All in all, the choice of being a competitive player or a casual is all up to you.
If you love playing casually, try it. Smash does not hurt you. Same goes as playing competitively. If someone make fun of you for playing the style that they do not want you to play, ignore it. They do not crush your life, it is more of a interference than everything.
I am a competitive Smash 4 lover that loves to watch Melee, but if there is someone that wants to play with me with all items and all stages, I will still play with them. I am not going to force them to play with no items and legal stages, it will ruin their view of playing Smash bros. Beside, I will look like a jerk if I refuse to play with them.
The way to play Smash is based on your persepctive: if you want to play in a more party-esque fun, then do it. If you want to play with a more technical and hardcore style, then do it.
This is why Smash Bros is so beloved and unique by many. It is unlike any other fighting games because it not only brings the competitive players, but also the casuals too.