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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018
How is it unrelated? It's the same exact video people have pointed to as potential evidence for the leak being real, due to certain things matching up. Also, it's not ACP-PLV's Youtube channel, yet the video on them is the only one that got pulled from the channel. Regardless of whether or not it got pulled due to Smash comment spam or to hide evidence, it got pulled because of the Smash leak.
I meant that the video wasn't explicitly focused on Smash, hence, it's unrelated to that. I get everything that the company itself may have a relation to it in other ways, but I don't want to be misinterpreted like that.
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Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
Any new leaks?
The Nintenja are apparently in the wild flagging the video who speak about the leak.
Also, it seems all of us have to apologize to Vergeben.

The feeling when sakurai might bring back considered characters like chorus kids and mach rider, but not plusle & minun :(

As for most wanted newcomers? Waluigi, Mew, Plusle & Minun, chorus kids
He probably feels it's too late for Plusle and Minun now. They suffered from bad timing overall.

Deleted member

Stupid idea time:

Take Bayonetta off the roster, but put her instead on a new mode called “ Bayonessa Mode!”

This will be the Funky Mode of the Smash franchise.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2018
in some dreambubble
Switch FC
Alright people, we need to start putting together a timeline of when and where Sakurai/Phil Spencer were at E3. We'll look at empty gaps and try to calculate how long a meeting like that would need to be.
You sure? that will be long time to putting it together. Plus, we know that Sakurai was at E3 tournament but where was he before that event?


Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2014
just rewatching Phil Spencer's opening from the E3 2018 press conference and I find his wordings to be very interesting (even thought that back then):

"Gaming connects us. brings us together" ; "what unifies us is this sheer love of this great artform";

"For months, our team and I have traveled the world, meeting game developers from Japan and Poland (....)

of course, he could have just refered to XBox, but his immense focus on gaming as this big unifier really captured my imagination


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2018
I dont believe that Sakurai got the rights at E3, they've been working on him for much longer for sure. Inceniroar is a weird case. I'm ready to drop Inceniroar's possibility but the fact that someone said they SAW him makes it difficult. But he's the only red herring here. No idea.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2014
Regarding Papagenos video, the whole late edition Banjo and Incineroar swap is a little too conspiracy theory for me. I will however agree that if the Grinch leak is true it's very very very likely Incineroar is our first dlc character. Or one of the first.

I will say this I am verrrrrry intested in your source papagenos papagenos , and I wouldn't ask you about it now, but would you be able to reveal post the game's release? Or is it a situation where you couldn't even after that. Fake or real I think it would be interesting to know ;)


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2018
The difference is the workline between Melee to Brawl and Smash 4 to Ultimate.
Ultimate probably managed to get like 80% of it's roster back from Smash 4 more easily than Melee to Brawl or Brawl to Smash 4

It make absolutely no sense if the characters list was decided in 2015 that probably like, 3 years of work get thrown away, and EVEN MORE you replace A POKEMON for Banjo when you have Mach-Rider/Isaac/Chorus Kids etc... (no offense to their fans)
Banjo is a way bigger deal than another pokemon that we already have 9 of.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Honestly, even if I believe the leak is fake I've told myself I would've been happy if it were real. It has characters I'd love to play.

That having been said, if this theory actually holds water, I absolutely do not want it to be real. Sonic was a character I was excited to have in Smash, but he got a rushed moveset that would end up haunting him for much of the series. Banjo being rushed in under even more tense circumstances is even worse. He deserves better than that, and I'm sure Sakurai feels any potential character inclusion would deserve more care and effort.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
I've been thinking a lot about this and I'm trying to wrap my head around the psychology for the leak and why it happened and who was truly responsible. I feel like there are three possible reasons this could've happened including three different responsible parties...

Scenario 1: The Grandson
The real leaker is Eric Bricard...the 3rd, grandson to Eric Bricard whom was taken on a tour of the facility by his grandfather and casually snapchatted a video of these promo materials to one of his friends, thus ruining his grandfather's career. Probably an early to mid-teen.

But I don't think this is likely, mainly because I can't imagine security would be this lax and I'm guessing Eric Sr. would've explained just how important it is to not take photos of ANYTHING.

Scenario 2: The Elaborate Hoax
I'm a cynic to the core and I don't trust anyone or anything until I've validated it personally. We only have it on the authority of a very small French gaming news blog (which doesn't even have its own website, just a blogspot) that ACP-PLV or Bricard were contacted. To me, that's not enough proof.

However, the reaction from all of the media outlets with ties to Nintendo, all of the "insiders" (who didn't know the full roster until recently and now suddenly know the whole thing so they can tell us it's fake), and youtube channels who have been starving for SSBU news in this two month dry spell and are for some reason willing to pass up on a GOLDEN source of ad revenue have convinced me the leak is real. APC-PLV's video showing the inside of their facility was even taken down (though not before people watched it and compared the printing the video showed to the printing in the leak).

Beyond that, if this is all an elaborate hoax, Bricard has a huge, HUUUUGE lawsuit he could file for defamation of character, especially because this is his livelihood.

So I'm leaning toward #3...

Scenario 3: Eric Bricard, Clueless Senior and Accidental Leaker Extraordinaire
Eric Bricard graduated in 1984, meaning he'd be somewhere between 55-65 years old today. I believe he did leak this, but had no idea the ramifications of doing so. Here's why...

Picture a man your parents' age. Someone showed him Snapchat, possibly a younger coworker, and while he knows how to use it, he likely doesn't know that Snapchat isn't really as secure as it makes itself out to be, as we all know it's possible to screen capture Snapchat video and photos. Eric likely didn't know this.

What Eric also didn't know is that Nintendo's strict security standards that apply to all of their promotional products, while seemingly asinine to him (hence the "**** Nintendo" message in the picture, complete with the "LOL" which is something an older person trying to be "hip" to social media would use), were in place for a very real reason. This may have been the first time ACP had worked with Nintendo, and Nintendo is very, VERY strict about how their products are handled (look up stories by 3rd party devs about Nintendo's exacting standards).

These standards were likely something Eric wasn't used to, and he also likely had no idea that the picture on this piece of promotional art was going to be such a huge deal because, being a senior citizen, he has no clue that there was an ocean of SSB fans desperately seeking news of any kind. In his mind, Nintendo was just being unreasonably strict, and I could see a Snapchat convo unfolding with a "friend" of his about just how stodgy Nintendo was about their promo materials and how it pissed him off.

He then sent a short video clip to said "friend", saying "lol **** Nintendo", assuming that Snapchat would ensure this short video was deleted forever moments later, and because I'm sure he had no idea that the internet would take the video and analyze the hell out of it in order to extract some very specific information.

All he saw was a picture of a bunch of goofy looking characters he'd never heard of all bunched together. He had no idea that the presence of 7 of those 70+ would blow up the entire goddamn internet, and even so, he figured that video would stay private, since that's what Snapchat is supposed to do and all, right...?

The friend haphazardly tried to blot out Eric's name (and got most of it) before leaking it on Discord (IIRC), and the rest is history. One disgruntled advertising associate who was sick of dealing with Nintendo's bull**** regulations about how their materials are handed decided to flip them the middle finger, not knowing the ****storm he was about to unleash.

We really need to start a Patreon for Eric if this whole thing turns out to be real. He made the wait leading up to SSBU the most memorable experience it could've possibly been, and I'm 90% sure he did it entirely by accident.
To add to this, I've been thinking about the relationship between the image leak and the text leak (the Chadondorf one). What could have happened is that the banner leak happened back in September (the text leak was posted on 4chan on 29 September IIRC) and shared among a limited number of people. One of the people who saw it, confident that it was real, decided to share it on 4chan but added a few made up additions of their own: cut characters and Spirits Mode bosses. I feel this could be the case as Eric or his friends are unlikely to know such information. The Chadondorf leaker may have added it to make the leak their own, even if it was false additions.

... At least I think that's how it could hypothetically have happened. Still not entirely sure (about 60/40 in terms of thinking its fake), but this could have been the case.


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2018
Thanks for the hot take Papa Geno. Your videos cut out the bull**** and deliver solid information in a neat package.

Delaying Brawl for Sonic makes sense.

Delaying the game for Incineroar? Ehhhhhh.

The only hole I see in Papa Geno's theory is why wouldn't they just have delayed the game for Banjo, or made Banjo DLC? I see no compelling reason why Sakurai would make Banjo base in favor of Incineroar. Banjo would SELL as DLC. Incineroar? Not as much.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
Banjo is a way bigger deal than another pokemon that we already have 9 of.
Look, I love Banjo, even if I'm not fan of their design.

But do you really think that TPC would agree on cutting Incineroar for DLC when we knows that Pokémon have a special treatments by Sakurai's own words?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
there ya go
Currently giving this a watch.
A rather noble stance you're taking in the beginning.
You're certainly the odd one out when it comes to folks presenting information.

I also have no reason not to trust you specifically, though I'm sure you can understand if I am a little dubious of your source(s). It's not that I don't trust your judgement specifically, of course. Looking in from the outside, the more removed information is from the person presenting it, the harder it is to accept as legitimate. I'm speaking in general, for all people who present information.

That being said, I am not going to challenge your judgement for the sake of conversation. Hearing how much you trust this person in particular leads me towards assuming legitimacy- after all, if we spoke on your terms as if your source was fake, that wouldn't be much of a conversation!

Certainly, if what you're saying is true, then the leak is legitimate (and then some).

Very interesting indeed.

Well, I can certainly say I'm rooting for you.
Of course, I know nothing myself, so it's hard for me to "pick a side" as it were, but I think pretty much all of the points your presenting in this video are valid.



Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the deepest darkest part of my heart
After reading the other comments, I now realize that theory is a bit ridiculous. Pokemon S/M may have come out a year after Smash, but Sakurai most likely saw the concept art already in 2015. Incineroar would have been complete by now, and cutting him to devote resources to Banjo would be asinine. I'm still a little iffy on the theory, but that is already a blow to it.
yeah, there's a good reason why sakurai lays out a project plan way before the game is even in development so as to avoid **** like this. the last time we had an unique newcomer added at the last minute, it got the game delayed.
I am quite literally working on my Bachelor's degree in Game Design. It's plausible.
not it's not, especially with someone as meticulous as sakurai. adding a completely unique character in the span of a couple of months is pure insanity and just reeks of bad planning. and even if that we're happening, i feel that we would be looking at news of a delay.


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
Still wouldn't make sense of cutting a character three years into development in favor of another character you just secured and have to develop in four months, even if they would be more "hype" than the other one.
We don't know Nintendo's development cycle to know at what point Incineroar was worked on or how *much* it was worked on.

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Papa Genos could be on to something regarding Banjo taking priority over Inceneroar. It doesn't have to be limited to an e3 meeting.
The one problem I have with this is that Sakurai would have delayed the game to add Banjo, either that or have him as DLC,
It makes no sense for Incineroar to be Scrapped...
Sakurai usually only scraps full fledged newcomers he was already developing for technical limitations... (eg Dixie King and Chorus Kids)
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You have the strength to overcome your destiny!
Writing Team
Aug 4, 2014
Wave Road
Papa Genos could be on to something regarding Banjo taking priority over Inceneroar. It doesn't have to be limited to an e3 meeting.
You do have a point there, nothing says this meeting had to happen at E3. I'd find it much more believable if it was prior.

papagenos papagenos Do you have any particular reason to believe this meeting had to have happened at E3? Or do you just think that's the most likely possibility?


Smash Hero
Mar 17, 2018

Take a look at Bayo's face when she gets screen KO'd, and tell me if you like it. Funniest thing I've seen today.


Smash Master
Aug 17, 2018
Honestly, even if I believe the leak is fake I've told myself I would've been happy if it were real. It has characters I'd love to play.

That having been said, if this theory actually holds water, I absolutely do not want it to be real. Sonic was a character I was excited to have in Smash, but he got a rushed moveset that would end up haunting him for much of the series. Banjo being rushed in under even more tense circumstances is even worse. He deserves better than that, and I'm sure Sakurai feels any potential character inclusion would deserve more care and effort.
Ehhhh, just take the moves from Banjo-Kazooie, switch the c buttons with d-pad, and you got a Smash ready moveset. :upsidedown:

(it would obviously be a lot more work than that, though it is interesting how many of their moves translate smoothly into Smash with very little modification necessary) EDIT: What takes the years of work, however, is balancing.
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Misery Brick

Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
Ecruteak City, Johto
If y'all want Goku in Smash, fight for Crono or even Erdrick and hope they get an orange alt with them.
And if they do, it'd honestly be amazing.
that's not how game development works. that's not how any of this works.
Well, characters in previous iterations have been scrapped or cut, even late into the development cycle.
Look with even Smash 4, and potentially Brawl, Ice Climbers and a Rhythm Heaven character were cut because they couldn't make it on the system.
Hell, even Sakurai said Bowser Jr was lucky to make it, as he thought the koopa kid wouldn't be finished before the game went gold.
Even many people speculated that the 7 found in Brawl's files were also likely cut later into the cycle. However that's just a guess.

But even then, like many others pointed out, Sonic was implemented near the end of development. They had to rush him into the game at that point.
It's not out of the realm of possibility for B&K to have a similar situation, especially since he's owned by a major company and incessantly requested.

All these are extremely unlikely in my opinion, but if we take it through the lens of the leak being real, it's definitely a possibility.

I just don't personally believe it given Verge said there's some sort of Minecraft presence before E3, so I'd assume that if the leak is real, B&K was probably being worked on ahead of time.
Then again, no one really has a timeline on this, so who knows. Or I'm just being an idiot.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2008
With how much emphasis PapaGenos is putting on his source, I'm just waiting for it to come out that he's actually been talking to Phil Spencer himself.


Smash Champion
Sep 16, 2014
Look PapaGeno seems like a nice dude, and genuinely passionate about Smash, but a claim like the Smash x Banjo E3 conversation needs more information for me to jump on. It just sounds too crazy, and unhealthy for my hype to believe.

Thats why he said it was a theory. The leak could still be 100% correct and Incineroar could still be 100% cut/DLC/whatever and nobody will ever know the true story until Sakurai decides to tell it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2018
Still wouldn't make sense of cutting a character three years into development in favor of another character you just secured and have to develop in four months, even if they would be more "hype" than the other one.
We dont really know how long they've been working on Incinderoar.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
Incineroar Hypotheticals:
Disclaimer - treat these like shower thoughts. None of this is evidence, all of it is conjecture from me just stewing on things. None of this proves or denies anything.

  1. "Astroturf Leak" : In other words, certain things were allowed to leak with the explicit direction that there be some misdirection. If you recall, Sakurai has commented on leaks once already. He said that he was very thankful that the big E3 surprise wasn't in a huge leak. It was leaked, but not in some really huge, article generating way, after E3 had already started (right? correct me if I'm wrong.). He also said that unless absolutely necessary, nothing important left the team. Of course, as time goes on, more and more information will need to be shared with outside sources. What he was saying was explicitly about the E3 presentation, but it's not a to ridiculous a stretch to think they would be protective of leaks going forward. The biggest surprise is in the past, now, so maybe not. In any case, if we are to treat Sakurai and the team as the PRIMARY SOURCE, from which every other "source" must get their info, and they were to "astroturf" information, so to speak, then every single source that every insider is implied to have would have that misleading information.

    However, we are so close to the release to the game at this point, that jebaiting Marketing with false information would probably just end up with them shooting themselves in the foot, and I would imagine a lot of these news outlets get their insider information from seeing press kits. They could also have other sources within different departments, or QA testers or just other friends in the know. This is where it gets muddled even further.

    But the point is the intention; perhaps everyone in this source layer- Marketing, other Nintendo departments, Testers- is told they are totally allowed to talk about specific bits of information once it is given to them, so long as they talk about the fake information as well, with no risk of jeopardizing their job. Not only would they be allowed, but perhaps DIRECTED to do so. In other words, they have things they absolutely cannot talk about, things that are "allowed" to leak, and things that MUST be leaked (i.e. fake information), only when the information is eventually fed to them.

    No K. Rool, because that was a strict no-no, but Simon and Isabelle, for instance.

    Also, this would be why Incineroar didn't really pop up until later and the only talks beforehand were about the Gen 7 Pokemon that "absolutely must be in because PATTERNS!".

    tl;dr: There are things that "can" be leaked as long as other, less genuine things are ALSO "leaked", and things that absolutely must not be leaked.
    The primary source for any and all information is from Sakurai and the team closest to him, so in that case, every source that gets information from them ALSO would have the "bogus" information, and is INTENTIONALLY helping out by leaking real and fake things at the same time. Real things are allowed to be leaked to make the fake things more believable.

  2. Incineroar is in the base roster:
    The banner is fake, in that case. Not the characters, but the mural. Incineroar being in the base roster implies nothing about the other characters, but the mural itself is fake because it does not include Incineroar. Unless, of course, this isn't the final version of the mural.

    With so little time between now and the release, could you believe that?

    Unless! November is filled with little mini-directs in a sort of Advent Calendar style. Frequently, on days in November (but not every day), Nintendo "opens a door of the calendar" so to speak to reveal one tidbit or another. What, then, would the mural be for? Well, the second Nintendo Live event in Kyoto. This would assume that 6 or 7 "Mini Directs" happen between now and November 23rd, but not the mini direct that has Incineroar with it, thus resulting in a banner that has all of these characters and yet no Incineroar.

  3. Incineroar is DLC:
    The most straightforward without Incineroar just not being in the game at all. He isn't on the banner, because he's DLC. This implies nothing on the mural is DLC, though, or that DLC characters will not be added to it.

All in all, we all can be totally sure about only one thing surrounding Incineroar - several people who would be in a position to know something more about the game than the general public think Incineroar is in the game. Therefore, it would be hard for me to believe Incineroar wasn't on the roster at some point, or a smoke trap.

Now, I feel like I should disclaim again:

These are basically shower thoughts surrounding Incineroar's supposed inclusion. These are not arguments one way or the other, but I am offering these thoughts for the sake of conversation.
As it stands right now, I think it's likely Incineroar is in the game in some way (I'll have to eat pants thanks to my bet, but fine).

But I also don't think Incineroar being "bait" is too much of a stretch either.
I don't think it would be that hard to believe the kind of 4D chess Nintendo and others are willing to play to try to keep anything major from happening.
And yet... :estatic:

"They wouldn't do that because that's ridiculous" is hardly ever a good argument, especially in this context.
After all, the Grinch leak implies an incredibly ridiculous scenario if it's fake!
The Advent Calendar idea makes sense, but why would they start in November, rather than October? Aside from needing time to prepare all the mini-Directs, of course, but surely one or two of them would be ready to show by now.
I've been thinking a lot about this and I'm trying to wrap my head around the psychology for the leak and why it happened and who was truly responsible. I feel like there are three possible reasons this could've happened including three different responsible parties...

Scenario 1: The Grandson
The real leaker is Eric Bricard...the 3rd, grandson to Eric Bricard whom was taken on a tour of the facility by his grandfather and casually snapchatted a video of these promo materials to one of his friends, thus ruining his grandfather's career. Probably an early to mid-teen.

But I don't think this is likely, mainly because I can't imagine security would be this lax and I'm guessing Eric Sr. would've explained just how important it is to not take photos of ANYTHING.

Scenario 2: The Elaborate Hoax
I'm a cynic to the core and I don't trust anyone or anything until I've validated it personally. We only have it on the authority of a very small French gaming news blog (which doesn't even have its own website, just a blogspot) that ACP-PLV or Bricard were contacted. To me, that's not enough proof.

However, the reaction from all of the media outlets with ties to Nintendo, all of the "insiders" (who didn't know the full roster until recently and now suddenly know the whole thing so they can tell us it's fake), and youtube channels who have been starving for SSBU news in this two month dry spell and are for some reason willing to pass up on a GOLDEN source of ad revenue have convinced me the leak is real. APC-PLV's video showing the inside of their facility was even taken down (though not before people watched it and compared the printing the video showed to the printing in the leak).

Beyond that, if this is all an elaborate hoax, Bricard has a huge, HUUUUGE lawsuit he could file for defamation of character, especially because this is his livelihood.

So I'm leaning toward #3...

Scenario 3: Eric Bricard, Clueless Senior and Accidental Leaker Extraordinaire
Eric Bricard graduated in 1984, meaning he'd be somewhere between 55-65 years old today. I believe he did leak this, but had no idea the ramifications of doing so. Here's why...

Picture a man your parents' age. Someone showed him Snapchat, possibly a younger coworker, and while he knows how to use it, he likely doesn't know that Snapchat isn't really as secure as it makes itself out to be, as we all know it's possible to screen capture Snapchat video and photos. Eric likely didn't know this.

What Eric also didn't know is that Nintendo's strict security standards that apply to all of their promotional products, while seemingly asinine to him (hence the "**** Nintendo" message in the picture, complete with the "LOL" which is something an older person trying to be "hip" to social media would use), were in place for a very real reason. This may have been the first time ACP had worked with Nintendo, and Nintendo is very, VERY strict about how their products are handled (look up stories by 3rd party devs about Nintendo's exacting standards).

These standards were likely something Eric wasn't used to, and he also likely had no idea that the picture on this piece of promotional art was going to be such a huge deal because, being a senior citizen, he has no clue that there was an ocean of SSB fans desperately seeking news of any kind. In his mind, Nintendo was just being unreasonably strict, and I could see a Snapchat convo unfolding with a "friend" of his about just how stodgy Nintendo was about their promo materials and how it pissed him off.

He then sent a short video clip to said "friend", saying "lol **** Nintendo", assuming that Snapchat would ensure this short video was deleted forever moments later, and because I'm sure he had no idea that the internet would take the video and analyze the hell out of it in order to extract some very specific information.

All he saw was a picture of a bunch of goofy looking characters he'd never heard of all bunched together. He had no idea that the presence of 7 of those 70+ would blow up the entire goddamn internet, and even so, he figured that video would stay private, since that's what Snapchat is supposed to do and all, right...?

The friend haphazardly tried to blot out Eric's name (and got most of it) before leaking it on Discord (IIRC), and the rest is history. One disgruntled advertising associate who was sick of dealing with Nintendo's bull**** regulations about how their materials are handed decided to flip them the middle finger, not knowing the ****storm he was about to unleash.

We really need to start a Patreon for Eric if this whole thing turns out to be real. He made the wait leading up to SSBU the most memorable experience it could've possibly been, and I'm 90% sure he did it entirely by accident.
Patreon, nothing. We need to send this to Eric's lawyer (he'll be needing one awfully soon). It's hard to find him at fault for underestimating the power of social media, given his age and inexperience.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
I wouldn't be surprised if they write out movesets for 3rd parties before they've gotten the rights as part of the bargaining process. Seems like a good tool for selling the idea to me.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2018
Good video papagenos papagenos ! Just watched it. Not sure I buy into the whole E3 meeting unless your source is actually saying that though. But interesting nonetheless.

I could see Banjo being a late minute addition though and maybe Incineroar always planned as DLC to hype up Gen 8 or seomthing (or just because of how well Pokemon sells)
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2018
I don't buy Banjo usurping Incineroar at Base, especially at E3. Sonic also was finally approved by Sega much earlier in the year than E3 in 2007 (If Mario and Sonic at the Olympics announcement is any indication). Even then, Sonic's moveset was rushed to all **** and delayed the game. There's absolutely no way a Swap happened around E3. That Swap would have had to have been sometime last year to make any sense.
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