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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Or you know, Master Chief or any Sony characters.
Ratchet & Clank has both of Mario's voice actors, if that counts for anything.

I wouldn't throw a hissy fit over Katalina, but I would have zero understanding why she's Smash DLC besides "her games are popular in Japan." Like, that's it. Not a Nintendo character, not a character with a long-standing history and influence, not a globally recognizable character, has never been on a Nintendo system, nothing especially interesting about her character design or moveset potential, she would just... exist. The idea that I would have to pay for a character like this seems crazy and is what is keeping me from going all in on the fighter pass.

Thankfully I don't think she is coming no matter what some random leaker on the internet says.

also gacha games are awful
Is Dragalia Lost any good? It came on Switch recently.

A Senran Kagura character?
I'd love to see CERO have a field day/freak out with that one.
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I think the real aversion to Katalina is that she’d be the character with the least amount of connection to Nintendo ever.
Yeah, I still look back fondly on that one spin-off KH 3DS game that had :ultcloud: make a cameo.

That was when I knew I was a :ultcloud: fan.

Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
Is anyone else glad that character speculation (for the base roster) is over? I've actually started to appreciate other characters like :ultkrool: more because I no longer have to think "Okay he's in, but what about this other guy???"
I agree. Although I'm still hurt Shadow didn't make it (seriously they should've revealed him earlier, we got our hopes up for nothing), I can appreciate Incineroar more now that there's nobody left to speculate about.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
What if we got a literal fanservice female character in smash (that ISN'T Bayonetta)
Let's see...the safest one I can think of is Fio Germi, and even then it's mostly in the leg department, and she's only in combat situations.

Full stop one would be Mai Shiranui.

Wait, there are 3DS Kingdom Hearts games?
Only the most important one, since Dream Drop Distance ties into III.

Dragalia Lost is on mobile, not Switch.

Your enjoyment will depend on whether or not you like gacha games; I'm able to get a lot out of them without spending a penny, but for you it may be different.
Oh, sorry, I didn't think mobile games were covered on Nintendo sites (beyond Super Mario Run and Pokemon Go, anyway).
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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Here's a rushed rundown on the Final Smashea, typed on a cell phone ar 4%...so rushed...

:ultbayonetta: Same
:ultzss: Akin to Lucario's Brawl FS
:ultbowser: New
:ultbowserjr: Same
:ultdiddy:He now flies from side to side like Sonic's Ultimate FS
:ultdk:Jungle Beat
:ultfalco:Like Captain Falcon's but with Arwings
:ultfox:Like Captain Falcon's but with Arwings
:ultganondorf:Same with a different looking Beast Ganon
:ultgreninja:Same but with Battle Bond Greninja
:ultkirby:Same as 4
:ultlittlemac:New, just like Jungle Beat
:ultlucario:Same as Brawl but with Mega Lucario
:ultluigi:I'm told its the same as 4
:ultmetaknight:New; its more akin to Omnislash
:ultmiifighters:Gunners and Swordfighter's are the same, haven't seen Brawler's
:ultpeach:Most likely the same cause Daisy also has it
:ultpikachu:Volt Tackle but functions differently
:ultpit:New for the third time
:ultpokemontrainer:Same as in Brawl
:ultrob:Newish, its like it was from 4 but with homing lasers and the giant beam grows in size
:ultrobin:Same, yes Chrom is still in here
:ultsonic:Same but functions like Diddy's Ultimate FS
:ultwolf:See Fox and Falco, uses Wolfens
:ultyoshi:the Yoshi Stampede from the Melee intro
:ultyounglink:Its the Tri-Force Slash
:ultisabelle:See Villager
:ultchrom::ultdarksamus:See Samus
:ultsimon::ultrichter:Shares the same
:ultdaisy:See Peach


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
I don't want to see Smash become a generic video game crossover. If we're going to get third parties, I would like to see ones with resumes to back them up, like the ones we have currently... mostly. Katalina misses that bar pretty massively. It's pretty clear Sakurai does indeed favor "iconic" characters by and large, so that's why it comes up.

Attempts to justify the inclusion of characters like Katalina feel very post hoc (even when she hasn't been confirmed yet). Every time a character like this comes up, people have to swarm to defend it. Characters like Piranha Plant are one thing; they're at least Nintendo characters and fall into the psuedo "joke character" category. I'm not going to have a meltdown and post walls of text if she gets in, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or be okay with it.
Im less defending her and more objecting to the thought process that only the most iconic characters in the universe can be considered because everything else is is too generic for the most perfect game in the cosmos. That Smash is some snotty king crushing anything not "worthy" of it under its foot. And by the "iconicness" argument most Nintendo characters are non viable for this Nintendo crossover, making most of its own characters stuck under the "generic" tab
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I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
Whatever happened to the F-Zero-style Star Fox racing game that was rumored earlier this year, allegedly by Retro Studios? I mean they've been working on something for the past 4 and a half years, and it wasn't Metroid. The rumor came out a month before E3, but that wasn't shown, so really it could be shown any day now.

Unless they're in some kind of development hell and things are going poorly, which is uncharacteristic of them. That, or whatever game they're working on is huge, which is exciting.
Allegedly, Retro's Wii U development was hell and they've lost a lot of staff. Multiple disgruntled employees left fiercely negative reviews of the company on Glass Door, with one going so far as saying he thought Nintendo was planning on shutting them down. id Sofware also alleged that they got a lot of Retro Studios former employees applying for jobs with them (since they're the closest developer to Retro's location in Texas) around the time DKCR Tropical Freeze released.

The only thing we know for sure about Retro Studios is that the actual staff that was around for the Metroid Prime trilogy is almost zero. But whatever they've been working on since Tropical Freeze is a mystery.

Deleted member

I wouldn't throw a hissy fit over Katalina, but I would have zero understanding why she's Smash DLC besides "her games are popular in Japan." Like, that's it. Not a Nintendo character, not a character with a long-standing history and influence, not a globally recognizable character, has never been on a Nintendo system, nothing especially interesting about her character design or moveset potential, she would just... exist. The idea that I would have to pay for a character like this seems crazy and is what is keeping me from going all in on the fighter pass.

Thankfully I don't think she is coming no matter what some random leaker on the internet says.

also gacha games are awful
Pretty much this and how I feel about the arguments FOR Katalina or Granblue Fantasy making it in Smash Ultimate.

Back during Melee, intellectual properties weren't as abundant as they are now, so there was at least SOME lee-way for Fire Emblem making the cut for Melee, to represent another Nintendo franchise. Adding in characters weren't as important as they are nowadays. In this current age, if your franchise wants to make the cut, it at the least has to have notoriety in not just one singular country, but all across the world. This is why, and I hate to say this, characters like Piranha Plant make the cut instead of characters like Isaac, because of their notoriety as a character and franchise. While Sakurai's statements of the Fighter Ballot might be on shaky grounds, Bayonetta is notable around the world. One of the biggest videos from 2009/2010 on niconico was a Gachimuchi remix of Fly Me to The Moon (Climax Mix).

Virtually nobody here in America knows what Granblue Fantasy is; to make things more clearer, we just now are getting a feeling for what Dragon Quest is after the launch of Dragon Quest XI. Let that sink in, because remember that Dragon Quest isn't as "big" as some people make it out to be here in America. Japanese franchises here in America are like American franchises in Japan: you either get pretty lucky and be successful, or continue to be lukewarm and battle to grab attention. Another good example of that is Grand Theft Auto now becoming popular in Japan with how successful GTAV is. No other GTA game got this much success in Japan as V did. Also, we're talking about a mobile game, and I can guarantee you THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage is ****ing bulldozing Granblue and every other mobage.

And we're also talking about a franchise that has 0% history with Nintendo. I don't get how we're vouching for a franchise with that in mind. Remember, every character in Smash Ultimate has pretty significant history with Nintendo. Snake? Metal Gear's first game was on the NES and the Snake Eater ports + Twin Snakes remake. Cloud? Final Fantasy in general, especially on the SNES, and the Sony/Nintendo break-up. Bayonetta? Nintendo's paying her rent. Simon and Richter? Wouldn't even exist had they not made it big on the NES/SNES.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
Is anyone else glad that character speculation (for the base roster) is over? I've actually started to appreciate other characters like :ultkrool: more because I no longer have to think "Okay he's in, but what about this other guy???"
Oh absolutely. I'm into the DLC talk but that's way more laid-back and fun. Now I want to think about the game and who I want to play! The new Classic mode details has me SO excited. I heard about Ryu's and it's exactly what I was dreaming of.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2018
Question to Sora enthusiasts

How quickly would hearing Sanctuary bring you to tears in a Smash reveal?

I wouldn't cry at all :sadeyes::sadeyes::sadeyes::sadeyes: I just like chopping onions.
The waterworks would be instant hell it's hard not cry any time a new trailer comes out for kh3. I think i'd lose my **** if we got a KH collections and KH3 announcement for the Switch along a Sora for Smash announcement. lol


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
Whatever happened to the F-Zero-style Star Fox racing game that was rumored earlier this year, allegedly by Retro Studios? I mean they've been working on something for the past 4 and a half years, and it wasn't Metroid. The rumor came out a month before E3, but that wasn't shown, so really it could be shown any day now.

Unless they're in some kind of development hell and things are going poorly, which is uncharacteristic of them. That, or whatever game they're working on is huge, which is exciting.
I like to think that the Star Fox racing game is either cancelled, was just leak bait, or the game is getting rebuilt into an actual F-Zero racing game. If that's the case, I do hope the "flying" part isn't going to be a major "gimmick", like you actually fly in order to race. F-Zero was never designed with Kart Racer gimmicks in the first place, it's meant to be a unique take on the racing genre which is why there's the boost health mechanic. Knowing how good Retro is though, I'm positive they'll do a great job and hopefully they'll make the F-Zero game that will be the true successor to GX


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Im less defending her and more objecting to the thought process that only the most iconic characters in the universe can be considered because everything else is is too generic for the most perfect game in the cosmos. That Smash that is some snotty king crushing anything not "worthy" of it under its foot. And by the "iconicness" argument most Nintendo characters are non viable for this Nintendo crossover, making most of its own characters stuck under the "generic" tab
The "iconic" argument mostly comes up with third parties because people want a higher bar for non-Nintendo characters to be in a Nintendo game.

While certainly some people rail against the lesser known Nintendo characters like Palutena or Shulk, usually I see people prop up the "iconic" argument in favor of certain Nintendo characters, not against them.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Just a quick analysis between the 3rd parties
Characters: 2
Stages: 3
Music: 31
AT: 4
Spirits: 17 so far
Boss: ? So far
Longetivity: 10 years and still going
Face of 3rd Parties and Ultimate Bro: :ultsonic:
Characters: 3
Stages: 2
Music: lots
AT: 4
Spirit: about 16 shown
Boss: 1
Characters: 3
Item: 1
Stages: 2
Music: lots
AT: 3
Spirit: 13 spotted
Boss: 1
Character: 1
Stages: 1
Music: lots of medleys and remixes and ****
AT: 1
Spirit: idk
Item: 1
Series represented: 23
Smash Game Developer Credit: 1
Character: 1
Stages: 1
Music: 2
AT: 0
Spirit: none?

Most definitely

I ****ing need both an HD sequel and an HD remake of Uprising
Alot of people forget that Bayo was kind of from Sega because its partnership with Platinum.
Hey! Don't say that word! We don't ever say the N word around here.

i wouldn't mind that. I actually hope we primarily get 3rd party characters, but if they're all 1st Party I think I could live with that.

:ultlink: beating up on character with Mipha's or BotW Zelda's Spirit
:ultyounglink: beating up on a character with the Hero's Shade Spirit, himself in the future who seems to have been murdered. Or beat up a Saria Spirit.
:ultmarth: beating up on a female character with his Wife and Sister's spirits
:ultsheik: beating up on a young Zelda spirit or regular OoT Zelda spirit

:ultcloud:beating up on an Aerith Spirit.
:4larry:: NEVER!
giphy (13).gif
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Im less defending her and more objecting to the thought process that only the most iconic characters in the universe can be considered because everything else is is too generic for the most perfect game in the cosmos. That Smash that is some snotty king crushing anything not "worthy" of it under its foot. And by the "iconicness" argument most Nintendo characters are non viable for this Nintendo crossover, making most of its own characters stuck under the "generic" tab
Yeah man, who wouldn't want to play a game where you can have Worms and Banjo-Kazooie pelt Master Higgins with grenades, while trying to dodge Ezio and the Battletoads?

Tako Tuesday

Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2018
Under a nice, comfy rock
Switch FC
Here's a rushed rundown on the Final Smashea, typed on a cell phone ar 4%...so rushed...

:ultbayonetta: Same
:ultzss: Akin to Lucario's Brawl FS
:ultbowser: New
:ultbowserjr: Same
:ultdiddy:He now flies from side to side like Sonic's Ultimate FS
:ultdk:Jungle Beat
:ultfalco:Like Captain Falcon's but with Arwings
:ultfox:Like Captain Falcon's but with Arwings
:ultganondorf:Same with a different looking Beast Ganon
:ultgreninja:Same but with Battle Bond Greninja
:ultkirby:Same as 4
:ultlittlemac:New, just like Jungle Beat
:ultlucario:Same as Brawl but with Mega Lucario
:ultluigi:I'm told its the same as 4
:ultmetaknight:New; its more akin to Omnislash
:ultmiifighters:Gunners and Swordfighter's are the same, haven't seen Brawler's
:ultpeach:Most likely the same cause Daisy also has it
:ultpikachu:Volt Tackle but functions differently
:ultpit:New for the third time
:ultpokemontrainer:Same as in Brawl
:ultrob:Newish, its like it was from 4 but with homing lasers and the giant beam grows in size
:ultrobin:Same, yes Chrom is still in here
:ultsonic:Same but functions like Diddy's Ultimate FS
:ultwolf:See Fox and Falco, uses Wolfens
:ultyoshi:the Yoshi Stampede from the Melee intro
:ultyounglink:Its the Tri-Force Slash
:ultisabelle:See Villager
:ultchrom::ultdarksamus:See Samus
:ultsimon::ultrichter:Shares the same
:ultdaisy:See Peach
You listed :ultlucas:and:ultness: as same, but they went back to their Brawl final smashes now.


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
In the heart of the furry
Switch FC
SW 1285-9221-5627
Ratchet & Clank has both of Mario's voice actors, if that counts for anything.

Is Dragalia Lost any good? It came on Switch recently.

I'd love to see CERO have a field day/freak out with that one.
Dragalia isn't too bad as a game but it's probably one of the worst when it comes to pull rates. All the rates start off completely awful and there's three categories of things you can pull where getting a 5 star of one will pull the other rates down to base as well making getting the cooler characters a complete nightmare


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Pretty much this and how I feel about the arguments FOR Katalina or Granblue Fantasy making it in Smash Ultimate.

Back during Melee, intellectual properties weren't as abundant as they are now, so there was at least SOME lee-way for Fire Emblem making the cut for Melee, to represent another Nintendo franchise. Adding in characters weren't as important as they are nowadays. In this current age, if your franchise wants to make the cut, it at the least has to have notoriety in not just one singular country, but all across the world. This is why, and I hate to say this, characters like Piranha Plant make the cut instead of characters like Isaac, because of their notoriety as a character and franchise. While Sakurai's statements of the Fighter Ballot might be on shaky grounds, Bayonetta is notable around the world. One of the biggest videos from 2009/2010 on niconico was a Gachimuchi remix of Fly Me to The Moon (Climax Mix).

Virtually nobody here in America knows what Granblue Fantasy is; to make things more clearer, we just now are getting a feeling for what Dragon Quest is after the launch of Dragon Quest XI. Let that sink in, because remember that Dragon Quest isn't as "big" as some people make it out to be here in America. Japanese franchises here in America are like American franchises in Japan: you either get pretty lucky and be successful, or continue to be lukewarm and battle to grab attention. Another good example of that is Grand Theft Auto now becoming popular in Japan with how successful GTAV is. No other GTA game got this much success in Japan as V did. Also, we're talking about a mobile game, and I can guarantee you THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: Starlight Stage is ****ing bulldozing Granblue and every other mobage.

And we're also talking about a franchise that has 0% history with Nintendo. I don't get how we're vouching for a franchise with that in mind. Remember, every character in Smash Ultimate has pretty significant history with Nintendo. Snake? Metal Gear's first game was on the NES and the Snake Eater ports + Twin Snakes remake. Cloud? Final Fantasy in general, especially on the SNES, and the Sony/Nintendo break-up. Bayonetta? Nintendo's paying her rent. Simon and Richter? Wouldn't even exist had they not made it big on the NES/SNES.
Basically, Slime from Dragon Quest is a good idea.

Deleted member

Basically, Slime from Dragon Quest is a good idea.
If you really wanna go deep, the only characters we know in America from Dragon Quest are a Slime and whoever characters were in Fortune Street.
That, or the Mario Sports crossovers from the DS and Wii.

By the way, Ninja from Mario Hoops 3-on-3 should be an AT.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Okay okay. Y'all talking about DQ or Sora, or Geno.

But Neku and Crono would be unlimited level of hype too.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Hey, Toriyama is Toriyama.

Seriously DQ should have been in Smash already.
Dragon Quest is owned by three companies, you could make a case that even Sora is easier to negotiate for.

And uh... the composer (who co-owns music rights because of Japanese law) is a holocaust denier, so there's that.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
What if we got a literal fanservice female character in smash (that ISN'T Bayonetta)
I'm assuming by "literal fanservice", you mean "huge iconic character", not "porn stash fodder". So... um... Lara Croft? She's the biggest, most important female gaming character I can think of outside of Samus Aran, Princess Peach, and Princess Zelda.


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
I don't want to see Smash become a generic video game crossover. If we're going to get third parties, I would like to see ones with resumes to back them up, like the ones we have currently... mostly. Katalina misses that bar pretty massively. It's pretty clear Sakurai does indeed favor "iconic" characters by and large, so that's why it comes up.
Genuinely curious. What is a generic videogame crossover in this example? What's an example of one already on the market?

I'm just failing to see what you're trying to say. If only the most iconic ones were selected, would that not be generic? What other fighters have a cast similar to what we have, thus making them generic? I'm confused.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
ZSS' new Final Smash harkens back to Brawl's debut trailer. Samus fires her BIG GIANT BEAM from the background and then loses her suit and becomes ZSS.

But logically, it's really stupid.
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