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Smashboards Creates: SEGA Superstars World Cup (Current Jobs: Amigo/Sakura/Chomp/Knuckles/Nei/Elenor movesets and collectables!)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #11:
  1. Tom-Tom
  2. Joe Musashi
  3. Flicky
Job #12:
  1. Stadium De Amigo
  2. Distorted Shrine
  3. Pengtartica


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.

Let's take a look at our brand new SEGA Superstar:

Super Hang-On Rider: 2
Virtua Striker: 5
Temjin: 3
Joe Musashi: 9
Opa-Opa: 23
Gilius Thunderhead: 6
Zobio and Zobiko: 2
Flicky: 8
Tom-Tom: 8

By a considerable margin, our new Arcade signing is Opa-Opa! Congratulations to Speed Weed Speed Weed for his superstar signing!


So...what about our Stadium?

Let's look at the results!

SEGA S.A. Soccer: 19
Distorted Shrine: 3
Pengartica: 9
Infested Spaceship: 5
OutRun Bay: 8
Wonderland Wars: 3
Flicky's House: 0
Stadium De Amigo: 13

There you have it folks, our second stadium is SEGA S.A. Soccer! Congratulations to tonygameman tonygameman for being top of the table!


Job #13: Submit a Sponsor

Alright, so this is our very first Sponsorship job. So to demonstrate what a Sponsorship submission looks like, I'll mock an example one up here:

Horatio-Sponsor.png - Try to include a picture of the character in question, as these will likely be more obscure SEGA characters than the main playable cast. (this pic is actually a meme of the Horatio smiling, but it fits very well for the company, so I'm including it)

Sponsorship: Horatio's Beautification Surgery - This can be a fake company starring a real character.

Series: Endless - Name the series the character is from.

Character: Horatio
- Name of the actual character associated. Do note that Sponsors CANNOT also be players unless under very specific circumstances. Sonic, Tails, AiAi, Chie and Opa-Opa for example cannot be Sponsors now as they are players. Ironically my example here would work as an exception as Horatio are a species of clones meaning Horatio could be both player, sponsor, audience member and other positions all at once without it being too odd.

Description: "A beautiful game deserves beautiful players.

With this Sponsorship, the ecological dictator of Horatio Prime will grant your opponents a free sample of that beauty. When summoning Horatio as your sponsor, Horatio will graciously splice the DNA of the opposing team and transform them into clones of himself.

Whilst Horatio is undeniably a perfect specimen of a man, he does not enjoy getting dirty and therefore the ability to perform tackles, both sliding and aggressive will be unavailable to the opposing team for a short period of time. Once the advert for Horatio's Beautification Surgery ends (roughly 20 seconds), the opposing players will change back to normal and be allowed to rough house, tackle and get covered in mud." - The description will explain what the effect is. Try to give as much detail as you can whilst clearly explaining the effect of the Sponsor.


Okay, now you hopefully understand what the assist trophy like Sponsors roles are I look forward to your submissions!

Try not to submit anyone you'd want to see as a player, as a winning submission will disqualify that character from a playable position in the future.
So for example, submitting Knuckles, or Dr. Eggman would likely be a pretty bad idea given how many people want them on the roster, but I doubt anyone would get too mad at you for including Honey the Cat's fashionista business as a sponsorship.

As always we will have a 24 hours submission period, so make sure to get those Sponsor suggestions in!

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Smart Alex and Alice's Daycare

Series: Sega Pico

Characters: Smart Alex and Smart Alice

Description: "The world's first school for adults, by kids!" Smart Alex and Alice will cover up an opposing player with a large addition, subtraction, or multiplication question, their face on the sign to signify it's for them, if they answer correctly they'll be released and given an extemely slight buff (that can be stacked) and if they answer wrong (or not at all) they'll spin out and lose their buffs! These equasions are slow to appear at first, but quickly become more and more rapid.
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Job #13: ChuChus


Sponsorship: ChuChu Interstellar Evacuation Service

Series: ChuChu Rocket!

Character: ChuChus

A mischief of scared mice runs for their lives to escape the feline invasion.

With this Sponsorship, the race of mouse-like aliens ChuChus will make a beeline for their rocket which lands on the opposite side of the field that they come from, running away from the invisible danger of KapuKapus.

Since ChuChus are way too small to be a disruption for the players, you may think they won't affect the game too much and you'd be correct. However, different arrows that point to the four cardinal directions which appear on the field in a chessboard pattern? They will significantly alter the momentum of any player that steps on them. These arrows appear randomly and up to 10 of them might be on the field at a time, constantly switching directions and placements. ChuChus also change directions when they step on the arrows, which may change the time it takes for them to get on their rocket and fly away.

As none of the ChuChus summoned with this sponsorship are the named pilots, I assume they may still be eligible for a player job.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Job #13: Gus

Crazy Taxi Gus Gazillionaire.png

Sponsorship: Gus's Crazy Taxi Service

Series: Crazy Taxi

Character: Gus

Gus, whilst not as popular as his junior Taxi Drivers B.D. Joe, Axel or Gena, is the original inventor of the Crazy Taxi trend, meaning he's the most seasoned pro of the group.

When the sponsorship plays, Gus will burst into the stadium and 'offer' a ride to whichever opponent is closest to the player who activates the sponsorship and drive them out of the stadium for the length of the advertisement, forcing the opponent's team to be down a man.

We say offer, but it's more like Gus runs the opponent down, knocking them over his bonnet and into the backseat.

Clever players may wait to activate Gus when a cluster of opposing players are surrounding them as Gus will pick up upto three opponents if they're in the same spot, halving the opponents team. This Sponsorship will wear off immedietly if a goal is scored against the opponent however.


4 hours left to submit a Sponsorship!
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 13

Sponsorship: The Tojo Clan

Character: Daigo Dojima

Description: The Tojo Clan was interested in this game and decided to sponsor it.

When the sponsor is activated Daigo Dojima and a team of Tojo Clan Goons would flood the stadium and try to block or shove opponents and get the ball to your team.

I just think calling in the yakuza to help you win a Soccer match is funny.
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Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2018
Portland, OR
Sponsorship: Stephen’s Devil Summoning Program

Series: Shin Megami Tensei
Characters Associated: Stephen

Having trouble keeping the ball away from the other team? Sick of the opposing team thinking they can score on you without any difficulty? What you need is some demonic assistance! Using his patented demon summoning computer program, Stephen is able to call upon his friends from the other side to give his sponsored team the upper hand. When the sponsorship is active, Stephen will summon one of three demons onto the field at random, each with their own unique effects.
  • Pixie will help rejuvenate the players with a healing skill that temporarily increases the players’ speed and strength
  • Decarabia gives the goalkeeper an extra hand by casting Tetrakarn, which will reflect the ball back if it hits the goal. The skill will automatically wear off after 10 seconds or after it reflects a ball
  • Jack Frost will cover the sponsored team’s side of the field in ice, making it incredibly slippery and difficult to maneuver around in.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
There's the final whistle on this job!

Job #13

Lots of solid submissions for this round, it's great to see so many varied ideas for Sponsorships!

Let's take a look on who you'll be voting for...
  • Smart Alex and Alice's Daycare: Offering stackable and subtractible buffs based on math problems on the pitch, submitted by our own Smart Alec; Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario
  • ChuChu Interstellar Evacuation Service: Those adorable ChuChus are causing a cat-aclysmic cat-astrophy on the pitch with their arrows that can mess up momentum, submitted by the big cheese themselves, osby osby
  • Gus's Crazy Taxi Service: Gus is a step ahead of the competition, in that he will take people to their destinations before they're ready to travel or even planned the trip. Submitted by Gus' artificial intelligent SatNav, me. YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
  • The Tojo Clan: In Football you need to really work your muscles to push yourself to your limits...but what if you just hire some muscles to push your opponents instead? Submitted by local crime boss cashregister9 cashregister9
  • Stephen’s Devil Summoning Program: A team is only as good as the members on the field...luckily for you, Stephen has access to a trio of additional players who may be able to help you secure victory, namely Pixie, Decarabia and Jack Frost. Submitted by Demon Striker United F.C.'s manager, OrpheusTelos OrpheusTelos
As always please vote for your top three, with your own submission only able to be in third. You have only 24 hours to get those votes in. Really pleased with the line up for these so far, great work everyone!


I'm thinking of extending moveset jobs to a 48 hour period due to how much more involved they are. Please note I'll still run a job alongside the moveset jobs with a shorter 24 hour period to keep the momentum up, but I think this longer time period may take additional pressure off you all.

Let me know how you all feel about this particular deadline change during your votes for the above job or whilst posting the below job. Curious on your thoughts.

For now though, we're going to test it out, which is HIGHLY appropriate given how today's striker is a boy of science.

Job #14: You have 48 hours to submit a moveset for the twin tailed boy genius; Miles "Tails" Prower.

Please refer to the submission form on the first post for help with movesets!
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Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
1. So back off your rules, Back off the jive 'Cause I'm sick of not living to stay alive, Leave me alone, Asking a lot I don't wanna to be controlled, It's all I want! (Crazy Taxi)

2. Chuchus

3. Stephen


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
  1. Gus's Crazy Taxi Service
  2. The Tojo Clan
  3. ChuChu Interstellar Evacuation Service


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Well, a bit of a weird day here at Smashboards, with the site being down for most of it, but 24 hours have indeed passed and we still got a fair amount of votes!

Let's look at the results!

Smart Alex and Alice's Daycare: 2
ChuChu Interstellar Evacuation Service: 15
Gus's Crazy Taxi Service: 18
The Tojo Clan: 18

Stephen's Devil Summoning Program: 7

Well this is interesting! Our very first draw,

Draws happen all the time in Football of course...so I'm going to make the executive decision and put both Gus's Crazy Taxi Service AND The Tojo Clan in as Sponsorships. Congratulations to cashregister9 cashregister9 for their successful Sponsorship! And err...myself I guess! Thanks everyone, you've been great!


A reminder that Tails's moveset job (Job #14) is still in play, and will be ending in 24 hours.


Job 15: Submit a SEGA character from the SG-1000

Yes, it's Sega's very first foray into the home console market, and probably their least well known console to the masses.

I'd advise you all to look into the SG-1000's game list for some ideas. Fortunately many of the titles are SEGA's own work due to licensing issues and Nintendo having a stranglehold on third party developers at the time.

To make this job a little easier I'm going to say that the character in question doesn't have to have debuted on the SG-1000, but they must have had a game on the console.

You have 24 hours to get your signings in!


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2018
Switch FC
Job #3: New SG-1000 Representing Character - Princess Kurumi (Ninja Princess)

Princess Kurumi is the protagonist of SEGA's Ninja Princess, also known as "SEGA Ninja" or simply "The Ninja" (on SEGA Master System), which focuses on her escaping from a traitorous retainer, Zaemon Gyokuro, after he took over her castle and ordered his men to carry away after being kidnapped, transforming herself into a kunoichi and sets about saving her home and putting a stop to Gyokuro's takeover. She is known for being one of the early ninjas (predating Joe Musashi by two years) and female heroines/protagonists in the video game history the year before Samus Aran debuted. Obscure representation is pretty much appreciated, besides appearing in Ready Player Two, SEGA Ages port of Columns II on Nintendo Switch and was referenced in Segagaga.
Sure, Kurumi did originate from the arcades in 1985, but in honesty hence Yoshi's words on being eligible, Ninja Princess is known as one of the best classic games in both that era and SG-1000 itself for people's money.

On the field, Kurumi will utilize her kunoichi/ninja skills as an agile player with quick speed and decent power, even being able to perform flashy acrobatic martial arts techniques like back-flip kicks, throwing knives or larger shurikens (only for slowing down and stunning respectively), dashing like a blur (like how fast ninjas usually go in some media) and turning herself invisible (or in other words, simply disappearing) for a short period of time. She can maybe even call out her retainers, probably nicer variations of enemies from her home game, because she's a royal princess, after all.
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Torgo the Bear

Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2019
the country where the pretty girls are from
Switch FC
SG-1000 character:

Papri (Girl's Garden)
Girl's Garden is notable for being the very first Sega game worked on by Yuji Naka, who you may know as the co-creator of Sonic the Hedgehog. In Girl's Garden, you control a girl named Papri who must collect a bunch of flowers to give to a boy she likes. If she can't get him enough flowers in time, the boy will- gasp- meet another woman! Papri has to maneuver her maze-like gardens while avoiding enemies to round up her flowers, otherwise she may be stuck in the friend zone forever. And it's not as pleasant as you might think...

Anyway, Papri is hoping to come out of obscurity to play some soccer! She may be a tad on the basic side as far as gameplay goes, but a nice, balanced player is nothing to sneeze at. What you will sneeze at are her flowers! Her special moves could let her create miniature flower gardens, which could slow down other players and maybe even spawn enemies from Girl's Garden!
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Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
S-1000 Character:
Bongo (Congo Bongo)

Bongo is main Antagonist of Congo Bongo, released on Arcades and S-1000. Bongo is a huge Gorrila that doesn't want to be killed by hunter.
Bongo is one of Most obscure characters and he was inspired by Nintendo's Donkey Kong, where he was throwing random barrels that roll down from the Construction site like Bongo does.

I know this pick would be very odd and it feels like a joke, but Bongo could be great character for SEGA Soocer game. He could play like Donkey Kong from Mario Strikers and his one of moves could be, where he summons hunter to assist him.

I picked Bongo, because is more known character in his game than unnamed hunter and he could be one of most obscure SEGA characters that ever existed.
Also his game was answer to Donkey Kong if you know.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
What I enjoy about the SG-1000 job is nearly every character is basically a very obscure retro character.

Job # 15: Chumy


This small pink rat is Chumy, who starred in the 1984 SG-1000 game, Hustle Chumy. Chumy is a sewer rat who must collect apples and other food. However she is not alone down there as cats, alligators, bats, space aliens and mecha godzilla attempt to devour her instead.

The gimmick of Chumy was that the more food you collected, the slower she'd move, however her basic move (a fireball she could breathe...yeah I'm not sure why it was a fireball either) would gain a longer reach and become more powerful in exchange for her speed. Perhaps Chumy could have a special move which exchanges her speed for power...

Much like how Papri is notable for being the starter of Sonic the Hedgehog creator Yuji Naka's career, Chumy in turn was the first game Alex Kidd creator, Kotaro Hayashida worked on.



Deleted member


The main character of the 1985 side scrolling beat 'em up game Dragon Wang and its Master System sequal Kung Fu Kid. Wang is a young martial artist who must kick, jump and punch his way through a horde of deadly martial artists in order to save his girlfriend Kyoko.

He would make use of his martial arts skills on the field.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom

The main character of the 1985 side scrolling beat 'em up game Dragon Wang and its Master System sequal Kung Fu Kid. Wang is a young martial artist who must kick, jump and punch his way through a horde of deadly martial artists in order to save his girlfriend Kyoko.

He would make use of his martial arts skills on the field.
"His name means King in Chinese"
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
And that's the final limited sound chip noise! Yes it sounds like a whistle. Or a strained connection between the SG-1000 and Football.

First things first, sadly Tails didn't get a moveset within the time limit, so that job is going to be shelved for now.

What does this mean? It means Tails lacks a moveset.

It also means we're removing him from the roster
. Sorry Tails.




Okay, I'm kidding.

What it means is I'll be giving Tails a moveset later, but the poor guy is stuck with whatever I pick.
Luckily for Tails he's one of my very favourite characters ever so I'll make sure he gets something good for sure.

Tails is now an unlockable character
however rather than a base starter character, which will be the fate of all players who don't get a moveset submission within 48 hours time.

Let's hope things go smoother for Opa-Opa as it's his turn...
Job #16: Submit a moveset for Opa-Opa

You have 48 hours to get something in for the Sentient Spaceship, less he share Tails unlockable status.


Job #15 Submission round up!

Let's take a look at our SG-1000 crew:
  • Flicky is here to rustle some feathers. Submitted by professional Tweeter, Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario
  • Princess Kurumi is ready to liberate both her country and your hearts. By scoring goals. Submitted by Kurumi's most loyal retainer, tonygameman tonygameman
  • Papri is hoping you pick her, and will show that all roses have their thorns on the football field. Submitted by the object of her desires, Torgo the Bear Torgo the Bear
  • Bongo is fired up and ready to set the field ablaze much like a certain hunter's tent. Submitted by nature documentary maker, Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds
  • Chumy is hungry for victory both in the sewers and on the field. Submitted by a man who has rats along his back, me, YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
  • Wang has been practicing his kicks for many years, making him an ideal candidate for this game. Let's hope he doesn't have to face off against any torso-less legs this time! Submitted by his Kung Fu master(after the last one was killed) @Darkonedagger
We have birds, rats, apes, kung fu experts, ninjutsu practicing royalty and a lovesick girl dealing with a fickle heart. We really do have something for everyone!

Please vote for your top three sports fans! As always your own submission can only be in third place.

Please note, the voting period for this round will be shorter due to personal reasons, meaning you have only 20 HOURS this time to get these votes in.
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