Hi guys. I've been following this thread for the past 400+ pages or so and I made an account just to offer some thoughts on something a few people have been mentioning.
A few people are claiming the leak to be fake because it has 7 new characters and that goes against Sakurai's words of "slowing down" the announcements. They also mention that in September, we only got one character to be revealed: Isabelle.
This is reaching a bit, but what if that wasn't meant to be it? What if we WERE supposed to get one more character reveal out of that direct?
We know that Nintendo delayed the Direct because of the earthquake. Don't know if any of you are very into Japanese media, but they are very, very conscious about offending people over mass tragedies. Metal Gear Solid 2 famously had some scenes of its ending changed because of the 9/11 tragedy.
What I'm trying to say is that we were maybe meant to get Isaac as a reveal on that direct too. Isaac's powers are related to the earth and tremors. Maybe Nintendo thought it would feel very disrespectful and pushed the reveal back, By that logic, if the leak is real then they'd only need to reveal six more characters.
Just offering some thoughts there.