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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Deleted member

Problem with porting Ultimate is that you're going to have to get the rights to all those third parties over and over again, and with how hard it was to get it done this time (Sakurai even saying it was a miracle), I don't think it's reasonable to assume Ultimate's roster is staying.

Ultimate is also assuredly not the final Smash game, just as Mario Kart 8 won't be the final Mario Kart. The games make money, ergo Nintendo will keep making new ones. Also, I don't think the cuts would be as dramatic as everyone always makes them out to be, nor would they "kill" any game after Ultimate. Ultimate's draw was the huge roster, but who's to say that the next Smash won't have an even bigger, better draw? Besides, Smash's sales are so, so much more than just us hardcore fans; as long as the characters that appeal to the public are there and there are new ones to bring in new fans, a Smash game will sell.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
Still waiting for that glorious F-Zero X Mute City to shine again.
(shame it will never happen)
Never give up! Trust your instincts!

I wonder if decloned Echos would still be counted as them or if Daisy would be slotted between Ridley and Simon.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Never give up! Trust your instincts!

I wonder if decloned Echos would still be counted as them or if Daisy would be slotted between Ridley and Simon.
Even without being decloned that should have been the case.

I understand why putting a clone next to the original fighter makes sense for newcomers and simplicity.
But the entire character select screen has a theme, and putting clones next to their originals ruins it.

Annoys me more than it should! And the only alternative to "fix" that is by stacking them which is sinful.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
Still on sort of a break from here myself (happy new year) but i thought id put this here in case someone else didnt.

Deleted member

What's honestly funny to me now that I think about it, we had this exact same conversation about Smash 4 around this time back in 2015. Things like "This is for sure the final Smash game" and "There's no way we could get any more characters" were super prevalent back in those days.

Ultimate is in it's honeymoon phase right now where everyone adores it and thinks it is impossible to top it (which is fair, as it is a massive game). All major franchises are like this when a new one releases, but eventually as the game ages, people kind of chill out about the game and then start wondering when the next one is coming. Technology advances and so does this industry; there are many ways Smash could improve with future installments. Heck, we could get a roster this size again next time but with different choices for characters. A new Smash would not be inherently worse, nor does it have to be.
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Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2012
What's honestly funny to me now that I think about it, we had this exact same conversation about Smash 4 around this time back in 2015. Things like "This is for sure the final Smash game" and "There's no way we could get any more characters" were super prevalent back in those days.

Ultimate is in it's honeymoon phase right now where everyone adores it and thinks it is impossible to top it (which is fair, as it is a massive game). All major franchises are like this when a new one releases, but eventually as the game ages, people kind of chill out about the game and then start wondering when the next one is coming. Technology advances and so does this industry; there are many ways Smash could improve with future installments. Heck, we could get a roster this size again next time but with different choices for characters. A new Smash would not be inherently worse, nor does it have to be.
yeah when the next smash bros comes out, capcom, konami, and square might have closed down!


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Man...**** this “cutting the roster” mess...I’m keeping everyone
All this talk about cuts, but I think we can agree on one thing.

Piranha Plant is eternal. It will never be cut.
Piranha Plant Gang
Still on sort of a break from here myself (happy new year) but i thought id put this here in case someone else didnt.

Deleted member

I had idea for a crossover game. It'd be a fighting game that pits multiple JRPG series against one another.

The series I wanted to include are:
  • Final Fantasy
  • Pokemon
  • Tales of
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • Dragon Quest
  • Fire Emblem
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Persona
  • Xenoblade Chronicles
  • Legend of Heroes
  • Souls
  • Chrono Trigger
I was considering Nier and Granblue, but I'm not sure if they count.


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Since we’re discussing Smash 6, I wonder how powerful Nintendo’s next console would be (assuming the Switch has a long lifespan, who knows where technology will be by then?) and so, how much would the graphics affect how the game turns out? Increased graphics means that many of the characters would need to be more detailed to fit people’s expectations of how a game should look without looking dated, which makes modeling take longer, ect. The graphics of Smash Ultimate already probably will age decently, but still.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Isn't it awesome when everything and everyone you thought you knew start unraveling around you and revealing things you probably should never have known about, scarring you emotionally and leaving you unsure and in a situation where all you can do is work towards college and hope you're smart enough to end up somewhere better just so you can escape it all?

King Sonnn DeDeDoo

Smash Champion
May 4, 2014
The basement of the Alamo
I know this kind of a shallow criteria, but I hope we have a nice mix of characters that are “cool” and “cute”. I love that smash mixes serious and silly. Don’t really care who they are, I just hope we have a nice range of characterization.

I hope it’s something like this:

Piranha Plant. Cute.
Joker. Cool.
DLC #2. Cute.
DLC #3. Cool.
DLC #4. Cute.
DLC #5. Cool.

Who would y’all want to fit in the “Cool” and “Cute” slots?

Deleted member

Isn't it awesome when everything and everyone you thought you knew start unraveling around you and revealing things you probably should never have known about, scarring you emotionally and leaving you unsure and in a situation where all you can do is work towards college and hope you're smart enough to end up somewhere better just so you can escape it all?
Haha same!
Seriously though bro are you alright? Got anything bothering you? I’m getting a bit concerned here.
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Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I had idea for a crossover game. It'd be a fighting game that pits multiple JRPG series against one another.

The series I wanted to include are:
  • Final Fantasy
  • Pokemon
  • Tales of
  • Shin Megami Tensei
  • Dragon Quest
  • Fire Emblem
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Persona
  • Xenoblade Chronicles
  • Legend of Heroes
  • Souls
  • Chrono Trigger
I was considering Nier and Granblue, but I'm not sure if they count.
i mean fire emblem is technially a jrpg but its really a trpg but yknow whatever thats ok

Also do you mean Dark Souls or just "Souls", whatever that is?

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I know this kind of a shallow criteria, but I hope we have a nice mix of characters that are “cool” and “cute”. I love that smash mixes serious and silly. Don’t really care who they are, I just hope we have a nice range of characterization.

I hope it’s something like this:

Piranha Plant. Cute.
Joker. Cool.
DLC #2. Cute.
DLC #3. Cool.
DLC #4. Cute.
DLC #5. Cool.

Who would y’all want to fit in the “Cool” and “Cute” slots?
The theories never end.

New Theory. DLC Pattern Theory.

Deleted member

I know this kind of a shallow criteria, but I hope we have a nice mix of characters that are “cool” and “cute”. I love that smash mixes serious and silly. Don’t really care who they are, I just hope we have a nice range of characterization.

I hope it’s something like this:

Piranha Plant. Cute.
Joker. Cool.
DLC #2. Cute.
DLC #3. Cool.
DLC #4. Cute.
DLC #5. Cool.

Who would y’all want to fit in the “Cool” and “Cute” slots?
Oh ho ho, now this is my kind of roster speculation!

Let's see here...

DLC #2: Octolings
DLC #3: Yuri Lowell
DLC #4: The Katamari Prince
DLC #5: Dr. Eggman


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
If you’re comfortable with it, do you mind tellling us what’s wrong? I can’t rest easy knowing something bad is up.
It's very, very personal. I really shouldn't give the details, I just wanted to vent my frustrations.

I'm not in any immediate danger. Things are mostly the same, but i've recently learned of something that happened in the past that's absolutely terrible.
It's been decades now, I wasn't even born for it. There's nothing I can do about it, but now I know and I can never not know.

Deleted member

It's very, very personal. I really shouldn't give the details, I just wanted to vent my frustrations.

I'm not in any immediate danger. Things are mostly the same, but i've recently learned of something that happened in the past that's absolutely terrible.
It's been decades now, I wasn't even born for it. There's nothing I can do about it, but now I know and I can never not know.
Ah I see. Well, I wanted to make sure you’re okay. Glad to hear there’s no immediate danger.
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Deleted member

I was confused about the BW gameplay point too, there's nothing wrong with it's gameplay.

With the new Pokémon thing, the problem with that is the fact that they can't keep doing that, since having a restricted Regional Dex requires that they make ~150 Pokémon, which obviously isn't feasible long term.

Silver is a kind of character that they'll probably never do again, considering Masuda's opinion of Jerk Rivals in this day and age.
Yeah, I understand the issues with adding too many Pokemon and it's clear GF is avoiding having too many of them nowadays. It's a completely valid sentiment and I appreciate the quality over quantity they've been going with(as much as I like Unova, did we really need **** like Basculin, Heatmor or Durant?)

And Masuda is stepping down as the director so who knows what direction will the new Pokemon go(heh, get it). I'm not too into jerkish rivals for the sake of being jerks though, Silve and Blue are greatly written characters imo but so are Hau, Wally and Cheren.
Problem with porting Ultimate is that you're going to have to get the rights to all those third parties over and over again, and with how hard it was to get it done this time (Sakurai even saying it was a miracle), I don't think it's reasonable to assume Ultimate's roster is staying.

Ultimate is also assuredly not the final Smash game, just as Mario Kart 8 won't be the final Mario Kart. The games make money, ergo Nintendo will keep making new ones. Also, I don't think the cuts would be as dramatic as everyone always makes them out to be, nor would they "kill" any game after Ultimate. Ultimate's draw was the huge roster, but who's to say that the next Smash won't have an even bigger, better draw? Besides, Smash's sales are so, so much more than just us hardcore fans; as long as the characters that appeal to the public are there and there are new ones to bring in new fans, a Smash game will sell.
It's much easier to redo a few 3rd Party contracts than it is to redo 60+ characters and an entire game.

Personally, I won't care about a new game that makes any sort of cuts. After Ultimate, cutting anyone will feel like a regression, especially if the roster ends up being smaller.
Yeah, I COULD buy this new game OR I could just keep playing this one that has a much bigger roster.


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
I know this kind of a shallow criteria, but I hope we have a nice mix of characters that are “cool” and “cute”. I love that smash mixes serious and silly. Don’t really care who they are, I just hope we have a nice range of characterization.

I hope it’s something like this:

Piranha Plant. Cute.
Joker. Cool.
DLC #2. Cute.
DLC #3. Cool.
DLC #4. Cute.
DLC #5. Cool.

Who would y’all want to fit in the “Cool” and “Cute” slots?


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
I wonder where Zinith Zinith was during the OH MY GOD THEY'RE CUTTING YOSHI FROM 4 fiasco.
Paging Zinith Zinith for a reaction.

It's a plant. I'd hope it'd get cut. Those things can become absolutely unruly when not taken proper care of.
Wasn't active during that time. But if I recall, I was annoyed by the Yoshi being MIA and the memes surrounding it.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
So I’m sure this has been brought up before, but is there another game type or genre you guys think would suit another massive Nintendo crossover?

You’ll have to usurp me first!
I know this kind of a shallow criteria, but I hope we have a nice mix of characters that are “cool” and “cute”. I love that smash mixes serious and silly. Don’t really care who they are, I just hope we have a nice range of characterization.

I hope it’s something like this:

Piranha Plant. Cute.
Joker. Cool.
DLC #2. Cute.
DLC #3. Cool.
DLC #4. Cute.
DLC #5. Cool.

Who would y’all want to fit in the “Cool” and “Cute” slots?
Might be a bit of a stretch but..

DLC #2. Banjo-Kazooie
DLC #3. Ryu Hayabusa
DLC #4. Shantae
DLC #5. Rayman
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Deleted member

True Galaxy-Brains realised long ago that the DLC is merely an elaborate prank. It never actually existed or will exist. It was a ruse. You have been deceived.
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