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SmashBoards Creates: Champions of The Domain, a Public Domain Platform Fighter


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 14: Cthulhu


Cthulhu is the major villain from Cthulhu Mythos, who was created by H.P. Lovecraft, he is a being from The Old Ones, a race of deities who are comapaded by cosmic beings and archdemons,also Ctchulhu is the most strongest being and the most iconic one

Cthulhu will be the Ridley from Champions of The Domain, he's canonical very tall, but he can be shrunken, similar from Ridley, and he have potencial to be a heavyheaight fighter


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2023

Villain Fighter:
Martian Tripod (War of the Worlds)

A rather large and gangly fighting machine that would utilize heat rays, red weeds, black smoke, and tentacles to get the upper hand! This fiend would provide a remarkably unique playstyle, just watch out for the common cold if you choose to play as it!


Stage Submission:
Loch Ness

Home of the Loch Ness Monster, who would serve as one of the platforms, imagine a similar layout to great bay.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Villain Character: Dracula
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Do I even need to describe who Dracula is? That is how popular he is in the pop culture zeitgeist.

Non-Fighter Stage: Land of the Living Dead(Night of the Living Dead)

A stage set in a graveyard where the titular zombies are seen in the background roaming.
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Villain Character: Dracula

Do I even need to describe who Dracula is? That is how popular he is in the pop culture zeitgeist.

Non-Fighter Stage: Land of the Living Dead(Night of the Living Dead)

A stage set in a graveyard where the titular zombies are seen in the background roaming.
I'm glad you suggested Dracula, because I was just about to. Now I can nominate somebody else!

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Captain Hook

Captain Hook, the iconic villain from J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, is a fearsome pirate captain known for his ruthless demeanor and relentless pursuit of Peter Pan. With his signature iron hook replacing his severed hand, Hook is both sinister and sophisticated, often displaying a mix of cruelty and elegance. He commands the pirate ship, the Jolly Roger, with an iron fist, and his crew fears and respects him in equal measure. His combat skills are formidable, utilizing his hook for devastating close-range attacks and his sword for swift, precise strikes. Hook’s strategic mind allows him to set cunning traps for his enemies, and his special move could involve summoning the ticking crocodile that haunts him.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Villain Character: Dracula

Do I even need to describe who Dracula is? That is how popular he is in the pop culture zeitgeist.

Non-Fighter Stage: Land of the Living Dead(Night of the Living Dead)

A stage set in a graveyard where the titular zombies are seen in the background roaming.
Your post needs a picture.

Here ya' go.

Dracula (4).jpg


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Job 14: Villian
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Pete (Disney)
The oldest Disney character since the 1920s, Mickey's arch enemy/rival, captain of the steamboat, and is now public domain alongside the mouse.

Pete himself would be using his bulky size to fight, not much to do, I guess.
(If we do get a Disney character, I guess Mickey himself could make it into the roster very soon)

Job 15: Sea of Fog (an oil painting by the German painter Caspar David Friedrich, completed around 1818)
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A landscape blanketed in fog. Through the fog, forests and rocky ridges can be seen.

Fighters would be battling on the rocky landscape with the danger of falling off alongside fog blanketing making stuff hard to see.
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Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
sorry i missed this it's been a manic day
Job #14:
Character Name: Maschinenmensch
Character Origin: Metropolis (1927)

I don't think we're likely to get a lot of film reps here, so an iconic one from the German Expressionist movement feels like a really good pick in my mind. The Maschinenmensch (also known by other names, like "False Maria", "Ultima" and "Parody") is arguably the film's villain, as it takes the role of Maria and sparks a revolution in her image, as well as essentially filling an interesting role as a "Frankenstein creation" that'd give it neat parallels to Frankenstein's monster (should we add him.) It's also not likely we'll have too many female (or, at least, female-appearing) characters in this roster overall - so this fills that niche too.

In terms of moveset, I imagine you could have a variety of tools inspired by the film's groundbreaking special effects to make it a strange mix between a powerful zoner and a very strong, albeit slow, melee fighter - but one idea I had was also to go with the idea of revolution, bringing forth disaffected workers and sending them to attack opponents.

(Shoutouts go to Mothman and MissingNo. for both being considered here, though. While both of them are arguably antagonistic, I wouldn't say they're outright villains.)

Job #15:
Stage Name: Nighthawks
Stage Origin: Painted by Edward Hopper, completed in 1942

An iconic piece of art that's been referenced and parodied in all kinds of places, and honestly feels like it'd be a perfect fit given its ubiquitous and iconic nature. I'd suggest the fighters would do battle on the street depicted in the painting, perhaps with period elements and some stuff from other Hopper paintings turning up here and there, like the occasional 1940s car or something.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Edward Hyde ( HyperSomari64 HyperSomari64 )
Cthulhu ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Martian Tripod ( MartianSnake MartianSnake )
Dracula ( Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )
Captain Hook ( Oddball Oddball )
Pete ( Mamboo07 Mamboo07 )
Maschinenmensh ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )

The Warzone ( Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario )
Skull Island ( Champion of Hyrule Champion of Hyrule )
Loch Ness ( MartianSnake MartianSnake )
Land of The Living Dead ( Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP )
Starry Night ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
Sea of Fog ( Mamboo07 Mamboo07 )
Nighthawks ( KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 )

Well,that's that we have,vote on 4 of the characters,your vote will be on 3rd or 4th place

And while the stages,vote on 3 of them,your vote need to be on 3rd or 2nd

1. Dracula
2. Cthulhu
3. Martian Tripod
4. Maschinenmensh

1. Nighthawks
2. Starry Night
3. Sea of Fog
(Man,i love art)
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Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
1. Martian Tripod
2. Dracula
3. Mr. Hyde
4. Captain Hook

have a different Lovewcraft rep idea for later

1. Loch Ness
2. Land of the Living Dead
3. Starry Night
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Edward Hyde: 8
Cthulhu: 14
Martian Tripod: 8
Dracula: 19
Captain Hook: 14
Pete: 2
Maschinenmensh: 2

The Warzone: 2
Skull Island: 0
Loch Ness: 11
Land of The Living Dead: 5
Starry Night: 12
Sea of Fog: 1
Nighthawks: 11

The first winner is the famous vampire of the pop culture, Dracula with 19 Points, congratulations Qwerty UIOP Qwerty UIOP !

and the second winner, we have a tie, Captain Hook or Cthulhu, but i'll decide that the winner is....

the icon from cosmic horror, Cthulhu with 14 Points, submitted by me, DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 , sorry Hook,maybe Peter Pan is the next to join the battle

and for the stage, the winner is Starry Night, submitted by me....again
and i want to also put the two winners who make a tie again, Nighthawks, submitted by KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99 and Loch Ness, submitted by MartianSnake MartianSnake

The next Job is.....

Job 16: Submit a Stage for King Arthur and/or Little Red Riding Hood

now it's turn for King Arthur and Little Red Riding Hood geting their own home stages, give your ideafor a stage for them

Job 17: Submit an Item

we have 3 items,and we need to more items,and it allowed to submit 2 items


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Kingdom of Camelot

The main fighting area is a lively and colorful medieval tournament ground. The floor is a mix of lush green grass and cobblestone paths, with colorful tents and banners fluttering in the breeze. Camelot Castle stands tall and grand in the background, its towers and battlements gleaming in the sunlight. Wooden platforms and scaffolding are set up around the tournament grounds, providing additional levels for players to jump and fight on. These platforms are decorated with vibrant flags and shields.

The legendary sword Excalibur is embedded in a stone at the edge of the stage. Players can attempt to pull it out (which will sometimes work but more often not) and if successful, they gain a temporary power boost. The Holy Grail occasionally appears, granting a healing effect to the player who manages to reach it first.


The Necronomicon: When players pick up this cursed book, they start to glow with an eerie purple energy. Their damage and durability is greatly increased while they hold it, but their stamina will slowly start to go down.

A Battle Axe: nothing fancy or complex about this one, just a big old nasty looking axe that does plenty of damage.


Smash Champion
Jul 1, 2023
I don't know if I feel the owner getting to decide the winner of a tie is fair. Maybe if there's a coin flip but if they're just getting to pick feels like it goes against what a creation thread is about

Maybe do a run off poll?
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
i had to make heads or tails for choose the winner on past job, and to be honest, i didn't liked oh have captain hook as fightar and being a villain-over-protag,who in the case is peter pan

and i know that this thread is mine,and i can't add three winners,the Job 1,i had thought if i put a 3rd winner or not,and after the Job of roster,i was planning if the roster gets completed,gets a last and bonus fighter


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 16: Grandma's House

Grandma's House is a place from Little Red Riding Hood story, who is the house of Little Red's grandmother, where Little Red and The Big Bad Wolf come

the stage is a main large platform who have slopes downwards on left and right and two platforms,the stage is on the own forest and have the grandma's housr who is a cottage house who is in as background


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
I see that we have less submissions,and i won't critic because i know that some people don't care on Smashboards Creates thread

So let's go to the results:

Kingdom of Camelot will be added,who was submitted by Oddball Oddball , and Grandma's House will be also added,and it's submitted by me, DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26

And the items will be added too


Next Job is...

Job 18: Submit an Assist Character

one more thing that this platform fighter will added, assist, and it will have an assist trophy-like item,who is called Summon Book, submit a character for be an assist

Job 19: Submit an Robin Hood's Moveset

Now it's Robin Hood's turn to get an moveset,show to me your idea,and the moveset are 4 Special Attacks (Neutral,Side,Up and Down) and a Final Smash who is called Super Domain Finale
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Job 18: Assist
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Medusa (Greek Mythology)
The famous snake-woman herself, she slithers around on the stage freezing opponents into stone if looked at with her gaze.

Job 19: Robin Hood Moveset
  • Neutral - Bow & Arrow
    • Robin gets out his bow and fires arrows (Like Link in Smash)
  • Side - Sword Slash
    • Robin dashes forward, slashing an opponent with his sword several times
  • Up - Rope Climb
    • Robin launches out a rope that sticks to the stage's edge allowing him to climb up or can be used to grab someone out of the air
  • Down - Forest Trap
    • Robin Hood sets up traps that damage when someone activates it
  • Super Domain - The Merry Men
    • Robin's Merry Men come onto the stage beating up opponents pummelling them before getting chased off by a bunch of guards trampling the opponents

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Assist: Red Boy(Journey to the West)

(Image from a 1986 show adapting Journey to the West.)
When summoned, he sort of...floats in the middle of the stage. He looks easy to defeat...but that is where he tricks you. Every hit dealt on him will release a small radius of fire around him that damages any opponent who enters it.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 18: Grim Reaper

yes, the Grim Reaper (or Death) will be an assist, the Reaper walks slowly and attacks the opponent with his scythe,if the opponent have high damage humber,the opponent gets 1 hit KO


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
okay,all the 4 assists will be added


Next Job is...

Job 20: Submit a Non-Myth/Legend/Literature Character

we have 6 characters originated by books,and 3 characters originated by legends or myths,and this time let's do a very different thing,this time,you will submit a character who is not originated by book or a legend or myth, just different types of medias that weren't represented on Champions of The Domain,one of the examples who i can reccomend is comic books or comic strips, cartoons, movies, theatre and even internet, or characters who are famous by adaptations as James Bond or Zorro

Job 21: Submit a Mode

yes,you will submit a mode again,but can be a different mode like a mode who is similar from Smash or a new and originated one


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
Job 20: Non-Myth/Legend/Literature
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Mickey Mouse (Steamboat Willie)
This needs no explanation; the mouse became public domain this year!

About time we get the steamboat whistling rodent in!

His moveset would involve the stuff he does, one example like swinging the cat as a weapon.
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