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[ COMPLETE! ] Smashboards Creates: All-Star Strife (An indie-based platform fighter!)


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Voting has closed, and it looks like we will be using the Zagreus moveset by Megadoomer Megadoomer ! In addition, all submitted PFPs will be added!

Job 112: Submit a new mode!
Submit a new mode that you think would fit the game. No preresiquites here.

Job 113: Submit a new item!
Submit up to two new items you think could be fun to use! Again, no preresiquites.

Submissions close tomorrow evening!

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 113-1: The Bucket of Reassurance
When the player gets the Bucket of Reassurance, They will get a healing effect that lasts as long as a player has it
Job 113-2: Porkrind's Potions(Cuphead)

This item will initiate a status effect depending on what it is

Smoke Dodge - Your character becomes invisible for 3 seconds
Parry Sugar -
Your shield last longer. This will work until the next battle
Super Arts - Makes your attacks stronger


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 112:Boss Rush Mode

this mode is similar as Boss Battle Mode from Super Smash Bros. Brawl,the mode begins with the playable character teleported on a Boss Stage and the own boss randomly to fight,after to defeat the Boss,the player character is teleported to a rest area with 3 healing items and a teleport for the next Boss
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Job 112:
Homerun Contest

That's right, everyone's favorite single-player mode, Homerun Contest!
That's right, it would act same like in Smash, where Fighter needs to launch the sandbag far away depending on the strength of attacks.

Job 113:
1. Casey (Enter the Gungeon)

One of melee weapons in Enter the Gungeon game and it's one of most popular weapons in the game.

In Allstar Strife, it would act like Homerun bat, where you could swing it with great knockback and brutal damage, but it also deflects projectiles like in Enter the Gungeon.

2. Shotgun (Pizza Tower)

(Just shotgun)

One of weapons from Indie game Pizza Tower. It's an item that allows you to shoot at any directions. It deals more damage when you're close, but when you're far, then less. If you use it during mid-air, instead of your down-air, you shoot down at opponent (It also propel you into the air).
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Item Submissions:
  • Super Hot Watch (Enter the Gungeon/SUPERHOT): Would work has the timer of Smash. But without the random disadvantage.
  • Vitaminz (Broforce): Increase the attack speed of the player and auto-run for a limited amount of time, there it would be a sweat effect in the character to distinguish the status.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Submissions are closed!

Voting on modes will be done via this StrawPoll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/wAg3j4rlOn8

As for items, please pick your top three from this list (self-voting is allowed for 2nd-3rd). The top three items will be added!
  • Bucket of Reassurance (The Stanley Parable) (Qwerty UIOP)
  • Porkrind's Potions (Cuphead) (Qwerty UIOP)
  • Casey (Enter the Gungeon) (Tankman from Newgrounds)
  • Shotgun (Pizza Tower) (Tankman from Newgrounds)
  • Super Hot Watch (Enter the Gungeon / SUPERHOT) (Infinity Sorcerer)
  • Vitaminz (Broforce)
Job 114: Provide three Super Moves for Meat Boy and/or Fireboy and Watergirl!
Just what it says on the tin.

Job 115: Submit six songs for Snaktooth Island and/or Fall Mountain!
Please submit six songs from either or both games' OSTs (Bugsnax for Snaktooth Island and Fall Guys for Fall Mountain).

Submissions and voting will close tomorrow afternoon. Also, just as a side note, there probably won't be new jobs from now until Sunday or Monday due to some IRL responsibilities I must attend to, but once I return, we will have our final base game fighter/stage job!
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 114:Fireboy & Watergirl Super Moves

Super Move Level 1: Elemental Dropkick - both Fireboy and Watergirl jumps and they gives a diagonal dropkick
Super Move Level 2: Fire and Water Tornado - Fireboy and Watergirl spin holding hands together that become a small hurricane of fire and water,it's possible controlling the hurricane forward and backward
Super Move Level 3: Super Gem - Fireboy and Watergirl summon a white diamond,the white diamond slowly increases in size while shooting gem pieces,when the white diamond is too big,it explodes,this Super Move is similar as Rosalina's & Luma's Final Smash

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 114: Meat Boy Super Moves
  • Level One: Larries Lament - A Larries Lament rises and eats the opponent
  • Level Two: Meat Punch - Meat Boy unleashes a Falcon Punch on his opponent. Doesn't make as much damage as it should because Meat Boy takes some of that damage
  • Level Three: Lil' Horn - The ground spilts open and unleashes Lil' Horn, a monster made of Dead Meat Boys who wash over the opponent like a tidal wave


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Submissions/voting are closed!
As previously mentioned, the thread is going on hiatus for the weekend, so see you guys next week for the final base game fighters!
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Welp, the hiatus is over, so here it is - The final base game fighter/stage jobs for All-Star Strife.

Just as a quick note, these probably won't be the final fighter/stage jobs altogether. I definitely want to do DLC if I can find the time, but since we've still got a lot of game left to do beyond these two elements, I think it's best if we put on the brakes for now and focus on those, even if fighter/stage submissions are the most popular jobs.

With that, here are today's jobs.

Job 116: Submit a fighter.
No prerequisites or requirements here; Just submit an indie game character you wish to see playable (given they aren't a Companion Card or boss). Do you feel an indie all-star is missing from the roster? Have a more obscure pick you want to see playable? Want to bless All-Star Strife with the precense of Bouncing Bob? Now's your chance!

Job 117: Submit up to two stages.
No requirements for these, either!

Job 118: Submit a Companion Card assist!
No requirements here - Also, this definitely won't be the last Companion Card job, so don't worry if your submission doesn't make it in this time.

All three jobs will close tomorrow night. Good luck, and happy submitting!

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Job 116: The Knight (Hollow Knight)
This is a no-brainer, has I said before I still can't believe The Knight wasn't here in first place, it has the same poster boy potential than Shovel Knight or Shantae.

Job 117: City of Tears (Hollow Knight) and Hotel Murdower (Katana ZERO)
The City of Tears would be a large stage, the particular zone would be the fountain at the center of the city, cameos of different NPCs of the game can be looked here such has Quirrel, Zote, Hornet or even the Grimm Troupe (when they appear the stage will turn noticeable red). There will also be different mechanic platforms around the stage like most City of Tears.
The second stage is the Hotel Murdower, one of the most iconic levels of Katana ZERO, in the Hotel Murdower we will fight in the different floors of the hotel being transported to the superior floor by a elevator, the last place is the penthouse and unlike other type of stages here you will be in the penthouse until the end of the match. Like in Katana ZERO there would be items such has bottles or knives that can be grabbed and launched has projectiles.

Job 118: Hornet (Hollow Knight)
Yeah I will go almost full Hollow Knight in this one, Hornet will use her needle to try to lunge you and use her Gossamer Storm to attack AoE.

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
Hungry Pumkin (Stage)

A very simple stage, there's a bottom walkoff platform and soft food platforms float above - Hungry Pumkin will announce "give me the..." and a random food will float towards him. If it's the food he wants, he'll eat it up and anyone standing on it will just safely fall. If he doesn't want that, he'll slap it away and cause a KO. He can become very big if this stage is played on for a long time, much like the game if you set Flash to loop forever.
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Job 117: Annalynn

I've already done on two tangents about Annalynn in this thread, so I won't go into a third. In the event that we do end up doing DLC, Annalynn would probably be the most underwhelming of the characters I want to see, so I think it'd be best if I tried to get her in one last time and save my more heavy-hitting characters for DLC.

Job 118-A: Colbalt Plateaus (Angry Birds 2)
This is a resubmission, so I'll let Past Faz take it from here.
Puzzle Game Stage: Cobalt Plateaeus (Angry Birds 2)

This stage is All-Star Strife's answer to Smash's Super Mario Maker stage. While the general layout remains the same, pig fortresses are randomly generated at the start of each match. While usually acting as walls, they can be toppled over by strong attacks or being launched into them, potentially creating a lot of chaos with the resulting debris (even if the actual falling down isn't as fluid as the source).
Job 118-B: Boiler City (Antonball / Antonblast)

Huh. What a nice concept for a stage. Wonder what developments in the indie gaming world led to this stage being nominated.

In all seriousness, though, even though Antonblast isn't even out yet, I think the one stage we have seen so far has enough personality to be a really fun stage. Destructible objects, maybe a pinch of Jungle Hijinx with multiple gameplay planes... It's a casual player's dream!

Plus, we'd get to use the Antonverse's amazing OST.

Job 119: Burrito Bison

This powerful wrestler on a quest to retrive his wallet from Candy Land would be a great assist; Upon being summoned, he'd leap about the stage, body slamming opponents and tossing them around. It'd be utter chaos... but it'd be beautiful chaos. You're welcome to KO him if you can manage that, but good luck trying.


Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021

Randy Random (Rimworld)

Randy Random is one of three "AI Storytellers" from the colony sim game Rimworld. An AI Storyteller is a fancy name for the style of random events you can choose for the game. One starts off easy but increases in challenge as the game goes on, another gives long breaks between bad events, and Randy here is the setting that just lets everything go crazy and has events go off completely randomly. Of all the genres we have represented in the roster, we currently don't have any strategy or simulation games represented. Now, why Randy over a generic pawn or one of the other Storytellers? Well, pawns don't really give that much to work with given their lack of visible limbs. They don't even seem to be the fun type like Nethacker. And Randy seems to be the most popular out of all the Storytellers. He's sort of a pseudo-mascot for Rimworld.

What can he do moveset wise? Well for starters, he could wield the various weapons that exist in Rimworld. From primitive spears, to futuristic guns. This already gives him a lot of potential. But remember, he also controls the events that happen. So he can summon broken ship parts from the sky to crash onto the ground, hostile raiding parties, mysterious men in black suits, and more. This is why I think Randy Random should be in All-Star Strife.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Fighter Nomination:

I really wish we could nominate more than one character for this, because I have so many ideas - Miriam from Bloodstained, Yooka and Laylee, Juan from Guacamelee, Crow from Nefarious... One fighting game archetype that we don't seem to have represented in here is a big beefy grappler type - maybe Peppino or Springtrap could work (I'm not familiar with either game), and I could go with Juan if I wanted a grappler type, but I wanted to get weirder.

Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 (Ittle Dew/Slap City)

A secret boss in Ittle Dew, Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 is a beefed up version of the regular Fishbunjin enemies from a Zelda-like game. He later became playable in Ludosity's crossover Slap City, where he's utterly ridiculous - he runs around making noises like a car, literally flexes on the opponent, throws dumbbells that bounce around the stage wildly, and has a charge punch that can be held for roughly thirty seconds until a spiral galaxy appears around his closed fist and he punches so hard that it makes an explosion. Look up pretty much any Youtuber playing Slap City, and he'll probably be the highlight.

He also appears in Fraymakers, so between that and Slap City, there's lots of potential for what he could do.



Hivory Towers (Yooka-Laylee)

The stage takes place on a floating platform in front of the entrance to Hivory Towers, made up of black and yellow hexagonal platforms similar to the building's entrance. Similar to Zebes in Smash, there's a glowing pit of toxic waste below the stage, which will occasionally rise up to flood the main platform, forcing players onto the smaller platforms, before receding back down to its normal, slightly safer levels.

Characters could appear on the hills behind the stage, such as Capital B (who laughs at any fighter who gets KO'd), Dr. Quack, Trowser, Rextro Sixtyfourus, and Doctor Puzz.

The Owl Express (A Hat In Time)

One of the earlier levels in A Hat In Time, the Owl Express is a movie set where a murder mystery is being filmed. The train is shortened down to three cars - the caboose, the VIP lounge, and the locomotive. Players can fight on the roof or hop down into the train cars to fight, and much like Big Blue, landing on the train tracks is not recommended. The VIP lounge is large, with plenty of platforms, the caboose is medium-sized but piles of luggage make it uneven, and the locomotive is small and doesn't give you much room to maneuver.



Octodad (Octodad: Dadliest Catch)

I know what you're thinking - why on Earth would someone want a perfectly normal father to be summoned as an assist? What could he do? However, Octodad is more capable than you might think. Sure, it might look like he's randomly flailing around, tripping over banana peels and struggling to even walk in a straight line, but... okay, that's exactly what he's doing. Still, you'd better watch out, because getting smacked by his normal human hands and feet will still hurt, regardless of how clumsy he might be.
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Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Fighter: Lilac (Freedom Planet)

Lilac is the main protagonist of Freedom Planet, which is a series that is inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog. There are plenty of abilities from the series that could give her an interesting moveset
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Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Fighter: Lilac (Freedom Planet)
View attachment 353160
Lilac is the main protagonist of Freedom Planet, which is a series that is inspired by Sonic the Hedgehog. There are plenty of abilities from the series that could give her an interesting moveset

Stage: Piggy Island (Angry Birds)
View attachment 353161
This stage would be based on the levels of Angry Birds. The stage would be destructible, and once the entire building is destroyed, a new one would appear with a new layout.
Lilac's fine, but Piggy Island's kinda close to my Colbalt Plateaus submission in terms of theme and general gimmick. I'm not going to veto the submission, but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to try something else.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2020
Who Knows Where?
Lilac's fine, but Piggy Island's kinda close to my Colbalt Plateaus submission in terms of theme and general gimmick. I'm not going to veto the submission, but I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to try something else.
oh, sorry. I guess I missed that. I'll just remove it since I don't have any other ideas and I think yours is better

Champion of Hyrule

Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 15, 2018
*doxxes myself*
I don’t think I’ve submitted anything to this thread before but I’m just gonna jump in here and submit an assist:

Will & Myth (Will: A Wonderful World)
When these two appear on stage, Myth will start writing on a piece of paper. Suddenly she will swap around damage percentages on the screen to advantage whoever summoned her, giving them less damage. After about five seconds they’ll reset back to the way they were before she was summoned but with damage done during these five seconds added onto it, and if someone is KO’d during this time they won’t get their damage back.

This idea is absolutely chaotic and will result in a lot of angry people but that’s what’s funny about it.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2020
Job 116

Resubmitting V1




V1 (ULTRAKILL) [2020]

V1 is the main playable character in ULTRAKILL, ULTRAKILL is a Retro inspired First Person Shooter developed by Arsi "Hakita" Patala and published by New Blood Interactive. V1 is a blood fueled Death Machine that has insane movement capabilities and an arsenal of powerful weapons. ULTRAKILL has had overwhelmingly positive reception and is notable nicknamed "Devil May Quake" due to having stylish combos involving a lot of weapons and movement that is inspired by Quake and Devil May Cry. V1 if added could have a wild and fast ranged combo based moveset.

Job 117

Resubmitting Miami
Miami (Hotline Miami)

This would take place on the menu screens of Hotline Miami or Hotline Miami 2

It would be a KOF Arena clone
And submitting

Down On The Farm (DUSK)

This would be a stage that has you fighting on top of a barn and it's silo, you can see the farm and many enemies from DUSK in the background

Job 118

The Handler (Cruelty Squad)

Once summoned the screen is taken up by the notorious HUD of Cruelty Squad and the Handler appears on screen and starts talking this clogs up the whole screen
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 116:CommanderVideo (Bit.Trip)

CommanderVideo is the main character from Bit.Trip Runner trilogy and Bit.Trip Fate, CommanderVideo is a classic Indie character,he appears a lot of another games as Super Meat Boy, Runbow, Indie Pogo, Fraymakers and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
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Smash Ace
Nov 13, 2021
Job 117:CommanderVideo (Bit.Trip)

CommanderVideo is the main character from Bit.Trip Runner trilogy and Bit.Trip Fate, CommanderVideo is a classic Indie character,he appears a lot of another games as Super Meat Boy, Runbow, Indie Pogo, Fraymakers and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Are you submitting him as a fighter or an assist? It seems to be a fighter but job 117 is the job for stages.

Qwerty UIOP

Smash Lord
Feb 19, 2022
Job 117a: There is no Stage

There is no stage will be a stage based on the desktop in There is no Game Wrong Dimension. Though unfortunately, Game will not be able to be an announcer, I took inspiration from the Graveyard Stage in PSASBR and decided that in this stage, Game will have unique voiceline taunts for certain characters

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Job 116

Resubmitting V1

Job 117

Resubmitting Miami

And submitting

Down On The Farm (DUSK)

This would be a stage that has you fighting on top of a barn and it's silo, you can see the farm and many enemies from DUSK in the background

Job 118

The Handler (Cruelty Squad)

Once summoned the screen is taken up by the notorious HUD of Cruelty Squad and the Handler appears on screen and starts talking this clogs up the whole screen
Dusk and Hotline Miami stages
Unbelievable based
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
Fighter submission:
Castle Crasher (Behemoth, Newgrounds)

Castle Crasher is one of main characters of Behemoth's 4-Player Indie game called Castle Crashers. Castle Crasher needs to rescue while killing enemies in front of him like Beat'em up game. Castle Crasher is one of Iconic Indie character and even one of Newgrounds' characters that was made by Tom Fulp and/or Dan Paladin.

Castle Crasher's moveset would be taken from the game like sword attacking or even using magic for example. He could use the fire magic as Neutral Special or even would take inspiration from other Behemoth games like Alien Hominid or Pit people for example.

Castle Crasher's playstyle would be rushdown, because it would reference the Game's beat'em up nature and it would make sense to include beat'em up like Fighter in game.

I nominate Castle Crasher as fighter, becuase he would be first character to be from Behemoth and he would have cool potential for alts like Red, Orange, Blue and Green and even Pink. CC would be first Fighter to originate from indie beat'em up game, which we have represent it yet before I think.
Also CC is one of my most wanted Indies for Smash and that's why I submitted him as Character.

Stage submissions:
1A: Skeld (Among Us)

Skeld is a main setting of 2018 indie game Among Us and it's a turtle-shaped Spaceship that flies across the space. The crewmates and impostors are working here while doing tasks to make them safe (except for Impostor, who wants to murder people).
Skeld is most iconic map from Among Us and it deserves to have a stage in Allstar Strife.

The layout of the stage would have scrolling gimmick, where it scrolls through locations starting from cafeteria to reactor room. Each room of it has a layout based on it's design like Admin has a table as platform or Cafeteria has 3 tables as platforms.

The crewmates make a cameo in background, doing their business.

I think I'll submit the second stage later.

Assist submission:
Captain Viridian (resubmission):

Retro-styled Companion Card:
Captain Viridian (VVVVV)

View attachment 349996
Captain Viridian is main protagonist of retro-styled indie game "VVVVV" and he is a Cyan Villi that crashlanded into mysterious planet and he has an ability to change to gravity by flipping it. He is a captain of DDS Spaceship and leader of Villi crew.
Viridian is one of retro-styled indie characters and he would appear in Allstars Strife as an Assist, since he doesn't do anything besides flipping the gravity.

When summoned, he appears as 2D sprite and he float in background, switching the gravity on whole stage, causing enemies except summoner temporarily float upwards.
He basically acts like in Fraymakers, but he affects the whole stage by flipping the gravity instead of one opponent.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
View attachment 353188
You really wanna go all out? How about a character who's not even a character. Rocket League was an indie game before being absorbed by epic, much like Fall Guys. Octane would speed around the stage and would also use the ball to fight.
Just double checking; Is this a submission for Octane to be a fighter? (based if it is)


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2021
Wherever good books are sold.
Submissions are closed, and as such, with a bittersweet feeling in my heart, it is time to decide our final two figh -

(just pretend this says "two new slots" or something i'm too lazy to edit)​

That's right, because having anything be simple is an impossibility for me, we will be adding four new fighters to the roster from this lineup, bringing our total up to 26 (just as many fighters as Smash Melee!) I thought this'd be a neat little twist, and I actually had this planned out for a while.

As such, please pick your top four from this list (self-voting allowed for 3rd-4th):
  • The Knight (Hollow Knight) (Infinity Sorcerer)​
  • Annalynn (Annalynn) (FazDude)​
  • Randy Random (Rimworld) (Baysha)​
  • Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 (Ittle Dew) (Megadoomer)​
  • Lilac (Freedom Planet) (Otoad64)​
  • V1 (ULTRAKILL) (cashregister9)​
  • CommanderVideo (Bit.Trip) (DragonRobotKing26)​
  • Castle Crasher (Castle Crashers) (Tankman from Newgrounds)​
  • Octane (Rocket League) (Darkonedagger)​
As for stages, pick your top five (self-voting allowed for 3rd-5th): The top five overall will also be added!
  • City of Tears (Hollow Knight) (Infinity Sorcerer)
  • Hotel Murdower (Katana Zero) (Infinity Sorcerer)
  • Hungry Pumkin (Pumkin Land/World) (Wario Wario Wario)
  • Cobalt Plateaus (Angry Birds 2) (FazDude)
  • Boiler City (Antonball / Antonblast) (FazDude)
  • Hiveory Towers (Yooka-Laylee) (Megadoomer)
  • The Owl Express (A Hat in Time) (Megadoomer)
  • Miami (Hotline Miami) (cashregister9)
  • Down On The Farm (DUSK) (cashregister9)
  • There Is No Stage (There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension) (Qwerty UIOP)
  • Skeld (Among Us) (Tankman from Newgrounds)
Finally, pick your top three Companion Cards (self-voting allowed for 2nd-3rd); The top three will make it in!
  • Hornet (Hollow Knight) (Infinity Sorcerer)
  • Burrito Bison (Burrito Bison) (FazDude)
  • Octodad (Octodad) (Megadoomer)
  • Will & Myth (Will: A Wonderful World) (Champion of Hyrule)
  • The Handler (Cruelty Squad) (cashregister9)
  • Captain Viridian (VVVVV) (Tankman from Newgrounds)
Voting will close tomorrow afternoon, but the results probably won't be announced at the same time - I wanna do something fun for the fighter results!
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

1. The Knight
2. Octane
3. Ultra Fishbunjin 3000
4. Lilac


1. City of Tears
2. Hotel Murdower
3. The Owl Express
4. Boiler City
5. Skeld


1. Hornet
2. Captain Viridian
3. Octodad
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