowed here)
Submit Three Veterans (Akin to Ike, Captain Falcon, and Meta Knight’s reveals)
Submit Two/Three Semi-Clones (Effectively Falco, Ganondorf, and if applicable, Toon Link’s reveals)
Submit Five/Four Veterans (Effectively Ness, Jigglypuff, Mr. Game & Watch, Wario, and R.O.B.’s spots)
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Well since this round will presumably also be a single character round, it seems obvious that Robin will win. But I'll speak my piece on a couple other characters that I wouldn't mind supporting next time we get the chance.

1. Robin - It's just the obvious answer, they probably should have been added last round. Awakening is an important release that demands new content, and I think they made the right choice opting for Robin. They really stand out among the Fire Emblem cast.

2. Impa - Yknow what, I usually don't care much about Impa but I will say her Skyward Sword design is so cool. This was the era where I was most compelled by the idea, and others have brought up a great point about how Sheik's absence further justifies bringing in Impa to fulfill a similar archetype. This version of the character utilizes some magic too, I believe. I threw out Skull Kid as my nomination sort of unenthusiastically but I think Impa makes more sense off the heels of Skyward Sword whereas Skull Kid's best chance may be a game like Ultimate.

3. Magolor - He's a bit more of a gamble, but Magolor was a standout character and layed up his first appearance as a rival in Dream Collection, which furthered along his story and made him a multilayered character working toward redemption. He's just neat, they seemed to really love him off the bat. The reason I advocate for him over BWD is because I think his prominent story role allowed him to come into his own faster, whereas Dee's major development will build up over the coming years.

Job 40: :ultwario::ultmetaknight::ultike:
Looks good to me. Although we should probably figure out what to do with Pokemon before it's too late.

I guess as we’re far in this thread (ninth newcomer out of thirteen/fifteen depending on how we handle the Mii Fighter situation), I’m unsure how we should handle the slots attributed to Mii fighters if we don’t have them be a three in one package from a resource development standpoint. Please feel free to provide any suggestions.
I think we should just allow two extra fighters to be added if we decide to opt for a single Mii (which I think we will). Consider that Mii Fighters in Smash 4 not only had eight additional special moves to balance each but were split up into three weight classes (light, medium, heavy). Not to mention any number of Mii accessories that need to be modeled that may not be relevant any longer if say, sword and gunner props were no longer a factor. Customization was a big deal in Smash 4, so shedding off two of the Miis opens up a good amount of flexibility.

But we don't need to overthink it. Ultimately, it just makes sense to replace two unique fighters with two other unique fighters. If there's the concern that Miis are easier to animate because they're using such a similar base model, I guess we can keep it locked in on characters who can use other fighters as a base model but are mostly unique (ie Wolf or Dixie Kong). I don't think that condition is necessary though, it's just in case people have an issue with the semantics here.

Since Miis are such an obvious choice, perhaps we should just run another poll to decide if we want one standardized Mii or all three Mii Fighters?
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2015
Job #39:
1. Robin: I believe that Robin is the obvious and objectively correct pick here. While I'm personally not a fan of the way he turned out to be playable in Smash, ironically being my least favorite FE character from a gameplay standpoint, in terms of representation he is THE most ingenious idea Sakurai had while creating the roster for Smash for (and, imho, Sakurai had many good ideas for that game).
2. Waddle Dee: he is an iconic character that represents an era of Kirby that is neglected in our own Smash timeline. His spear makes for a somewhat unique moveset too.
3. Skull Kid: this is a very biased pick, since I love Majora's Mask, but I think that, if done properly, Skull Kid could have been a good addition to the game. He is a distant third in this list, but I wanted to give the nod to one of my favorite villains in gaming.

Job #40:
:ultlucario::ultike: (Blaziken)
We're shockingly running very low on Pokémon, which is an issue I wish to rectify. That is why I added both Lucario and Blaziken in this job. Ike, on the other hand, is a pretty popular fighter that I wish to see back

I guess as we’re far in this thread (ninth newcomer out of thirteen/fifteen depending on how we handle the Mii Fighter situation), I’m unsure how we should handle the slots attributed to Mii fighters if we don’t have them be a three in one package from a resource development standpoint. Please feel free to provide any suggestions.
Miis are, at least in my opinion, shoo-ins for this game. Much like it was done for the Kalos starter, I suppose we can have a poll determining if we want just one single Mii or the Mii Fighter trio.
In case the single Mii prevails, then I suppose we can allocate the remaining two slots to two more fighters in general, without any restriction added to their moveset. Yes, it is true that the Miis kind of have movesets that somewhat align to existing fighters, but it's also true that they have more special moves and customization added than any other character in the game, so things can kind of balance out in a way, no?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes

Here are the nominations.

Pupp135 Pupp135 Robin 17
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 King K. Rool 1
nirvanafan nirvanafan Magolor 2
D darkvortex Impa 9
TheLastMaverickHunter TheLastMaverickHunter Bandana Waddle Dee 8
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Rosalina & Luma 10
Louie G. Louie G. Skull Kid 3

Robin is the next newcomer.

Wario 7
Meowth 2
Mr. Game & Watch 2
Black Shadow
Toon Link
Dark Samus
Ike 5
Meta Knight 7
Blaziken 1
Lucario 3

Wario, Ike, and Meta Knight are the next veterans added.

Based on the information above, please use this poll to determine if Mii Fighters should be implemented as they are in canon games or implemented with only one version (in summary, one or three versions). If we only use one Mii Fighter, then two newcomers will be added in place of the two missing fighters.

Job 41: Submit a Newcomer
While it’s not my first choice, I’ll nominate Charizard here as it was missing from the alternate Brawl roster, and it was relevant at the time of Khlaos.
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016

Thought id throw a new idea into the mix. Feel like Zelda could use another fighter & he could be someone people are sleeping on being a major character in one of the latest games. also a fitting replacement if leave Toon Link out.
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Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
re: Mii poll, I am begging everyone to just vote for one Mii. The way this roster is going right now we've left ourselves very little room for creative freedom, and have opted for exclusively characters that are already in the game. Opening up two more slots at least gives us some leeway to be more interesting than that. We really don't actually gain anything from having three Mii types here - we're not personally going down the list and adding Mii costumes to each one... so unfortunately that perk is a bit lost on us due to the structure of this forum game. Functionally, in our universe, I think they made the right choice but it really just kind of limits the conversation here. Anyway...

Job 41: Rhythm Girl / "Yuka" (Rhythm Heaven)
Latest Appearance at the time: Rhythm Heaven Fever (2011)

Sorry in advance for the long writeup, but I think this idea needs context. There are a few candidates for a Rhythm Heaven character that I contemplated between, from the Barista who appears in nearly every game to the iconic Wrestler from the Ringside minigame for his flashiness. But I think a catch-all RH representative should be nondescript, a character who could feasibly do anything and it wouldn't feel too out of place. Not only is the "Girl" iterated on in each game, but she serves as a good vessel to utilize props and summons from a variety of different minigames. She was nominated before, and got a decent amount of traction, so it's worth continuing that momentum.

The Chorus Kids are my most wanted character, because I think the decision to make a RH character something of a musical troupe is kind of a genius move. Rhythm Heaven minigames often involve consecutive timed inputs and a "follow the leader" structure. So it is simply the best possible way to represent the series in Smash. Unfortunately, it's reasonable to believe technical issues could have gotten in the way of realizing this. I believe this is probably the next best choice for one particular reason... monkeys!

The monkeys are a staple of Rhythm Heaven, the focus of a variety of minigames like Tap Trial, Monkey Watch and Tambourine. The former is also the debut of Yuka, the Rhythm Girl, so pairing them up feels like a natural choice. Even though technically demanding characters like Ice Climbers were not feasible, we did however get the likes of Rosalina and the return of Olimar (albeit with less Pikmin). So mind you, giving Yuka a "pet" monkey (or two) that operates more comparably to one of those seems completely doable. Particularly because of how simple these RH characters are in the first place.

So my vision for her is this... you have a monkey or two closely following you around. Maybe even perched up on your shoulder? Several attacks involve multiple timed inputs, in which Rhythm Girl will perform an action and the Monkey(s) will promptly follow and require you to press the button again in a set rhythm. Perhaps if it's too demanding to have any monkey on stage (which again, if Rosalina is ok then I doubt this is the case) they can simply be summoned out from behind her for specific moves... pretty easy fix. I think the ideal visual for me is honestly that the monkey chills out on Yuka's shoulder and will either attack from there or come down to stomp his feet or whatever and then climb back up.

These small characters tied to specific functions seem like they were fair game in Smash 4, enough to be implemented into several new fighters like Rosalina and hell, even Duck Hunt is kind of a good visual reference for this (since I imagine the Monkeys would operate more as disjoints than anything). So hopefully we can at least contemplate this idea and make it happen, because really getting Rhythm Heaven onto the Smash 4 roster is my number one priority. And I think this is an intuitive way to implement it where we aren't losing a whole lot, but are still leaving room to accommodate for the technical limitations.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the nominations
Pupp135 Pupp135 Charizard
BritishGuy54 BritishGuy54 Shulk
nirvanafan nirvanafan Ravio
DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 King K. Rool
Louie G. Louie G. Yuka
Northsouthmap Northsouthmap Rosalina & Luma
Mamboo07 Mamboo07 Bandana Waddle Dee

Vote for your three most wanted, where yours is not first.

1. Shulk
2. Yuka
3. Rosalina

Introducing more franchises to the roster is always nice to have, and while Mario doesn’t need more fighters, I think the puppet gimmick is cool.

Also, there will only be one Mii Fighter.

Job 42: Submit a List of Four Veterans to Add
Mr. Game & Watch
Black Shadow
Toon Link
Dark Samus


Mr. Game & Watch is the only character from a Nintendo franchise not brought back into our alternate For roster. Meowth and Lucario help beef up the Pokemon selection, and while I entertained Blaziken, Lucario is popular, and Meowth helps play as a foil to the fully evolved bipedal pokemon. Krystal helps diversify my veteran selection from adding primarily pokemon veterans.

Remaining Jobs
Add Two Newcomers
Add Three Clones
Add Semiclones from Brawl
Add any remaining fighters

Also, Happy Fourth of July for those who celebrate!
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Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
1. Charizard
2. Shulk
3. Yuka

Charizard is horrendously overdue. We’ve been pretty meh towards Pokémon so far. Shulk is warranted, and I guess Yuka could be too, although Rhythm Heaven could possibly get away with non-playable content more so.

I don’t want to delve too deep into obscurity before we get big names here first.

Job 42: :ultgnw: :ultfalco::ulttoonlink::ultlucario:
Relatively clear cut choices here. But it’s more of the characters excluded that I don’t want here right now rather than the ones I do want.

I think we can wait until 4’s DLC to bring back some extra veterans, and Blaziken would be a great move there. Lyn too, possibly.

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
1. Shulk - Absolutely. I mean, Xenoblade was definitely the least familiar new game added to Smash 4 to most, but the game had been receiving a great amount of positive buzz and Sakurai had a very clear idea for a fresh new mechanic. With the knowledge we have in the present day, he becomes one of the most obvious characters to keep around. But back then he was a really cool deep-ish cut. Showcasing great Nintendo games that may not have the momentum behind them that a Mario or Zelda has is really part of what makes Smash so important.

2. Yuka - Some of the sentiment applied to Shulk applies here as well, although Rhythm Heaven had been around the block by now. Three games is more than enough to warrant treating it as a Nintendo mainstay, but it was always something of an underdog. It has a striking identity all its own and a clear gameplay hook that's yet to be explored in Smash. We know it just barely missed the cut in the real deal, so now we have the opportunity to do something about it.

3. Charizard - Even though we passed on him in Brawl, Charizard is always going to make some sense. Gen 6 puts emphasis back on Gen 1 starters and Charizard is one of the signature Mega Evo Pokemon, with two to its name. I'm not the most enthusiastic about him, and frankly I think we could get away with Blaziken being our fire starter of choice, but at the same time... this is pretty much the most highly marketed Pokemon outside of Pikachu itself. So I'm trying to be reasonable here. We still have five other Pokemon to bring back (or not) so he's not my main priority, but he's justified.

Special Mention: King K. Rool - I almost pushed for him over Charizard, to diversify further and give us some extra room to play around in Ultimate, but he's really a perfect choice for that game in particular. If anyone from DKC is getting into Smash 4, it might make even more sense if it was Dixie. But if he comes up in the following rounds I might advocate for him again. If it counts for anything, the fact that we have Ridley here makes it easy to infer that K. Rool has become the most highly requested first party character by now.

Shulk is warranted, and I guess Yuka could be too, although Rhythm Heaven could possibly get away with non-playable content more so.

I don’t want to delve too deep into obscurity before we get big names here first.
I feel like pointing out that at this point in time, Rhythm Heaven had three games under its belt since 2006 and one of them (DS) had even cracked 2-3 million. Xenoblade was a brand new series at this point in time and its first game gained a cult following, but was not immediately a blowout success. I think it's important to put ourselves in the context of the time (2012). Both of these characters have great reasons to be in the game - hence why they're my top two votes - but it's easy to view "obscurity" with a level of hindsight bias. Neither of these are quite "big" names.

Job 42: So Pupp135 Pupp135 I have a question, just so I know confidently how to handle this. After this round, the remaining veteran job is "add semiclones from Brawl". Does this include the likes of Falco or Black Shadow as well as Toon Link or Lyn? I'm assuming these are two available slots as well, like most other jobs? I'm just trying to weigh this out so I know what to prioritize this time around, and don't burn a slot on someone that makes more sense to add next time. Otherwise we kind of screw ourselves over on additional fully unique characters, snub out some that we would have added otherwise etc.

Like, I see people nominating Toon Link and Falco etc but I'm unsure if we should be doing that yet if there is a round dedicated to them coming soon. I want this to be as clear as possible because I think it will cause some issues if it isn't. How much space for veterans is left, overall?

In any case, here's what I've got for the remaining unique veterans, assuming we can add derivative characters next batch. This may change if I need to endorse some semiclones now, but I'm tentatively just working off the way I understand it so far.
:ultgnw::052::ultlucario: (Krystal)

:ultgnw: - I don't really need to justify this. As we stated, this is the last first party series that needs to be represented and G&W is just a joy to have around.

:052: - Meowth keeps surprising me, and maybe that explains why Jigglypuff has been kept around so long. Because again, I was pretty much ready to ditch him but I recognize the unique dynamic he provides within the Pokemon lineup.

:ultlucario: - I really wanted to push Blaziken, but I see more support for Lucario so I'm going to resign and back him. Lucario is still plenty relevant and if I don't vote for him I worry we're just going to keep splintering the Pokemon votes and accidentally not add either of them.

(Krystal) - Maybe this is controversial, but I do think this is the right move. With Lyn potentially in danger (I hope not, tbh) and Pokemon Trainer May definitively being cut... we risk cutting a couple of the unique female characters that we were able to add to Brawl. Even beyond that, Krystal has a fully unique moveset, she's fairly popular and I'd rather dish out some love to Star Fox instead of adding yet another Pokemon.
:ultsnake: - Well yeah, it was to be expected. We all know he'll come back soon anyway.

:ultpokemontrainerf: - I think this is fair. Brawl had six cuts, four of which were fully unique. The only losses outside of Snake were due to technical difficulties. With Ice Climbers not around, I suppose it's fitting that the Pokemon Trainer Pokemon are simply abandoned altogether and takes that role. For the time being.

(Blaziken?) - An aside, because I wanted him back. ORAS is on the horizon, and he would be a great way to bring eyes toward its release. So maybe there's an outlet for him as DLC, although that may be a harder sell if / when we bring back Mewtwo in a similar fashion. We'll see. This will be easier to digest under the assumption we eventually add Charizard, too.
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Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
1. Shulk - Absolutely. I mean, Xenoblade was definitely the least familiar new game added to Smash 4 to most, but the game had been receiving a great amount of positive buzz and Sakurai had a very clear idea for a fresh new mechanic. With the knowledge we have in the present day, he becomes one of the most obvious characters to keep around. But back then he was a really cool deep-ish cut. Showcasing great Nintendo games that may not have the momentum behind them that a Mario or Zelda has is really part of what makes Smash so important.

2. Yuka - Some of the sentiment applied to Shulk applies here as well, although Rhythm Heaven had been around the block by now. Three games is more than enough to warrant treating it as a Nintendo mainstay, but it was always something of an underdog. It has a striking identity all its own and a clear gameplay hook that's yet to be explored in Smash. We know it just barely missed the cut in the real deal, so now we have the opportunity to do something about it.

3. Charizard - Even though we passed on him in Brawl, Charizard is always going to make some sense. Gen 6 puts emphasis back on Gen 1 starters and Charizard is one of the signature Mega Evo Pokemon, with two to its name. I'm not the most enthusiastic about him, and frankly I think we could get away with Blaziken being our fire starter of choice, but at the same time... this is pretty much the most highly marketed Pokemon outside of Pikachu itself. So I'm trying to be reasonable here. We still have five other Pokemon to bring back (or not) so he's not my main priority, but he's justified.

Special Mention: King K. Rool - I almost pushed for him over Charizard, to diversify further and give us some extra room to play around in Ultimate, but he's really a perfect choice for that game in particular. If anyone from DKC is getting into Smash 4, it might make even more sense if it was Dixie. But if he comes up in the following rounds I might advocate for him again. If it counts for anything, the fact that we have Ridley here makes it easy to infer that K. Rool has become the most highly requested first party character by now.

I feel like pointing out that at this point in time, Rhythm Heaven had three games under its belt since 2006 and one of them (DS) had even cracked 2-3 million. Xenoblade was a brand new series at this point in time and its first game gained a cult following, but was not immediately a blowout success. I think it's important to put ourselves in the context of the time (2012). Both of these characters have great reasons to be in the game - hence why they're my top two votes - but it's easy to view "obscurity" with a level of hindsight bias. Neither of these are quite "big" names.

Job 42: So Pupp135 Pupp135 I have a question, just so I know confidently how to handle this. After this round, the remaining veteran job is "add semiclones from Brawl". Does this include the likes of Falco or Black Shadow as well as Toon Link or Lyn? I'm assuming these are two available slots as well, like most other jobs? I'm just trying to weigh this out so I know what to prioritize this time around, and don't burn a slot on someone that makes more sense to add next time. Otherwise we kind of screw ourselves over on additional fully unique characters, snub out some that we would have added otherwise etc.

Like, I see people nominating Toon Link and Falco etc but I'm unsure if we should be doing that yet if there is a round dedicated to them coming soon. I want this to be as clear as possible because I think it will cause some issues if it isn't. How much space for veterans is left, overall?

In any case, here's what I've got for the remaining unique veterans, assuming we can add derivative characters next batch. This may change if I need to endorse some semiclones now, but I'm tentatively just working off the way I understand it so far.
:ultgnw::052::ultlucario: (Krystal)

:ultgnw: - I don't really need to justify this. As we stated, this is the last first party series that needs to be represented and G&W is just a joy to have around.

:052: - Meowth keeps surprising me, and maybe that explains why Jigglypuff has been kept around so long. Because again, I was pretty much ready to ditch him but I recognize the unique dynamic he provides within the Pokemon lineup.

:ultlucario: - I really wanted to push Blaziken, but I see more support for Lucario so I'm going to resign and back him. Lucario is still plenty relevant and if I don't vote for him I worry we're just going to keep splintering the Pokemon votes and accidentally not add either of them.

(Krystal) - Maybe this is controversial, but I do think this is the right move. With Lyn potentially in danger (I hope not, tbh) and Pokemon Trainer May definitively being cut... we risk cutting a couple of the unique female characters that we were able to add to Brawl. Even beyond that, Krystal has a fully unique moveset, she's fairly popular and I'd rather dish out some love to Star Fox instead of adding yet another Pokemon.
:ultsnake: - Well yeah, it was to be expected. We all know he'll come back soon anyway.

:ultpokemontrainerf: - I think this is fair. Brawl had six cuts, four of which were fully unique. The only losses outside of Snake were due to technical difficulties. With Ice Climbers not around, I suppose it's fitting that the Pokemon Trainer Pokemon are simply abandoned altogether and takes that role. For the time being.

(Blaziken?) - An aside, because I wanted him back. ORAS is on the horizon, and he would be a great way to bring eyes toward its release. So maybe there's an outlet for him as DLC, although that may be a harder sell if / when we bring back Mewtwo in a similar fashion. We'll see. This will be easier to digest under the assumption we eventually add Charizard, too.
The semi-clone job would include the alternate Melee clones who returned in alternate Brawl (i.e. Falco and Black Shadow) in addition to the other three added in Brawl (Toon Link, Lyn, Dark Samus).


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2020
Here are the votes:

Charizard 4
Shulk 18
Ravio 2
King K. Rool 2
Yuka 14
Rosalina & Luma 4
Bandana Waddle Dee 4

Shulk and Yuka are the next fighters added.

Meowth 6
Mr. Game & Watch 8
Black Shadow
Falco 3
Toon Link 1
Dark Samus
Lyn 1
Krystal 6
Mudkip 1
Lucario 6

Mr. Game & Watch, Krystal, Meowth, and Lucario are the next veterans added.

Job 43: Submit a Newcomer (Open-Ended)
Sheik OoT.png
This is a biased pick admittedly, but I’m nominating Sheik here, but the character is fitting here as Ocarina of Time was relevant at the time given its remaster, and Sheik’s moveset is cool.

For the DLC portion, I’d like some suggestions on how we should approach it. Currently, I was thinking of us having a round for the pre-order bonus like Mewtwo, then two Melee clone/Brawl semiclone fighters are added, then two third parties, then an open ended fighter, and finally, a promotional fighter.

Add Three Clones
Add Semiclones from Brawl
Add any remaining fighters
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Smash Champion
Oct 14, 2016
Think the current DLC plans sound good.

Chibi Robo

Feel like the series was getting a little push at the time with Photo Finder, as well in the near future being one the few non-Smash series amiibo & getting another 3DS game (for better or worse) being Zip Lash.
Surprised he was not nominated for the last job. Like where are series are at on the roster in general so like the idea of squeezing in one more new ip & this one makes the most sense imo.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2013

Pretty iconic Mario \ Yoshi character with a lot of moveset potential. I think him getting a duel reveal with JR would make a lot of sense

Louie G.

Smash Hero
Aug 21, 2013
Rhythm Heaven
Job 43: Excitebiker


So ROB is kind of a "retro" surprise character already, I'm unsure how people want to quantify Little Mac but despite his retro flair he's part of, at the time, an active franchise. So my pitch for the throwback character here is Excitebiker, a character who is always mounted on his bike and is built off keeping momentum and performing BMX tricks - fits perfectly into Smash 4's quirky imaginative moveset design. Similar to Duck Hunt in our universe, Excitebiker represents one of the remaining pillars of the early NES / Arcade era and continues to be a game Nintendo loves to show off and play with. And it's easy to forget, but Excitebike was actually kind of an active series at some point? It had games as recent as WiiWare and Excite Truck exists as well. Also had one of those 3D Classic releases like Kirby if you wanna count those.

Honestly, I had trouble coming up with that many supporting characters I wanted to endorse this round. So I'm more concerned about bringing in more new IPs, I suppose. And we've got a decent amount of recent faces so far, so screw it. Charizard seems like a particularly sensible nomination that I'll consider voting for if he pops up again, though. I just personally am not that serious abt him to do it myself. And I would like Wii Fit Trainer here, but for now I kinda want to endorse new ideas before falling back on the real ones. Maybe next round.

For the DLC portion, I’d like some suggestions on how we should approach it. Currently, I was thinking of us having a round for the pre-order bonus like Mewtwo, then two Melee clone/Brawl semiclone fighters are added, then two third parties, then an open ended fighter, and finally, a promotional fighter.
This would probably work, although honestly I feel like we should loosen up a bit on the specific "Melee clone / Brawl semiclone" prompt. A few of us have shown interest in bringing back Blaziken as a DLC character, so I feel like there wouldn't be much harm in leaving it open for any veteran - I'm sure the workload would be lessened since they had workable data from Brawl. Or if we want to take a different angle, leaving the option open for new semiclones, if we want to play within the lines. I just think those may be more interesting conversations, even if we end up taking a simpler route anyway.
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