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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Yoshisaurus Rex

Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2015
Switch FC
Kirby being the hero again annoys me more than it should. It’s like, I get it, Kirby’s really popular and mechanically he’s a good introduction, but why can’t, say, Wario be the main hero?
The thing is, as you rescue/unlock characters throughout the mode, it becomes less about Kirby and more about this big melting pot of characters with their own unique origins and lore, spanning across all different games, teaming up to take on this greater threat. That’s basically what WoL is.
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Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
I just hope we don't get any Fire Emblem wi-fu warriors this time around (Especially if they just have swords and don't have anything to set them apart from Marth)!

Fire Emblem took up most the roster and along with Mario/Pokemon!!! We don't need anymore F.E representation!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!!!
>fire emblem took up most the roster and along with mario/pokemon

I'm sorry, sir. I don't see what you mean here.

Deleted member

Nothing any of them faced is anywhere close to Galeem.

Kirby's greatest opponents were.
Again, barely an excuse. It’s more interesting to have someone like duck hunt fight a god because he’s never fought one before (to our knowledge at least) than it is to have Kirby fight a god when he routinely fights a god every game. Hell Kirby just got a game this year too.

The thing is, as you rescue/unlock characters throughout the mode, it becomes less about Kirby and more about this big melting pot of characters with their own unique origins and lore, spanning across all different games, teaming up to take on this greater threat. That’s basically what WoL is.
I get that, I’m more bugged by the fact that in the cutscene and general story they’re clearly framing Kirby as the main hero.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
I hope to god Byleth doesn’t make it in, will only accept Edelguard as the 3H rep.
Same here, I'm fine with Fire Emblem representation and all (unlike most people), but Byleth literally looks like another Marth, blue hair and all. Edelgard on the other hand, looks pretty unique... She's an axe user, which despite being a prominent weapon in Fire Emblem, none of the current Fire Emblem characters in Smash use one. Also, her design's pretty cool
We get a Resident Evil rep, but it is Tofu from the extra mode of RE2.

Your reaction?
Does his reveal trailer play the mansion basement theme from Resident Evil: Director's Cut?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Byleth, more like we barely know anything about any of these characters and you just want a waifu.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Ultimate is honestly such a step up from 4 for me. Roster wise it felt a lot more like characters were chosen because of who they were rather than what gimmicks they could bring to the table. Overall more varied and exciting. Options wise, when it came to local matches, what's been given to us seems a lot more interesting to play with than what 4 gave us. FS meters, stage morph, and stage hazard toggle, crew battles and Smashdown as well as the items they've given, just seem to be a lot more fun to play with. World of Light, while not looking to be what SSE was, looks good in its own right, and is definitely better than the literal nothing 4 gave us. Spirits, while I gather it's not interesting to a lot of people and it seems inferior to Smash Run, seems to be a lot more interesting than Smash Tour. Classic mode is just better, nothing to be said there. Oh and the music puts 4 to shame, lol.

To be clear, I am definitely biased about this game, I can't act like it adding two of my most wanted characters since Brawl isn't influencing my opinion. But it's how I feel. Can't change that. I'm really excited for this game, even if I'm not buying it day 1 because one of my family members probably wants to get it for me for Christmas.

Deleted member

Again, barely an excuse. It’s more interesting to have someone like duck hunt fight a god because he’s never fought one before (to our knowledge at least) than it is to have Kirby fight a god when he routinely fights a god every game. Hell Kirby just got a game this year too.
When you're trying to tell a story, you don't go with bull**** that doesn't make sense for the sake of being "different".
You go with what makes sense.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
Smash ulitmate engine is kinda of weird for alts like compared To Smash 4 some alts got worse Like MRobin Yoshi Rip Black Yoshi the best Yoshi alt because They mad unnessary and some chracthers got new cool alts like Pikachu

Deleted member

When you're trying to tell a story, you don't go with bull**** that doesn't make sense for the sake of being "different".
You go with what makes sense.
Why should it suddenly matter if the story in smash makes sense? Wasn’t the entire point of subspace was that it was this weird crossover where you could see pikachu defeat Ridley? Sakurai even said the story had less focus this time around.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Pretty sure Kirb being the only survivor has nothing to do with the big bad being an cosmic diety. He's the starting character, but you're probably going to have everyone when the final Galleem fight happens, so which character is most "fitting" to fight him is irrelevent.

I'm pretty sure that most of the reason Kirby is the starting character is because he's designed to be a starting character. You'd be surprised just how bad first time players can be at recovering or controlling aerial movement.

John Dylan Smith

Banned via Warnings
May 1, 2018
West Chester Township, Butler County, Ohio
anybody here preorder the game?
NOPE (I'm going to save my money for something far better than a game with little to no content to offer the players)!

Don't even get why everyone wants to play this so badly (Unless their all the equivalent of The Micheal Bay Transformers audience that don't want anything new or interesting)!
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Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
More of a "wouldn't really fit" due to the nature of the series. Besides that, he had no specific battle skills Sakurai could think of.

Thankfully he changed his mind.

Never heard of him. I only know of Sandbag to be playable in a Smash fangame. That said, this doesn't explain how he fights. I mean, I can think of a way to make a Grangach playable, and it's just a fish holding a giant stick.

View attachment 178379
Yeah waku waku 7 is pretty obscure even as far as fighters go. Iirc Bonus Kun generally would attack with its own body by bending part of itself and things like that. Would spit fireballs out of its mouth or bend its lower half forward and spin around to do a hurricane kick type attack. Or do more silly things like falling over on enemies or headbutting them or a VF style ground stomp.
In Smash Im not sure it would be too interesting overall outside the gimmick of being a sandbag and grabbing could be an issue. Though the overall point itself was that fighting games have done some weird characters that had been argued couldn't be done because they couldn't fight. It's just kind of a bad point to make imo.
Phoenix Wright had this argued against him for UMvC3 a lot too.

Imo the devs imagination when it comes to making a character is more important to the overall process than anything.

Deleted member

Pretty sure Kirb being the only survivor has nothing to do with the big bad being an cosmic diety. He's the starting character, but you're probably going to have everyone when the final Galleem fight happens, so which character is most "fitting" to fight him is irrelevent.

I'm pretty sure that most of the reason Kirby is the starting character is because he's designed to be a starting character. You'd be surprised just how bad first time players can be at recovering or controlling aerial movement.
This makes sense to me, but if that’s the case surely it would be wiser to have at least a few characters available at the start to give some variety while not overwhelming the player?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
Overall Smash ulitmate is a good game im a little disapointed by the newcomers tbh the best part of any new smash game is the newcomers for me personally and on the bright side more chracthers are better in Ulitmate which could lead to a even more diverse pro scene so yeah i would rate ultimate a 9 out of 10


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
This makes sense to me, but if that’s the case surely it would be wiser to have at least a few characters available at the start to give some variety while not overwhelming the player?
By making you unlock each character one by one, new players will be introduced to them one by one. It might be a little bit of a pain but I imagine you'll be unlocking more characters pretty quickly.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Well guys!!! It's good to be back after a week long ban (Once again, none of you really care about this)!!!!!!!

I have a question that's to be answered?????

Can we all see about making a petition to make sure of it that Smash Ultimate is delayed until Christmas 2019 (Like Nintendo did with Brawl)???????

So that way we all can get a far superior, delightful, more well balanced (Not completely broken, rushed, and content less) version of Smash Ultimate that includes everything we truly wanted to see included in the final package!!!!!!

I'm talking about us getting all the offline in game modes from the previous installments included in Smash Ultimate to where we have more stuff to play through rather than beating up CPU's over and over (Smash Run from Smash 4 For 3DS, Break The Targets, Home Run Contest, Board The Platforms, Multi Man Smash, Boss Battles From Brawl, All Star Mode, Event Matches, Master/Crazy Orders ect...)

A Legitimate story mode sequel to Sub Space Emissary that actually plays out like a fighting game story mode rather than Smash Tour 2.0 (With us having it contain epic cut scene's that weren't just something made for a trailer, us fighting mook enemy's from various Nintendo franchises as we explore iconic Nintendo game locations like we did in Melee's Adventure Mode while having an interesting plot/story to venture through)!!!!!!!

Us having some in game unlockable content that's worth the effort of going through the offline game mode (Character's we did not see revealed yet, New Modes that weren't shown off, New Custom Moves, Part's for Stage Builder, unlockable costumes that are for the main cast and not just the freaking Mii fighters, Stages We haven't seen yet, new musical pieces that haven't been unveiled, TROPHIES, items we haven't seen yet, ect...)

Spirits being something new/creative rather than being just a redundant version of Master Orders!!!!!!!!!!

All the clones being decloned to where the clones have some originality to them (Young Link using his mask he received in Majora's Mask, Ganondorf having acces to his Magic Abilities he used in the Zelda games he appeared in like Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker, and Ocarina Of Time as opposed to just rehashing Douglas J. Falcon's Moveset, Falco having acces to some of the weapons thay had in Star Fox Assault rather than being a reskin of Fox, ect...)

The online not being a broken mess like it was in the past two games and being fully functional/fun for once rather than being a boring/tedious/laggy torture segement!!!

With us being able to talk to one another on our head sets rather than communicating with taunts!!!!!

Us being able to play through co-op modes online (Story Mode, Boss Battle, Smash Run, Classic Mode, ect...)

The game being steady and well balanced!!!! With the developers taking their time to fully polish every nook and crany of the game with it not being rushed for a Christmas release!!!! As the game industry really needs to learn from the mistakes of they've made from having rushed a product out for Holiday consumer demands like Mega-Man X 7 And Sonic 06)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With each character not being too overpowered or under-powered (All being nerfed and buffed just right)!!!!!!!!!

Custom Moves for the entire main cast coming back in Ultimate and Stage Builder being available for everyone to use!!!!!!!!!

Cool extra's like Codecs for certain stages making a comeback (As well as other neat easter eggs from the previous games)

Other franchises receiving the same amount of roster love/support Pokemon, Mario, Fire Emblem receives to an overwhelming degree (Kirby, Donkey Kong, The Legend Of Zelda, Mother/Earthbound, Kid Icarus Metroid, ect...)

The developers taking more of their time to look throu the Smash 4 ballot and see who is worthy of being included as DLC rather than using DLC as a means of advertising future installments that haven't even been released to the public (Playstation All Stars did that it bombed horribly because of it's need to promote upcoming installments rather than focusing on beloved installments that people actually wanted to see be represented in the game)!!!!!!!

If one or two individuals on Smashboards could see about making that petition and giving it to Nintendo and Sakuray himself!!!! That would really make so many people's month wonderful/joyful/awesome to go throu!!!!!

It's either we make a petition to delay the game or we start rioting at the Nintendo Of America offices until they listen to us instead of raising middle fingers at all the fans that have stood by them after all the years of trials and hardships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you guys say to that???????
I am truly sorry that this installment of smash hasnt been what you expected. We dont always get what we want and we have to deal with the situation. But, hey there is always a next smash to look forward to. I will say that I dont agree with most of your points. But for this kind of stuff, I recommend you to show your opinion with your wallet.

What you said still doesn't make me want to go and spend 20 dollars on a game that was neutered for the worst (With so many other wonderful thing's from the previous installments now forever gone with not much to do in the game itself)!
Well, the game may have everyone but I suppose its not for everyone.

So, since, by this point its probably imposible to make the game come later, what do you expect to gain from joining the discussion thread? You made it clear that you dont like this installment and that you arent going to buy it. Is there any point to still left to be made? Are you interested in the DLC discussion?


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
I just hope we don't get any Fire Emblem wi-fu warriors this time around (Especially if they just have swords and don't have anything to set them apart from Marth)!

Fire Emblem took up most the roster and along with Mario/Pokemon!!! We don't need anymore F.E representation!! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!!!
Of the 11 new characters (including echoes), only 3 came from those series; only 1 of those is completely unique.
Of the entire 76 character base roster (including Pokemon Trainer as 3 separate characters), 25 are from those series.
That's less than a third of the full roster.
They don't take up most of the current roster, and they definitely don't take up most of the newcomer slots.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
And On the brightside the salt has been fun to watch it's always so fun to watch people **** on Fire emblem when there chracther didn't get in

Deleted member

By making you unlock each character one by one, new players will be introduced to them one by one. It might be a little bit of a pain but I imagine you'll be unlocking more characters pretty quickly.
That’s fair, but just starting you off with both Kirby and Mario would have been nice, as they’re both good introductory characters and it makes sense.
I suppose the reason having Kirby as the star bugged me a bit was because Kirby already got a game this year. He’s playable in tons of games. His series in general has a ton of games. Even back in subspace, he had way more prominence than many other characters. It’s just slightly eye-rolling for me to see him as the hero again y’know? It’s just a minor thing anyway.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Yeah waku waku 7 is pretty obscure even as far as fighters go. Iirc Bonus Kun generally would attack with its own body by bending part of itself and things like that. Would spit fireballs out of its mouth or bend its lower half forward and spin around to do a hurricane kick type attack. Or do more silly things like falling over on enemies or headbutting them or a VF style ground stomp.
In Smash Im not sure it would be too interesting overall outside the gimmick of being a sandbag and grabbing could be an issue. Though the overall point itself was that fighting games have done some weird characters that had been argued couldn't be done because they couldn't fight. It's just kind of a bad point to make imo.
Phoenix Wright had this argued against him for UMvC3 a lot too.

Imo the devs imagination when it comes to making a character is more important to the overall process than anything.
I think the point was more that a character with no limbs doesn't seem feasible for Smash.

I'm not sure how well things like Sandbag in Waku Waku 7 could translate over, though. I mean, it's not as simple as "ooh, they do things in their own game". It's also about balance and being fun and interesting. Anybody can theoretically be made playable, but it's no easy task.

That said, hopefully the example I gave(which is comparable to Piranha Plant, except arguably cuter) might show that there's more to it than just pure imagination or that other series have weird fighters.

Deleted member

NOPE (I'm going to save my money for something far better than a game with little to no content to offer the players)!

Don't even get why everyone wants to play this so badly (Unless their all the equivalent of The Micheal Bay Transformers audience that don't want anything new or interesting)!
So you don't like this game.

Yet you go to a forum designed to talk about it.

...Fair enough. Honestly, feel free to keep going, these posts are rather humorous.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
Well guys!!! It's good to be back after a week long ban (Once again, none of you really care about this)!!!!!!!

I have a question that's to be answered?????

Can we all see about making a petition to make sure of it that Smash Ultimate is delayed until Christmas 2019 (Like Nintendo did with Brawl)???????

So that way we all can get a far superior, delightful, more well balanced (Not completely broken, rushed, and content less) version of Smash Ultimate that includes everything we truly wanted to see included in the final package!!!!!!

I'm talking about us getting all the offline in game modes from the previous installments included in Smash Ultimate to where we have more stuff to play through rather than beating up CPU's over and over (Smash Run from Smash 4 For 3DS, Break The Targets, Home Run Contest, Board The Platforms, Multi Man Smash, Boss Battles From Brawl, All Star Mode, Event Matches, Master/Crazy Orders ect...)

A Legitimate story mode sequel to Sub Space Emissary that actually plays out like a fighting game story mode rather than Smash Tour 2.0 (With us having it contain epic cut scene's that weren't just something made for a trailer, us fighting mook enemy's from various Nintendo franchises as we explore iconic Nintendo game locations like we did in Melee's Adventure Mode while having an interesting plot/story to venture through)!!!!!!!

Us having some in game unlockable content that's worth the effort of going through the offline game mode (Character's we did not see revealed yet, New Modes that weren't shown off, New Custom Moves, Part's for Stage Builder, unlockable costumes that are for the main cast and not just the freaking Mii fighters, Stages We haven't seen yet, new musical pieces that haven't been unveiled, TROPHIES, items we haven't seen yet, ect...)

Spirits being something new/creative rather than being just a redundant version of Master Orders!!!!!!!!!!

All the clones being decloned to where the clones have some originality to them (Young Link using his mask he received in Majora's Mask, Ganondorf having acces to his Magic Abilities he used in the Zelda games he appeared in like Twilight Princess, Hyrule Warriors, Wind Waker, and Ocarina Of Time as opposed to just rehashing Douglas J. Falcon's Moveset, Falco having acces to some of the weapons thay had in Star Fox Assault rather than being a reskin of Fox, ect...)

The online not being a broken mess like it was in the past two games and being fully functional/fun for once rather than being a boring/tedious/laggy torture segement!!!

With us being able to talk to one another on our head sets rather than communicating with taunts!!!!!

Us being able to play through co-op modes online (Story Mode, Boss Battle, Smash Run, Classic Mode, ect...)

The game being steady and well balanced!!!! With the developers taking their time to fully polish every nook and crany of the game with it not being rushed for a Christmas release!!!! As the game industry really needs to learn from the mistakes of they've made from having rushed a product out for Holiday consumer demands like Mega-Man X 7 And Sonic 06)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With each character not being too overpowered or under-powered (All being nerfed and buffed just right)!!!!!!!!!

Custom Moves for the entire main cast coming back in Ultimate and Stage Builder being available for everyone to use!!!!!!!!!

Cool extra's like Codecs for certain stages making a comeback (As well as other neat easter eggs from the previous games)

Other franchises receiving the same amount of roster love/support Pokemon, Mario, Fire Emblem receives to an overwhelming degree (Kirby, Donkey Kong, The Legend Of Zelda, Mother/Earthbound, Kid Icarus Metroid, ect...)

The developers taking more of their time to look throu the Smash 4 ballot and see who is worthy of being included as DLC rather than using DLC as a means of advertising future installments that haven't even been released to the public (Playstation All Stars did that it bombed horribly because of it's need to promote upcoming installments rather than focusing on beloved installments that people actually wanted to see be represented in the game)!!!!!!!

If one or two individuals on Smashboards could see about making that petition and giving it to Nintendo and Sakuray himself!!!! That would really make so many people's month wonderful/joyful/awesome to go throu!!!!!

It's either we make a petition to delay the game or we start rioting at the Nintendo Of America offices until they listen to us instead of raising middle fingers at all the fans that have stood by them after all the years of trials and hardships!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you guys say to that???????
Uh are you joking my dude are you for real smash ultimate is fine for what it is


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
anybody here preorder the game?
Does having the switch edition with the code count?
Also! Is that the only reason your looking forward to W.O.L/Smash Tour 2.0 (Just so you can listen to one particular song you can't just look up on Youtube)!!!!!

That's extremely pathetic if you ask me!!!!!!
Hey! No need to be rude.

And no offense but if anything WoL is more like an event match.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2018
John you seem like a good person if you dislike smash bros ULTIMATE don't be rude even if you do make some valid points
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