Submit music for Fiendish Floats
Please submit 4 music tracks for Fiendish Floats! These can be Smash original music
cosmetic content!
There are 3 kinds of cosmetic content
- Headwear
- Patterns
- Trails
Headwear is, of course, worn on the head. They can be hats; masks; glasses; mouthwear; neckwear; ears; or even little creatures! Please note that if an alt is only distinguishable from another alt by the hat/head, (for example, the Bucket Mario Dr. Mario alt) it can't be used but say, a plumber Wario hat could be added because there's no alt that's the same as another just with the hat. Headwear will not disconfirm,
Patterns are part of the custom colours feature, they're - well - patterns. They can be animated. Most are customisable in colour.
Trails follow their user around, think like how Commander Video looks in Fraymakers. Trails cannot be animated. These aren't customisable in colour
To begin, these pieces of headwear are included
- Mario Hat
- Luigi Hat
- Peach Wit
- Daisy Wig
- Captain Toad hat
- Bowser mouth hat
- Bowser Jr. teeth bandanna
- Rosalina wig
- Goomba mask
- Piranha Plant mouth hat
- Penguin hat
- Pink Gold Peach wig
- Undodog collar
- Dr. Mario head mirror
- E. Gadd glasses and wig
- Gooigi hat
- Donkey Kong mouth hat
- Diddy Kong hat
- Dixie Kong wig
- Funky Kong bandanna
- King K. Rool swolen eye and crown
- Klump army hat
- Timber mouth hat
- Yoshi mouth hat
- Baby Peach pacifier
- Birdo mouth hat
- The Stork hat
- Biker Wario hat
- Plumber Waluigi hat
- Ashley wig
- Penny wig
- Captain Syrup wig and bandanna
- Geno hat
- Fawful hat
- Mimi pigtails
- Rawk Hawk hat
- President Koopa wig
All new main fighters will get a piece of headwear tied to them
Now, let us begin with cosmetic content!
Submit headwear based on an ally contact!
Please submit up to 4 pieces of headwear based on a character featured as an Ally Contact! How many will be added based on how many submissions are made.
Submit a simple, non-animated pattern!
Please submit a simple non-animated pattern with only 2 customisable colours and geometric shapes! You can submit up to 5.
Submit a trail!
Please submit any trail! You can submit up to 5.