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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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The DanMan051

Banned via Warnings
Aug 18, 2018
A lot of people in general seem to have made Geno/Banjo/Isaac fans out to be the bogeymen when like you've said they've sorta just been keeping to themselves since the direct. If anything Steve/Sora/etc. supporters seem way more antagonistic towards them than the other way around, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.
I've seen a fair few very assholish Golden Sun fans in a fair few places; a common trend also seems to be a hatred for Xenoblade and/or Fire Emblem while also touting "muh sales"-- heck, I even saw one try to seriously argue it meant more to Nintendo than Star Fox.

Far from the majority, but some fans of characters who are repeatedly shot down become salty assholes over things.

With Banjo, it's more how much they absolutely loathe the sheer thought of Steve and act like adding him would be some underhanded and scummy move-- when Minecraft is the second most prolific game in existence only behind Tetris.

Geno is Geno; probably the most harmless stand out guys in terms of being more irritably certain than actually jerks about stuff.

Of course, the thing about human nature is that we tend to only really remember the stuff that makes a strong impression, and the internet lets the whiners be heard with far greater volume.
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Hot take: it is

There’s nothing inherently wrong about that. It’s just something that should be acknowledged.
MB I always respect your points but I gotta flat-out disagree
No amount of vocal MINORITY can cause Sakurai to talk, publicly, about how he was requested so much, a Mii Costume was implemented just for him.
His fanbase isn't a massive worldwide thing but I think calling it a vocal minority is a bit much.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Gonna be real here and I never really admitted it to anyone, I pretty much had a crush on Ike back when I was like 11.

I still got the manliest of man crushes on the dude. That'll probably never change either. Haven't found a character since RD that I love as much as Ike. Well, Snake. But he was around before Ike...

Amiibo Doctor

Smash Ace
Writing Team
May 30, 2014
hey was waiting for you to say something actually you like shrek in smash right? What if instead of all star he came with this instead as the stage theme
I would cry because Shrek was in Smash, and laugh because somehow Sakurai managed to miss the obvious best stage theme.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I really think people are overselling the probability of a DQ rep. I can't find the sales numbers available anywhere but I have a hunch that the west is the bigger market for DLC characters and I really don't think they're going to go with a rep that makes literally everyone outside of Japan turn their heads in confusion.

For all of the "DQ is more popular than Chrono Trigger, even in the west": I know a bit about Chrono Trigger just from hanging around gamers because it's a cult classic with a vocal following that will pay homage to its image. I never once held a conversation about Dragon Quest until people brought it up for Smash. I think you're really underestimating how little the west cares about Dragon Quest.

I'd love to see Geno but realistically Sora seems pretty likely. And hey, I'm sure he'd be a great character. But I really am doubtful of Dragon Quest popping up, especially as the first DLC reveal.
I'll say it once and say it again; adding Sora promotes a direct competitor to Nintendo in the form of the consoles KH3 will be launching on. Doesn't make it impossible; I just don't think Sora's pretty likely.
Probably more likely than Geno tho. (this ones for u tpc)


Smash Cadet
Oct 25, 2018
Disney fearmongering tends to be used a lot by Geno fans who want to assure themselves that Sora poses no threat to their character's chances, as well as hardcore Nintendo purists who hated Cloud's inclusion.
There are people who hate Cloud? I may have never played a single Final Fantasy game in my life, but even I understand the significance of the character to the franchise itself as well as his influence on the opinion of Western gamers with regards to the RPG genre.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
oh so graizen's cool for talking to a big leaker but i get scolded for performing a tactical break-in into vergeben's house to try to get him to tell me who the last dlc characters are. i see how it is.
Nah, your problem is that you didn't prepare properly.
I mean come on, who does an interrogation and doesn't bring the waterboarding tools? Shame.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Oh look, I inadvertently got people to talk about a character that hasn't gotten a lot of attention otherwise...

You're welcome Ike fans :yoshi:
>doesn't get a lot of attention
>literally tops most polls


If you want to talk about "hasn't gotten a lot of attention", feast your eyes on these:



Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
An excerpt from my comprehensive analysis of Ultimate's roster. Tell me your thoughts.

For the previous two Smash Bros. games (Smash 4 and Brawl), we had to wait over six years for the game’s release to happen. For Ultimate, its first newcomer was confirmed only two years after the end of Smash 4’s DLC. Ultimate also ended up being released during the same year as its announcement (compare that to Smash 4 where the game was first announced in 2011, but not shown until 2013, and not released until the end of 2014).

Much of the meta behind Ultimate and Ultimate’s roster is the fact that this game broke up a lot of the conventional norms for what speculators thought was the “norm” for the next game.

Who would have guessed that not only every single character from Smash 4 would return (Melee had been the only other game to bring back every veteran, and that was when there were only 12 veterans), but that every single veteran EVER would return including the likes of Pichu and Young Link?

Who would have guessed that Ridley would have made it in after Sakurai gave him one of the hardest deconfirmations back in November 2014 (where he flat out said Ridley was too big to be made into a fighter)?

Who would have guessed they would have gone back to Chrom after Sakurai more or less said the character was too uninteresting and was even mocked in official Smash material (the Robin/Lucina unveil trailer and the Palutena’s guidance for Robin)?

Who would have guessed that Metroid would have been the first franchise out of Metroid, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Star Fox to make it to four playable characters when Ridley had a hard de-confirmation by Sakurai and Dark Samus herself made her last appearance in her own series back in 2007 and had less requests than the fourth possible characters for those other previously mentioned franchises (Dixie Kong, Bandanna Dee, and Krystal)?

Who would have guessed that not only Castlevania would gain a playable character, but it would have TWO playable characters, and massive selection of content (over 30 songs, an Assist Trophy, an item, and a stage that has a massive selection of cameos by Castlevania bosses)? Most in the speculation community were talking up the likes of Rayman, Shovel Knight, and Shantae over this historic and legendary franchise.

Ultimate has had the least amount of newcomers for ANY Smash Bros. game. (11). Smash 64 had 12 characters added, Melee added 14, Brawl added 18, and Smash 4 added 21 (17 on the base roster, plus another four newcomers through DLC). Yet, among veteran speculators there is for once a sense of satisfaction and not any bitterness about what was NOT included. Why is this?

A large reason for this is due to, in Sakurai’s own words, “the impossible being made possible”.

Deleted member

I've seen a fair few very assholish Golden Sun fans in a fair few places; a common trend also seems to be a hatred for Xenoblade and/or Fire Emblem while also touting "muh sales"-- heck, I even saw one try to seriously argue it meant more to Nintendo than Star Fox.

Far from the majority, but some fans of characters who are repeatedly shot down become salty ******** over things.

With Banjo, it's more how much they absolutely loathe the sheer thought of Steve and act like adding him would be some underhanded and scummy move-- when Minecraft is the second most prolific game in existence only behind Tetris.

Geno is Geno; probably the most harmless stand out guys in terms of being more irritably certain than actually jerks about stuff.

Of course, the thing about human nature is that we tend to only really remember the stuff that makes a strong impression, and the internet lets the whiners be heard in far greater volumes.
To be fair a lot of people hate the idea of Steve. Anywhere outside this thread seems to have the prevailing opinion of neutral to negative towards Steve. I can certainly see your point though. Haven't seen many Isaac fans like that, but I'll take your word for it and assume that I really haven't been looking in the right places for that kind of discussion.
I was really just weighing in my opinion on the topic, but I'm a self-proclaimed ****ing idiot so I don't really expect people to take it at anything more than face value.
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Once you realize we're all debating over a children's video game, the whole "X fans are assholes" thing seems just kind dumb tbh.

I have basically given up trying to follow DLC leaks, but if someone would like to fill me in that would be lovely. At this point, the way I see it is that Hitagi still has to prove they have information, and the only way to prove it is for the info they have to come true. This is at least where I'm at with the whole DLC "leaks" going on. Verg was someone to keep tabs on until he was proven right (for the most part) at E3, and then the rest is history.

For the most part, I just want characters that would be dope. My determination of characters that would be "dope" comes from the fact that I've played every series with a playable character in Smash and THEN some (except for Castlevania), so there's quite a few picks I'd be like, "Yo that's sick" and there's also a good amount that I'd be like, "Bruh, why?"

I would like to think it all comes down to gameplay opportunities, as that's what we learned got Incineroar in to Smash Ultimate. That's why Geno is a cool idea, Isaac is a real cool idea, and why several others are just...awesome.

I must say though, despite the obsurdity of the speculation this time, there was a lot less "Bruh look at these sales figures" than there was for Wii U. Thank goodness.

Also, Ike is best lord. It's not even a debate.

Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Rights "complications" for Sora and Dragon Quest are the primary reason I'm still holding Geno above them.

In my eyes Geno's biggest competition isn't even them simply because of the whole ''Talk to 2 to 3 parties" thing that both Sora and DQ have, but rather things like Braverly or Octopath pulling an ''upset."

But who knows Sakurai can move mountains so maybe the complexities of both Kingdom Hearts and Dragon Quest won't make him bat an eyelid or flinch from adding either of them.

I'm sure Dragon Quest's biggest hurdle if it's DQ content will be the asshole of a composer though.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
They'd probably get more attention if they were officially localized.

Also, if Nintendo didn't despise emulation as much as they do.
Genealogy is the next one the chopping block of remakes unless they want to skip straight to Roy or skip 776 because 776 is weird and wonky and dark souls

Knight Dude

Keeping it going.
Mar 10, 2013
The States
Wait for them to ask for suggestions again. The Waifu Knight will rise again!
I'm rooting for them Super Fighting Robot boyz.

It's somewhat reassuring that no one has any clue what the Squenix character really is.
For me personally, Crono or Lara would be the best choices since I like them, and in the case of Lara, I've got a sibling that wants either her or Phoenix Wright in the game.

But I think Sora would make the most people happy. So you can't go wrong with that.

Amiibo Doctor

Smash Ace
Writing Team
May 30, 2014
I'd like to remind everyone that __________________poses no threat to _____________________.
You may be asking, "Gee, Hisry, you chiseled slab of a man, which characters are you talking about? You put in blank lines, and that doesn't indicate any specific character!"
And you would be right! That DOESN'T indicate any specific character!
I put them in because Nintendo chose these characters already and gave Sakurai the final pick!
And this is the guy who went with Piranha Plant, PhD Mario, three different Links, Dark Gary, and Wii Fit Trainer. Let's not make assumptions that we know what's going to happen.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
I'm rooting for them Super Fighting Robot boyz.

For me personally, Crono or Lara would be the best choices since I like them, and in the case of Lara, I've got a sibling that wants either her or Phoenix Wright in the game.

But I think Sora would make the most people happy. So you can't go wrong with that.
nods at you in obsessive Geno fan

Lara would be too WTF-but-makes-sense for me to be mad lol. Crono's a cool guy. Sora for my gang.

Deleted member

Honestly. I think 25% is generous for a character like Geno. Many of his fans greatly overestimate his chances. Remember how some of them even claimed Geno would make more sense if he was included in the base roster? We all know how that turned out.
Remember how Ridley had 0% chance going into Smash Ultimate's roster? And how Sakurai said numerous times that he'd be too big to fit in Smash?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all know how that turned out, too.

Until the very last fighter is revealed, you can't simply just count them out. I lost faith in Sora due to the massive legality issues that NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy brought up, but I won't count him out until the last fighter is announced.

The DanMan051

Banned via Warnings
Aug 18, 2018
There are people who hate Cloud? I may have never played a single Final Fantasy game in my life, but even I understand the significance of the character to the franchise itself as well as his influence on the opinion of Western gamers with regards to the RPG genre.
>General FFVII hate
>Sword character hate
>JRPG/..."anime" character hate
>(biggest one) "Didn't debut on Nintendo hardware"

He was an oft-mocked and memed character before he actually got in. I'm personally fine with him right now.
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Deleted member

On the topic of Square characters, music issues be damned, I really want Eight in now just because I really dig his design. I've never even played a single Dragon Quest game, and I don't know what he can do.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2018
I would cry because Shrek was in Smash, and laugh because somehow Sakurai managed to miss the obvious best stage theme.
Yeah but this is more suited for fights. Im amazed it wasnt in shrek the movie to be honest. OGRE BATTLE its pretty obvious.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
Lara would be too WTF-but-makes-sense for me to be mad lol..
Oh okay, but Cooking mother****ing Mama, a faithful mother who spent 99% of her life on nintendo consoles, is out of the picture compared to **** mcgee?

disappointed in y'all sleeping on this girl :grrr:

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Remember how Ridley had 0% chance going into Smash Ultimate's roster? And how Sakurai said numerous times that he'd be too big to fit in Smash?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all know how that turned out, too.

Until the very last fighter is revealed, you can't simply just count them out. I lost faith in Sora due to the massive legality issues that NonSpecificGuy NonSpecificGuy brought up, but I won't count him out until the last fighter is announced.
Were they ACTUALLY legality issues or "well he's owned by Disney" I gotta ask

Oh okay, but Cooking mother****ing Mama, a faithful mother who spent 99% of her life on nintendo consoles, is out of the picture compared to **** mcgee?

disappointed in y'all sleeping on this girl :grrr:
Cooking Mama would be ****ing amazing lol I love that girl
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Tree Gelbman

100 Percent Done
Nov 3, 2007
Why would Lara being WTF?

Out of all of their female characters, Lara's probably the most logical and sensible female Square rep.

She is the Guinness Book of World Records holder for most recognized female game character after all.

I'd just think she'd have the issue of Sakurai would probably want classic Lara and Square would probably try to pawn reboot! Lara off on him.
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Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
"Be a friend of a true leaker and the japanese art director for Digimon at the same time"


Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Oh okay, but Cooking mother****ing Mama, a faithful mother who spent 99% of her life on nintendo consoles, is out of the picture compared to **** mcgee?

disappointed in y'all sleeping on this girl :grrr:
She's definitely on the higher end of my most wanted Square characters, right up there with Bub and Bob, Lara Croft, and the Space Invaders
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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
On the topic of Square characters, music issues be damned, I really want Eight in now just because I really dig his design. I've never even played a single Dragon Quest game, and I don't know what he can do.
Catch me up as I'm not into the dee ques...is "Eight" what we're calling the hero of Dragon Quest 8 because the heroes dont have actual names? Would Five be the hero from DQ 5 for instance?
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Deleted member

Were they ACTUALLY legality issues or "well he's owned by Disney" I gotta ask

Cooking Mama would be ****ing amazing lol I love that girl
I think it was some stuff related to Disney, but it actually goes more in-depth and not simple as "he's Disney owned lelel". Like, we're talking about pretty long posts he posted, too. Was shocked even myself how far the rabbit hole went.

Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014
Why would Lara being WTF?

Out of all of their female characters, Lara's probably the most logical and sensible female Square rep.

She is the guiness book of world records holder for most recognized female game character after all.

I'd just think she'd have the issue of Sakurai would probably want classic Lara and Square would probably try to pawn reboot! Lara off on him.
Because I don't think Squenix is aiming for female characters they're aiming for /any/ characters

It'd be shocking because of how much time I spend in the circle of "Sora/Geno/DQ/a few other niches" to be honest

I think it was some stuff related to Disney, but it actually goes more in-depth and not simple as "he's Disney owned lelel". Like, we're talking about pretty long posts he posted, too. Was shocked even myself how far the rabbit hole went.
Find me this my boy I am sending you on a quest
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Deleted member

Catch me up as I'm not into the dee ques...is "Eight" what we're calling the hero of Dragon Quest 8 because the heroes dont have actual names? Would Five be the hero from DQ 5 for instance?
Yeah, Eight is DQVII's hero. I've heard him called that in this thread before because he doesn't have a name.
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