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SmashBoards has created: Super Mario Smash Bros!

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Adventure Mode subs will close soon.

Due to a lack of interest, the press kit job has been closed prematurely. I will fill in the blanks of what other screenshots are included.

  1. 8 player Smash between Wedding Mario, Geno, Plumber Wario, Goomba, Rosalina-coloured Meowser, Tiptup, Light Blue Yoshi, and Diddy on Mushroom Kingdom 2
  2. Kaptain K. Rool tossing his hat at Battle League Daisy while metal Waluigi approaches from behind and Dr. Mario is performing is his down air above on Cap Kingdom
  3. Poltergust alt Luigi using his side smash on giant Green Arcade DK while Underground Goomba air dodges and Wendy throws a Mechakoopa from a platform on a Kongo Falls coin battle
  4. Charvaargh flying over 3D Land (spinning platforms segment) during a battle between Peach, Piranha Plant (who is spraying Fuzzy spores), Bowser, Tennis Waluigi and Luigi
  5. A close-up of default DK using his new barrel move on Gangplank Galleon against Geno
  6. 6 player Smash between Beige Luigi, Pipsy, Rosalina, K. Rool, Arcade DK, and Regular DK on Mushroom Kingdom 3
  7. A hardcore no-items battle between Mario and Bowser on Omega Bowser's Castle
  8. Dr. Mario shooting out of a Super Launch Star while Goomba and Geno fight below him on Rainbow Road
  9. 5 player Smash on Woolly World with Black Yoshi, Wario, tiny Daisy-colours Peach, hot sauce breath Goomba, and Melee blue-and-green Bowser
  10. Mario Super Jump Punching Plumber Wario on the Frosty Village portion of Timber's Island
These images will be sent to games journalists reporting on the reveal!
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Adventure mode subs are closed! FazDude wins DK by default, while I win Yoshi and Wario by default

Submit entry animations for newcomers!

Please submit entry animations for any or all of the following characters - these will be voted on individually unlike victory themes. Future newcomers will get entry animations, and we will do a job later on the returning fighters' entries.
  • Goomba
  • Mama & Tuxie
  • Gooigi
  • Dixie Kong
  • Funky Kong
  • Timber
  • Baby Bros.
  • Waluigi
  • Ashley & Red
  • Penny
  • Geno
  • Fawful & Cackletta
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
  • Goomba is placed by a Mario Maker hand cursor - the All Night Nippon alt is gauranteeed to be one of the realistic hands and the Cat Goomba alt is gauranteee to be placed by the cat hand
  • Tuxie falls from the Sky and mama rushes to catch him just in time
  • A pipe appears like in Luigi's regular intro, Gooigi crawls out like a slug in a blob form - he does it so slowly that he just falls off when the pipe disappears into the ground
  • Dixie Kong comes out of a DX Barrel
  • Funky Kong hops off his barrel plane
  • A balloon hatch disappears and Timber flies in using the car's plane form, this is accompanied by the sound of children cheering
  • Baby Mario/Peach is in a bubble, crying - Baby Luigi/Daisy falls from the sky, pops the bubble in the process, and upon land and picks their brother/best friend up.
  • Waluigi: Waluigi's rose floats in the air, Waluigi grabs it from off-screen with an extended hand and does a short flamenco dance
  • Ashley walks through a door resembling her stage from Touched, once she's out the door transforms into Red
  • Penny appears from two puffs of smoke with random, pastel, colours with frizzled hair and broken potions on the ground, she stares the screen comically before fixing her hair and rubbing on the soot
  • Geno in spirit form possess his doll.
  • Fawfull appears in a flash of lighting, accompanied by a speech bubble reading a randomised choice of one of his iconic quotes. The Cackletta spirit will ocassionally try to push away the speech bubble
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
original Super Marios Bros 8-bit style goomba walks in from off screen. From the otherside a super mushroom slides across the ground. When the mushroom touches the goomba it switches from 8-bit style to playable character style.

A spooky portal opens with bats and skulls and stuff like that. Ashley steps out of it and it starts to close. She quickly reaches back in and yanks Red out by the arm.

A star falls from the sky. It pulses with energy for a moment. Then there's a bright flash of light and Geno is standing there.


Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
Gooigi: There is a sewer lid on the ground, which he rises out of and pieces himself back together afterwards.
Penny: Rides her bike in like Wario, but parks it correctly and locks it in a bike rack before it dissappears (rather than letting it crash)
Funky Kong: Surfs in from practically nowhere, stands on his hand and does a pose before flipping back up.
Dixie: Is flying with her ponytail and lands on a helipad with a DX instead of an H. The helipad disappears before gameplay starts.
Goomba: Jumps out of an enemy box from 3D Land that quickly dissapears.

Torgo the Bear

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2019
the country where the pretty girls are from
Switch FC
  • Goomba simply pops out of a pipe and walks right off of it (instead of jumping out like most do). This is how Goombas spawn from pipes in Mario Maker.
  • Mama is already on the stage, standing in her puddle (or whatever it is you find her in on Cool, Cool Mountain). Mama is looking around with a panicked expression, until suddenly, Tuxie teleports onto the stage next to her! Tuxie's teleport looks and sounds the same as the "shortcuts" from Mario 64... you know, like the flower patches in Bob-Omb Battlefield or the Broken Bridge on Cool, Cool Mountain.
  • Waluigi is already on the stage, but he's obscured by shadows. Suddenly, a spotlight beams down from nowhere, illuminating the beautiful man! He strikes a pose, similarly to the ones he makes in that one Super Mario Party rhythm minigame where he's the dancemaster, before entering his idle pose.
  • Ashley flies onto the screen with her broomstick.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
  1. Shy Guy + Wart's Room = 5
  2. Monty Mole + Mount Rugged = 8
  3. Pianta + Pinna Park = 7
  4. Steam Gardener + Steam Gardens = 10
  5. Toad + Toad's Factory = 11
  6. Captain Toad + Minecart Tunnel Throwdown = 12
Captain Toad is ready for adventure! pickaxing and treasure hunting, he's got more than enough of the skills needed for a tussle!

Submit a moveset for Captain Toad!

Please submit a moveset for Captain Toad. All that is needed is the 4 special moves, but extra details are appreciated. His Final Smash and animations will be handled later so please don't include them here. Please do not make Captain Toad completely inable to jump, as that would make him near-unplayable.

Like with Timber, I feel the state of this character's alt costumes is very important going forwards...

Submit alternate costumes for Captain Toad!

Please submit either 8 or 16 alternate costumes for Captain Toad + a replacement for Peach's Toad counter if regular Toad is included - said replacement must be functionally the same and it'd be prefered if it was still a Toad character.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Captain Toad alts:
  1. Captain Toad
  2. Archivist Toadette
  3. Captain Toadsworth
  4. Toad
  5. Toadette
  6. Toadsworth
  7. Yellow Toad Brigade (drowsy eyes)
  8. Hint Toad (glasses)
I'm sorry Toad Brigade Green, I really wanted the Captain Toadsworth alt and you got cut on virtue of not being possible to make unique beyond colours.

Peach's Toad replacement is a Baby Birdo, who squirts juice out her nose while laughing when hit (yes, I know this isn't a canon thing, but she fits Peach better than a Baby Yoshi and the juice idea I concieved based on SMS' Yoshies for Baby Yoshi works perfectly given her big schnoz and babies' tendenacies to laugh or be oblivious.)
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Captain Toad Moveset:
  • Neutral Special: Backpack
    • When used, Captain Toad swings his backpack forwards. While the backpack deals very light damage and knockback, its main purpose is to snatch up projectiles, just like Villager’s pocket. Captain Toad can take out a grabbed item with the Neutral Special as well. However, this isn’t a 1:1 copy of Pocket - Captain Toad can’t pick up energy-based projectiles (so while Link’s arrows are fair game, Mario’s fireballs aren’t), but they will be reflected. The move also has a much greater range to compensate.
  • Side Special: Minecart
    • For his Side Special, Captain Toad boards a minecart and rides it forwards, just like Steve’s Side Special (sans being able to alter its speed and grab opponents). He can jump out of it at any time, and it will eventually come to a stop and disappear on its own. Opponents can break it as well, but it can sustain a fair amount of abuse before giving way.
  • Up Special: Propeller Platform
    • Like Min Min’s Up Special, the Propeller Platform has two uses depending on Captain Toad’s position.
    • Using the Up Special on the ground will cause Captain Toad to be blown up by it, causing him to ascend much higher than he would with his jumps. However, he is left helpless until he reaches the apex of his flight, at which point he gains access to his kit again (sans his Up Special).
    • However, using the Up Special in mid-air will actually create a Propeller Platform where Captain Toad is, causing him to stop in place to stand on it. The Propeller Platform will linger for a few seconds before disappearing, and opponents cannot damage it (they can, however, pass through and stand on it themselves if wanted). This essentially resets Captain Toad’s jumps, giving him another chance to make it back to the stage (although he cannot use the Up Special again until he touches the actual stage).
  • Down Special: Big Turnip
    • After a few seconds of start-lag, Captain Toad pulls a large turnip that's a little bigger than his body out of the earth and holds it over his head. While carrying the plump produce, Captain Toad cannot jump or dash, but pressing the attack or special button will have him toss the turnip forwards, dealing major damage and knockback while regaining his mobility in the process.

Captain Toad Alts:
  1. Captain Toad
  2. Archivist Toadette
  3. Toad (Question Block replaces bag)
  4. Toadette (Question Block replaces bag)
  5. Yellow Toad Brigade
  6. Mailtoad
  7. Banktoad
  8. Hint Toad
Toadsworth replaces Toad in Peach's Neutral Special.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Captain Toad


Naturally Captain Toad isn't a particularly acrobatic individual. His heavy backpack prevents him from jumping far or high, and although his dash speed isn't too bad, he's not outpacing many.

However, where the good Captain does excel is with his bag of 'special' tricks which work around his lack of leaping and give him some movement and ways to chase down his opponents.

Neutral special: Backpack Bash
A secret attack in Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, the backpack bash has Captain Toad spin in circles until his big backpack bashes opponents back.

If charged, he'll perform this with a pickaxe in hand, allowing him to deal greater damage with more range as he spins, protecting both his back and front.

Up special: Block Switch Pull
A key aspect of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker was activating mechanisms throughout the world that would allow him to make his way through. These would include turnstyles that would rotate things, touch blocks that would move blocks up and down, propeller platforms that would rise when blown on, etc...but the most plentiful were the Pull Switches.

When Captain Toad pulls this, a block tower will appear below him, elevating him to a higher, temporary platform. Captain Toad will be bounced into the air and a wall will appear below him. Useful for blocking opponents moves or performing the Captain's aerials as he falls back to the stage.

This move can still be activated in the air, allowing for the Captain to get some good height through the sudden burst from the platform, although not taking advantage of the block's momentum may leave the Captain stranded on a tiny platform he cannot return to the stage from. Only one block can be out at a time.

Down Special: Turnip Cannon
Captain Toad pulls another pull switch and a cannon forms around him. Once inside the cannon he can fire a burst of turnips. These can be angled like Yoshi's eggs could in Brawl, allowing for great coverage and giving Captain Toad a powerful projectile move.

The downside is that he's not able to move at all whilst in the cannon, and performing this in the air will prevent him from using his up special, although an aerial turnip cannon can allow him to fire the turnips backwards to be pushed in that direction.

(I didn't want to overlap with Peach's pluck too much, but the turnips are absolutely a major part of Treasure Tracker so we need them!)

Side Special: Minecart
Captain Toad brings a minecart out of his backpack(no wonder it's so heavy!) and gets in it. This shoots forwards with great speed knocking any opponent in it's way flying. Captain Toad can abandon the minecart by 'jumping' out of it although really it's more of a clamber out.

Unlike Wario's bike, this cannot be turned around, although having a minecart out will not prevent you from activating another if Captain Toad is no longer in it, making it somewhat chainable.

Due to it's trajectory it can be easy to avoid if you're aware it's coming...it's just the speed at which it comes may catch you off guard.


Captain Toad alts:

1. Captain Toad
2. Archivist Toadette
3. Hint Toad (Blue Toad brigade member with glasses)
4. Bank Toad (Green Toad brigade member)
5. Yellow Toad (...Yellow Toad Brigade member. Dur)
6. Purple Captain Toad (2nd player Captain Toad in Treasure Tracker. Has the Shroob colouring for his head)
7. Toadsworth (Pickaxe is replaced with his cane. Works exactly the same however, just has an invisible pickaxe head)
8. Mummy-Me (the mummified Toad enemies from Captain Toad Treasure Tracker)

I'm avoiding Toad and Toadette themselves(although Toadette probably is the same character if we're honest and Toad's lineage is hella confusing) just because there's no real reason for Toad, who is often THE speedster character, to be unable to run fast or barely jump.

Everyone of these alts can be seen as wearing heavy backpacks(Captain, Archivist Toadette, Mail, Bank, Hint), being physically unfit(Yellow), undead(Mummy-Me) or in the case of Toadsworth being really freaking old to the point his lack of speed makes perfect sense.

Apologies to the fans of Mail Toad, the purple Toad brigade member but he was abandoned in Treasure Tracker even if he did reappear in Odyssey. Toadsworth is just a more notable Toad to me.

Actually there's also this random blue Toad in the Lost Kingdom who isn't Hint Toad(who is also there) and a red Toad member who appears in Mario Galaxy who isn't Captain Toad...odd.


That said, I do still want to propose a change to Peach's neutral special.


Works very much the same as Toad did back in the day, with Peach holding him in front of her, only Peach fires a charged blast (aka the Chargebrella) to counter opponents.

Throws are replaced by Perry eating the opponent and spitting them out in much the same way Toad would throw them.

I just think Perry works as a nicer nod to Peach's time as a solo lead and feels less...mean spirited than Toad. Or at least less mean spirited than Toad pre-Ultimate felt.
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Captain Toad Alts

1. Captain Toad
2. Archivist Toadette
3. Hint Toad
4. Bank Toad
5. Yellow Toad
6. Mail Toad
7. Red Toad
8. Toadette
9. Bucken-Berry
10. Ala-gold
11. Green Toad
12. Purple Toad
13. Mario Maker Blue Toad
14. Mario Maker Toadette
15. Toadsworth
16. Mummy-Me

Peach Replacement


From Mario Kart, It's identical to toad but instead of spraying spores it just gets much larger dealing damage in a radius.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
I'll submit the moveset in this video. However, in SMSB, Captain Toad will have the ability to jump, though it's about the same as Kazuya's jump height. Also, the cargo throw seen in the video doesn't apply to SMSB.

Captain Toad Alts:
1. Default
2. Hint Toad
3. Bank Toad
4. SMB1 Mushroom colors (orange cap with red spots)
5. Shroob colors (purple cap with white spots)
6. General Starshade (default colors, but with yellow sunglasses and red stars instead of spots)
7. Toadette
8. Toadette with hard hat

Toadsworth as the replacement for Peach's Neutral B.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'll submit the moveset in this video. However, in SMSB, Captain Toad will have the ability to jump, though it's about the same as Kazuya's jump height. Also, the cargo throw seen in the video doesn't apply to SMSB.

Captain Toad Alts:
1. Default
2. Hint Toad
3. Bank Toad
4. SMB1 Mushroom colors (orange cap with red spots)
5. Shroob colors (purple cap with white spots)
6. General Starshade (default colors, but with yellow sunglasses and red stars instead of spots)
7. Toadette
8. Toadette with hard hat

Toadsworth as the replacement for Peach's Down B.
Oh hey, my old animated moveset! Glad you liked it!

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Dr. Mario alts are closed! Usually I'd just give the one submission an auto-win, but I feel my submission could be potentially controversial so I will add Ultimate's Doc alt list to the strawpoll
Dr. Mario alts:
  1. Default
  2. "Surgeon" Blue
  3. Picross Explorer (called "Explorer Mario", throws chunks of rock)
  4. White Explorer (based on the Mario Picross manga)
  5. Yoshi's Cookie Chef (called "Chef Mario", throws cookies)
  6. Green-and-dark green Checkerboard Chef (resembles Dr. Mario menus)
  7. Mario & Wario Bucket and overalls (called "Bucket Mario", throws checkerboard blocks)
  8. Bucket Mario with dark blue shirt/hat and pink overalls/gloves (based on placeholder box art for Mario & Wario's US release)
Please vote here: https://strawpoll.com/polls/w4nWD0Y2lgA

Submit music for Minecart Tunnel Throwdown and Inside Bowser!

Please submit a list or lists of 4 songs for Minecart Tunnel Throwdown and/or Inside Bowser!

Entrance animations will close soon. Today will have a stage job, but not a fighter job.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021
New Peach Counter:

No new counter
As the ruler of the Toads, it seems nessecary to have them in her moveset at least somewhat. And Toad is one of those Mario characters that is also a species, so it wouldn't be too crazy to have more than one of them around.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Intro animation subs are closed!
  • Goomba is placed by a Mario Maker hand cursor - the All Night Nippon alt is gauranteeed to be one of the realistic hands and the Cat Goomba alt is gauranteee to be placed by the cat hand
  • Tuxie falls from the Sky and mama rushes to catch him just in time
  • A pipe appears like in Luigi's regular intro, Gooigi crawls out like a slug in a blob form - he does it so slowly that he just falls off when the pipe disappears into the ground
  • Dixie Kong comes out of a DX Barrel
  • Funky Kong hops off his barrel plane
  • A balloon hatch disappears and Timber flies in using the car's plane form, this is accompanied by the sound of children cheering
  • Baby Mario/Peach is in a bubble, crying - Baby Luigi/Daisy falls from the sky, pops the bubble in the process, and upon land and picks their brother/best friend up.
  • Waluigi: Waluigi's rose floats in the air, Waluigi grabs it from off-screen with an extended hand and does a short flamenco dance
  • Ashley walks through a door resembling her stage from Touched, once she's out the door transforms into Red
  • Penny appears from two puffs of smoke with random, pastel, colours with frizzled hair and broken potions on the ground, she stares the screen comically before fixing her hair and rubbing on the soot
  • Geno in spirit form possess his doll.
  • Fawfull appears in a flash of lighting, accompanied by a speech bubble reading a randomised choice of one of his iconic quotes. The Cackletta spirit will ocassionally try to push away the speech bubble
original Super Marios Bros 8-bit style goomba walks in from off screen. From the otherside a super mushroom slides across the ground. When the mushroom touches the goomba it switches from 8-bit style to playable character style.

A spooky portal opens with bats and skulls and stuff like that. Ashley steps out of it and it starts to close. She quickly reaches back in and yanks Red out by the arm.

A star falls from the sky. It pulses with energy for a moment. Then there's a bright flash of light and Geno is standing there.
Gooigi: There is a sewer lid on the ground, which he rises out of and pieces himself back together afterwards.
Penny: Rides her bike in like Wario, but parks it correctly and locks it in a bike rack before it dissappears (rather than letting it crash)
Funky Kong: Surfs in from practically nowhere, stands on his hand and does a pose before flipping back up.
Dixie: Is flying with her ponytail and lands on a helipad with a DX instead of an H. The helipad disappears before gameplay starts.
Goomba: Jumps out of an enemy box from 3D Land that quickly dissapears.
  • Goomba simply pops out of a pipe and walks right off of it (instead of jumping out like most do). This is how Goombas spawn from pipes in Mario Maker.
  • Mama is already on the stage, standing in her puddle (or whatever it is you find her in on Cool, Cool Mountain). Mama is looking around with a panicked expression, until suddenly, Tuxie teleports onto the stage next to her! Tuxie's teleport looks and sounds the same as the "shortcuts" from Mario 64... you know, like the flower patches in Bob-Omb Battlefield or the Broken Bridge on Cool, Cool Mountain.
  • Waluigi is already on the stage, but he's obscured by shadows. Suddenly, a spotlight beams down from nowhere, illuminating the beautiful man! He strikes a pose, similarly to the ones he makes in that one Super Mario Party rhythm minigame where he's the dancemaster, before entering his idle pose.
  • Ashley flies onto the screen with her broomstick.

My Timber, Baby Bros., and Fawful submissions win by default.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Captain Toad moveset and alts submissions will close soon.

We will vote on alts first followed by Toad's replacement for Peach seperately if the Toad isn't featured in the alts list. If a list without Toad wins the submissions for Peach will be disregarded, and if a list with Toadsworth wins, Janx_uwu and FazDude's Toadsworth submissions will also be disregarded with both having the chance to swap him out for another submission if wanted.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Captain Toad alts and movesets are closed, and we have a surprisingly big amount this time around!
Captain Toad alts:
  1. Captain Toad
  2. Archivist Toadette
  3. Captain Toadsworth
  4. Toad
  5. Toadette
  6. Toadsworth
  7. Yellow Toad Brigade (drowsy eyes)
  8. Hint Toad (glasses)
I'm sorry Toad Brigade Green, I really wanted the Captain Toadsworth alt and you got cut on virtue of not being possible to make unique beyond colours.
Captain Toad Moveset:
  • Neutral Special: Backpack
    • When used, Captain Toad swings his backpack forwards. While the backpack deals very light damage and knockback, its main purpose is to snatch up projectiles, just like Villager’s pocket. Captain Toad can take out a grabbed item with the Neutral Special as well. However, this isn’t a 1:1 copy of Pocket - Captain Toad can’t pick up energy-based projectiles (so while Link’s arrows are fair game, Mario’s fireballs aren’t), but they will be reflected. The move also has a much greater range to compensate.
  • Side Special: Minecart
    • For his Side Special, Captain Toad boards a minecart and rides it forwards, just like Steve’s Side Special (sans being able to alter its speed and grab opponents). He can jump out of it at any time, and it will eventually come to a stop and disappear on its own. Opponents can break it as well, but it can sustain a fair amount of abuse before giving way.
  • Up Special: Propeller Platform
    • Like Min Min’s Up Special, the Propeller Platform has two uses depending on Captain Toad’s position.
    • Using the Up Special on the ground will cause Captain Toad to be blown up by it, causing him to ascend much higher than he would with his jumps. However, he is left helpless until he reaches the apex of his flight, at which point he gains access to his kit again (sans his Up Special).
    • However, using the Up Special in mid-air will actually create a Propeller Platform where Captain Toad is, causing him to stop in place to stand on it. The Propeller Platform will linger for a few seconds before disappearing, and opponents cannot damage it (they can, however, pass through and stand on it themselves if wanted). This essentially resets Captain Toad’s jumps, giving him another chance to make it back to the stage (although he cannot use the Up Special again until he touches the actual stage).
  • Down Special: Big Turnip
    • After a few seconds of start-lag, Captain Toad pulls a large turnip that's a little bigger than his body out of the earth and holds it over his head. While carrying the plump produce, Captain Toad cannot jump or dash, but pressing the attack or special button will have him toss the turnip forwards, dealing major damage and knockback while regaining his mobility in the process.

Captain Toad Alts:
  1. Captain Toad
  2. Archivist Toadette
  3. Toad (Question Block replaces bag)
  4. Toadette (Question Block replaces bag)
  5. Yellow Toad Brigade
  6. Mailtoad
  7. Banktoad
  8. Hint Toad
Captain Toad

View attachment 348697

Naturally Captain Toad isn't a particularly acrobatic individual. His heavy backpack prevents him from jumping far or high, and although his dash speed isn't too bad, he's not outpacing many.

However, where the good Captain does excel is with his bag of 'special' tricks which work around his lack of leaping and give him some movement and ways to chase down his opponents.

Neutral special: Backpack Bash
A secret attack in Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, the backpack bash has Captain Toad spin in circles until his big backpack bashes opponents back.

If charged, he'll perform this with a pickaxe in hand, allowing him to deal greater damage with more range as he spins, protecting both his back and front.

Up special: Block Switch Pull
A key aspect of Captain Toad Treasure Tracker was activating mechanisms throughout the world that would allow him to make his way through. These would include turnstyles that would rotate things, touch blocks that would move blocks up and down, propeller platforms that would rise when blown on, etc...but the most plentiful were the Pull Switches.

When Captain Toad pulls this, a block tower will appear below him, elevating him to a higher, temporary platform. Captain Toad will be bounced into the air and a wall will appear below him. Useful for blocking opponents moves or performing the Captain's aerials as he falls back to the stage.

This move can still be activated in the air, allowing for the Captain to get some good height through the sudden burst from the platform, although not taking advantage of the block's momentum may leave the Captain stranded on a tiny platform he cannot return to the stage from. Only one block can be out at a time.

Down Special: Turnip Cannon
Captain Toad pulls another pull switch and a cannon forms around him. Once inside the cannon he can fire a burst of turnips. These can be angled like Yoshi's eggs could in Brawl, allowing for great coverage and giving Captain Toad a powerful projectile move.

The downside is that he's not able to move at all whilst in the cannon, and performing this in the air will prevent him from using his up special, although an aerial turnip cannon can allow him to fire the turnips backwards to be pushed in that direction.

(I didn't want to overlap with Peach's pluck too much, but the turnips are absolutely a major part of Treasure Tracker so we need them!)

Side Special: Minecart
Captain Toad brings a minecart out of his backpack(no wonder it's so heavy!) and gets in it. This shoots forwards with great speed knocking any opponent in it's way flying. Captain Toad can abandon the minecart by 'jumping' out of it although really it's more of a clamber out.

Unlike Wario's bike, this cannot be turned around, although having a minecart out will not prevent you from activating another if Captain Toad is no longer in it, making it somewhat chainable.

Due to it's trajectory it can be easy to avoid if you're aware it's coming...it's just the speed at which it comes may catch you off guard.


Captain Toad alts:

1. Captain Toad
2. Archivist Toadette
3. Hint Toad (Blue Toad brigade member with glasses)
4. Bank Toad (Green Toad brigade member)
5. Yellow Toad (...Yellow Toad Brigade member. Dur)
6. Purple Captain Toad (2nd player Captain Toad in Treasure Tracker. Has the Shroob colouring for his head)
7. Toadsworth (Pickaxe is replaced with his cane. Works exactly the same however, just has an invisible pickaxe head)
8. Mummy-Me (the mummified Toad enemies from Captain Toad Treasure Tracker)

I'm avoiding Toad and Toadette themselves(although Toadette probably is the same character if we're honest and Toad's lineage is hella confusing) just because there's no real reason for Toad, who is often THE speedster character, to be unable to run fast or barely jump.

Everyone of these alts can be seen as wearing heavy backpacks(Captain, Archivist Toadette, Mail, Bank, Hint), being physically unfit(Yellow), undead(Mummy-Me) or in the case of Toadsworth being really freaking old to the point his lack of speed makes perfect sense.

Apologies to the fans of Mail Toad, the purple Toad brigade member but he was abandoned in Treasure Tracker even if he did reappear in Odyssey. Toadsworth is just a more notable Toad to me.

Actually there's also this random blue Toad in the Lost Kingdom who isn't Hint Toad(who is also there) and a red Toad member who appears in Mario Galaxy who isn't Captain Toad...odd.
Captain Toad Alts

1. Captain Toad
2. Archivist Toadette
3. Hint Toad
4. Bank Toad
5. Yellow Toad
6. Mail Toad
7. Red Toad
8. Toadette
9. Bucken-Berry
10. Ala-gold
11. Green Toad
12. Purple Toad
13. Mario Maker Blue Toad
14. Mario Maker Toadette
15. Toadsworth
16. Mummy-Me
I'll submit the moveset in this video. However, in SMSB, Captain Toad will have the ability to jump, though it's about the same as Kazuya's jump height. Also, the cargo throw seen in the video doesn't apply to SMSB.

Captain Toad Alts:
1. Default
2. Hint Toad
3. Bank Toad
4. SMB1 Mushroom colors (orange cap with red spots)
5. Shroob colors (purple cap with white spots)
6. General Starshade (default colors, but with yellow sunglasses and red stars instead of spots)
7. Toadette
8. Toadette with hard hat
Please vote here for the moveset

and here for alts

Submit a scrolling stage!

The infamous, the dreaded - that's right, we're adding a scrolling stage! Please submit a stage that, for the majority of it's cycle, requires players to move away from the blast zone and perform platforming horizontally or vertically (or even diagonally if you wish). Small "break" periods like those on 3D Land and Rainbow Cruise are allowed, but must take up a small portion of the stage's loop. Car/moving stages like Big Blue won't be allowed, nor will travelling stages like Delfino Plaza or Wuhu Island.
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Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom

This is a downwards scrolling stage based on the sky portions of Yoshi Touch & Go. The platforms are all clouds, with the occasional cloud trail being drawn. Gusties and Briers serve as hazards, with balloons flying in that can be popped to get an item - though you have to make sure they're above a platform when popped or else no item. After a while, you will land on a Yoshi boat - which resembles Ship Yoshi from Universal Gravitation but is a wooden boat themed on Yoshi rather than a transformed Yoshi - sailing above swimmable water with Gusty and Brier hazards still flying by, and cloud platforms and balloons still popping by, as the sun comes out. islands that resemble the Yoshi's Island Brawl, Yoshi's Island Melee, and now-absent Yoshi's Story Melee stages can be seen in the background but aren't interactable. After the night turns to day, the Yoshi Boat quickly gets caught up in a tornado and flies up to the sky for a brief time a la Pirate Ship with no balloons, clouds, or hazards, which starts the cycle again at daytime when it disappears. The sky version of the Yoshi Boat is this stage's hazards off form. There's a random chance of the sky form having rain and/or the boat form having snow.
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Deleted member


Super Mario Run
A farily simple scrolling stage. Takes place during a game of the mobile game of the same name. Sometimes a finger will interact with the screen, just someone trying to play their game, which could act as a hazard.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
View attachment 348802
Super Mario Run
A farily simple scrolling stage. Takes place during a game of the mobile game of the same name. Sometimes a finger will interact with the screen, just someone trying to play their game, which could act as a hazard.
I'm not 100% sure if I can approve this one because of just how visually similar it'd be to Mushroom Kingdom U - would you mind making some kind of cosmetic change, like playing up the mobile aspect or changing the location to another from the game for example?

Deleted member

I'm not 100% sure if I can approve this one because of just how visually similar it'd be to Mushroom Kingdom U - would you mind making some kind of cosmetic change, like playing up the mobile aspect or changing the location to another from the game for example?
Have it take place on a phone screen? Was so thinking there would be multiple backgrounds.

But I'm fine just scrapping it

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Have it take place on a phone screen? Was so thinking there would be multiple backgrounds.

But I'm fine just scrapping it
The more detail the better! Adding both of those details to your original post in an edit (especially - but not manditorily - with extra details like if the real world can or can't be seen behind the phone, or which specific parts of the game would be in the rotation) would make it completely in the clear.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Submit a third alternate stage form!

Please submit a third universal alternate stage form to exist alongside Omega and Battlefield forms - this doesn't have to be a competitive stage, but it doesn't have to be a casual stage either. It can also be based on official Smash stages that have yet to get a counterpart, or an original layout


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
The stage form I will be submitting is the Ringout Form.

Ringout stages are essentially the King of Fighters Stadium from Smash Ultimate, being a walkoff-stage with invisible walls covering the side blast zones. Only by launching opponents with enough velocity can the walls be broken, causing the launched fighter to be KO'd.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Temple Forms

That's right, Temple is back as you've never seen it before! Every single stage gets a huge Temple form, perfect for casual players - who use omegas more than competitive players anyway. Since these aren't designed for competitive play, they may have extremely slight variations in layout, usually to make them look more cosmetically appealing by flattening out certain slopes or ceilings.

I was stuck between this and Smashketball, but I feel there's a lot of potential for a devoted Smashketball stages where there isn't for a Temple reskin
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Smash Master
Writing Team
May 17, 2020
Faraway Avalon
The Airship (SMB3)

Considerably darker toned than most other stages on the roster. These stages are some of the most iconic sidescrollers period, so why not include them?
but real talk I'd rather not include one if we don't have too, sidescrollers are never fun in any platformer or platfighter

Smashville Form

Seeing as it's been adapted to most other platform fighters, Smashville is definitely one of the most well-liked competitve platfighter stage layouts so it makes sense to adapt it to SMSB.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
My Dr. Mario alt list wins, bringing along Explorer Mario, Chef Mario, and Bucket Mario as new alts! My music lists win by default.

Submit alternate costumes for Ashley & Red!

Please submit a list of either 8 or 16 alternate costumes for Ashley & Red

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
YoshiAndToad's Captain Toad moveset wins! There are yet to be enough votes to properly determine Captain Toad's alt list, so please vote here.

For intros:
  • Janx_uwu wins Goomba
  • I win Mama & Tuxie
  • Janx_uwu wins Gooigi
  • Janx_uwu wins Dixie Kong
  • Janx_uwu wins Funky Kong
  • Torgo the Bear wins Waluigi
  • Oddball wins Ashley
  • I win Penny
  • I win Geno
Toad replacements will not close until alts are closed for Captain Toad

Stage subs are closed!

This is a downwards scrolling stage based on the sky portions of Yoshi Touch & Go. The platforms are all clouds, with the occasional cloud trail being drawn. Gusties and Briers serve as hazards, with balloons flying in that can be popped to get an item - though you have to make sure they're above a platform when popped or else no item. After a while, you will land on a Yoshi boat - which resembles Ship Yoshi from Universal Gravitation but is a wooden boat themed on Yoshi rather than a transformed Yoshi - sailing above swimmable water with Gusty and Brier hazards still flying by, and cloud platforms and balloons still popping by, as the sun comes out. islands that resemble the Yoshi's Island Brawl, Yoshi's Island Melee, and now-absent Yoshi's Story Melee stages can be seen in the background but aren't interactable. After the night turns to day, the Yoshi Boat quickly gets caught up in a tornado and flies up to the sky for a brief time a la Pirate Ship with no balloons, clouds, or hazards, which starts the cycle again at daytime when it disappears. The sky version of the Yoshi Boat is this stage's hazards off form. There's a random chance of the sky form having rain and/or the boat form having snow.
The stage form I will be submitting is the Ringout Form.

Ringout stages are essentially the King of Fighters Stadium from Smash Ultimate, being a walkoff-stage with invisible walls covering the side blast zones. Only by launching opponents with enough velocity can the walls be broken, causing the launched fighter to be KO'd.
Temple Forms

That's right, Temple is back as you've never seen it before! Every single stage gets a huge Temple form, perfect for casual players - who use omegas more than competitive players anyway. Since these aren't designed for competitive play, they may have extremely slight variations in layout, usually to make them look more cosmetically appealing by flattening out certain slopes or ceilings.

I was stuck between this and Smashketball, but I feel there's a lot of potential for a devoted Smashketball stages where there isn't for a Temple reskin
The Airship (SMB3)

Considerably darker toned than most other stages on the roster. These stages are some of the most iconic sidescrollers period, so why not include them?
but real talk I'd rather not include one if we don't have too, sidescrollers are never fun in any platformer or platfighter

Smashville Form

Seeing as it's been adapted to most other platform fighters, Smashville is definitely one of the most well-liked competitve platfighter stage layouts so it makes sense to adapt it to SMSB.
Please vote here for forms
and here for stages

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Submit 1 or 2 new non-special attacks for a veteran!
Please submit 1 or 2 new non-special attacks for a veteran or veterans. These can be a jab, tilt, throw, aerial, Smash attack, dash attack, or even getup/ledge attack. These will be first come first serve within reason. This will not disconfirm future changes. DK and Daisy are not allowed since the first had future changes disconfirmed and the latter has been reworked. These won't effect clones.
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